Definitely replace mower as it was in your possession. Number 1 reason I don’t borrow other peoples things. The phone I could go either way. Yea your kid threw it but why did she have it?
Your husband is being a selfish prick. Fix/replace the items or make him do the work your mother is doing instead
Id replace it and just let your hubby complsin about it!
I think you should replace them. You are paying her below market value already to keep you child(ren). They get better care being with their grandmother and they are creating a great bond of love.
Show him the prices of daycare. Maybe he’ll understand the savings she’s giving you. And I’ve always lived by the rule if I borrow something, I should have the funds or means to replace it.
you break it, you bought! the lawn mower is iffy, it couldve went while he was mowing and nothing couldve prevented that, but still could replace for her! and the phone, id make your daughter help on that one and teach her a valuable lesson! maybe talk to him about it again!
Tell your husband if you can’t replace the items for your mum then he can check out the cost of daycare as without your mum that’s what you’ll be paying, I lost my mum 3yrs ago & I would give anything to have her here, a phone & lawnmower is very little to pay compared to the piece of mind, care, teaching, love & the bond with her granddaughters your mum gives. What she gives is priceless. Your lucky to have her.
Your husband is very ignorant.He’s flat out wrong…replace them.
I’d replace both wtf.
Wow maybe he would appreciate her if she stopped
Sounds like to me u need to find u a good man
Your husband is wrong is being a jerk your mom’s helping you out and you know your kids are safe
You are right, the lawnmower broke during your use and your daughter broke the phone. Both need to be replaced
Yall should fix lawnmower and phone
You are right. That’s the moral thing to do. Your husband sounds like an a hole. I would absolutely replace those items. He should be Ashamed for thinking like that. It doesn’t matter if the mower was junk to begin with. Your mom was kind enough to let you use it and that’s the bottom line. Your child broke her phone and you should replace it. You said your not even paying her a fair wage for babysitting so how can he even think that offsets those seprate items? Personally I woukd do anything for my mother and knowing that’s her only income I would absolutely help her out. I would be so mad if my husband the mentality yours does.
Replace both!! Your husband is a ungrateful a**hole!!!
You’re mom is probably so proud of you! You sound like a great daughter who does right, your husband is being a
If it was the other way around he would replace his mother’s things right away
Sounds like you have a great caring mom
You are right. It’s your responsibility to replace the mower. The phone is kind of iffy cause she shouldn’t of had the phone. Maybe help replace it
Replace the mower, phone and the husband.
Yeah tell him he owes her a phone and mower & move on lol
Yes u should a mother is not a slave to take advantage of
Your right he’s wrong
I think of it all his way. If you had gone somewhere and “rented” a lawnmower and it got tore up in your possession, it is your responsibility to fix it. Same as the phone. If you were borrowing a friends phone and it broke while in your care, it is your responsibility to replace it.
Tell you hubby to pay up. Grandmother, myself included, deserves to be treated like the grand we are. Buy her the mower and phone. She helps you and you help her
If it was your mom’s property ( phone & lawnmower ) that was destroyed while in your possession or your childs posession when they got broken then YES your moms things should be replaced & as for babysitting, there is no law that states a grandparent has to babysitting or charge cheaper rates for babysitting… Us grandparents that babysitting do it cheaply because we would rather have our grandkids safe with us then to have just anyone watch our grandchildren… You have been blessed with a mother who wants to watch her grandchildren & at a cheaper price then the norm so your husband needs to take this Into consideration and do the right thing & just because your mom chooses to be payed or accepts payment for babysitting that’s don’t $$$ don’t count if her personal things end up broken while in your care… replacing these items is WHAT SHOULD BE DONE with 0 complaints period
He’s wrong. He was using it that means his responsibility if it got broke.what if it was a friends? Would he fix it then? Same principle. As for the phone,he should want to fix it since it’s your mom’s soul way of getting a hold of you, since she’s watching your children. Stop being a skinflint and own up to your responsibilities Dad! Your lucky you have someone that loves your kids,takes care of them and keeps them safe so you don’t have to worry about them while you’re away from them… !!
Replace both. Your husband is wrong.
Replace what was broken regardless of if he thinks he did nothing wrong it broke when in your possession so it’s the right thing to do! Same with the phone. I’m sure your mama will appreciate it you sound like a wonderful daughter
It’s your mom, replace that stuff and tell your husband that’s the end of the discussion.
To get a reliable care for your children is impossible. No amount you pay can be as valuable as her care.
The lawn mower and cell phone is a small price.
Your hubby is really ungrateful.
