My husband doesn't think we should replace my moms lawnmower or cell phone: Advice?

Would he be saying the same thing if it was his mom’s things :thinking:


Husbands Kinda weird…he knows he broke it and the phone…. Pay up pops or lose that daycare


Your husband is a greedy selfish man! Of course you should replace both. Especially the phone


I would fully replace the phone. I would get the lawn mower looked at and see if it was his fault or just a fluke. If its his fault, fix it.

Your husband is taking advantage of your mom period! This is truly sad and unacceptable! You need to replace your moms phone because your child broke it. Point blank period, because if the tables were reversed you and your husband would want your things replace. Maybe if your mom stop keeping your daughter and you pay those high childcare prices I bet your husband will be sorry. This is just sad!


Get him quotes on childcare and see if his mom will help and I bet you his tune will change.


Definitely pay for both

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By her a phone and a lawn mower. You cannot replace a grandmother who will love your children like no one else will :+1::two_hearts:


Your child broke her phone it’s only right to replace it with a phone of better value. The lawnmower may not be your husband’s fault but you put wear & tear on it. You should replace it even with a decent used mower. Neither of these incidents have anything to do with what you pay her for babysitting. Being an employee doesn’t mean your employer can break or damage your property. Being that you pay her less than you would otherwise should make your husband want to treat her better. Replacing a mower & phone will be a lot less in the long run in all ways than finding another sitter. If your husband won’t treat your mama right then you’re with the wrong man.


Um you pay her to babysit. Just as you would anyone else or a daycare if she wasn’t watching her for you. Those things… Have nothing to do with the other… You’re child brakes it, your responsibility to replace it. Same if you did. Just like if it was someone else’s stuff. And not your mom. Unless you’re paying her basically like minimum wage or something, that’s not gonna be much to replace those things plus whatever else she may need to pay for.


I’d get my mom the mower and phone period


He’s a selfish greedy mean person that’s taking advantage of yor Mother and he probably would do the same if his mother. So sad !! So u need to do the right thing for yor mother. :pray:


i understand this . i would do it for free. but didnt think that it was every day. than maybe its different.

I’d get the lawn mower fixed but if your mum is gonna let a little kid play with her phone that’s on her



Ur husband is a dick!!! Yes replace both. Far out what a piece of …

Call your local daycares and get quotes for child care. This will give your husband something to compare with what you are paying for child care.

Yes, you are responsible for replacing the phone, since your child damaged it. No, you’re not responsible to replace the mower, but yes responsible for repairing it, since it broke while you were using it. When you borrow something, you always return it in the same condition it was in when you borrowed it. My rule of thumb is to return something in better condition than when I borrowed it, so the person who loaned it to me knows how much I appreciated them loaning the item to me.

Bottom line … this is your mother we’re talking about. I can’t believe he could be so callus as to squabble over these things. Our parents sacrificed for us & took care of us … the least we can do is try to make sure they are taken care of in their old age. It’s our responsibility. You did the right thing in replacing the broken items … you’re a good daughter, and you’re teaching your child how to become a responsible person by setting a good example.


Replace her things. He had the lawnmower in his possession and your daughter broke her phone.
Child care money is for her work!


The phone you should absolutely replace…youre husband is selfish…

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Your husband is being very disrespectful to your mom.


I wonder if he’d feel the same if it was HIS mothers belongings. I bet he had brand new top notch items replaced without even batting an eye .
That being said . He most likely did break it and is to embarrassed to admit if . Sounds kinda like a narcissist

I don’t know how I would react to a man who is clearly showing disrespect to my mother.

Had the tables turned and it be his mother being the kid’s day carer, he would throw in groceries and extra unnecessary gifts just because she’s his mom.

He’s a jerk to begin with and rude!

Most definitely pay for the lawn mower and phone. If something breaks down while using it the right thing to do would be get it repaired or if it can’t be repaired buy her one of equal value atleast. And your daughter did ruin her phone with her actions so yes buy a new phone.

And for crying out loud it is your mother and you stated that you paying her for babysitting and that is her only income. And I sure wouldn’t want any of my children to be at a babysitter house or going out somewhere. And not have a cell phone in case of emergency.

