My husband doesn't do anything besides play video games: Advice?

Leave him. He is not your responsibilty to raise. Raise your son and show him how a real man treats a lady

YOU have the job why are you letting him treat you like that? Get some things in order without him knowing (sitter, bank info including debit card,place to stay, put all cell phones in your name only and set a passcode…like orange and pineapple…completely random.) Then leave! Make sure you have a set of what you need him to do. However, I wouldn’t give him anymore chances.

Open your own account and give him an allowance when he does stuff

You make the money, you should be in control of the money.

Then why bother being married to him!

If he wants games and doesn’t want to help you around the house or cook why you work , then cut off his bank card and tell you want games and shit then get a job and I’ll stay home

He’s addicted and you’re enabling him. Time to leave if he doesn’t make changes.

What do you need him for you have another child on your hand you need to throw him out and let somebody raise him

It’s either you are too desperate for marriage or you are too naive to walk away from that toxic relationship, but hey, the choice is yours, wait until he gambled away all your life savings, maybe then you will have the courage to leave that excuse of a human being

Are you he’s even watching the kids?

Get out now. Talking from experience. He won’t change unless he gives up video games 100%. That unfortunately is unlikely! Cut your losses early. Don’t wait 10 years and it’s too late.

Sounds like you are raising 2children instead of one stop letting him get away with it

sounds like your hubby is the 2 year old needs to get with the program

That’s right go to your column and change your account 4th I can’t get into it and you know what when he lost to do that does Y help you with anything you tell him you’re not giving him anything and I think you know what I mean by that you’re married he has ever bee he needs to help you hes your partner and he needs to do to come especially when you’re working and hes not hes watching your little boy he also needs to help you and you both need to work together and if it’s not gonna be that way while them a he acts like he doesn’t want to be with you and yours and your little child

Start playing video games with him! Who knows u may enjoy it too! My husband and I are gamers together! So much fun and we have something to bond together with!

Send him to the store and take away the game system. Give him an the choice of either the game system or his family. If he chooses the game kick him to the curb.

As a mother of 6, if he wants to spend money on games he needs to earn it himself, period. Games are a want not a need and since u r the breadwinner, u set the budget. I am married and while my husband and I both work, we each spend our pay how we want but household bills we each pay half.

This sounds like a very hard situation for you. I am not one to advocate giving up easily. Perhaps try to communicate that his gaming habit is taking up too much family time. Video games can be very addicting and additions are hard to break. He has to want to put in the effort though. Set some boundaries, and try to comprimise. Maybe suggest a family outing to somewhere everyone enjoys and attempt to spend time together that way if he is agreeable to that. If not, i would say maybe suggest couples counciling.

Girl, tell him the free ride is OVER! You’re the dope on a rope NO MORE! You and your child deserve better. PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN or it will go on forever.

Remember my Dear, we teach people how to treat us. If you allow him to sit on his ass and be a bum, that’s what he’ll be.

Good luck


I’m not going to be so nice. Divorce him. There are way better men out there that would love to be a part of a family. This situation is so ridiculous.


Sorry find a family member dump him but BECAUSE he hasn’t worked since you’ve been married YOU’LL HAVE TO PAY SPOUSAL SUPPORT. GET RID OF HIM. I’M 72 HE IS ABUSING YOU.

Awwww congratulations on your TWO three year olds🙄

Get a divorce. You wait much longer he can get alimony out of you. File divorce nd list fraud as the reason. Then get all your proof, nd go on about your way. He won’t change it will get worse. Get ur kid nd run.

Boy, this sounds sooo familiar. My husband was layed off and did the same thing for several years while I cleaned houses to support us. Would not do a dern thing to help me. I also had a watermelon size uterine fibroid, which was very unpleasant to say the least.
Threat after threat nothing budged him so I made the choice to leave. 5 yrs later I am remarried and happier than ever. Life is too short to stay with someone that doesn’t appreciate you. Best decision.

Kick his lazy ass to the curb! He won’t change so you will have to…good luck!


I’m sorry. You dont have a husband you have another child.


This is completely unacceptable way for a grown man to behave. You deserve better.

Leave him, take him to court for child support and he will be forced to get a JOB then !


get rid of his ass and find a man that will work and appreciates a good wife


Get rid of him. Sounds like your doing it all on your own anyways. Think of the money you will save.

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Sounds like to me he has a lot of growing up to do!

What do u need him for?

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You have some big girl decisions to make.
What you allow…will never change.

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Time time to move on…

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“My husband” ?.. that’s simple…TAKE BACK HIS TITLE…

We teach people how to treat us by the things we accept.