Yes. You should fix or replace items that broke in your care or at the hands of your children regardless of who it is. Family or now. That’s common courtesy
Y’all broke it, y’all fix it. Hes wrong and seems selfish and ungrateful for tgr wonderful asset your mother is to ur family
Well, your husband could buy himself a new lawn mower and mow his mother n laws grass for her as well as his own. As far as your mothers phone, if you know it is your daughters fault, buy her a new phone, if you cant reach her you cant check on your daughter or reach her to ask her to do these things for you? The mower I get, I borrowed my father n laws and it broke while I was using it, now we just pay someone to cut his grass because he is in his 70’s and shouldnt be out in this heat regardless.
She’s your MOM. If she needs the help, help her. Tell your selfish husband to start looking for childcare and maybe he’ll get a healthy dose of reality. Also, when was the last time he spent as much time with his kids, as your mom does? Taking care of other oriole’s kids is a lot of work.
If it was me I would replace both. Especially the phone since your kid threw it.
Your husband is a jerk!
Ya he Is so so wrong.
Seriously he is an ass.
Tell your husband he can check out the daycare prices, not cheap. Alot of people not working because they don’t have it or can’t afford it. Plus it’s so much crazy stuff going on in some of these daycares, it’s a must to have someone you can trust with your children. I’m sure he would feel different if it was his mom or maybe his sister was watching your children
If you break it you replace it. Simple. He’s being ridiculous.
I agree with you 100%. Tell him sorry little boy, but if I borrow something and it breaks, I replace it, also if my child breaks something of someone else’s, I replace it. just tell him to get over it…
You should definitely pay for her lawnmower and phone to be repaired or replaced. And maybe your husband needs to see the price that daycare facilities charge for childcare. (Not to mention, part-time or not, the second child your mom’s watching for free would be charged for also.)
Your husband is wrong. Your daughter damaged your moms phone. You should be replacing it. The lawnmower he should have fixed. And y’all don’t borrow anything else from anyone because in my world- if you break it, you buy it.
He’s definitely wrong. Sounds like he wasn’t raised to take accountability for his own actions. I hope your kids take after you instead of him. If you do something wrong, accident or not, you should always make it right.
He’s wrong! He’s taking your mother babysitting for granted. He needs to understand that you guys have a good deal with your mother for babysitting. You guys should replace the phone as it was your child who broke the phone and you guys should also replace the broken lawnmower.
He sounds like a brat lol at least you know to do the right thing, definitely replace both
Take the fact that she is your Mom out of the equation & you would be replacing the phone AND mower… the Fact she is your Mom shouldn’t make a difference… get 3 quotes from childcares in your area & show him how much your actually saving by having your Mom watch kiddos…
You are right you break something you replace it or fix it just do it anyway no matter what he says because he is wrong
If you broke something that isn’t yours it should be replaced. However with the phone I kinda feel like that’s on your mum for allowing a child to have it in the first place. It’s a tough one since your mums been so good to you but still many grandparents were I’m from wouldn’t charge for keeping the kid it’s judgement call. If keeping the kid stops her earning a living herself then yes pay up but I keep going back to the fact the kid shouldn’t have had the phone in the first place.
Not that you should have to, but. Suggest he get childcare quotes for comparison. Also remind him a licensed professional would expect broken items to be replaced regardless of the amount paid. He’s taking advantage of the situation.
I would replace lawn mower. If she wlingly gave my daughter the phone, then that on her, and I wouldn’t replace the phone.
Woah. How does he take no responsibility for those things?
Fix and replace them! Even if you guys weren’t paying her for child care, this goes without saying imo that they are replaced if broken while in your possession.
Get your mum a voucher and she can choose her own replacement mower and upgrade her phone as well
Tell hubby to take a hike.
Your mum your rules
You only get 1mum spoil her the way she did you growing up
My mum had a my girls regular she put her money in a jar for the girls Christmas holidays spending money at theme Parks
Have your husband call a few daycares in your area and ask the weekly tuition. I bet that will shut him up!
You break it you replace it, what would he have said if it was his mother
Seriously, as someone who doesn’t have her mom anymore, this is so, so small to do for her and all she is doing for you, my mom provided child care as well. This is small stuff. Do what is right and cover these things for your mom. She is a blessing and treat her as such.
Separate things. If she’s the type of mom that goes out of her way to help you, help her back. Sounds like she’s saving you money (and worries having your kids in daycare) anyway
Your husband is in the wrong
Replace the husband
Replace phone, lawn mower & husband
If they break when I use I replace my kid break something that wasn’t there’s I replace and will get the option punished/ass whooped or can work until phone is paid for
Your husband is an ass! Do not listen him and do what’s right which is replace both items AMD not out of her pay
I think you owe her for those things. Baby sitting is expensive and if you had to go outside the family you would be paying much more and not have the security of knowing how your child was being cared for. Besides does she furnish food for meals, buy her toys or clothes. All that adds up really fast. I’d tell hubby to call around to day cares and get quotes.
