My husband doesn't like my big tattoos...should I respect him and stop getting them?

This past weekend me and my husband went on a tattoo date. He covered up his exams initials on his shoulder and I covered up a clover my ex had done for me on my wrist. I then went back the following night and had a very small word tattoo put on my ribs. Okay so I decided I was going to put more on my wrist tattoo clocks and etc to finish out my lower forearm/wrist area (just the inside of my wrist not the whole area. Well my husband has a problem with it!!! He says that he doesn’t find big tattoos on women attractive and is basically telling me he doesn’t want me to finish out my wrist piece. He said he didn’t care if I covered my whole thigh and butt check but is totally against me finishing one side of my wrist forearm area. I’m very upset about it. Kinda annoyed , irritated &mad all at the same time. I should mention that he literally just cover the whole top part of his right shoulder and I didn’t say a word My questions are what do y’all think about this situation. Should I not do it. Out of respect for my husband?? Or should I get my tattoo cause I want my tattoo and call it quits. Period. I’m Just about at the point where I’m not going to get anything done. Please help


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband doesn't like my big tattoos...should I respect him and stop getting them?

Your body, your choice!


Do what YOU want. He should love you for who you are. End of.


Why are men weird about women having tattoos


It’s YOUR body. Get your tattoo. I WISH my husband would try to tell me what I could or couldn’t do :rofl:


It is your body, get the tattoo of you want it!

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It’s your body. Do what you want . He married you for you not your looks. If he don’t like it tell him not to look at it :rofl:

He probably should have said something about that before y’all got married. I’d do it anyways. They’re for you and not him. It’s not like it’s on your face. :woman_shrugging:

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So he can do it but you can’t? Nah sounds suspiciously like a controlling type thing. That’s just my opinion tho, but if you’re feeling done with him over this, there’s had to have been other things happen to bring you to this point. Go with what you feel, and get the tattoo! Making yourself happy should always come first cause only person you are stuck with forever is yourself. :woman_shrugging:t2::green_heart:


Girl, go get your tattoos.


Just get the tattoo.

It shouldn’t be up to your husband what goes on your body.

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Maybe he’s jealous cause yours looks better? :joy:

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Girl do what makes you happy lol


Your body. Your choice.


Did you not have tats when you married? If so he shouldn’t be saying anything about it now.

My husband doesn’t like tattoos but he doesn’t care if I get them. He just tells me he doesn’t like them for him so he wouldn’t get any but it’s my body my choice


My husband doesn’t particularly like tattoos. I have tattoos. I will get more tattoos. My body, my decision.

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Your body. Your decisions. I’ll be damned if I ever let someone I’m not allowed to do with my body as I want.

Tell him you don’t find husbands telling their wives what to do with their bodies attractive and then get that tattoo :relieved:


He’s mad your ink is better than his :rofl:

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get your tattoo. sounds like he just wants to control you


Get it done its your body your choice if he doesn’t like it it’s just tough he doesn’t control you x


He might be mad for a few days but if he truly loves you he’ll get over it and you got done what you wanted to get done :grin:

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I do what I want
My body my choice.
Smh. That’s controlling nahhh bruh


Finish it. No offense but eff him. Its your body.


Do what makes YOU happy. It’s your body.


It’s your body. Do what makes you happy. He’ll get over it. Or he won’t. Either way, not your problem

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Do what makes you happy. Get the tattoo.

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I wouldn’t get any big ones in the areas he’s against for now
You guys can discuss it at a later date when emotions aren’t running high on both sides.
I have a tattoo but wouldn’t get more without discussing them with my partner if I had one. I also wouldn’t spend money on medium and large ticket items without discussing it. I feel that if I’m in a relationship then two of us make decisions especially on something that doesn’t go away over time.


I don’t think anyone should ever be able to say what we should or shouldn’t do with our bodies. Husband or not, surely him loving you for who you are matters more than you getting some tattoos that will make you happy.


My husband isn’t big on tattoos he only has one, however the man supports me regardless & am pretty covered in tattoos.


It’s your body f***en do it. He doesn’t own you.


If it were me I would get them. If it’s what makes you happy, do it. In this day and age, you need to let in the positive. You had the tattoos be for you had him and he still married you. Either he will get over it or he won’t. Life’s to short to sacrifice your happiness.


I’d be telling mine I don’t like when my husband has opinions on someone else’s body including mine. That his opinion in this situation is invalid.


Chicks with tattoos are hot. Your body your choice. You already started it why let him control and dictate now?


Out of respect for you, hubby can take a long walk off a short pier. Sigh. I wish a man would. :roll_eyes:


Yeah it’s your body and you can choose to cover it however you wish and it should be your husband learning to respect you and your choices to do with your body what you want


So get get it done and if it’s that big of an issue I’m sure he knows where to pick up divorce paperwork, the judge is gunna love awarding you that alimony :joy:


It’s YOUR body, YOUR canvas, YOU get to chose how to decorate your skin!


