Your husband is an idiot and living in the past. Men should help in the kitchen and with the children too
Fawk… tell him to fricken do it.
I wouldn’t be with anyone who expects “womanly duties” … the only thing I consider a womanly duty is giving birth cause we all know men wouldn’t do it…
There is NO ROLE in the house that is strictly a woman’s duty… tell him to get off his ass and do it if that’s what he wants…
What an ass! You need to learn to stand up for yourself, it won’t get better. If he isn’t doing the cooking, it isn’t his business. If he is doing the cooking, then he should organize it to suit himself.
Well if he doesn’t like it he lives there too he can help
Write a detailed list of what you have to do and start knocking it out put a line through each item when done you’ll be surprised at what you achieve what you don’t get done goes on the next list and so on …
Why the heck ate you putting up with his crap it’ll only get worse if you don’t speak up
You can improve in three easy steps:
1 - Get the right size containers for the foods you use often
2 - Labelling is key
3 - Throw the whole man in the rubbish
Sounds like you “boy” is lazy. He should be supporting u in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the living room, the bedroom. Every damn room in that house. My suggestion is one corner at a time. If it takes you 6 months then so be it. You could also hire professional skills and take the money from his earnings. He will help one way or another.
Throw him away
For those of us that are organizers I have to admit that unorganizers drive us nuts. Things like a crooked picture, a haphazard silverware drawer a pantry. just dosen’t cut it. I learned a long time ago to keep my mouth shut. It gets easier as time goes by. By the way. let me tell you about my grandson’s and his wife’s house. Haha.
“womanly role” my a$$
Am I the most organized? Absolutely not. But if my husband said something like that to me, I’d def do the opposite of what he wants bc I’m stubborn (seriously I DO need to redo our pantry bc it’s a mess, but that’s besides the point here). - the pantry isn’t a top priority item. - if he wants it organized so bad he can do it himself, or shut up about it. Right now, your top priority is your baby. Besides, he SHOULD be helping out with the house and kids anyways bc you aren’t the only one who lives there- he contributes to the mess & the kids are also his. So yeah, if it’s that big of a deal he can either organize himself or watch the baby so you can do it. But again, the pantry isn’t a huge deal.
“Womanly role” does he feel that way about everything? The kids, the cooking, the cleaning?? Yeah no. He lives in the house also he should be pulling his own weight around. Honestly I’d probably send the whole house to shit (esp if your suppose to have company over or something) but pick up the pantry. Toys thrown about, you wearing sweats or pj’s, unwashed hair, dirty dishes, laundry on the couch, no sweeping/vacuuming but clean that pantry let him come in with guests and show of your pantry proudly (while everything else is a mess ).
Kick him out. He is not worthy to be a husband and a father.
There is NO excuse for him to say mean things to you, having said that, get your arse in gear when the baby is asleep and do 1 thing every day. you will have it done before you know it and be happy, for gods sake you have a beautiful new baby in your life!
Tell him to stfu, you have a baby to take care of just do it bit by bit if it’s such a problem for him to look at honestly males like this piss me right off
I’d legit tell him then he should go be with his friend. I wouldn’t stand for that kind of crap.
Tell your husband he wants it organized to do it himself.
If your friends are your friends why not ask them for help?
Tell him get his brain out of the 1800s nothing is a woman’s job or a man’s job he lives in the house he eats in the kitchen he can help so if he’s not willing to help he can quit his bitching
Your husband never lived on his own did he. If you really want to organize your kitchen then ask some of your friends that are organized to come help you. More them 1 friend so 1 can help with the baby.
Make a list of what you need to do and then make him a list of the various ways he can go F himself
You have literally just had a baby go easy on yourself.
Write a list of what u would like to achieve and try and tick off one item per day while your baby naps
If you can find the pans utensils, the cupboard with food, the rest will get organized eventually. If not quick enough to suit husband,tell him you won’t be upset if he tries his hand at it. If not set a day and time and both tackle job.
Tell him to F*CK OFF
Yeah, organize your life without him. He will be so impressed.
you don’t need to improve HE does … tell if he wants to organize to do it himself and let him babysit now and than
I would announce that I no longer feel it is my job as the woman to earn money, so I’ll be quitting my job.
Tell him it is 2022 and there is no such thing as womanly duties. If he wants it a certain way he can do that or live with it the way it is. He has 2 working arms and a working brain he can figure it out and if he can’t then he can watch the baby while you take care of it. It’s time these men step up and do more, it’s not ok to just go to work and pay bills anymore. They need to be helping with the kids and the house inside and out! No with that being said I do agree that the bulk of the actual everyday cleaning should be done by mom only if she is a SAHM but that in no way means the kids and house are her responsibility 24/7. Dad should be helping with big projects, evening activities with the children dinner, bath time and bed time and if he has an excuse for not helping then he us not really a man at all.
You can get a new husband that ones faulty. Return it.
Sorry that was harsh, but really, your a new mum and hes worrying about kitchen organisation? Tell him to organise his own bloody kitchen! And his own life. He wants a maid not a partner especially if hes unwilling to help you with the issues hes bringing up. Bin him theres no hope for this one.
