I can’t believe I’m even entertaining this. Where has common sense gone where your husband is concerned? Of course both items need to be replaced and then he needs an education on the price of child care! Not even to mention the fact that having a family member watching your children is priceless!!!
Fix and or replace both, hes an a$$hat for taking your mom for granted
Replace the mower, the phone, and the husband. He has such little regard for somebody who is helping HIM.
Or leave your mom alone and pay somebody market rate. He’s taking advantage.
Replace all 3 of them. What a tool.
Definitely replace both
Would he replace both if they belonged to HIS mum? I’d say so. Please replace your mums items
I would replace both.
As someone (non-family) who was watching a child for a reasonable price to help and also had property damaged I agree with you that paying for the phone is the right thing. As for the lawn mower- I would see about having it repaired. If it is older or was sitting it might just need to have a tune up.
I’m sure if it was his mom he would be all for it? If your kids break something you replace if your have someone’s belongings and it breaks in your care you’re responsible
I agree with you. I would replace both.
Replace lawnmower, cell phone and your husband
If I had a momma like this I’d make sure she had her phone and lawn mower. There’s some grandma’s that do more harm than anything else. The ones that are there for the family deserve more than a lawn mower replacement smh
You’re right. He’s wrong.
Your daughter broke her phone so yes you are responsible period. The lawnmower replace it or pay half. After all she is family and you should always take care of family especially your mother. If it was his mom or family he would of did it with no hesitation.
You should replace both items !! Your husband is wrong in his thinking !!
Ummm. Be a man. It’s principle. Repair the lawnmower because that is what you do when you borrow something and it breaks in your possession, and replace her phone because it’s the right thing to do. If she broke his phone, he would be singing a different tune. Your gut is telling you right from wrong, follow it, even if he isn’t in touch with his own moral compass.
I’m with you all the way. If you had lawnmower then really right to replace. Let’s face it next time you need to use it she’ll happily lend so money well spent. I’d be definatly replacing phone if my child broke it weather was my mum or strangers phone. Maybe show your hubby cost of proper childcare compared to what you pay your mum. If he dosnt see point I’d consider trading in hubby lol
U should replace the phone and lawnmower retained people are having a rough time everything has almost doubled we have Angora goats their feed is out of sight and when u go to gro store it doubles every week on some things it will make your mom feel really good and if u are working just tell your husband it is out of your money let him baby set for long periods of time it’s tiring and the older u get the worse it is
Yeah you are in the right here. Especially about the lawnmower. And although your daughter was apparently in your mom’s care when she broke the phone, I think you doing the right thing by replacing it. If she had insurance on it it should only be around $50 to have the same brand/model sent. Your husband is not being responsible and should really be thankful that he doesn’t pay full daycare prices and just replace the items without being a child about it.
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You’re right.
You need to 100% replace all her things , no question about it.
Yes she deserves both replaced and a raise.
Both should be replaced
I definitely agree with you. Side note…grandma’s like that are a blessing.
Get the lawnmower repaired. Replace the phone. I’m shocked this is even a question on his part.
Replace Both and while at it replace your husband too
I agree with the rest. Replace both
He is wrong. You break it, you buy it. That’s always the case, regardless who the owner is.
Having a grandparent taking care of your child is absolutely priceless. So I’m going to have to agree with you on this. Ask him what he would do if it was his mothers things that got broken
Replace or repair mower. They should be on sale right now anyway. Replace the phone. Doing the right thing is always the best way to treat others
If you have the means to do it, please take care of your mom. Your husband is a tool!
No matter what the situation of you barrow something it’s is your job to give it back as good as you found it !! And the cell is your child’s fault then yes you replace it!
Replace them both she’s ur momma she loves u unconditionally an them baby’s I help with my grandkids regardless help her
Both should be replaced and hubby needs to grow up
To be honest, he is being a jerk. This is your MOM who dedicates her time to your CHILDREN!!!
Well have your mom throw his phone in the water and see who he thinks should replace it??
Imo, Replace all three. The lawnmower, phone and husband!
Umm…he’s definitely in the wrong,I’m on your side with this
You are correct. 2 separate things.
First I wanna mention that watching the child for you while you’re busy is payable but different when she takes the child for some quality time.
Anyways, you AT LEAST owe the phone. That was entirely your child’s phone and your responsibility to either pay back or buy a new one. She would still have it if not for the child. No matter whose belonging it was, you’d have to owe them.
