Not enough information?
Personally I suggest taking a step back and looking at the situation from several different perspectives.
(Numbering to keep thoughts in order)
- He isn’t you. You as a SAHM may have had the house in tip-top shape, packed the day with activities, and kept the kids from making messes…but that’s not everyone’s style. Making that comparison isn’t really helpful to anyone.
- That is NOT to say he should do nothing.
As a stay at home parent he should.
Basic housekeeping so the house is safe and habitable. Basic child care…kids basic needs met, supervised, healthy, and safe.
- It sounds like he hasn’t always been this way. If that’s the case then it’s likely that there’s something going on with him rather than him doing this “to you” major depression and anxiety comes to mind. And while he has to be a responsible parent depressed or not, this isn’t something that people “just get over”
Tell him to shape up or leave, my husband did the same dropped them off with his mother. Make up macaroni and cheese , sandwiches, cut up fruit, get rid of the snacks, set out stuff for him to fix and tell him how,instruct on cleanup, same with laundry and Do not take excuses.Remind him he is a Parent and he needs to step up
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Could he be depressed?
Regardless, both of you should get into couples counseling as well as individual therapy.
If there is a mental health issue, it can be diagnosed and must be addressed.
Good Luck.
I wish you well.
If you are going to live like a single mom, you might as well be one.
I would be upset…tell the man child to grow up n parent the kids
Of coarse he doesn’t …lol did you expect him too!!
Depression or not at least he can feed his kids …good lord
I’d fucking LEAVE his ass
I’d be livid. Kids can’t live on snacks. He sounds lazy and like a horrible dad. A good dad cares that his children are fed right. Sadly I don’t know how you make him see this because he obviously doesn’t care how you feel or that his children are getting sub par care.
Leave his ass, is clearly that you can do this on your own
Tell him to start doing his daddy duties, get a job or GTFO. Honestly if it were me and I found out he didn’t feed my kids that’d be it for me.
Tell him to pull his weight or get TF out!
This is because he was allowed to do jack while he was working. What we as men must realise is that even if we work we must still do duties at home. And please don’t call it helping out the wife as if its her work you helping with. It both your duties to help around the house particularly if you’re are kids. So ladies from a MAN demand ygst your men do their part and when it becomes necessary for you one or the other to step up there’s no recriminations