My husband doesn't want anymore kids but I do: Advice?

Well I wouldn’t get pregnant…but that is definitely something you guys should agree on. How old is your current child? Ours are 4 1/2 years apart! And it took us six months or so to even get pregnant once I stopped birth control

A lot can change in 9 months… I’d bring it up closer to when your removal is coming up. Maybe a solid 8 months of it not being a contentious issue will give him time to come around to the idea. Maybe come removal time you guys can decide to give it 6 months or some other time frame you can agree on to see if it happens and then go back on birth control if it doesn’t.

Tell him the birth control is I to him. If he does not want any more children then he needs to take care of business. I made the terrible mistake of having a tubal at my previous husbands insistence because he did not want any more. My new husband has no children of his own and we can not afford to have IVF or a reversal done.
From experience, do not alter your body for anyone else.

Took my husband 2 years of me crying and being a hormonal emotional wreak before he agreed. Time?

I didn’t want anymore, but my husband wanted another. We did. I love my daughter, but the whole reason I didn’t want more was because I already felt overwhelmed with 2. I struuugle to like being a mother most days. I’d say leave it.

We have 6 kids between my husband and I with our youngest together being 4. I would love another baby. I’m only 35 and feel baby fever bad. But my husband is 46 and feels like he’s be to old if we had another baby when it graduated. But with him Being older I do see that and we would love to travel and whatnot in our life. I’m torn and don’t want to think my baby baring years are over but I do understand his side.

I’m an only child and really wish I had a sibling!!

Drop it and wait if it’s still something he doesn’t want maybe you should think about parting ways. Not fair to pressure him and not fair for you left wanting more.

Can you afford another. He will fall in love.with it

The best gift that you can give your first-born is a sibling. That being said, obviously y’all have some talking to do.

I am just so glad my husband and I both agreed we neither one wanted anymore before we got married!

I know someone that wanted more than 1 and he didnt. After a while she decided to divorce and remarried and had another. As much as he doesnt want another she may not be able to get past wanting more.

My onely child adult nephew, said he would never do that to a child, hes married with 5 kids.

Respect it , stop trying to force the it onto him. You obviously think your happiness and wants matter more than his, they don’t. This isn’t something you should force on someone Maybe get counseling to figure out where you want to go from here, if you really want to continue in a relationship where you wont be able to have more children. But please respect his decision! Just because your a women doesn’t give you the right to attempt to force a child on your partner. If it was the other way it’d be seen as abuse. Just think about that… a man constantly fighting and pressure his female partner to have more children after her saying she’s done. It’s not okay.

If you want 1 with your husband that is great. If you want to raise 2 alone then have another one.

If you’ve had a chance to have children at all you should respect your king if he doesn’t want anymore. Now is the time to settle and enjoy what you already have.:heart::100:

Sorry to say but looks like you need to find a new man this was the main deal breaker between me and my first husband I wanted kids he didn’t

Pray that his heart changes. Give him space. Encourage calm discussions without ambush or manipulation and if that fails know there are many who wished for this until they lived with two teenagers :joy:

I always wanted a big family. My husband had custody of his son and daughter from a previous marriage. We had many discussions PRIOR to marriage about how many children to have. We mutually agreed to 1 and MAYBE 2. We had our 1st…a girl. It was wonderful. However she was sooo unhappy and lonely when the ex exercised her right to visitation and somewhat extended stays. Again my husband and I had a serious conversation about adding to our family (I for some reason always wanted 6 children). We agreed that adding another child to our family would be perfect…so 4 it was going to be. I easily got pregnant and lo and behold…TWINS! We were ecstatic! Close enough to 6 I guess lol.

Men have rights too… If he loves you… If he is a good dad to yourcurrent kid… Respect his decision.

I had three kids from my previous marriage when I met my husband I found out two months after we started dating that I was pregnant. ( I was on birth control) I told him that was it. Then I was told by my doctor that I wouldn’t be able to carry more so if we wanted more then I needed to do it soon, we talked and he really wanted to try for a boy so we tried we ended up with a little girl and I got my tubes tied. He was a little bummed but understood

I would drop it and bring it up again a little closer to getting your birth control out.

And no getting pets it’s not the same

What are his reasons for not wanting another child? Because a believe paying attention to his reasons will give you all the answers. Maybe not the answer you want but the one you need to decide for your life.

More kids is a two yes scenario no questions asked. Going on with anything other than full agreement is inappropriate and anyone who does should prepare themselves for the possible consequences of that choice.

My husband wanted to stop at one kid. I stressed the importance of our child having a sibling. He gave in and said we could try for a little while and see what happened. It was a struggle to get him to participate, but two and a half years later I became pregnant with boy/girl twins. One baby for each year I failed to get pregnant. :heart::heart::heart:

I don’t want anymore, my youngest is 10! My husband wants another 1

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You either settle or leave.
What else do you do.
He doesnt want another dont force it on him.