As for the lawn mower, if he legitimately did nothing wrong this is up to you guys on what to do, HOWEVER I recommend and personally would replace it or give some cash for her to choose whether to buy a new one. Especially with you being her only income. If she’s a good mother and good grandmother, she deserves some help
The youve already said it. The right thing to do is take responsibility for these items in your care. Explain to your daughter her behavior in destroying the phone was wrong. Your husband better never to ask to borrow another item from anyone, if he thinks it’s beneath him to replace or repair these broken items. This is some much needed insight into his entitled behavior and needs to be dealt with now or you will be fighting it the rest of your marriage and he’ll be teaching it to your kids. And your mother is doing you a favor watching your child, and as you are aware it, for less than most daycare. Don’t make her start to say NO if your husband and kids keep tearing up her stuff. You’ll no longer even be invited over
Either replace them or let hubby pay going rate for daycare
You were brought up right you need to replace it ! there is no price too high for you to be able to leave for work ect and know your kids are safe. maybe if your mom takes a break and hubby needs to figure out child care he will see it in a whole new light. his attitude about this is horrible and disrespectful I wonder how he would feel if it was his lawn mower or cell phone . She raised her kids and now helping rase yours her grandchildren instead of finally having time for herself
Buy her both because you will feel better about it because you know she deserves it. She is on a fixed income and it somethings she needs to communicate and for her house.
Grandmas like that are SO rare & she sounds unconditionally loving & nurturing & thoughtful. You are absolutely right, your husband should learn to love & live better !!
He is absolutely wrong! Replace all of them.
Tell him to take a week off work and see how much your mom does to care for your kids, by doing it himself. If he still says you pay her too much, he’s full of .
You’re not wrong for thinking y’all should pay for replacements. That’s the right thing to do. If he won’t relent, suggest at least half. Your kid broke her phone in the very least…so it should be your responsibility to replace it. If he wants to be a jerk, put your kids in daycare and see him change his tune pretty quickly
Your husband is a narcissist, tra…shy and a cheapskate
You should replace what is broken if it is you all’s fault. Sounds like she does you guys a huge favor with your children. Have consideration.
I feel like you at least opened the door to a reasonable conversation. Your husband is being cheap.
Get quotes from daycares and show them to your husband and how is she supposed to be available to babysit whenever if she no phone I mean don’t go buying the latest but I’d get her a good second hand one for sure
Have him price daycare
A lesson for your daughters is that when you break something you fix it or replace it. Girl it sounds like you got your hands busy with that husband of yours. What your mom is doing for both of you and the peace of mind by babysitting under value is priceless. He needs to see what it would cost if you didn’t have your mom. Good luck
NTA. Replace both and while you’re at it, have your hubs go enroll your child in daycare and have HIM foot the bill.
If the lawn mower was such a piece of junk why did he want to barrow it in the first place
it only became that once the possibility of having to pay to fix it came about and it was no longer useful to him.
His whole outlook on this is Disgusting! 
Definitely replace whatever is broken. She deserves it. Ask your husband to put himself in her shoes. Especially, the phone is something really important and your child damage it without intention.
You absolutely should replace it doesn’t matter like you said it broke when your hubby was mowing, and yes get her a new phone too your child threw hers in the water and ruined it, what’s wrong w your hubby to not want to do what’s right!
Have your mom send him an invoice for the phone due to his child and the lawnmower since it was in his possession
So he can kept them separate
It’s your mom " what if it were his mom. I wouldn’t care what he said
I go by, if I borrow something I return it in the same or better condition. If my kids break something of someone else’s we always offer to replace it. They shouldn’t have to replace something we borrowed or broke. Paying your mother for childcare has nothing to do with replacing something of hers your child or you broke. Your husband is being unreasonable & should stop & think if it was the other way around & realize how lucky you guys are to have someone you trust watching your child & letting you borrow their stuff.
Tell you’re husband he is wrong and the going rate for a nanny is $20+ an hour
He doesn’t know what a blessing it is to have her!
My mom works full time and has taken over raising my soon to be 2 year old niece. Her hands are full.
Their other grandma is a busy bee and gladly takes them when my partner asks her. (She only speaks Spanish)
So tell him to count his blessings
You are absolutely correct! Regardless if the mower is a piece of junk or not it was hers to take care of her home and should be fix or replaced by him as he was using it. The phone yes because it was something your child did on accident or whatever the case maybe. We are on your side girl
He’s an a$$. You were brought up right. If this was his loved one, I guarantee he would be upset. Tell him being cheap might save him a few dollars in the moment, but it leaves a lasting impression.
I bet if those were his things he would expect them to be fixed or replaced. He needs to get a clue.
Replace them both. Irrespective of the fact she’s your Mum, it’s just the right thing to do. I have no words about what type of man hubby is, you live with him.
Taking the childcare aspect out of it: if something breaks while you’re borrowing it, or because of one of your children, it shouldn’t be a question of you taking responsibility to replace it. That’s just common courtesy.