Cancel the credit card and have the new one sent to your work address

Sounds like you’re already a single mother

Put your foot down! Tell him to GET A JOB or LEAVE!!!

You married a child. Y’all need counseling.

He’s a sponge and needs the boot.

Cut your losses honey.

Yeah j been there. Id be gone or he would be one. I’m not supporting a lazy man. Just ask my ex lol

You taking care of him move on hes acting like a child praying video games

OMG! How old is this “man”?!? He needs to go back home to his mother and grow up!! So sorry for you :cry::broken_heart:

A man who don’t work don’t eat…

It’s time for him to grow up or move out.

Good luck

I had one of those. Got rid of him. I wont be any man’s sugar momma.

Sounds like a boy not a man!

Return him! He is broken. Give him back to his mommy. He is a bum.

You have two children

Throw it in the trash.

Put the games in the trash

Leave him and let him figure out life for himself. Doesn’t sound like he is benefiting you in any way

You have two children

You married a boy :woman_shrugging:

Good lord! Get rid of this freeloader. He’ll do this til
yOU put a stop
To it. Grief!!!

My boyfriend just left me for trying to talk to him about the same problems

you allowing it so dont complain now!!! his ass would’ve had about 15 minutes to find a fucking job

Yeah, he would be out. Thats not a man, thats a child.

My husband wanted to answer as well…he said it’s simple. Get a MAN!!!

Your raising another child, run

Time to pack those bag and go.:grinning:

He needs to go! Thats not a man

tell him to get lost and find a better guy

Tell him to hi the road.

Sounds like he just wants a sugar momma…either get his ass working or ass out the door

Get you a man, not a boy!

Tell him get a job also or get rid of his ass no good

Change all your passwords to all your accounts you have made it way to easy for him

Get out of the marriage.

Divorce he’s still a child

Get an attorney and run.

I’d be kicking his A$$ out the door!

Sounds like a lazy free-loader, not a husband. Change all of your accounts quickly and give him the boot.

He should be working when you are home… gaj…

Kick him out and let him stew for a while. If he has gotten a job by then. HE WILL NOT CHANGE

Tell him to grow up!

Get rid of his ass
Hes useless
There’s men out there that will treat u better

Divorce time!!! I way I’d raise a grown man!!

That’s not a marriage

His shit would be on here for sale, his games, and maybe him

Throw the game system out!

a lot ofpeople need suger mamas,

Time to give him an ultimatum

Nope, give him an allowance like a child because that’s what he is. Your money isn’t his especially because he isn’t pulling his weight at home! He wants to live there for free, eat for free, do nothing all day! In 2020 it doesn’t work that way! Those $300.00 on games can go towards your child and yourself not games! They can also go towards couples counseling or a divorce! Your choice but he doesn’t need to have access to your money. Make a different account and direct deposit your money there!


Kick his lazy ass to the curb!
Find you a real man!

Ur doing it all. What do u need him for? It’s not going to get easier.

Cut off his debit card until he gets a job

Get marriage counseling… If he refuses then its time to go. Marriage takes commitment and work from both sides… Don’t carry that load by yourself. You might as well be alone with your kid if that’s the case.

Your doing it without him anyways, lighten your load. Get rid of his ass

Give him half the bills to pay

He’s living a great life!

He is addicted…he needs help.

Why the hell are you supporting him then??


Dump him he is using you

Sounds like you need a divorce

These posts are hilarious :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Sounds like you married a child, I’d pack my bags and take my child and move out. I’d also be withdrawing all money in the account.

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Devan Thacker… does this remind you of anyone???

My husband was the same way but during our fourth year of marriage, we lost his grandparents and had 3 miscarriages, so to him he was doing it to feel numb and pushed me and his family away. Everytime I asked him to come to church or be with his family or to go out on dates or help me around the house he flat out refused and ignored me most of the time. I’m the one at home all the time because I cant work but he has a job and had a part time job at the time. I ended up getting fed up and said I’m leaving and filing separation, it was the hardest decision and one of the hardest thing we went through but it was what we needed. We are back together and going stronger than ever, we have our own responsibilities in our household and go half on bills. Being separated worked out for us but it may not be the case with yall or anyone else, he still plays games but he doesn’t do it as much as he was, he have made it to where we have one day and night a month to have a special full blown date night, we go half on bills and responsibilities in the home. If yall separate for a while and he doesn’t change or work out then I’m very sorry it didnt work out for yall. If this yalls first marriage I understand as well as we are each others firsts and this is our first marriage and will be our only marriage, we have and had no idea how married life will he like because we are complete opposites in every way but we make it work. I hope this helped in some way.