He doesn’t get to make that decision for you. Not fair that he can do it and you can’t.


Respect yourself hun, if you had them when he met you then he knew. Nonsense really.


If it makes you happy then do it.

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Ummmm. I can understand both sides. Personally I don’t care for big tats on women’s arm. To me, it’s not feminine. Bit some love it and should rock it. Really up to you. How about you wait a month…each day think about it for a few and come to a conclusion then.


My ex-husband blew up at me for getting a tattoo (that I got in memory of my dad, who’d just passed). I shouldn’t dumped his ass then. Don’t let anyone dictate your choices.

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Your body your choice my partner not keen on of my tattoos but I love it and don’t care xx


At some point it’s not about if you respect him. It’s more about if the relationship is worth losing by getting another tattoo. Do you appreciate, love, and cherish your relationship and each other to decide, you don’t NEED the tattoo. Or would you prefer to just do what you want and possibly create strain on the relationship. Attraction still matters in a relationship even if you are married. Soo yea, you ultimately decide at the end… keep in mind he’s already told you he doesn’t find it attractive soo in the future if he says “not attracted” or shows it via body language or asking you to cover up…you decided. Maybe just have a talk and work it out.


I would respect it. He loves you and finds you attractive, he doesn’t want your attractiveness covered by ink. I would be thankful he is honest with you about it. Reverse the rolls, if you didn’t like something he did and told him and he did it anyway… I mean… it sounds like you have a good man :heart: best of luck with your decision making :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So what you are saying is your husband is wanting control over your body . I say get the tattoo and rethink the husband. In all seriousness you need to say to that man that if a tattoo affects how attractive he finds you then he needs to reasses if he actually loves you. It’s a tattoo . You’re not sewing extra limbs onto yourself cause you want to be an octopus. If you did that I’d see the issue with attraction


Ummmm…where’s his respect for u and ur body and ur choices??? I think u gave him the respect by listening to what he had to say about the matter but ultimately its ur choice…maybe finishout the piece on ur wrist and move onto a less visible area of ur body like ur ribs and hips those are ouchie areas but I think it’s worth it :wink:

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Well it’s your choice on what to do…. But your hubby said he didn’t find big tattoos attractive on a women, so you’d be purposely turning your husband off. It’s not like you changed your hair colour or tried a new markup style, your changing your body permanently. Everyone has different tastes on what they find attractive, your hubby was honest with you on his preference.
How would you feel if he changed his body to something you found unattractive?
I’d say hold off on finishing the tattoo right now, communicate why you want the tattoo, and take your time getting it if it’s really something you want. What’s more important? The tattoo or your husband’s feelings?


Get your tattoos get your whole body dividers if you want it’s your body!!! If he don’t like it then so be it but you should be able to make your own decision if you want more tattoos I have all kinds of tattoos idc who likes em who don’t it’s my body and I LOVE THEM AND they make me feel better about me so GO GET THEM AND BE YOU GIRL!! Best wishes (if your husband truly loves you he will support you with your decision)

I get tattoo and do with my body what I want.

He doesn’t get to make that choice for you. It’s YOUR body, you decide what YOU want…

Hell naeww keep getting them it’s your body not his

I think he is right on this one


He should have known you were into them or not from the get-go and even if it hadn’t come up, he CANNOT control your body. What you like to get done to alter yourself is up to YOU. He can dislike it, but he cannot control whether you do it or not.

You’re a human being and can choose what to do to your skin.

If I had enough money I’d get a body sleeve lol. Some won’t get a single tat.

You do you.

Your body your choice. Respect yourself.

I want a lot of places done :rofl: told my husband he can STFU :woman_shrugging: coz it’s my body

I dont understand why you just didn’t get them on tattoo date night with him instead of going the very next night by yourself im all for doing what you want with your own body but this makes me wonder if you knew he would be bothered and just didn’t care, yes he got a shoulder tattoo but he didn’t hide it an wait until you weren’t around to get it idk good luck🤷‍♀️

Do as you wish.

However, be prepared for the consequences.

If he finds it unattractive, he finds it unattractive.

People can’t help how they feel. He can try to ignore it and push back the irritation when he sees it.

But it could change the dynamics of your relationship.

Or he could get used it and maybe even like it.

Good Luck


My goodness…y’all people really waste your day away wondering what other people think about you? :sweat_smile: Sounds to me like you don’t need permission to live a grown life! You know the answer to this, do whatever you wanna do! :woman_shrugging: like, what? :smirk:

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Your body YOUR choice!! My husband knows better than to try and tell me what to do. If he loves you it won’t matter.

