My husband doesn't like my big tattoos...should I respect him and stop getting them?

I don’t like any tattoo on a woman , it makes me think they have been in prison , all the time


I get a divorce and tattoo my entire body if that’s what I wanted to do. That’s just me tho. I do what I want to do. Not listening to what someone else tells me to do.

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I’m old school, so my opinion probably won’t be applicable.

Here’s the thing … if getting the tattoo in question will make you less attractive in your husband’s eyes, why do it?

I understand the whole debate about “it’s my body, I’ll do what I want” … but in my opinion, he has expressed to you that it is unattractive to him, so I don’t understand why you would want to go through with it.

I’ve been married almost 40 years. In our journey together, we have both sacrificed for each other, out of love & respect for each other. Making him happy is one of my favorite goals in life … still … after all these years. Seeing him smile when I do even the smallest of things for him fills my heart with joy.

The years are not kind to the human body. We all become less attractive physically over the years. I just don’t understand why you would want to intentionally make yourself less attractive to your husband. A wild haircut or a unique manicure might not suit him, but those things can be outgrown or changed over time. A tattoo lasts forever, unless you want to go through the painful process of trying to get it removed … which sometimes is not 100% effective.

I understand the desire to feel free to do what you choose, but when you’re in a relationship … one that you care deeply about … you take your partners feelings into consideration.

That being said, there’s always 2 sides to a coin … and he should show the same respect to you as you do for him. If this tattoo is that important to you, sit down & talk about it. Explain to him why it’s so important to you, but try to respect his feedback on the issue.

I’m not a tattoo kind of person & neither is my husband, so maybe I’m missing something. My sister loved tattoos, and had them all over her body … but they were very tasteful & didn’t distract from her natural beauty. They never offended me or made me see her as less attractive … but she was my sister, not my life partner.

I wish you luck in your decision.


Whose body is it??? Once you figure that out you e got your answer. Just bc he doesn’t like something doesn’t mean that you have to not do what you want with yourself. Have a conversation with him about how what he has said makes you feel and that as much as you respect his opinions he also did this massive tattoo on his arm and it’s just not fair to you to not finish yours bc he did what he wanted to with his own body as he wished you should be able to do the same even if he isn’t keen about it. He should still respect you as an individual and allow you to do as you wish with your body as long as it’s not hurting yourself or another an isn’t illegal. If you don’t speak to each other you will never get down to the bottom of the problem and it will spill over into other parts of your relationship and life and chaos will ensue.

If you had them when you got together and he married you tell him tough. Actually tell him tough anyways

Your body, your life, which we all only get one of. Frick him, tough tiddies.

your body do what you want

It’s your body tf? He can get big tattoos but you can’t? So basically he’s saying he won’t find you attractive if you finish your tattoo

My husband hates tattoos. Told me if he wanted to marry a bikies whore he would have. So now if i got to get a tattoo I book out the whole day and get as many as I can in a day. Figure he is going to be mad so might as well make it worth my while BAHAHAHAHA. it’s my body! He is also bald (which I love) but when he says I don’t like tattoos I say I like men with hair and the argument is mute…

My suggestion.
Get the tattoo, and lose 175 pounds by dumping his ass.
Your body. Your choice. :sparkling_heart:

He wants it somewhere that can be covered up

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Take it from someone who’s made this exact mistake. I have the worst tramp stamp that I need to get covered because my ex husband insisted I not put it on visible skin. Instant regret!!! Now he’s my ex and I regret it even worse

Red flags :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
It’s your body… not his.
He gets absolutely zero say on what you put on your body.


I think a lot of us older women think differently.
You got married. You should Both love and respect each other. Couples will have different opinions and that’s ok.
Do you love yourself and your wants more than you love him and his wants? Or is it equal?? That’s the real question


LMAO call it quits and you get that tattoo

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Divorce him, he ain’t letting you be great! :person_shrugging:


Then ask yourself is he really your husband?

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Your body your money your choice.
If it’s already started too late to stop

Am I reading this correctly, you are contemplating throwing away your marriage for a tattoo ?

You should both have enough respect for one another to have a conversation and come up with an idea that both are comfortable with. Your body, your choice… yes. But with marriage, comes respect.
Would you be mad if he did something you were not comfortable with just because he wanted to ?


Do you really think anybody gives a fat rat what you do with your body.?

You do what you feel is right for you! I wish I could go back and do what I wanted rather than being worried about what my EX husband thought not to upset him. Life is too short.

Wow there are some crazy ass answers in this thread!

