So you guys take advantage of her by paying well below market value, break her things and he doesn’t see an issue? He’s a gem, he’s a keeper!
Pay your mom a decent rate and replace her items and tell hubby to get over it. END OF STORY.
I can’t stand when folks take advantage of family like that, ESPECIALLY the Grandmas, ones we can trust with our children. That’s hard to find.
I don’t believe you’re 100% responsible for the lawn mower. It could’ve just been coincidence that it broke especially if it’s old.
However, you should be 100% responsible for her phone. Your daughter broke it. You should replace it.
Daycare is like at least $25 a day here. Tread lightly lol it’s a privilege to have your parents be babysitters. A lot of us would kill to have that.
Your husband is being a jerk. Take care of your momma.
I agree with you. I would pay for the lawn mower & the phone.
In his defense:
It used to be common not to pay family for child-care, but that only works if said family doesn’t need an income.
The lawnmower may have been on its last legs and broken through no fault of his; in a rental situation he might have grounds to sue her.
The phone is actually dicey because she’s paid…if my kid broke my friend’s phone, I replace it. If the same happened at daycare? I’m not sure I’d feel responsible for that…
At the end of the day, though, what he’s really missing is that this isn’t a stranger off the street; I’d have helped my mom if she had dropped her own phone in water. I’d have fixed or replaced her mower if she needed one, even if I never touched it…it’s a family thing……
Um, it’s your mother. Regardless of any other circumstances in the equation, you want to replace these items. It’s your mom. You do what your heart says.
End of story.
As for the obligation - your daughter broke her phone. You replace it. Ever see a sign in a store “ you break it you buy it?”
And darn his luck that the lawn mower broke while he was using it. Same same. It was working better than his lawn mower ( I know! Case in point) so you replace it and borrow it as needed.
You would do those things for a stranger so whatever issues he has with your mom are exactly that- HIS issues. If it was his mother, I’m sure he would replace. Or not. That’s on him.
Your husband is wrong.
Pay your momma. Replace her phone and her lawnmower.
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You break it; you bought it. Replace both, even if it is a good used lawnmower. New comparable phone. Immediately. It would be hurtful to take advantage of your Mothers good graces. It may be a good idea to do some childcare cost research, for comparison, to give your cheap husband a fair perspective.
If tables were turned he’d probably be making sure she paid for them… just pay for them, lawnmower probably doesn’t have to be perfect but either fix or find a working one. replace cellphone if she does not have warranty already that covers water damage. speak with your mom about what her expectations are but obviously items should be replaced no matter how much you pay her.
Babysitting and damaging property are two different things
I would replace the phone and if the lawnmower isn’t that old have it repaired. Your husband should call daycares for a price and also see how he would feel putting his child in the hands of someone he doesn’t know. I couldn’t imagine sending my kids to someone I don’t know good and I had trouble letting my kids go to even people I knew.
Replace them both, your husband is wrong!!
Do some research and see how much daycare is in your area
Your husband is taking advantage of your Mom. Replace the mower (with a better one) and the Phone. And give her a raise. His head will spin then.
I agree with you for sure
Definitely replace the phone, the mower might have been on its last legs. Show him quotes from licensed daycares that should help to shut him up about paying to much
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Go to a real daycare then he can bitch
I would replace both. It is just the right thing to do whether it is your mom or not.
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HE is the jackass in that story !!!
Replace both. Get a price for what daycare would be.
You most definitely need to replace it and take him to a good daycare to get quoted for 2 kids so he can stfu. Maybe replace your rude cheap husband while you are at it.
Your husband is the same guy that borrows someone’s truck to move a few things and then doesn’t refill the gas tank.
Replace them and be done if you can afford it. Your children will never get the care she gives at a daycare
A honest adult would replace both items with a apology … a child will bicker about it….
So, personally I would tell that man he needs to deal with it because I think you are absolutely in the right and doing right by your mama. If you got a mama that loves you and puts you first. That’s a blessing. Choose her first, every time because a lot of these folks will come and go in your life but your mama (if you got a good one) will always be there. Appreciate her. Which I can tell you already do. Tell him to stop being like that because she does a lot for y’all and the reasoning behind you replacing her things makes sense. The lawnmower broke while he was using it and your daughter broke her phone. You’re trying to do the right thing and the solutions you have provided are reasonable.
Tell him to Pay for daycare in that case
Buy her both a new mower and a phone!! No questions asked.
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Replace the cellphone and mower
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Having someone whom watches your children full time and you trust is a huge deal. She uses that money for her income so I’m sure she can’t afford to spend a lump some.
The phone in my opinion was her fault… kids do stuff all the time and need constant supervision so I don’t think the phone is your responsibility.
However the lawn mower is. It worked when you guys got it. So you should help pay for it. Even if it wasn’t your mom’s. It’s common courtesy when you get borrowed something.
If he wants to be really cheap about it buy her a used one. Shit even tell her it’s an early Xmas gift but definitely don’t take her for granted. She’s helping raise your children and it’s your mom. Take care of her.