That’s a shit thing to say to you
If you can function in your kitchen I don’t see a problem. I don’t think a person should complain unless they are going to do something about it. Love & Hugs
Tell him to rack off
How dare he
How’s his tool shed
… well, for myself… he’d be put in his place quick. He may have brought you to a new house…but YOU (mom) made it a home. Long ago my ex tried this and we’ll … he’s my ex. Besides, you both live there…he should help.
id hire a organizer company to help w it n make him pay the bill ha
Look, I’m not a great house keeper but he also knew this about me before things progressed HOWEVER if he dared compare me to other women let alone my best friends after I just had his baby I might be nice and give him a head start before I start organizing the appliances upside his head
yeah you need some help and he isnt in anyway. Can you maybe ask a girl friend of your to help you out?
Kick the lazy bitchin in the gonads! He’ll find out!
Your husband is a total jerk! Shame on him.
HAVE HIM HIRE A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER!!! In all seriousness hire help if you can
I’d be getting mad. Tell him that now…he HAS made it his job… and if he compares you to his friends again he will also heen to find a new house. Put your foot down 80% of the time men are lost without us. But you need to let him know just how damn important you are and of he still can’t see that then HIS LOSS.
There are men out there that would treat you exactly how you deserve. Why put up with crap
Petty: ask his best from to come over and help with the pantry. “Well friend was just fulfilling his manly duties of helping a lady.” (kidding, don’t do that because that only makes it worse).
Honestly, I don’t know how to fix this. He has to be a person you can talk to and you have to have laid the groundwork to converse respectfully. I don’t talk to someone who raises their voice, and likewise I can’t raise my own. No name calling on either part. Enter the conversation from premise that these are your feelings and not meant to be insults or shortcomings but how you are experiencing his treatment (to try to alleviate a defensive response instead of a thoughtful one).
Maybe I’m old fashioned , but I’m not understanding so many women these days can’t seem to take care of a house and baby at the same time , I had 4 and was a stay at home mom and always managed to do my household stuff and care for the children ? So what am I missing ?
If he is that damn worried about it he can do it his own self! He is more that capable.
Nope if I’m going to reorganize I will just start pulling stuff out look at my husband and tell him hey help me out and he will he’ll ask what I need help with lol it’s 2022 it’s also his house not just yours so it takes both to maintain house and kids the other day I had a migraine was not feeling well at all so my husband took it upon himself without question told me to go lay down he’s got the kids and he made dinner fed the kids and got them to bed and cleaned up kitchen honestly I don’t know how to help you it just seems like your husband’s a bit childish I do most of the housework in my home most of the child care honestly but my husband is always quick to help if I ask him to because our saying is teamwork makes the dream work and sometimes things can be overwhelming and it’s nice to know that you have someone having your back and helping you you guys need to come together as a team
Your husband is a twit
I’m sorry. That’s bs. Yes I’ve had similar issues. Some men just like to assume there are gender roles and they are exempt from anything other than their “role”. Tell your husband he can do better. For you. He needs some compassion.
Maybe your family could also just help you repack your things so you can leave him.
Your husband is a jerk
Tell him the couch is looking really comfortable for him to sleep on and then tell him when he’s well rested to organize the pantry himself you’re not his maid
You are not the one with the problem. He needs to help you in the kitchen, the living room, bathroom and with the baby otherwise tell him to put his big boy panties on and suck it up
Tell him to fuck off and get out the kitchen lol. He just doesn’t want to help. Girl watch you some you tube videos and get your stuff the way you want it don’t worry about him being an ass.
Tell him to kiss your ass, grab a broom/mop, and food ingredients and help TF out!
He’s manly duty is to make you feel like a princess, he’s castle needs to suit your needs.
You aren’t wrong…start small…organize a little everyday…comparing is rude and ignorant…
Did you punch him in the face?
Ask one of your really organized girlfriends for help. But hubby is not off the hook. He needs a few lessons in giving birth and partnership.
Don’t feel inadequate you have a baby and you moved. Soon enough the baby will unorganized everything for you. In the meantime if you spend twenty minutes a day organizing it will eventually work for you. Go to dollar tree and stock up on bins and stuff for organization. Also tell your husband that if he doesn’t like the kitchen to stay out since it’s your space or he can help.
If he doesn’t like the way the pantry is organised tell him to get off his
Butt and do it
I would tell thy husband to get his head out of his ass and that it’s not 1980’ if he doesn’t like how it’s organized then he can clean and organize it
I would tell him,I’m not doing it.If he doesnt like it,then he can kiss my a$$.Your husband sounds childish.
Strip the kitchen pack into boxes. Order new slide out organisers from ikea (the more complicated the better). Hand him a screwdriver and let him know that the next part is outside of your womanly duties! Cheeky grin, a boop on the nose and walk away. Enjoy watching him squirm. What can I say?! Have fun with it…
please do your self a favor and leave him … find you someone who will actually help you out
Throw the whole man out and start over.
