His momma didn’t raise him right, but yours did.
Fix the lawn mower and replace the phone! You are fortunate to have a family member who loves your child caring for her.
You’re doing the right thing.
Show him the cost of regular daycare, & regular daycare hours. That alone will get him to understand just how much your mom is doing, & that you just want to do your best to make sure she doesn’t feel taken advantage of.
Put the children in to daycare and watch how quick he moans about the price. He should count himself very lucky, having your mum step up whenever you both need her. He’s actually being a right dickhead. Both phone and lawnmower needs to be replaced and your mum deserves a payrise for being so awesome.
I can’t believe you want your mom to mow your grass. Your husband sounds like he doesn’t appreciate what she does. Sorry
Replace her phone. Your daughter broke it that’s at least you can do.
I would buy a lawnmower if it broke in my possession and if my kids were to ever break or destroy someone else’s property I agree with you it would be my responsibility to replace it
Your husband is WRONG! Replace the mower. He is being cheap or he would have his own mower and wouldn’t have been using hers… it was in his possession when it crapped out.
Tell your husband you will also be replacing the phone. Next phone needs insurance.
Then go to three day care places and the note the fees and if they provide food and the hours of operations. Any time after the hours of operation find a nanny and find out their fee per hour and hand him the info and tell him your momma is saving you HUNDREDS a month. Tell your husband day care starts the next Monday and y’all need to schedule her pick up times as well. See how he likes THAT bill
Maybe HE ought to stay home with his kids for a couple of days and see how much it’s worth then! Not very respectful of his mother-in-law at all
Definitely fix the lawn mower and replace her phone! She’s doing you a favor and she is your mom.
Definitely replace the phone
Definitely fix the lawnmower and replace the phone!! That’s absolutely absurd that your husband sees it differently!!
Tell him to lookup how much daycare costs are……I’m sure he’ll change his mind!!
Have your husband look into trying to get the girls in day care and have him figure out the cost. That should set him straight. You’re mom deserves those things no matter what he decides.
Your husband is being a cheap je-rk. Regardless of whose stuff it is, if you borrow something, you return it in the same condition or replace it. Same with your own child breaking someone’s phone. Insane to me. Give her a raise too if you already know you’re cheating her out of fair pricing for the work. You’re just as bad.
Fix the lawnmower! If your daughter is a toddler not yet school age grandma should be more aware and not leave her valuable phone out for toddler to get to. You should offer her money toward a replacement phone and educate grandma and daughter
He’s a jerk.Replace ur mom’s stuff. And if he doesn’t like it.Replace him
Man I always always try to see both sides of the story when I read these. But nope, not this time. Your mom needs to get on your phone plan. It’ll save everyone money and she’ll get a free phone. Negotiate that in her wages if you want. Your hubs may like that part. And geez if I had broken a lawn mower while borrowing it, I’d be replacing or repairing it. It’s not a cup of sugar. Lord, tell your mom to take a week off and watch him struggle a bit. Maybe he’ll appreciate her. Especially if you have to pay for childcare that week.
All I have to say is that “you break it you buy it”
The lawn mower can’t really be proven but the cell phone can. Not to mention if she’s willing to let you borrow her working lawn mower and you give it back broken, regardless of if he didnt do anything to break it it was still broken when you handed it back so it should be replaced. Ya man needs to stop acting like Mr engine crabs.
I’d suggest getting him to call around and price daycare.
Then I’m sure he’ll be glad to buy the phone and lawnmower
I agree with all of the above.
take your children to a day care center and let your husband pay the cost for 2 children…that will SHUT HIS BIG MOUTH!!!
Have your husband pay for a daycare then he will see moon in the day
Do whatever you can to help your mother
Your husband is greedy and selfish
Yes get rid of your worthless husband…
Replace your moms stuff.
You babysitting money is pay for work not pay for things your child and husband break. It should be replaced or fixed.
He voiced his opinion and good for him. You should do what you feel is right. He will get over it.
Give her a raise, and replace her stuff. Your husband is wrong. And sucks.
Show him what daycare costs. This is basic math.
Also make your daughter do extra chores to work off the replacement or repairs to the cell phone.
Replace the items and replace your husband. Disrespectful to your mother and all she does for you.
Your husband is selfish. Yes you owe her phone and lawn mower. And consider paying her more since she is doing such a great job. You’d have to pay more for a whole lot less quality of care for your children if she wasnt helping you. !
Buy your Mom a mower and a phone, end of story!!!
Buy your mom new stuff…NOW!!!
You pay for both…bottom line!
You should certainly replace both of them regardless of what your husband thinks, it’s morally right to do so.
You should replace your sorry ass husband
Definitely replace the lawnmower and the phone because one was broken in his possession and the other ya’lls child broke. It’s common decency. You have the right idea, he should get on board
Remind your husband that if your mon took you to court she would win and you would most likely have to pay attorney fees for her.