I didn’t want my husband to get his hands tatted… Guess what he did it anyway. Guess who’s not mad… Me. Because it’s his body at the end of the day


Ummm it’s your body love. I’m a huge believer of if you love me for real looks don’t matter so he should respect what you want to and get over his silly opinion on if it’s attractive or not. My spouse has no tattoos and idk if he ever will get any he isn’t a huge fan of them but not only does he support me getting them done when I want and can afford them he has purchased me f
Gift cards cause that’s what a supportive spouse does. It’s no his body or life lol I’d go get it done and love it for yourself.

Your body and your choice! My husband hated my septum piercing and never said a damn word about it until I decided to take it out on my own. Only after it was gone did he tell me he didn’t like it.

I can’t… some of these questions are mind blowing

Attraction is extremely important in a committed relationship. If you alter yourself drastically from when you first met, you risk your spouse being attracted to you. Lose of attraction can cause relationship problems.

Keep getting what you want. He can live with it.

Your body your choice

My ex didn’t like them either…

I’m covered now that we’re divorced and I regret nothing.

Someone who really loves you won’t stop you from being you… :woman_shrugging:t2:


Its your body. My ex told me he’d leave me if I shaved my hair, I couldn’t grab the clippers fast enough.

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Do what u want , but next time put it in your vows lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Fuck himmmm :joy: do you all the way. :ok_hand:t3:

I don’t like covered from head to toe, but your not. It’s YOUR body, not HIS. YOU decide what goes on & in it. If he still wants to get in it then I suggest he chill the F out. I currently have 6 and want 1 or 2 more before I’m done.

Hahahahahah what a little bitch. It’s your body NOT his.

Ha !! Your body you’re choice boy bye!!

It’s 2022, it’s okay to respect your husband but you are your own person and you should be able to do what makes you happy with your body without judgment. It’s not 1940 where women are expected to obey. My husband insists on having a long beard, I like short beards :woman_shrugging:t2: Still love him even if I hate finding his beard hairs everywhere. His body his choice, not my place to tell anyone what to do with their body.

Girl lmao don’t let a man tell you what you can and can’t do :triangular_flag_on_post:

His hypocrisy is spectacular.

Finish your wrist piece and start contemplating a huge back piece while you’re at it…

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Uhh no it’s your body !

Hey what you want. If he decides to leave then it was never meant to be. If he truly loves you tattoos wouldn’t matter

I’m sorry but what the actual fuck? They are just tattoos. Something you like. My husband pays for mine anytime I want them, he doesn’t have any but loves when I get a new one he can admire. He doesn’t care what I do.

Your body. Your choice.

Get it. It’s a tattoo, on YOUR body. Next time he says he thinks it’s unattractive tell him his attitude is unattractive. My husband hates colored hair/short hair bc he thinks it’s unattractive on women, but he also has said if I want to do it, do it because it’s my body. I get wanting to respect his opinion but he shouldn’t make you feel like crap for wanting a tattoo.

I’d FaceTime him the whole time I’m getting it done. :upside_down_face: if I want a tattoo I’m going to get it. It’s not about respect. It’s about him not having a say so in what I do with my body or what I put on it. It’s not his choice.


It is your body and your decision. I would get the tattoo. If I had more money I would get way more than I have despite how my husband felt. Although I don’t think my hubby would care he likes tattoos too.

Pffft you do what you want!

if you want big tattoos then you get them.

I believe couples should respect each other’s likes and dislikes and come to a compromise.


I won’t get any more without my husband’s input but I married into Polish Catholicism lol they have come a long way though

It’s not his body nor his place to determine what you can or cannot get done to your body…

Doesn’t matter if he finds big tattoos on women I’m attractive or not. He can piss the F off.
Go finish your tattoo. His opinion on YOUR body is not valid.

Your body! It’s good to respect him and care about what he thinks but it’s your body and he shouldn’t think he can tell you what you can’t and can do with it , that’s completely not fair

My ex thought they were trashy :woman_shrugging:t2: I now have 9 & his current has tats, too :rofl:

I have 17 tattoos, about to be 18 and my husband doesn’t believe anyone should have any tats or piercing and I have 9 of those so I say do you and let him do him!!

Get that tattoo. No one will tell me what tattoos I can and can’t have

Pffft…. My husband knows if he tells me No or not to do something that I’m going to automatically do it and likely much more exaggerated than planned :rofl:

Honey If my husband said not to do anything I would do it twice, videotaping the whole thing. :rofl:


I’m going to hear it from a bunch of women, but I think covering large portions of your body is a shame. Legs,thighs,butt’s,backs and arms. Not very lady looking when having to dress formal …Look like biker chicks. Only my opinion.