Your husband is wrong. Replace both and you know you are right on this one. Your mom goes above and beyond to help you, now reciprocate the benefits. Trust me you don’t want the could’ve, should’ve & would’ves when she’s gone.
Your mom sounds like an angel. Protect her and do whatever you can for her♥️
Replace it! He would be singing a different tune if he saw them daycare prices!
It sounds like your mom raised someone who recognizes the value of returning someone’s property the way you found it & that when your kids make mistakes, you’re financially responsible for fixing them - & his mom did not. He’s dead wrong & I would simply come apart:sparkles: if my husband ever suggested we not help my mom in literally any way necessary, & your mom is doing a really kind thing for your family, so I’d stand your ground on this one. Good for you.
Replace both it’s the right thing to do.
Turn it around on him. Would he expect someone to pay to fix his lawnmower and replace his phone if their child broke his and while in someone else’s possession the lawnmower broke? You’re paying her for a completely separate thing that has nothing to do with damage to her personal property.
She is your mom !!! That makes a big difference.
If the lawnmower was working before he took it, yes , he should get a new one or fix the old one.
If she were your babysitter ( not your mom ) I will not replace her phone , I’m a babysitter myself and I do not leave my phone or electronic devices where the kids can have it ,it’s MY responsibility to keep it safe
Also… start an emergency fund immediately.
Give him the option to start paying childcare fees or paying for mom’s items.
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He is so wrong, both items need to be replaced by you, hes lucky he gets the children looked after by nanny and so much cheaper than day care
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What in the world does child care and how she provides it have to do with replacing items that were damaged by your husband and by your daughter. That’s like her borrowing your car and Wrecking it and telling you to have it fixed
Replace them. Ur child broke her phone and ur husband broke her lawnmower. Ur husband needs a reality check. Let someone break his stuff and see if he wouldn’t want it replaced !!!
You absolutely should replace them.
His attitude stinks.
You’re supposed to take care of your parents and help them with their things. No question- husbands being unreasonable
Replace both. My mom use to help me out this way so much and didn’t accept any form of payment so I’d secretly be paying for a bill here and there and then she’d just get the receipts lol
But this hit home, I can totally relate… my SO thought it was okay to ASSUME My mom would watch our kids for free…
I would absolutely replace phone and show your husband going rates of daycare in area so he sees plus you can’t buy peace of mind knowing kids are safe and loved so don’t take advantage. Lawn mower maybe he just explain it broke and offer to pitch in a little to help buy a new one… or buy your own mower and just offer to mow her yard for her.
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Replace phone so she had a means of communicating during an emergency and the lawnmower especially if you are going to continue to use it. Good child care is hard to find!!!
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Replace them. How would he feel if it his mom
He is wrong on both counts.
Shame on your husband. Replace the lawnmower and the phone . Tell him to get his mother to babysit. That job is not easy. You work long hours and usually does other work.
Replace both lawnmower and phone and then replace that husband! to even consider treating your mother that way who cares for his children is beyond me.
Replace both the phone and lawnmower. Also, she’s your Mom. Give her extra $$ for being so accommodating and flexible, especially since this is her ONLY income.
If the lawn mower broke in his possession then yes he should fix it or replace it. As for the cell phone since your child threw it and she is your mother I would replace that as well especially if she has no other phone how would she call for help or call you if she needed something while watching your child/children. Also your husband needs to realize how expensive actual childcare is, he needs to appreciate that you guys have your mom as an option for a baby sitter because some people don’t have that luxury.
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Your husband is being extremely mean he needs a reality check!!
Your husband is being a jackass get her a new lawn mower and a new phone tell him to call a day care and see what they charge for one child and two children when she is on break
Definitely. Those both break on your watch and you guys should pay. Regardless of her How helpful she is even!
You should replace her lawnmower, her phone and your husband.
You should replace both you had something that did not Belong to you and I got broken therefore if he had it and it broke his replace it or fix it and with the phone situation you should get it fix for the simple fact if the roles were reversed would you want somebody to do that to you
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Replace both or go halves on the mower since you both need it and replace phone. He just needs to grow up and stop throwing a temper tantrum. Sometimes it takes family to help family. She can’t afford it. She’s paying bills on what you five her. I’m sure that’s not enough to replace both.
Definately your husband should get the lawnmower fixed for her. He was using it and by the sounds of it did in a regular basis.
And as for the phone, of course you both should replace it. Your daughter broke it. Why should she have all her things broken supporting your family and you not help repair them.
Whether you pay her for her helping raise your kids is beyond the point.
Husband is a cheapskate.
Replace the phone … that was 100% your daughters fault. Your husband may be right about the lawnmower but he can’t say that for certain so offer to go half on repair and then buy your own lawnmower.
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Treat her like she deserves to be treated, with love and respect and generosity!
You’re right. Your husband is wrong.