Shouldn’t he respect you and your wants

Don’t ever let someone control what you want to do to your own body


I personally despise tattoos
So degrading to one’s body
And the news said
The ink is cancerous


Tattoos are forever. Husbands are temporary.


Get. The. Tattoo. It is YOUR body


Anytime you come on here you’re going to get a million different opinions on people who don’t know you or your marriage. Did you have tats when he met you, do you work and pay for your own tats? Are we only seeing a small window if this? You can get a tattoo you’ll have forever , and throw away your marriage or you can do what your husbands wants and not what you want with your body. From the information we have those are the options.

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Respect your husband, but keep telling him you want it. If he still doesn’t want you to do it, and you do it anyways, be prepared to live with the consequences. He might find it unattractive like he says, etc. I want one (even his name or a Bible verse) and my husband doesn’t want me to have any. He said I can of course, it’s my body, but he really doesn’t want me to.

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Kinda gotta figure out what you want … if you keep getting tattoos good chance your marriage will fall apart . He isn’t controlling you he is explaining how he feels and if you chose to go down that path he will not be joining you :man_shrugging: you like tattoos so I’m guessing you like tattoos on men so it’s not the same if he doesn’t like them on you

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Now who’s body did you say it was?


Meet half way, if he doesnt like big tatts, just get a small one

Just throw the whole dude out if he doesn’t like it. Your body your choice.


Its your body! Just becouse your married doesn’t mean he can tell you want to do with it. Girl if you want that tattoo, go and get it! Don’t let him control you.

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Find out why he feels that way. Explain that it isn’t finished

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Invisible ink lol. My husband always encourages me to do anything I want and love. He helps me achieve all I want too, as I do him.

That is your canvas and you do what you want, not what others want. And if you stop getting tattoos because of it then there goes one of your passions in life. Don’t let someone kill that. Get them tattoos and if he doesnt find you attractive because of it then you dont need to be with him anyway.

Job wise I’d avoid but it’s your choice ultimately

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You can do as you please with your own body. That said, you stated that the reason he got a large tattoo was to cover his ex’s initials, so the argument that he got a big one so you should too doesn’t really fly. Also, you said he has no issue with you getting large art on your thigh or butt. So it sounds like his concern is more like visible large art. Ask him to explain why he doesn’t like it.
Then put on your big girl pants and do as you please. Only you can decide if the risk of losing your husband is worth a piece of art on your arm.

It is your body babe, totally your choice. I’d do whatever I wanted regardless. :woman_shrugging::clap:

It’s your body. As long as your not over spending money that you don’t have and putting yourself in debt then, he has no say really.

Your body, your choice.

Both of my arms are fairly heavily tattooed … and I seem to date cleanskins :rofl:
If anyone has an issue with them, they can trot on … I get them for me, if you don’t like the look of them, that’s a you problem.

Love the sentiment that tattoos are forever and husbands are temporary!!


I’ve got 3 tattoos and my husband has none! So you have my answer. I’ve been with this man 21 years. And I’m getting another one :woman_shrugging:t4:I respect him but don’t care :joy: he smokes I hate it I fuss but he still smokes soooooo I’m getting another one :joy:

I’d definitely finish the tattoo! :blush:

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Your body, your choice

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Your body, your choice. Nobody gets to dictate what you want or do with your own body, husband or not


If he isnt paying for it then i would finish the tattoo thats going to be on MY body…

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My x fiancee when we were planning a wedding that I should get a high neck, long sleeve dress so my tattoos aren’t exposed. Mind u this was just days after I paid $500 for his new tattoo. I was pissed. He said it was so MY family wouldn’t say anything. I said my family has known me since birth and literally sees my tattoos on the daily…so WHAT? he said he didn’t wanna argue and walked away.

Anyway. He’s my x fiancee. The guy I’m marrying in 2 months thinks I’m getting my throat tattooed before the wedding and is ok with it. But I’m not cause I don’t have the money to get it done unfortunately. But the throat tattoo is coming!

Have you tried throwing the whole man away?

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How you choose to adorn your body is not related to respect for your partner. Too often people use the word “respect” when they mean obedience and compliance. He should respect your bodily autonomy and not demand you comply with his preferences.

I also want to add that it’s okay to compromise or fully accommodate your partner’s preferences if you can do so happily without resentment. It is likewise okay for him to inform you that this is a deal breaker for him. If he can’t accept the tattoo he is free to leave.


