Who pays but that’s Shouldn’t matter My husband of 40 years pays for mine and I discuss what I want n where. Hes Completely covered Not Head did Tell him No on that n Snakes,Skulls
I have a Complet Sleeve n half leg knee down n other leg has a Theme also even have tat for My White Boxer pic
Our Only kid Daughter has 2 full sleeve and wrists n hands n fingers and Just Finished A Full Neck piece. If He can do it So Can You
Your body your choice but y’all need to have The Talk. Ask him is really going to stop loving you over a tattoo and ask yourself are you ready to lose your husband over a tattoo. Also, think about what may happen if you do in fact get the tattoo. You need to know if he’ll be less attracted to you physically. It could interfere with sex and all that. I’m not sure how old you two are but a lot of young men need physical attraction to get aroused. He may very well love you but lose attraction. So many things to consider. Which is why you both need to have a discussion about how serious it really is and how it may affect the relationship going forward.
I’d do it anyway. It’ll be unfinished otherwise and look dumb. Just saying
Do what you want. It’s your body.
Tell him to stop acting like the government and saying what you can and can’t do with your body.