I would look up rates for daycare centers in your area and show your husband how much you could be paying.
You broke it, you replace it, regardless who the person is. And let him pay for daycare so he knows how much it costs out there.
Replace both of them.
He’s wrong if you borrow something and it breaks you should replace it.
IMO, you should replace both. Both items were fully operational until your husband/child damaged them.
If anyone else was watching your children I thinknyoud have to replace the phone and same as borrowing items. That’s why I’m hesitant to borrow anything I can’t afford to replace. Offering to replace those items is the right thing to do… your mom may or may not accept your offer
What you think is right regardless of the relationship you have . Be it your mother or mother in law or someone totally unrelated to you . I believe you would do the same thing . Because you are sensible. You also want daughter to learn that to respect someone property is very important and if you don’t that has consequences. I would recommend you should let your daughter know the incident the compensation and let her take responsibility by cutting the time you take her to amusement park or not giving ice-cream or something.
Replace both! And replace that pos of a husband you got also!
Would he want someone to replace his phone if the role was reversed? Probably
Your husband owes her a lawnmower,
You both owe her a cellphone. Figure out with whatever financial situation you have with your husband so both are replaced.
Imo. He’s just wrong. Like, dead wrong. I’m sorry hun that your in this situation
If he was in her position I’m sure that he would expect and appreciate replacements for both items
Your responsible for her phone whether she babysits or not, or gets paid. The lawnmower is different, but since you are her only income it would be nice to fix it for her like a decent son in law should. Your dude sounds like less than a man, unattractive af. Cheap ass men are gross especially when it comes to family or ppl who do things for them. Ew.
Your husband sounds entitled. Replace what was broken.
He is acting like a ass
Nope. Your husband is being entitled. You should 100% replace both the lawn mower and phone. Lawn mower stopped working while you borrowed it and your child broke her phone. It’s only fair you replace them regardless of the childcare situation and payment for childcare situation. If those things happened with anyone else, y’all would be replacing them I bet. Shouldn’t be any different with your mom.
Tell Mr cheapo that daycare is very expensive and he should be thankful and he should replace the lawn mower or have it fixed and she definitely needs a phone
I would offer to pay for repairs on the lawn mower, or replace it if that is easier for you all, and def replace the phone…that is what is the right thing to do. What would he expect if his niece threw his phone in the toilet and ruined it? I bet he would expect his brother or sister to replace it.
I personally would replace and my own just based on what you’ve said your husband sounds like a jerk
It’s a no-brainer! Replace the lawn mower and the cell phone. And tell your husband to price other daycare centers and see how good he’s getting it
Replace the phone, fix the lawnmower (if it’s possible) and tell your husband to stop being so cheap.
Replace both and do not use her as a babysitter let him find help and let him screw them over it’s b.s your mom is going through this
Your husband is a jerk with a Capital J!
Sorry, but he is.
The going rate ( 2005) was $125 per week for one child and the daycare was open 12 hours a day. They gave 10% discount for second child.
Your Blessed Mother is undervalued and UNDERPAID.
Be a daughter first. Remember who gave you LIFE and who is loving and teaching your children when you cannot.
Both should be replaced. When you borrow something, you basically agree that if it breaks its replaced. I could understand if he wanted to buy her a new lawnmower and she was insisting on an upgrade and wanting him to buy a $1000 mower when hers was worth $300 but don’t have something break and not replace it. Also your kid destroyed her property like kids do sometimes. Also needs replacing. If your child broke your neighbors window then you would replace it. No difference. Would he be ok with his job telling him he needs to buy supplies for work with his own money for everyone and thats ok because he gets a paycheck? Probably not.
Your husband is being cheap. Tell him your mom makes it so you save on child care so put his big boy pants on. I would replace both if its a possibility.
Replace both. Tell him to grow up. Tell him to call around and get some quotes on weekly childcare. That ought to fix it.
Your mom helps you. You should help her
I think you should replace them( you don’t have a mower and you use hers) and she needs a phone, you need to check what the going rate for childcare is and show your husband, plus you are very lucky that your child gets to be with a loving grandma who you trust and not in a daycare
Ask him to price out daycares in your area. That should slap him back to reality quite quickly.
Your husband is a disrespectful “world owes me everything” kind of man child it seems from your post … ignore him and do what your heart told you to do in the first place which is the moral thing to do.
Why do u even have to ask him? Just do it (Matter of fact get rid of the husband)
Replace what’s been broken and if your husband has a problem with it than replace him to
You’re right, he’s VERY wrong. Your daughter should be taught the value of things, and if she’s on an allowance, it should go towards replacing the phone.
Repair or replace the lawnmower and replace the phone.
Both should be replaced, by you all.