Your husband is wrong

If you want to keep doing the daycare comparison if a child got access to a carers phone and broke it you’re not responsible as the phone shouldn’t be accessible
As for the mower they always break when someone else borrows it it’s part of the guarantee im sure
But as a daughter replacing mums mower when it dies is just a family thing it shouldn’t be based on it breaking under your use but you can always tell hubby you’re buying yourself a new mower and he can mow mum inlaws lawn once a month

Replace the phone if nothing else as your child did break it. Now as far as the mower is concerned tell your husband that you can either pay for a new mower or pay someone to come mow her lawn each week

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Pure disrespectfull and childish

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I wouldn’t even have to ask my husband he would pay my mom more then market daycare price and would replace anything our children broke and take care of her lawn for her. My husband is a rare breed I’m learning. Heck he even supply’s groceries and snacks when the kids go with any grandparent, bc these kids are our responsibility and they are doing us a favor by watching them. And stuff isn’t cheap anymore everything is so freaking high it’s hard to afford things on the fly that your grandkids just decide to break or that break when you loan it to someone else. Your husband sounds like he needs a reality check. Maybe take him around to daycares and price them out, oh also if kids break expensive things at daycare it’s the parent’s responsibility to replace said item. (That’s how it was at 3 daycares I worked at) items such as iPad’s tv’s things of that nature that are expensive.

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Get the mower & phone. What a cheapskate & detached son-in-law. The love & care of a grandparent is priceless & he wouldn’t realise that until he had to pay market value for child care.


Right thing to do is pay for her new stuff because for phone is was y’all’s child that done it and y’all pay her for babysitting that was her personal stuff so he needs to get over himself and grow up and pay for those things for your mother that’s childish of him to even start an argument with you about that and if he won’t go do it I would go do it behind his back y’all owe your mother that ya he might not of done anything to the lawn mower but it tore up in y’all’s car while y’all borrowed it from her and respectful thing to do is get her a lawn mower and a phone maybe the phone one wk and push mower next wk but she definitely is owed that👌

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Yes the lawnmower was in your your possession and quit working up to you to fix it . Same with the phone your child broke it you replace it


Absolutely replace her things!


He’s wrong…end of story


Can you also replace your husband?


Replace the items and pay her decently. If she suddenly stops watching your children it will cost you a lot more in daycare fees. Tell husband you’re replacing them end of story him and if he wants to kick up a stink tell him how much day care would cost if your mum stopped HELPING you out


Well I would never loan you nothing if you don’t replace things that you break when you use them if you use something or your child break something it is up to you to replace it doesn’t have anything to do with how much you pay her you used it you broke it it doesn’t matter if it if it was going to break you should have borrowed it if he wasn’t going to replace it when you borrow something you are responsible for it how would you like if somebody borrowed something off of you and didn’t replace it? Your husband is being absolutely ridiculous and using your mother you should be upset and you should make him give your mother a lawn mower and a new phone and if you know you’re paying her below value you should be paying her more just because she is your mother and because she’s your mother doesn’t mean you can take advantage of her your husband needs to be took to task about this he’s being ridiculously cheap wow that’s awful


Replace your moms things, your hubby is being an ungrateful dushbag, We are so blessed to have our parents be able to help us with our children instead if using daycare. Many dont have a mom like yours cherish her.


Yes, you should replace phone and lawnmower !!!


Why do men think a woman’s labour is FREE? Your husband is being a cheap piece of shit, replace him while you’re at it.

You husband is a selfish dick! :woman_shrugging:t3:

Shows he doesn’t appreciate your mum. It is hard as you get older plus putting her life on hold to help you both out. Imagine what would happen in your life if she said enough and stopped helping you out. I think your husband is out of order. It is the lest you could do to replace those items. I hope you both show your mum with little gifts from time to time. Like some flowers or chocolates or even taking her out for a meal with you. As a parent you want the best for your children so will put them first what ever their age. Don’t forget she’s getting older you don’t know how much longer she will be in your life. Show her you care. A lawn mower and a phone in the scheme of things is a small price to pay for what she’s doing for you both.


Your husband is WRONG!! Replace the items.