Your husband doesn’t sound grateful enough.
I agree with all above, replace said items and yes i would be making your daughter earn the cost of the phone back. I would also buy your mum a huge bunch of flowers , because you can’t buy the love that she give’s to your child.
Ask your husband what if it was his mom? What would he do then? I say replace her phone and fix her mower regardless what he says or thinks it’s just the right thing to do.
You should absolutely replace your moms stuff. He needs to grow tf up. Like, if the situation was reversed, I’m sure he would expect his stuff to get replaced.
If you borrow something from someone and it breaks, you fix it, have it repaired or replace it. If you or your children are at someone’s home and they break something, the same rule should apply
Even though your mother is a grandparent, she isn’t obligated to babysit daily. Because she is on a fixed income, compensating her is fair. If you had to pay day care, you would not have some of the luxuries I am sure your mom offers. Such as keeping the children when they are sick.
Your husband is being inconsiderate and needs to be a little more appreciative of grandma’s help.
Buy her the mower & phone (or repair, whichever is most feasible) your husband needs to understand that just bc it’s your mother doesn’t mean it should be handled if you where to have borrowed from a neighbor. Also it should be noted that this is also a showing of respect and valuation of her help (yes I understand she’s paid) but your daughter is getting to spend precious time & finding another person with this flexibility & the amount of trust you hold would be virtually impossible.
I’m an Alpha female, yup you Break it YOU replace it.
I would say you are right, my mum will no longer be watching our child I’ve put her in daycare and the new bill will be xyz. I bet he’ll change his tune when he sees how lucky you guys are.
If you break something you replace it. 100%. The lawnmower broke while you used it, you replace it. Your daughter broke the phone, you replace it.
In my eyes, he is being ungrateful and selfish. You are paying your mother below minimum wage for providing excellent care of your children. She is accommodating her schedule around yours, AND using items that belong to her.
Your mom deserves a new lawn mower, a new phone (it sounds like your younger child is still young), and so much more.
He’d be paying over 400.00 weekly in child care for your younger child alone, not to mention the times she takes your older child.
Your husband would be the first one asking for something he let someone borrow get replaced or fixed if it broke in their possession. Your husband has to be a bit more grateful of what your mum does for you so you can both work and your kids grow up the way you want them to be. Your mum also has the kids outside of the hours Day-cares’ are in operation. You do what you know is right and shut your husband up he don’t sound to nice.
Your hubby is being unreasonable
Pay for both . Yous broke it you replace it. Your husband sounds shit. Get a know one of those too
Your husband is being selfish and immature concerning this definitely replace the cell phone they are still offering the free life line iPhone for low income people you pay nothing unlimited minutes unlimited everything if you receive Medicaid or food stamps or just plain low income under $40,000 yearly income since you don’t have mower yourself borrowed hers he may not have purposely done anything wrong but she did something right she loaned it to you any son in law should want to help mother in law if able too knowing it will be available if you guys need to borrow again he evidently doesn’t realize what a blessing it is to have a mother who is willing to jump in help with child care knowing your children are safe not with strangers shame on him he should do the right thing on his own your mother is a extension of you a man should honor that my son in law is quite the opposite thank God
He sounds ungrateful. I wish I had someone in my life like your mama. Child care is crazy expensive. It shouldn’t be an issue to replace her things. That would upset me if I were you too. You only have one mom and she’s good to your family. It’s not like she has all this extra income to fix it herself
No debate. Both should be replaced without question.
No, he owes her a lawn mower and you both owe her a new phone.
Your husband is a doushe if it was his mom would it be different?
I agree with you. Both items should be replaced. Your husband is an $$h:o2:le.
I bet if it was his mom, he would replaced them right away.
You should definitely replace the phone. I’m not sure about the lawnmower… just depends what the issue is.
He’s being a asshole…the fuckn check of it too…watch how fast hel be complaing if mom stopped doin wat she does
I just wonder if this was his mother if he would say the same thing. It would at least be common courtesy to get her a new phone and fix the lawnmower.
He should just fix the damn lawn mower out of the goodness of his heart, and his daughter ruined the phone and he should replace it. WOW.
Never heard of paying for childcare to include a lawnmower. If you have been using hers for some time then maybe it’s his turn to buy the “next ” one.
You definitely fix or replace the lawnmower…and if your kid breaks something…same thing fix or replace. It’s just the right thing to do. Funny story: my uncle borrowed my dad’s table saw. When he was bringing it back it fell out of the truck and he bought my dad a new one… I remember my uncle laughing saying he should have just bought himself one instead of borrowing…he was out the money anyway also don’t borrow if you can’t afford to fix or replace:woman_shrugging:t2:
Break it you replace it. Like today someone broke something of mine while working and they went out and got something to fix it.