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Don’t do it!!! That will ruin your whole marriage. If you feel that strongly…maybe consider splitting up. But do not force that man to be a Dad again. Biggest mistake you’ll ever make.

I need more information before I can give an opinion. How many kids do you have ALL together? How old is the youngest?

Dont do unless you want to be raising it on your own

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My husband has been saying that ever since he had his first kid. He has 6 sons.

Don’t have another or it will kinda ruin everything right now. I know it’s hard to hear because it’s hard for me to say but it’s the truth

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I want to point this out since I’m seeing a lot of this, my husband and I were set on NOT having any more kids. I have a daughter and he has a son (6 and 13). We didn’t even think about having another baby (first one together) until a year after we were married and it was 50/50. After talking for a while, we decided to just go ahead and try for a baby despite our age (I’m almost 27 and he’s 33) and me having endometriosis. We tried for 6 months before getting a positive and we both couldn’t be any happier! I’m currently 29 weeks with my second daughter and his first daughter! :grin:

Right now, we don’t want anymore and both talked about making that permanent, but we both decided that we would wait a year or two and see where we are at. We changed our minds, and your husband could very well change his mind too. It’s a big decision and I would definitely not hound him about it because you can’t just have an answer overnight. Give it a year and see where you guys are at.

You guys are married so that means you’re a team, it’s not just his decision it’s Both of y’all decision, so it needs to be made together

My husband was set with our son as he had a daughter. We got a surprise at 9wpp when i went in for birth control and was pregnant lol. We had another son. We are ttc a 3rd now for 10 months now. He got on board for trying for a girl july of last yr. Just looked at me and said make an ob appointment to remove ur bc early. I did and we are hoping i get pregnant soon. Our youngest turns 4 next month. Men take time

Should have worked this issue out before getting married…imo

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I’d leave it for now. Given the times we are in right now in this world he may just be scared financially etc. There’s alot going on around us.

Wake up another baby isnt in his budget maybe that’s why he doesn’t want another baby so get a hobby or another husband but think about it

I’d give it time. My husband didn’t want #2. But we ended up deciding to have #2 then he got fixed. He probably just needs time. I wouldn’t press it right now especially considering your not even 100% you want another.

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Either leave him. Or dont have another kid. But this is kinda above anyone in here pay grade. Talk to your husband not tbe world

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First off chill. Because if you are fighting him why would he want another kid with you.

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I would switch out your birth control on schedule and give it more time. Sure you can discuss the reasons, and y’all both should be able to say your thoughts with no judgment from the other. However. This is definitely a decision you want to be on the same page with. It would be terrible if one side forced it and the other held resentment. Time time time. Wait it out. If it doesn’t change then you have to decide where y’all go next. Are you going to go have a baby with someone else? Is this a deal breaker for you? Is it a marriage ender,or something you can live with? All good things to think about. Just discuss.

Don’t discuss it just get off your birth control if he don’t want to have kids he’ll go get fixed don’t discuss it it’ll be just as much his fault as it is yours

Don’t do any precautions and the make it like it’s an oops

It’s a hormone thing. It’s natural for women to want children. Why aren’t you satisfied with what you have?

The man said no more kids no more kids. What’s so complicated about that?

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Maybe drop it until you aew about to have your BC removed. Then suggest not trying but not preventing it either?

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How many do you already? Can you both afford 1 more??
Do you have the room?? And I’m big on prayer…

dont be in a hurry to have another at this time. The world is still in a pandemic panic and economies are falling.

I wouldn’t have any more. Kids just cause stress and problems in a marriage.

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Give it time and then suggest he get it fixed on his end if he’s that adamant

Adopt a puppy.When someone says there done.They done.

Sometimes an argument like that normally result like divorce so I would really tell him you need to have a serious conversation with it because if you can’t even agree that you don’t want any or won’t have any more kids because he doesn’t want any more kids than you’ll find yourself resenting him which will end up resulting in divorce

Dont rush it. Give it time. Dont ask every single day/week/month. Maybe once a year. Bring it up nonchalantly when looking back at old pics of you prego or seeing a cute baby pic/video and be like "I miss being prego " or “I miss having a baby this small”

Have you asked his reasons for only one child?
Children deserve 2 parents.

Why not just respect that?

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If you don’t agree on having more kids, do NOT have more kids. That is a no brainer. He has communicated his wishes and you need to respect that.

Make him get snipped then, that way if this causes you guys to split you can still conceive in the future

Then you can go have a baby while your husband doesnt! He cant force you to have kids and you dont get to force him either!

I’d compromise on one more if you can get him to and then be done mine didnt want anymore either after the first and were on our 3rd the second and 3rd were surprises but what can he do if your not on bc anymore they arent gonna go without sex for that reason either just stop taking it long enough to have number 2 :joy:


Consider the current world situation but also try to understand why he doesn’t want more.