Your Mums one of lifes true Angels
Your Hubby sounds like a Dick
Both things … the mower & the phone should be replaced (the phone for sure) and the lawn mower partly if it wasn’t in good condition but lawn mowers don’t cost that much. It’s a lot of work watching grandchildren…
Call all daycares in your whole area get prices. Then throw all the real numbers in your husband’s face and tell him to sit down and shut up or HE WILL BE PAYING A DAY CARE MY HIMSELF!!!
You are right. The lawn mower has nothing to do with what you pay her for daycare and it broke while you were borrowing it. That makes it your responsibility to fix. The phone is something your child broke and should obviously be replaced by you. It’s the right thing to do.
you are right ma’am … honor your mom … he sounds whiney nd perhaps not fully mature …
What if it was his mom how would he feel about helping .
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You (or your child) break, you buy simple.
Maybe your husband needs to see how much child care really is when you don’t have the luxury of family.
Or let his own mother do it.
Take care of your mom her items need to be replaced I’m sure bby sitting for yall not paying her right daycare cost an arm n a leg help your mom out buy her phone n lawnmower even if u have to get it cheaper than what she had his so wrong.
I agree 100% with you. Get your local daycare rates and show him how much you guys are saving by your mom eat hing her.
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Yea if something breaks in ur possession or due to ur child u replace it
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First off as a grandparent you should not have to pay her to watch your children (if she us retired), replacing the phone i can totally understand since your child broke it but the lawnmower is tricky as just cause it stopped working does not mean your husband broke it… the whole situation also depends on how much your paying your mother to watch your kids… if its like 500+ no I would not replace the mower but if it’s like a couple hundred then yeah I could see going in half on it
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What if she just stopped babysitting & found a higher paying gig. How would the husband feel then when he’s paying full price. Sounds very immature. Just because she’s family doesn’t mean she has to give up her time for free, family does not equal free babysitter unless it’s a rare thing.
My oldest son (29) has helped me with things & I don’t even have grandkids yet. I still have my youngest son who is 14 at home. He does it out of love & the fact that I was all he had growing up. (He actually bought me a phone one Christmas because mine was old & stopped working.)
My nephew who lives with my mom broke my tv and my mom replaced mine
Your husband is a jerk sorry but he is both should be fixed and or replaced if she took his phone n broke it he would expect her to ?? Same with mower
And if she is watching kids for you
He should appreciate it whether ya all are paying her not im sure a daycare would be much more expensive n im sure she has bills to pay as well
Really not a fan of your husband based on what was said here
Replace it! What a jerk he is!
You broke it. you pay for it’s replacement or repair.
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Sounds as though your. Momma has done you a big favor, and is very good to you and your family. Don’t let your husband pull this crap, believe over the years my moma and daddy did so much for me, even after I was grown and had kids my self. I have saw them go with out to make sure I had. You only have one moma don’t let him do this. Even after he broke it, she probably didn’t even say anything about it or the phone. Put your foot down and do what needs to be done!!!…. What about his parents, what is their roll in your family, if I may ask???
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Your husband is gross. You suu hi oído be helping your mom out anyway.
Let your husband pay real day care prices and see how he feels after that about helping moms out. He isn’t gonna like the 300 a week it takes for Day care. Plus it’s your mom…ALWAYS make sure that lady is set straight! She likely always made sure you were growing up and even now by keeping your kids. Men aren’t real smart.
You’re husband is a piece of work. Only an entitled jerk thinks like that!
Wow maybe not buy a new lawnmower but certainly replace her phone and he should be mowing her lawn!!
If it was his Moms stuff would he replace it?
Also if Mom damaged his cell phone would he expect her to replace it?
It goes both ways
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He needs to chill. You’re in the right! Fix it and replace the phone. My mom watches my children while they’re on break and we’re at work. She puts them on the bus and gets them off. If they’re sick she will take them to the doctor so we don’t miss work. I bought her van. If she needs help with a bill, I help her. If her phone breaks, I replace it for her. She doesn’t ask for anything cause of it being her kids so do things in a different way to pay her. She needed a new shower so we bought her a shower. Etc etc. The hubby needs to chill.
He is cheap , good daycare is priceless
You are 100% right. Your husband obviously doesn’t realize how lucky he has it and sounds ungrateful. I would buy them.
Pretty sure your husband is a jerk
Yes help your mom for many reasons butt also she helping yaw and yaw can trust can trust her
Let HIM look into daycare for your children - see how much it costs. Tell him HE can pay for it if he thinks you are paying your Mother too much. You are working - buy your Mom a new lawnmower and a phone. If he doesn’t like it - let him ask HIS mom to babysit - full time on what you are paying your Mom.
I would replace or repair both the phone and the mower for her.
Yeah your husband Is a real jerk. If his things got destroyed he would want the person to replace it. Definitely replace it
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The mower yes phone no as childcare providers we know the risk n that things can get broke that’s on us not the parents cuz well accidents happen
Tell him to price daycare… well worth having someone you live and trust. She helps you so step up and fix her nose and phone