tell him to leave you want a seperation does he cook help around the house do wash or do you do it all
He needs a job he sounds depressed definitely needs to feel like hes contributing its in a mans nature. He sounds like hes starting to resent you for his life and he needs to pull himself out you cant help the ones who dont want to be helped. He needs a wake up call and thats up to you to wake him up or leave him sleeping and move on.
Nope. Boy bye I’m 99% sure he’s cheating on you with one of those females you say is there.
Nope! His behavior is telling you what his words are not! Listen & move on
You deserve and your children also much better than that. Dump his ass! You will survive.
Did you buy his game system? I’d take it and his games and pawn them all off. Tell him to be a contributer to the family and get off his ass and get a job. If he goes ape shit over it, then you have your answer on whats more important to him. Honestly it sounds like he’s really just a free loader who doesnt want to be a family, he just wants someone to pay his way through life. He’s USING you.
My ex did the same things. He was cheating on me and I broke it off. Now I’m married to a guy who knows his priorities and would rather be home with me and his kids than out partying. Leave, you won’t be happy until you do. You will always feel like you come second and by the sounds of it you do
I would personally start boxing up his things (electronics first). You’re Already doing everything by yourself. I wouldn’t continue to support a man child, your not his mother. At this point he’s just blowing you off and being disrespectful because he can. You can’t control his behavior but you can decide to do things differently for yourself. Good luck
It’s me or get out you want to be with your friends then go ,
Get on with your life he is
Sounds like narcissistic behaviour. If it were me I would let him go. He should not be married, because Marriages is a partnership. There is someone out there that will be perfect for you and be everything you wish for. After taking 39 years to find the right one. I chose not to settle.
I feel like he may be depressed and is going through something. It could be an identity crisis.He may need help, but not know how to go about it.
There are so many possibilities. If you both have decent communication, I’d try talking with him with an approach that is not blaming, angry, etc., but caring and helpful. Maybe counseling will work.
I wouldn’t be so quick to leave my husband. I’d try to see how I could help first. If he refuses help, then that’s HIS choice and you will then have a choice to make yourself.
WTHello??? WAKE UP! Get an attorney, make a plan and MOVE ON lady, because he sure as hell has!
He is cheating, get rid of him!! You deserve better!!
Poor you sweetheart there is no easy answer to the situation but something needs to be done life is too short and a married older man with kids has no place being out all hours of the morning ridiculous discover your self worth lady
You said you’ve been working on this for YEARS. Hunny im sorry but it’s time to call it in. He doesn’t listen to you and obviously isn’t gonna change his behavior. Leaving is harder with kids but you have to make sure they have a home where there’s love, not ignoring and not helping.
He’s definitely cheating on you. No faithful husband would be out all hours of the night in the company of other women. Not to mention the fact that as a stay at home dad he’s supposed to be taking care of the kids. It’s time to box his things up and throw him out. You clearly don’t need him and his selfish ways.
If his ass can go out all night long to be with friends and is to tired to help with kids or anything and spends no time with you, why the hell doesn’t this guy have a job? He’s mooching off of you. You need to give him the boot
He suns like a boarder , not a husband, past time for him to pay up .
Life is too short for the BS and this IS BS. He’d be gone already!
Nope… Stay out all night nope nope. Be by yourself.
You already know, don’t you? You just need a bunch of people to help you admit it to yourself - you’re a cash cow and he’s a ‘man’ (for want of a better word) of no integrity at at! Kick him to the kerb, pick your self-esteem off the floor and give it a good shake down. You’ve got this! He has nothing without you. A spineless, shameful abuser! You have a life to have. I wish you the best. X
No! You are not overreacting! Get some boxes and pack all of his things up! You’ll find out if he truly wants this marriage by the way he reacts! This man does whatever he wants without caring anything about your feelings and how alone he makes you feel. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s cheating and telling another woman that he only goes to your house while you are at work so he can care for your children. It sounds like he enjoys not having a job and being able to hang out with friends. That’s not a marriage! You deserve better than this!
If you’re questioning if it’s time to make a change, you’ve already found the answer. Throw the deuces and make a better life.
Honey, he’s not out playing cards. He’s cheating. No faithful spouse stays out all night every night with members of the opposite sex, leaving the other spouse at home, unless something real shady is happening. Get a lawyer.