Ask him to find a replacement what she does for y’all. Good reliable child care is hard to find. He should want to help your mother as he should his own.


Have him follow your state’s minimum wage laws for providing care so he cojld learn to appreciate her.

The items should be replaced and something extra for the inconvenience.

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If he borrowed the lawnmower when it stopped working he should replace it. Also the phone is totally your responsibility since your child broke it.

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Just good to replace

Fix the lawnmower and replace/fix the phone. Two separate issues. You’re paying her to watch your children not borrow her things, use them, and break them. Return them in as good a condition as you received them. You wouldn’t have been able to borrow from a daycare and you would have to replace any item that your child broke.


should always offer, if lawnmower broke in his possession, he should fix it even if he wasnt, its ur mother. as far as phone accidents happen especially with kids, offer to get her a new phone,

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Definitely replace both lawnmower and phone, she sounds so lovely :heartpulse:

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I only WISH my mom spent that much time with my child! Now, my father in law picks my daughter up from school everyday so we can work and I’ll tell you what: I would do my BEST to help him with anything he might need! Mother in law included! I think hubs isn’t seeing the bigger picture here.

You pay for both! Good for you. Your husband should appreciate your mom doing childcare. It isn’t easy on some of us to have our grandkids daily due to health. You are blessed. Your husband needs to realize this.

Ask him if it was HIS Mom if his answer would be any different? He is being very unreasonable. He broke the lawnmower, end of story. Your daughter broke the phone. Even he knows the right choice here. Hes just being petty. This could be very hurtful to your Moms feelings the way hes being. Mine would be hurt. Different childcare would cost you much more…and your children would get much less…you’ll worry much more. It not only would be the right thing to do to replace the items…but it will be very much in your best interest to do so I think hun.

Ask him if he would expect his boss to get him a new phone if he broke it… since he is already getting paid the same answer should arise …


get you mom a new mower and phone


Replace your mum’s things. He needs to value family and see that he is extremely lucky to have a mother-in-law who is willing to look after the children so regularly… Let me put it this way, if your husband disagrees with things that you feel are morally right then you’re not on the same wave length, tell him to respect your mother as you respect his because you are going to do what is right regardless of his penny pinching.


Have him pay for childcare for awhile from a daycare. He will see then how much money it is. And a new phone.


Replace your mom’s things! She sounds like a great mom/grandmother!


I would do the same thing as you. It’s called not taking advantage of someone. The lawnmower is a little iffy but I would replace it because it was in my care. I would do this with anyone I had arrangements with. Not just because she’s my mom


Try fix it if not replace it replace the phone then replace him


The lawnmower could be as simple as changing spark plug

Fix or replace the lawn mower and upgrade the phone. Even if she didn’t keep her grand babies. This is your mama. You take care of he and hold her close.


Ŕeplace both or start paying her $250 a week for child care cause that’s what it would cost you if she wasn’t watching your child and you had to put your child in day care


Replace the items especially the phone and make ur daughter do chores to help “pay off” the new one


Buy her a phone & lawnmower. Your husband is cheap & taking advantage. What if you need to check on your girls or she has an emergency? Do the right thing?


You asked your husband’s opinion. That’s what you’re obligated to do. It would be lovely if he was inclined to do THE RIGHT THING but he’s not. He sounds like a petty, little man. Now you go and replace your Mom’s lawnmower AND lock it in her garage where your husband won’t have access to it. Then you go and replace her phone. She needs to be able to have access to YOU and Emergency Services - just in case. Besides, it was your daughter who through it in the water. Tell your husband to buy HIS own lawnmower.


You , pay for both. She’s your daycare. The kids are Safe :sparkling_heart: with her. She’s , Mom’.

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She is doing you such a favor!! Daycare is so expensive!! She’s your mom, take care of her and especially replace the phone!!! Your hub seems to not know how lucky you guys have it having her help


One has nothing to do with the other. You know whats right.

Yes keep your mom get rid of him


Replace both. He will get over it.

Your husband is a greedy tightwad & he better get a good grip on what childcare for 2 children really cost…

Do right by your mother, as she has done you, & ditch the man if he Can’t Understand Normal Thinking…


With all she has done for your family, replace both of them!