Lawnmower yes u should because it was in your possession and being used by u. The phone definitely not, the child did it while in her care that’s her problem for not watching the kid.
I would definitely replace the mower
I don’t even need to read the whole thing. Show your husband the cost of day care/ childcare. Then tell him to take several seats and stfu and get mama what she needa
Tell him to grow up and man up and since he broke the lawnmower he should replace it and you should replace the phone too
Replace both. I totally understand your point of view she is watching the kids for yall and I’m sure if it was his mom he would do the same
Be careful with this situation. Your mom agreed to keep your child for the rate you pay, neither party “owes” the other if both parties agreed to the terms. However, your child broke her phone, I think you are responsible in that respect. The mower, while your husband may not have caused the issue, it was in his care when it messed up. She loaned it to you and now she is without a mower. Repair is a fair deal.
If you work you replace it.
I would do it regardless of if my mom watched my kids. Its mom! But since she does care for your child its even more reason - phone so she can call if an emergency came up - with her or child - (and your child broke it) and mower to ensure my kids had a safe yard to play in. Ive bought my well paid caregiver a pool and such as it makes my kids time there better.
Ive been married almost 30 years and we decided early that what I decide and discuss with my parents and vice versa is off limits to the other. (Not as in keeping secrets - but making decisions is my choice).
I definitely feel like it’s your responsibility to buy her a new cell phone and maybe go halves on the lawn mower depending on the condition it was in.
He’s being ridiculous. You clearly acknowledge you pay her way below the market value of daycare. So getting a new phone and lawnmower is probably not in her budget. You should def replace her things since they were broken while at the hands of your husband and child. Don’t take advantage simply because she’s your mother.
I don’t get why people treat the ones closest to them worse. I can almost guarantee if this was a random person he would fix it without hesitation but somehow doesn’t want to because he feels entitled because she’s family. He needs to be grateful & treat her like it.
You could be paying her a fortune. That has nothing to do with the face that your daughter broke her phone and her lawnmower was broken while in your possession. Your husband needs to get a grip! Both most definitely should be replaced.
He’s wrong definitely replace the items
Your husband sounds like a fall down… my husband would be mowing my mom’s lawn for her with his own mower.
Fix the mower and replace the phone…i agree with you…let him check out day care prices for each child and then check out lawn services regarding prices he will be paying every week…then tell him to choose…but i would still fix moms , regardless of his decision
Definitely replace. Show him market value of daycare etc and tally hours used daycare
You’re husband is being an unreasonable asshole
Send him to look at a childcare place and ask how much they charge! Maybe a lawnmower and phone would then look cheaper! He’s out of touch and spoiled with having a babysitter whenever he needs one!
Your husband is being cheap and ungrateful. Even if you didn’t pay her to watch your kids she’s your mom! Both things are your fault you should replace them!
Your husband is definitely WRONG
He is crazy. If you are paying her less then if the child went to daycare. I would print out daycare costs and what you pay your mom and show it to him in black and white. It’s different when you see it and hear it. I would replace both the lawnmower and phone.
You are already getting a great deal on daycare. Let your husband know how much more it would cost if you had to pay an actual daycare. You should replace the phone because your child damaged it. The lawn mower maybe was old and would have broken anyway but you should help pay for it since you have been using it.
the rule is if you (or your kid) breaks something trust belongs to someone else, it’s your responsibility to replace it
If you have a mama who’s taking care of your children and teaching them and readily available whenever however do right by her and replace her things! Your hubby sounds like a jerk! Our parents sacrificed a ton for us and we do the same for them period! I agree with everything pay her for watching your children replace her phone and mower! Teach your hubby empathy, if the roles were reversed he’d want to be paid and his things replaced period!!!
Fix both, pay mom fair market value and tell husband to shut up.
Not only foix the lawnmower and get her a new phone but your hubby should get his but over and do her lawn every week!!
You’re right momma, he’s being a selfish prick.
100% replace the mobile.
Replace it and tell him to call daycares and get rates. Child care especially good child care is expensive.
He is wrong. I would replace the items.
Should replace both, without any thought tbh .
Your responsibility. You borrowed her mower and it broke while your husband was using it. Your daughter ruined your moms phone also your responsibility.
I’d definitely replace both. Thats your mom you only get one!
Get a quote from a local daycare and show him that you are not paying her market value. Then fix or replace them regardless of what he says.
Replace both and tell him to do it with a smile. It is so comforting to know that your girls are in good safe hands while you can’t be with them. That itself is worth its weight in gold.
Your husband is entitled and immature