Give him divorce papers. It sounds like he has someone else
Oh puh…leeze! What do you REALLY think he’s doing out all night?
Time for a change I think. Its not an easy decision to make to leave your partner but sometimes it’s better for everyone involved
He don’t work and he don’t help? He’s useless, another kid to take care of. Get rid of him. Sheesh
As a SAHM who was once the bread winner and my husband who was a stay at home dad and is now the bread winner, there is always a need for time for yourself. It is inevitable. However i feel the most incriminating piece of evidence is that he stays out all night long. If he wanted to be home he would. My husband blows my phone up the whole time hes anywhere so that i know when he’ll be home and that he misses me. You deserve soooooo much better than a dead beat with a midlife crisis who doesnt wanna be home with the family he made! You put those feet down and show him you mean business! You got this love! Good luck!!!
He is not considerate, carries personality traits that make him baggage.
How can cards be more meaningful than getting a good nights rest to help w his children? His mentality sounds a bit immature.
Give him a heads up that you’re close to calling it quits & check his response.
No one is forcing you to continue feeling tired & hurt so don’t put yourself through that, ESPECIALLY when you already support yourself & kids 100%!
If he is hanging out with his friends all night…how are they working while they are up all night? Oh honey, pack his stuff & send him on his way. He is taking advantage of you in my opinion. I’m so so very sorry you are going through this. It’s never easy having to deal with this. Make him get a job & put your children in daycare. It should be very very easy for him to find a job right now. A job that will pay really well bc people are not wanting to work. If you need support you can send me a DM. Good luck honey!
He’s gaslighting you (a form of abuse where they make you doubt yourself and your own choices even though your spot on, and then blame you for everything) and acting like you’re his mom and he’s a teenager. If he’s not helping with your kids, and he’s not working, then you are acting as his mom and he has you paying for his life. He’s taking advantage of you. He needs to get a job and grow up or get out. Based on the current situation, it sounds like you would be financially better off anyway, and if you only have to take care of the kid’s and not him you would have less to do around the house. It’s not ideal, but what he’s doing is mentally, emotionally and financially abusive.
Why do you even have a man when you are doing all the work? Kick him to the curb no sense in funding a man child
You’re not happy and he’s not happy so that means the kids are feeling this as well… I think you already have your answer you’re just looking for confirmation. Prayers to you and your family
Run don’t walk to the lawyers office and get those divorce papers ASAP. You can do it all alone sounds like you already are.
You need to remind him he is a husband and father so act like it or go somewhere else and play games and be a child!
Playing cards etc with friends and don’t come home all night!!! It definitely sounds like there is another woman involved here! Wake up!
Oh. is your problem. Isnt it. Why are you putting up with this
Id straight up tell him, look, you’re going to sit there and listen to what I have to say and address the issue properly or its over. If he’s not willing, you have 2 options, continue to put up with it or leave.
I would feel exactly the same as you. Time to kick him to the curb. It is better off to be alone than to be hurt day after day after day…
Leave him obviously he is more of a child than a man! He has his priorities all wrong
I think he might just be feeling burnt out and needing to feel like himself again. Doesnt excuse his behavior but maybe have a deep conversation about everything
I wouldn’t put up with that id be kicking him to the curb.
He belongs home with you and the kids time to give him a ultimatum your family or his freinds or say buh bye period have his freinds support him then .
I would have changed the locks and had his crap on the lawn outside way before now like the first time he was out all night what a sorry piece of poop! You make the money get the hell out! You can’t love something like that really ?
Stop asking people who don’t nothing about you want you should do with your marriage it’s not going to end we’ll use your brain your Hart the answers in you
Time for separation. So sorry. Life is too short to be unloved, ignored, and taken for granted.
Sounds like he goes where he wants to be… with his friends. If he wanted to be home with you he would be. I’m sorry not trying to be harsh. But yeah. He’s checked out
He wants to act single let him be single
Try a temporary separation and see how he likes going to work and then having the kids on the weekends
You are NOT overreacting at all!!!
And you’ve already tried talking to him about it but he didn’t even care enough to actually listen to you!
So don’t waste any more of your energy, words, or time on him.
Take your kiddos and leave.
Y’all deserve better.
He has nothing else.
If the roles were different you’d get all kinds of positive comments…
He stays home.
I don’t agree with our all night but what else does he have??