Interesting question, me, after 4, I scheduled my vasectomy
Is their a specific reason?
Have you prayed, if you do so?

Respect his decision but leave it on the table, maybe he’ll come around if he see’s how much it means to you.

You have to decide. My husband didn’t want more children after we had our son, but I always wanted a big family and he knew that from the beginning… eventually he did want another child and we stopped there. I wanted more kids but my body couldn’t do it. And I’m thankful we only have our two. I however was prepared to leave if that wasn’t something he would compromise on because I was dead set on another child at the least, he knew this before getting married, he knew this before we ever considered trying for kids and he knew this while we were trying. So him not wanting more kids like I did after we had everything planned and known was a deal breaker to me because my biggest dream in life was to have children. Babies make you not want more kids though cause the waking up all hours of the night etc. it’s rough. But if he’s dead set on not having another you need to sit down and have a come to Jesus talk with yourself. If this is something you 100% want and it doesn’t seem like you’re getting what you want out of life, personally I’d have to leave. But if you’re not even sure you want another one I wouldn’t fight about it I’d just say “well we can talk later down the road” because people do change their minds but that doesn’t mean he will… I however personally couldn’t imagine not having more children, that just wasn’t something I’d compromise on.

What r his reasoning not having more?

What’s more important your marriage or your desire to have another baby???

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Yikes. Did you discuss this before marriage?

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Do you want your child to have a sibling?

Or trick him with a birth control lie and then surprise honey, we are pregnant. How about that?!:laughing:

Advice for tables turned?

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I have been here. I chose to have another baby, and it ended my marriage. You have to choose between your husband and child.

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Do you really want to bring another into this world now???

Why would you want to try to coerce your husband into having another baby that he doesn’t want? So he can resent you? Or worse, the child? If he said no, that’s no.

As for I just leave and he don’t wear I am. You are all ready going to have another. If you really want the 2baby. Just go and he can’t find you. Ok

If he doesn’t want more kids then he’s in charge of birth control. If he doesn’t want to one time and I get pregnant God made the choice for us. If he wears a condom religiously I respect his decision. For me it lasted a year then he changed his mind.

So many ppl saying leave? So if your in a happy marriage and have a child but dont agree at the moment on another baby you leave? That seems silly. Others saying g don’t you discuss. Before marriage well maybe they did and he didn’t realize how hard a baby can be. Babies are a lot of money, time, emotion, energy, and all that. Maybe last was colic like my 1st. One reason my 2nd was 9 years later lol. If I truly loved my husband and already had a child and he never wanted another one I might be a little sad but having my husband and 1 kid should be fine. I just had my 3rd and I an done. After 2nd my husbands 1st he said absolutely no more and I agreed. She was a little over 2 and he said she was getting so big he might want another and I was shocked he said that but now we have another girl 12 weeks old. Let you other get a bit older it will be fine. Mine are almost 12, 3, and 3 months.


Sorry that would be a deal breaker for me. I could see if you had two or 3 but nah I would not stop at 1. That’s me though

I’m currently pregnant 5months expecting a boy and my husband wants another baby .he wants a baby girl . But we have 2 boys 11-9 years old . He got tested and from the results it looks like he only has male :dna: . I don’t want another baby’s knowing it’s a high chance of having another baby boy . Also this pregnancy has been high risk .

Take your birth control out and Do him really good !! Lols … just kidding… dont get your panties in a bunch …

How many do you have?

How old is your baby?

I’m commenting just to follow. I recently found myself in this same situation.

I had a really hard time too. But after watching a friend’s newborn and she cried for 8 hours I was good LMAO

Then tell him he is responsible for the birth control.


Let it go for now. Dont push the subject maybe get a puppy you can spoil.

I think one is enough especially in these

This is my case. Even though I am the one who takes care of the baby and he doesn’t help me much. So for now I’m holding it because I dun wanna have it while he is refusing it. The baby will feel it and will be affected energetically. But I still wanna have another baby one day and I told him that.


Meh. Bad idea to try to force a child on a man. But that’s my opinion

These are things you discuss before getting married

Wait a little while and he will come around

Get him drunk and have fun! He’s all yours!! :joy::rofl: But in all serious just get off BC and if HE wants to get fixed then let him have at it!! :100:

I have 3 my partner wants more but I’m undecided

Then he can get fixed. Just don’t cheat on him.

wait a few yrs and see if his mind changes

No if he doesn’t want any don’t he will leave you

What happens if you’re partner won’t give u a straight answer ? That’s what I’d like to no : (

Take off your BC earlier than you are scheduled and dont let him know :smirk:


Let go and let God. My 3rd came 10 years later…

Its called divorce, find a new man