Replace both. I know she is your mother, but it wouldn’t hurt to give her a little extra money. Those are her grandchildren she is watching but she is also giving up her time and helping you at the same time. Having someone care for you children you can trust is everything.


Your husband sounds like an AH. Replace the phone and fix the lawnmower.


Replace the items. You were using them and them broke. I would maybe find a good used mower, but get a new cell phone. I watch my grandson and I don’t get paid. My daughter would replace the items if he broke them and he has broken some things. She fixed or replaced. I have grandson sometimes six days a week, up to 8 hours a day. She could not afford a real sitter. The child is also autistic, the sitter price would be crazy.


Tell your husband to get a daycare quote & figure out the costs of how much other ppl would charge & would expect replaced. He is being ungrateful. No1 would love or care for your children the way their grandma does.


Replace them so she doesn’t have an extra expense!!!


Divorce your husband and marry your mom. Then you don’t need to pay her.

Replace all 3. The lawnmower, phone and him !


she is your mother, treat her as you would want her to treat you & your family. would your husband treat his mother this way?

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well it was her stuff paid for by her money so he should replace or repair it and the same with the phone he is stingy in his thoughts has he checked the price of child care and the r not at bek and call so i think he should get his S together and help the woman he owes her for the exalant care

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YOU are absolutely correct.

Replace the husband!


He wouldn’t refuse to replace either if it wasn’t your mums.
Maybe just remind him that your mum is doing you guys the favour and not the other way round.
Remind him, that if your daughter was going to daycare, it would cost alot more than what you pat your mum.
Just because she is your mum, doesn’t give him the right to not fix things his family have broken or that have died when in his use.
It’s quite selfish of him to even consider not replacing the broken items.


Ur husband is selfish buy him a landmover for a gift then borrow it to ur mom buy ur mom an earlier Xmas gift a phone


Pay for them. Your husband is a jerk. Bet if it was his mom he’d probably pay for said items. And if he even says…my mom wouldn’t make us pay, I’d replace him too.:rofl::rofl::rofl:


He broke the lawnmower. You should at least pay half to replace it. And you should absolutely replace the phone that your child damaged… Time to throw out the husband I think.


I would replace both. He using the lawnmower when it broke. If it were reversed you would expect the person to replace or fix it. The phone also, your child broke it. The fact that he is acting this way, and its your mother at that, is really screwed up. Especially if the woman is teaching and caring for them the way you say she is. And you’ve already stated you pay below market value. I do things for my mother like this when her stuff isn’t broken by my kids, because shes my mom and doesn’t have a lot of money to replace things sometimes. Sounds to me maybe you should replace the husband since he’s being a major a$$ to your momma.

Replace them you can get a good lawnmower on market place got mine for 100 dude took really good care of it so it was almost like new when I bought it and the phone definitely because your kid broke it seems like the logical thing to do regardless if you pay her to babysit it broke on y’all’s watch :person_shrugging: sounds like your husband doesn’t have good morals or decency for other people’s property but if the rules were reversed wouldn’t you want her to pay and replace the things that she broke

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Just buy your mom a new phone. That’s your mom who watches your kid! Flat out


I would just remind him how much she has done for your family. Replace the items. He sounds like he’s being extremely selfish :roll_eyes:


Replace both and apologize to her. Then thank her for being so selfless.


Get a price on alternative child care and see what he thinks then


Replace them or pay for a repair. She’s your mom and she watches your kids all the time seems like. Tell him to be quiet, and would he treat his mother like that? I don’t think so, and if he is that type of person, I’m sorry for you.


Tell husband to stop being cheap he broke lawnmower and your daughter broke phone so it’s your responsibility


Her phone needs to be replaced no question. Look for a used lawn mower and replace it as well. Or take it somewhere and get an estimate on repairs, it could be something simple.


And maybe replace your husband too.


Replace them both for you mom, he has no idea how much $$ your mom is saving you two with childcare in general (never mind the fact it’s someone you fully trust & one on one) he is obviously as to how well you two have it honestly;


Family takes care of Family that’s how God designed it and that’s how it should be!


Replace the items and perhaps get a new husband as well. She is your mom. Support like that is hard to find.