He’s depressed. Just like plenty of SAM’s get.
This is about him needing purpose or a hobby… Something besides Mr Dad.
Help him do that.
Sounds like an episode for “Cheaters.”
Get rid of him as fast as you can. Move on!
why can’t women figure out he is a no good cheating bum!!!
Do you have someone you can both talk to? You need help.
Hes a lying manipulative narcissist. Leave he will never change coz he sees u as the problem not him. Hes probably cheating on you anyway. Like u say…why duz he feel the need 2b out all nite. Massive red flag. Blaming you for wanting a ’ normal ’ relationship n blaming u 4 everything…id be telling him stay in overnite quit the blame game or your stuff will be in the drive…heres hoping the house isbin just your name stop wasting your time n life on this loser u wont get this time back you n the kuds deserve better. Yur allowing him 2do this so he will set boundaries n stick to them. If he cant/ wont respect them then get rid of him!!
If you are this lonely it is time to make a change. Let him know that you aren’t happy about the way things are going. If he doesn’t try to work things out with you then you’d be better off single.
Tell him your coming too and get a babysitter
Get rid of him,would be one less Child to take care of.
Kick him out.Why would you support him.What are you teaching your children ?
Yeah it’s time for that divorce. He is definitely cheating on you but won’t tell you he wants a divorce bc your the money flow, he doesn’t have a job giving him all the freedom he wants. Time for you to find someone who will make you happy.
Your days of partying and staying out all night are over with me. I am not your safe place or sugar momma. You want freedom you got it by by , let me know where to send the divorce papers
Your just a easy out. RUN don’t walk
He does not deserve you, Kick him out. You seem to pay for everything and if he doesn’t have you maybe he will wake up to what he has lost.
Why is he a grown ass man not working ?? And if he can’t work why is he a grown ass man and not taking care of his family in other ways??? You deserve better.
Sounds like he’s depressed and you’re not being too understanding of being the stay at home parent. Sounds like yall need to talk out your problems with an unbiased professional.
If my man ditched me and our kid multiple nights a week to hang with his friends, ESPECIALLY if I’m the one working… I’d lose my shit. Kids are hard. Working is hard. Doing it all alone is the worst.
Go to religious marriage counselor. Do not accept no for an answer. Someone needs to get into his brain.
Kick his ass to the curb girl and live life and make memories with those kids!!! A REAL MAN WILL COME INTO YOUR LIFE IN TIME AND LOVE YOU LIKE HE’S SUPPOSED TO AND SPEND HIS TIME WITH YOU AND THOSE KIDS!!!
Overreacting? He needs a hard date. And he either gets his shit together by then and stops acting like a single man going out all hours of the night or he’s gone. That should’ve never been allowed. He is a husband and father.
You are not overreacting, in fact I think you’re under reacting. That kind of behavior has no place in A marriage. What good is a husband if you have to do everything by yourself?
I think he needs to get a job - - he doesn’t sound like much of a father. Does he clean the house, cook the meals? He should be doing all those things - - -
That is not a man, that is a man child. You didn’t sign up to raise him, that was his mother’s job. He needs to get his act together, I have zero tolerance for a man behaving like a child. His kids and his marriage should be #1 everything and everyone else comes after and if his extracurricular activities that are his entertainment are interfering with his ability to parent and pull his weight at home we’ll then he needs to strip it down to basics.
It sounds like you are the only one still married. Time to have him move out.
You need to get rid of this selfish bastard and find someone who treats you as an equal. He needs to grow up and take some responsibility for you and your kids.
Put your cards on the table
Get rid of him. What is he bringing to the household? Nada.
If you were home and taking care of the kids and decided you needed to stay out all night what would your hubby say or think?
Time for him to get a job. He’s a kept man and he knows it.
Hunni since you’re doing and paying for everything YOU DON’T NEED HIM! Girl let that man GO! Set him free so he can hangout all he wants. You won’t be missing a damn thang. Once he’s OUT…LEAVE HIM OUT! NO SECOND CHANCES he’s had more than enough of those. Don’t make yourself miserable anymore or allow him to question yourself cause it’s not you it’s HIM.
To hell with the guy, is this woman for real? C’mon chicka!
was in almost same kind of relationship it’s toxic get out of it they only think of themselves
I’d demand things change or I’d be gone!!!