Hire an professional organizer to help you.
He sounds like a douche. Sorry not sorry.
Give him a task to do an watch the baby at the same time
What a jerk… I know my significant other would help me willingly. We enjoy doing things together. It’s what we do. Reading some of these on here make me appreciate him more & more.
Sounds like a narcissist
Tell him it’s his turn to have the baby so you can organise the kitchen. Then invite your besties over for cocktails and to help, since they’re so organised. Tell him what a wonderful idea he had to set it in stone
Btw i don’t think you’re lacking in anything,takes me a good yeah just to make it out of survival mode after a new baby
oh lord if that’s all it takes, my husband would have been rid of me a long time ago girl I have adhd. My husband is lucky anything is organized. Your man is trippin, not you
Ask your friend to help you organize it!! If she’s good at it tell her that and ask for assistance!
Pick a cupboard a day and work thru it. Yes he’s an entitled man child, but for your own mental peace, do it for you.
Hire someone! There are professional organizers that can help. However, he’s out of line and not very compassionate.
Screw him lmao
I organize my pantry once every 6 months probably. He wants it organized tell him to do it himself
He’s lacking in being a good supportive husband. You’re not doing anything wrong. I’ve lived in my house for 10 years and it’s not organized. He’s a butt
Give yourself time to organize kitchen. Meaning Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 it’s gonna take a few days especially with a baby. Relax and have fun with it and take your time.
You aren’t inadequate… Firstly remind him that when you guys moved in you gave birth the next day and family helped unpack, secondly remind him that the kitchen/cooking is NOT just the responsibility of the woman…He could help,the fact that he compared you to others isn’t ok…He should be more understanding but just do it bit by bit…
Fuck that guy whatever u can do so can he and whatever he can do so can you. It’s not the fucking 60’s he can either help or do it his self and comparing you to other women is just wrong their is no comparison you our the mother of his child and therefore no one else compares too u in anyway.
Don’t worry. I was 38 weeks pregnant when I moved and was too sore and exhausted to do anything with unpacking and moving stuff around. My baby is 2 and a half months old and now only is the house taking shape.
My hubby also isn’t one to want to help sort things out. Just take one day and do it. Then don’t say anything, but it will shut him up.
Does he cook the meals? If not, you can keep your kitchen any way you want. He doesn’t like it, he has 2 hands. Your not his mother.
I read the first part of the paragraph and thought it’s not 1950 he has arms and legs. Perhaps he isn’t for filling his husbandly duties of being supportive to his wife.
Went back reread hubby needs to calm his farm and chip in it’s a partnership. You are his wife not his maid or slave.
Yes, Baby steps. It is overwhelming but try and do partial areas at a time.
does he make you cum or do you have to fake it? tell him he needs to step up his manly role
I suppose his place is in front the tv all day. Send him here for a while. He’d want to live in the kitchen
Think long and hard about your situation. Don’t know how long you have been married but his attitude stinks. If he wanted someone to run around after him he should have employed a live in maid. Perhaps no one has told him that marriage is a 50:50 partnership and more so when children are involved. If he won’t change his attitude get rid. Pack your bags and take your child. Go and live where you want where no one makes you feel inferior. Caring for your child is your priority the cupboards and every where else will get done when you are ready and able. The mess doesn’t bother him that much or he,d do it himself. He obviously doesn’t respect you. Maybe he just likes hearing his own voice dishing out orders. Don’t let anyone belittle you.
You’re not inadequate. Your husbands a D.I.C.K. you are NOT his mother, he has arms and legs, he can get off his ass and give you a bloody break. You deserve better than that
Trade him in for a dog
Tell him if he wants it organized, do it himself.
He’s not much of a man if he isn’t fulfilling his side of marriage promises. Just because you are husband and wife does not give him the excuse to step back and be lord muck… marriage is a shared partner ship and if he thinks he has a right to pass comment on an untidy pantry he doesn’t. My husband mucks in with me as we share our home together. When we go shopping he helps, when we work in the kitchen we do cooking , dishwashing and cleaning together. That is team work. If h doesn’t do anything like that with you I think he is being unfair
Pfft that is NOT a “women’s job” id tell him to get his fucking ass up and do it himself if it’s such an issue. Lol
My husband ever said that to me I’d tell him his hands aren’t broken; he’s more than welcome to do it his damn self if it bothers him that much! I stg men have no idea how hard it is to be the sole care person for a child n all that goes into your day that’s planned n then EVERYTHING that a hold does that is unexpected so they’re like oh u have time… ok, then u sit home with the child all day n get everything done! My husband actually doesn’t have any issues with our son but that’s bc our so listens to him… I say anything n he’s getting into 100 different things in 5 mins so my stuff wouldn’t get done… but my husband would be like come help me n he’d do it…lol. Lil turd loves his daddy!
First of all, how does he know so much about other women’s organized pantries? Next, sometimes you just need a little help. Get some women friends to come over and help, they need help too, believe me. Support each other