My husband doesn't think we should replace my moms lawnmower or cell phone: Advice?

The lawnmower broke down while he was using it. The least he can do is have it repaired. He says it’s a piece of junk, but it was good enough to borrow, and it worked when he started. I’d 100% replace that cell phone. 1) because your child broke it, and 2) because she needs to be able to communicate with someone in the event of an emergency. Especially if it’s in regards to your child(ren). I’d probably replace both and tell him after the fact.


Your husband is 100% in the wrong. You should replace the lawnmower and the phone and take her out to a nice lunch. This woman raised her kids already. She has NO obligation to help you raise yours. But she’s doing it out of love and kindness, a lesson your husband needs to learn. Teach him.


Sounds like your husband is greedy and doesn’t respect the things your mom does for his family.


He’s being a child about it.
Offering to replace these items is the right thing to do.


Your very lucky to have your mom take care of your child it’s priceless your husband need to grow up


You are getting a break in daycare costs. And I would think it goes without saying that you replace the other things, especially the phone. Maybe go halfsies on the lawnmower if you are going to continue to borrow it.

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Tell your husband to man up and do what’s right. Your daughter broke the phone, you replace it. The lawnmower broke in your care you fix it- it doesn’t matter what you pay her because you don’t pay her to borrow the lawn mower, you pay her to watch your kids.


If it was his mother it would be a different story I guarantee you


Seriously, if it was his mother would it be the same scenario, I think not!


Yes, you should repair or replace them. Hubby needs to go stub his toe on the bed frame and get a grip on life.


You are so lucky to have your Mom take such good care of your children!! Buy her a new lawnmower and phone-she is worth it and neither is her fault


He is wrong. She isn’t the one who tore things up. Respect her in that you replace the items. She does right by you so in return do the right thing.


Your husband sounds like a real jerk


Your peace of mind that you children are so SAFE with your Mom is HUGE!!! Replace the phone & buy the lawnmower. Tell your husband how much it would cost to send the children elsewhere as well. I paid my Mother in law & KNEW when I worked shifts as a nurse that my babies were her “jewels” & no one else could have cared for them more!!!


Do right by your mother. You already know you’re under paying her and even IF you were paying the market cost for child care, at day care if a child breaks something the parents pay to replace it. The phone definitely needs to be replaced.
And while the lawnmower may be a “piece of junk” it still broke while in your possession. I feel it’s only right to offer to purchase another. If your mom declines, then that’s a different story. But you should offer nonetheless.


Are you serious? It’s your fuckin mother. Take care of her :rofl::rofl:

Replace new items and husband :pray:


Bottom line she is your mom and day care provider rolled into one
You need to take good care of her. Buy cellphone and a new lawnmower


Fully agree with you Sammy, this is one
Penny Pinching situation that should never have occurred. The goods were on loan to him and should be replaced if
Damaged while in his care. His mother in
Law is helping out in every way possible.
Maybe the daughter should list the costs
Of child care against what they are paying her. If it is there in black and white
He might appreciate her more!


It’s your mom, who takes care of your children without hesitation, who you know would ALWAYS do right by them. Its sad you have to even ask the question. Replace them and be thankful you have a mother who is available and understand how lucky you and your children are.

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You are right and he is wrong. He is a disgusting person. I will never again be with someone who disrespects my family ever. Men can be replaced, family is one. My mom is one. You should replace the lawnmower and replace her phone, thats what I would do. Your man is lacking manhood.


This guy seems to lack respect for his elders, basic respect for his wives mother and appreciation. This dude lacks basic compassion. Basic remorse and accountability. He is diminishing her mother. Her blood and by extension her. I’m so over these toxic dudes

Replace your mother’s lawnmower and her cell phone. Inform your husband he is totally wrong on this one! Then if possible give your mother a raise for having to put up with him.

Yoi did the right thing

He should want to help your mom out especially if she is talking care of your children and being under paid . If it was his mom would he treat her like that no I dought it . He needs to step up and fix them.

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You are right, and I would definitely get a couple quotes from daycares around you to show him how expensive it really is

Look at it this way if it was another person besides mom wouldn’t you replace/fix their items??

Two separate events and yes you owe her the replacement of both. And pay her better!

Pay for the lawnmower. Your husband broke it. Pay for the cell phone. Your daughter destroyed it.

What is wrong with your husband? These REPLACEMENTS are not only the moral thing to do, they are the right thing to do.

Let him hunt for a new babysitter, find one who does all of the things your mom does, and let him see what a good, reliable sitter costs who isn’t family.

Imo your husband it totally wrong.

Your husband is being immature. When you borrow something from someone you return it either the way you received it or better. I’m a on the fence with the phone. If she was watching what your daughter was doing then maybe that accident could have been avoided. In saying that I’d offer to help pay for a new one but not cover the full cost.

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The lawnmower broke while in your husbands possession. He gets her a new one. Quite simple. His attitude sucks. Get her a new phone too. She is taking care of his children and not getting paid the going rate. Find out how much it would be from a daycare and stick it under his nose. He is so in the wrong here.

My husband would never disrespect my mom like that. He sounds greedy

It’s only right to replace since it went out in your possession and if your daughter threw her phone you’re right replace it regardless of what he says if it wasn’t for your mom watching your kids then who will and especially if u pay so little like u said…you know what is right…:heart:

Okay … the lawn mower probably would have broken regardless who used it … and I believe it’s fair to offer to repair or go halves in repairing. As for the phone, definitely it should be replaced.