My opinion is like many others. You owe her a lawn mower and phone. He is ungrateful and also selfish and definitely immature. He is saving a lot of money having your mother do day care. He would be paying a whole lot more if your kids were in private daycare, not to mention private daycare doesn’t lend out lawn mowers. You are lucky to have someone you know and trust watching your kids. If he continues to behave this way, ask him how much he thinks child support would cost him.
Your husband needs to grow up. He’s paying waaaay less than the standard for what I’m sure is above average care since she’s their grandmother. The lawnmower is on him and if his children break something of someone else’s that should be on him too. I guess he could do the math to see what he would need to pay for regular daycare but they won’t be catering to the needs of your child alone they’ll have to compromise to what’s best for everyone. Something this guy apparently missed
I would replace both
If you borrow something its your responsibility to return it working
Oh h.e.ll no. We bought to box .Any one husband the pope I don’t care who comes out the mouth disrespectful towards my mom. I’m literally getting out the gloves and I’m tearing the AZZ up the first time so there won’t never be a second. Also why did you need to ask him. you are grown , that’s your mother you go ahead and do what’s right and hope he come out his mouth and if he do let him spit out his chiclets with one wap.
Get rid of your husband🦶🏻
If you borrow something, you are responsible for it. Do the right thing and be Proud of such.
In my opinion if your husband/ child broke her things they should be replaced. Totally different situation from paying her to watch your children.
Tell him to price ACTUAL daycares for your children and the hours. He will change his mind.
The phone absolutely needs to be replaced. I understand spending money when not expected really sucks but she shouldn’t have to use that money to replace that phone. Your husband should value your mother more and the important place she has not just in helping but in your daughters lives so actively as well and the relationship she has with the kids. Get the phone asap then get her the lawnmower too.
She’s your Mother & should be respected . If someone broke something of your husband’s he’d be pitching a fit like no on one has ever seen. As for the kid & the phone. It’s your child and you and your husband are responsible for her actions. Fix it or replace it!
Replace the mower ,phone and HUSBAND!
Problem solved.
You fix or replace the lawnmower. Period. As for the phone, you can pay for half. It was in her possession and should have been put up.
As for your husband, show him Daycare rates and tell him to be an adult.
If he borrowed a lawn mower from day care…he would have to repair or replace.
If she broke day care workers phone…you would be replacing that as well!. Just because she is family does not remove responsibility
Husband is wrong!!! Your mum is doing YOU BOTH a favour. Not the other way around. Both Ute’s were broken while in the hands of your family. Either fix or replace both. And whether or not the mower was a piece of junk or not, HE still needed to use it. And had no complaints before it broke
Pay your mother like you promised her, pay for the lawn mower, you do not realize what a bargain you are getting, my family pays a Thousand dollars per month for each child, they have two children.
Well, say this was ur friends mower or phone this happened to.would you replace it??? U should
Rude entitled pos! Put your kids in daycare and see how much he enjoys the bill! Look after your mum (she’s looking after you and hubbys future and your kids) get her the phone dont even offer! And replace the mower it’s the right thing to do!
I dunno man, I feel like there’s more to the story. Either that or your husband’s a little dumb lmao
Yikes Your husband sounds like a bum, take care of your mother
I’d fix the lawnmower and replace and/or fix the phone.
Then make your husband give up the things he wants and have him pay for he daycare.
Replace that POS and replace ur mom things also
Your kid broke her phone, y’all owe her a new one. With the lawnmower…If you borrow something and break it, you fix or replace it. If he won’t let you replace them then tell him you will replace mom with an actual sitter and let him do the math on how much he is no longer saving and tell him the things HE will now have to go without as well. Let’s see how quick he replaces the phone and lawnmower…
You are absolutely responsible for those items, and they need replaced. Paying for childcare is not the same thing and does not offset anything.
Replace both items they were your Moms.you said your self she only has the money she makes for baby sitting for you .The items were borrowed from your mom ,please replace them your Mom will respect you even more.
You owe your mother more .
Your husbands being a brat. Simple as that
If you broke it you fix it
Ask what he would do if it were his mom.
Buy your mother a new phone, after all she needs one. Even more so watching your children all the time for way less than what she should, apparently. Then find her another lawn mower, either used or fix the broken one. Simple.
He sounds like he wants wants wants wants
Tell him to go pay childcare and see how much that costs let alone the other crap that comes with childcare like constant sickness etc
Take care of your mum
Replace the things that’s should be
why are jou paying her at all. she is jour mom, unless she really needs the money for food or so. definitly replace what she needs.
Your husband needs to grow up and buy his own lawn mower if he doesnt want to pay to fix it. And maybe pay a real babysitter and see if hes gonna like paying more and going by the sitters hours. Yes he needs to grow up!
Replace or repair both.