My husband doesn't want me

Unfortunately men are different than women when it comes to taking about sex to professionals. It affects their “manliness” so to speak. I would approach it a different way, without pointing fingers. Tell him you would like for BOTH of you to go see a Dr about your sex drive. Go TOGETHER, get yourself evaluated in addition to him. Marriage is a joint effort-we all know this. The worst thing that can happen is dissolving your marriage because of sex, alone. Try going together, and ask him if he would prefer to see a female or a male Dr, ask him if he’d rather it be a Dr in a different town, etc. Even though your feelings are being destroyed, and I’m sorry you’re going through that, also remember that his may be too. We love in a world where more often than not, men are stereotyped into not being allowed to have feelings, or be sensitive with certain things. I’m not saying this is the case here, but I’m just offering a suggestion to be a bit more empathic towards him in the event that he really is just having impotency issues. :heart: good luck!!

NEVER beg anyone for anything! If he actually loved and cared about you then he would show you and he is showing you do doesn’t. Im pretty sure he is cheating. Classic signs. Please do what is best for you and your child and leave. Someone who wants and loves you will give you everything without you having to beg.

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Ya you need to go bye bye see ya :wave:


Id look into medical first. Maybe he has low testosterone or erectile dysfunction. I wouldn’t beg him but take care of your own needs in the bedroom at least until you figure out whats going on.


He should go to the doctors and get therapy, try wearing sexy things or even use a vibrator in front of him to see if that will get his attention, if all fails then you should talk to him and leave, I wish you all luck

It sounds like he’s ashamed of his medical (ED) problem and doesn’t know how to handle it. He needs a doctor. Maybe you should talk to a physician first to know how to deal with him.


I’d say go to counselling but I think he is beyond that point . Move on to someone that appreciates you and wants to be with you . Cripes if ya gotta beg him it’s time to go .


Get your self some toys a rose and take care of yourself and let him watch you making your self happy

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Red flag! He is cheating on you or he is gay!!


To me , The biggest red flag here is he doesn’t want to touch himself because he doesn’t want to “get sticky stuff on him”? There’s something there…


Sounds like he needs some emotional support.
Just like women, some men need emotional support and enthusiasm to even want to be sexual.

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Get urself a sex partner and stop begging for it

Get some horny goat weed. If that don’t do it then he is getting it somewhere else.

You said said he was always like this, you both need to go talk to some one.

This isn’t good for u, leave yes it’s ur husband and u love him but he doesn’t u. He is gay or has another woman and ur just his where he can get away with shit place. I am telling you this because I don’t want u to hate urself for having a douche for a husband

He has another woman.


Sorry but I’m finding some of these comments sexist. If a woman didn’t want to be touched would you tell the man to leave, say she’s cheating, or accuse her of homosexuality? Sounds like the guy is super depressed to me and could have ED. I’m not saying none of these comments are true but those are some big assumptions to jump to right off the bat and the compassion is lacking because of his gender


Some men are just like that. With you begging and stuff everyday it makes him feel bad about himself and that pressure alone will bring him down and his willingness to go out the window because of the pressure from the constant nagging


Nobody should be putting in work to make him hard. It should just happen cuz he wants you. Doesn’t seem like he does tho and you’re just forcing it. No means no even with males. Quit begging and either do it yourself or find someone who would savage tf outta your :smile_cat:


I’m sorry but for me I cannot go that long and I would try and seek help with him present (therapy or something). If that doesn’t work I’m leaving.

Ugh this is not ok at all. You need to find a way out of that relationship… find someone who wants you and appreciates you… this makes me sad for you.


He’s gay trying to live a straight life. Move on!


Do not ever beg. You’re better than that! Counseling first, then if he refuses to meet you at least half way, time to move on. You definitely deserve better. Good luck.


I think you need to research what medical science very graciously calls “Low T” (Low Testosterone.) Bc it sounds like your husband is struggling w/that.

All he has to do to fix it is see his Dr, and start supplementing testosterone.


Could he have so.e sensory issues and some aspects of OCD. esp when you say he wont touuh himself and doesnt like his the feel of the semen. He def needs a referral by his family doc…make the appointment and go with him. That would be a first step. Stop begging him…it is demeaning for you and prob a huge stressor for him. Do nit listen to any more promises, go make that appointment.

He’s either gay or having an affair…


I was once in your shoes honey, turned out he was having an affair and addicted to porn. He also blamed it on low T but that wasn’t the case.

Maybe his sex drive is down. He needs to go to the doctor and get some test done to see what is going. He could have low testosterone and that can make it hard to have sex or stay hard.

He needs to talk to a doctor. Or a therapist. He’s either got no sex drive or erectile dysfunction or…his sexuality is different…which both are okay but he needs to deal with it.

Girl just get urself some toys & stop begging him for it. Most of the comment’s indicates he gets it somewhere else or to leave him. I’m asking why if u knew from the get go what was what? But I would advise to seek couples counseling book an appointment & let him know u are going. Substance abuse can lead to impotence weed & so on heavy smoking leads to low blood flow to the Mr down there just saying…


Nothing worse or more of a turn off then a woman or man begging for love or attention. Move on!! Let him go. This is a sign this is not your path in life…move along. Take everything with you including yourself!


Toys, and couples therapy. The real problem is if he isn’t open and honest with why he wouldn’t go see a professional, that to me shows an unwillingness. But he could be depressed and or be having issues with ED or testosterone in general.


Leave or buy a vibrator

start protecting yourself…

He is having sex some where else

It sounds like ur husband might be gay :woman_shrugging:


Sounds like he’s not attracted to you anymore, is it possible he has a Girlfriend?