Get the effin tattoo

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pick your battles is it worth it in the end


My bf doesn’t like girls completely covered in tattoos. But I told him that he got with a chick that loves guys covered in tattoos but also loves tattoos in general. I only have three right NOW! I have 9 more planned out he’s not to thrilled about it but idc if he don’t like it he can leave. And yes I do plan on staying with him for the rest of my life so can’t just say he’s a bf it’s whatever I’ve been with him for 7yrs now.
But if YOU want them then YOU GO GET THEM!!!

The skin art when your young is not so great when your older.


Give it time and think about consequences of choices. For him it’s a male thing not visible tattoos for women

It’s your body… too bad he doesn’t like it. That’s his problem.

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I have 5 small tattoos I got when I was younger and i will not get anymore cuz i dont like them and regret getting the ones i have. My husband has a bunch. If he wants to get more, then that’s his choice and im not going to stand in his way because that’s what he likes and all I ain’t is for my husband to be happy

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Tell him to take a hike. If he doesn’t like women with big tats that’s his own issue. You’re not his property so if YOU want to do it then DO IT. Let him pout in the corner like a baby :roll_eyes:


Lol I’d tell him suck it :woman_facepalming:

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Your body…is not his. Get as many tattoos as you want! Suddenly he won’t be attracted to you if you have ink on your arm?? Kinda weird in my opinion :woman_shrugging:t3:


Screw him. Get the tattoo. It’s your body

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If ur fighting about a tattoo and about to call it quits then ur not mature enough for a marriage


Tattoo your whole body. It’s your body. He does not own you.


Tattoos are a personal choice. I didn’t get my first until I was late 30’s b/c I was married to someone who didn’t like them. We end ups divorcing due to some addiction issue and I then made choices for myself. I got remarried and expressed my interest in another. I did Not ask for permission but his thoughts and opinions. I care for my spouse and I respect him. Had he said, I would rather you not… I would have asked more questions to see why. Then I would have had to make my decision. What was more important to me, some ink on my skin or my husband feelings.


Girl get that dang tattoo! It’s your body and your decision to make… he can deal or piss off. You only get one life so live it up how you want to!

Your body girl. Do what u want


It’s your body, put what you want on it. He doesn’t like it tell him he doesn’t have to look at it.

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Your body. Your choice!

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Some people find big tattoos gross and unactractive. I would never get involved with a man that has tattoos just for the fact of not having too see those things day and night. And when you are old and have grand kids…

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Why make waves if you don’t need to.

Easy as that.

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Your body your choice. Why can’t you finish an area you’ve already started on meanwhile he’s okay with you doing your thigh and butt cheek?

Your body, he did what he wanted so you do what you want if he can’t accept that sounds like a control thing


Well… let me just start off by saying… you BOTH just went and got tattoos Covered Up, from Ex’s!!! :wink: so really there’s no guarantee that he won’t soon be an “Ex” as well!! Don’t sacrifice what You want done with/on your OWN body, because of what Someone Else does or doesn’t like. So if you truly dissect what he just told you…
“He doesn’t care if you cover your entire thigh and azz cheek” with BIG tattoos ((( because those will always be covered in clothing!!)))
But something on the inside of your wrist (that can also be covered in a long sleeve) is going overboard?!? He’s telling you he’s going to be embarrassed by YOUR Choice of placement. In other words, as long as you get something that nobody else will see… he could care less! But if it’s in a spot the general public/ his friends/family/coworkers, etc can see… then he suddenly has a problem with it.

You might really want to reconsider the marriage. You start letting someone tell you what to do with Your Body… it won’t stop there.

We usually choose a tattoo because it has some meaning to us… it’s in memory of a loved one, or it symbolizes something we’re going through or have gone through in our life’s journey. To let someone else deprive you of your individual artistic self-expression is just so wrong on so many levels!! :om::yin_yang::peace_symbol:


Ok so how would you react if he was talking you how to dress or do your hair? This is exactly the same and my personal opinion is he doesn’t get a choice in how you present yourself and if you want more tattoos you get them! My partner used to hate them and I said well that sucks you know where the door is but I refuse to change myself for you and he actually came to love mine. Honestly I don’t care if he didn’t that’s his issue not mine. But the point is either he loves you for who you are as a person or not at all because if the look of a certain type or size of tattoo bothers him then how much is he going to be bothered when you get old and wrinkly?!


You’re body your choice Sister! My husband doesn’t like visible tattoos but I already had both my forearms filled when we got together. He respects it bcuz it’s my story and my choice. He’s about to get a half sleeve on his shoulder. If he wants it to be his alone, totally fine. If I want to show my story he respects it.


I’ll be damned I get told I can’t get a tattoo I want. Lol I wouldn’t go for it! Plus, how is he going to go with you to get a tattoo, then have a problem with what you decide on.

What bugs me about my husband is he wants to fix his tattoo of his ex that makes me upset cause it makes me feel like he is not over that relationship


Aht ahttttt, I be damn if anyone is going to tell me anything about the tattoos I gets small or big, and married or not.

It’s my body and if they don’t like it, they can kick rocks!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ABSOLUTELY NOT … my sons father hated every time I got a new tattoo… he knew who I was when we started dating and I told him my tattoos were what made me me… the longer we were together the more he felt it was ok to tell me they weren’t attractive to him, he didn’t like how they made me look etc etc… needless to say we aren’t together anymore for other reasons but that was a small part. Never give up who you are for someone else. It’s ok to listen to their reasons to let them have a voice but YOU decide what goes on your body. ESPECIALLY if you’re paying for it (and also if your bills are paid and other adult obligations are handled)


Do you thigh and butt
Circle back to the wrist
You maybe single by then anyways :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You have the choice to do what you want with your body and he has the choice to stay with you. You both need to decide what is a deal breaker. If you choose to get the tattoo after he tells you it’s a deal breaker you have to be ready to move on.

It’s your body and if you love it you should finish it he can choose to not like it but shouldn’t control you. I personally love tattoos I could careless if my wife,girlfriend,boyfriend or husband had tattoos or full body tattoos it’s a personal choice. So if you want go for it

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Do it :100: girl , your body ur tattoos
He’s a hipercrit he telling u not to get any more and then does the opposite and goes ahead with what ever he wants, f#ck that!!
Go ahead and finish it. :heart:


Girl do what makes you happy. Mines when newly wed :triumph:said don’t dye your hair pink or he would disown me. Next day I dyed my hair pink :joy: I waited at the door when he drove up in our driveway I said NO MAN will tell me what to do with my body, nails or hair and you can leave if you still want to disown me then walked away. 15 yrs later he is still here I do as I please and so should you.


Just go do it, he might be mad at first ,he will get over it , I bet if you got his name tattooed on you a$$ he wouldn’t be mad , your body ,your choice

I don’t find that attractive on women what so ever. I have a couple tattoos. But not huge, sleeve, cover body bs. You should never put your boyfriends or husbands stuff on your body. People who try to cover themselves have a underlying self esteem issues .


A big fat N O !!! And too BAD…

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You had Tats when you met him.
.tell him, suck it up buttercup. My body, my choice :woman_shrugging:

Get it! If he can. So can you! If he doesn’t ask you what and where on his body, neither do you! Your married…he doesn’t own you. Your equal…get your tat!


You’re married and he still has his ex’s initials? Super weird.


Good thing he isn’t getting a tattoo there. I love them we support you over here :ok_hand:t3:

I had a bunch of tats when me and hubby got married he had none he now has a huge back piece and a arm tat i jave a appointment in three weeks to get another one and talk about my sleeve i had them before and i will not stop my body my choice and he loves me for it

Leave the twat waffle. :wastebasket:


It’s your body. If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t have to look :woman_shrugging:t2: And if he leaves, then the trash took itself out.

We’re not in the 50s where women had to listen to their husband’s, We’re in the 21st century and women shouldn’t have to abided by their husband’s. Finish the tattoo it’s your body not his!


First & for most get you a better man…

Second off, it’s basically him saying I can do this with my body and not care if you may or may not like it but you definitely shouldn’t do this cause I don’t like it and it’ll cause problems… F that! Get the damn tattoo or tattoos if that’s what your into!! Don’t let him hold you back from expressing yourself the way you want and if he was truly supportive of you he wouldn’t, he would support whatever you decide to do with your body to make yourself happy.

Listen sis life is to short to have some mfer tell you how to live it even if you love them, be you. He’ll get over it and if he can’t then do better cause it’s 2022 9 outta 10 someone out there is gonna wanna love and kiss on your tats and admire them never settle for BS🖤

I would get them. He doesn’t like it too bad. You are not his pet who he gets to decide what is right for you. I have two upper sleeves and I never asked permission. Thankfully my husband finds them sexy. I can’t believe he didn’t cover his ex’s initials covered prior to marriage honestly.

HE should respect YOU enough to let YOU do what you want with YOUR body. Just like he can. I couldn’t give a damn if someone didnt like my tattoos or where i put them.

I wander how all those tattoo are going to look when people get old and Winkled.

It’s 2022 get the tat your body your choice