Doctors ASAP but he also needs to work on his affection giving xx

Why beg for sex that’s really low. Have some respect for yourself

You should have an actual talk to him to see whats up maybe try couples counseling if nothing can be resolved then move on

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Is he on any kind of medications? Because some medications can cause a man not to get around.

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Could be gay and doesn’t want to admit or accept it , could have booty on the side, has actual intimacy problems but u guys are married and need to have a real sit down adult convo. This is serious and u won’t wanna live like this forever. If he loves u he will prove it and get the help he needs. If he doesn’t he will also prove it.


You deserve better. He’s probably having an affair or has issues of his own. Girl don’t beg for shit move in and find someone who deserves you! Go get a makeover and make yourself feel amazing and show him what he will be missing!!!

We all need affection and loving, him as well. So…where is he getting his from?..This will not change my dear, im sorry but I would leave. You dont want to spend your life miserable, be happy and be loved. Does not sound like this will get better hon cause he sure isn’t trying…be strong, intimacy is very important in a healthy relationship, you shouldn’t have to beg . Good luck hon


Ask him what he wants.

So this isn’t a new problem, this has been an issue since the beginning? So it is unlikely due to infidelity. You mentioned he doesn’t like his “hands to get sticky”, which sounds like a sensory issue. He may simply have an issue with sex in general. Does he have past trauma involving sex? This is more than him “not wanting you” he simply doesn’t seem to want sex at all. Has there always been a lack of affection in your relationship, kissing cuddling, etc.? Maybe he has an intimacy issue… Begging isn’t going to fix the problem. He needs to see a therapist and maybe a doctor, if he is having trouble becoming erect. Good luck. In the meantime buy a toy, and take matters into your own hands. Sexual frustration is the worst, so fix that for yourself while he works on himself. Communication is needed here.

If this all started a year after you were together and the first year was “normal” then what changed around the time you guys stopped having sex?? It can honestly be a number of things. It can be from testosterone levels, cheating, sexual preferences/gay, does he have an sexual abuse in his past, having a new baby, etc. Whatever the reason you both need to sit down and have a REAL talk, and not in the heat of things after you have begged and have been turned down and are crying. Even if there are hormone issues or a past you don’t know about, there are other ways of being intimate and showing each other you love each other and are still attracted to each other without having sex. I don’t think it’s the actual physical sex you want, I think it’s the feeling of being loved your looking for by having sex. It’s definitely time for an own honest talk. It’s not fair to either of you to be miserable and if this is something that is not going to change then it’s something you and him have to either come to terms with and live with forever or is it something that is a game changer and is something you can’t live with in your future. Either way it’s not fair nor healthy the way things are now. There are also at home testosterone tests he can do if he’s embarrassed about going to the Dr.

Sounds to me like he’d having erectile dysfunction & is in denial.


To much personal info. On this go to a therapist.lovr is not all about sex. I think you could use some phycology help.

Either girlfriend, not attracted to you or is gay! LEAVE! You’ll never be happy

I’m appalled by most of these answers. If the roles were reversed and it was a woman saying her man kept asking and she just didn’t want to I bet you wouldn’t be telling him to leave :roll_eyes:


I have friends that the same thing happened to them. The men were having affairs. Other way guy. It’s not you.

Were things always this way? Like before u had a child and before u got married? Just wondering if this a a change? Or if thus has always been him?

He’s not attracted to you anymore. Setting yourself free would be the best. Sometimes, we force ourselves to people too much and it’s not meant to be anymore. I understand y’all have a child together, but sometimes letting go is also for best. I went through this too by the way.

get rid of him,what good is he,there are are plenty of men who would be glad to get your fever down


if he complains about his hands getting sticky while having sex , Girl hes Gay. try putting gay porn on him and see if he gets his penus to go up . might has well see for youself if thats the case .

So I’m going to come at it from the other side. I have very little desire anymore because I’m exhausted, underappreciated, and don’t feel like the effort is being put forth by my husband to keep romance and emotional connection alive. So it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not attracted to you or gay or cheating. None of those are true in my case.


This could very well be a physical problem and men are so touchy when things of this nature don’t do what they want it to do and they get super defensive about it…he will have to be the one to decide if and when he talks to a doc or therapist and the more you push the less likely he will do anything. If you don’t feel as though he’s cheating or simply doesn’t find you attractive anymore and does things on his own, then that’s a whole different thing and I’d walk out that door.
But if you don’t suspect cheating or ill will, then you need to back off from asking or bringing it in until he is ready for it.
Easier said than done but if you want your marriage to work that’s the best option you have.

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If everything was good before but not now then he’s probably getting it some where else.

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So. Unpopular opinion. He could have a medical reason for this behavior. Low testosterone possibly. And most men are too embarrassed to seek advice from a medical professional when they’re having an issue like that.

you deserve to be happy … I hope you leave him and find someone who will love you

Sorry to say this but either 4 things are happening

  1. He is getting it elsewhere
  2. He isn’t that into you anymore & wants to stay for the child and marriage only
  3. He is gay & in denial
  4. He has erectile dysfunction and needs help

The only thing I can suggest is marriage counceling
Hope you get to the bottom of it
Gd luck x

Try a marriage and sex therapist. (They are out there.) Maybe ask your doctor for a referral. It is covered by some insurance.

I’m gonna go ahead and say he’s a porn addict. The reason he won’t touch himself is because he doesn’t want you to know how much pleasure it gives him to just take care of it himself. Anyways, good luck to you hun :two_hearts: