My husband forgot my birthday...advice?

I was once married to someone like that. I always made a big deal out of his birthday and always got whatever he asked for Christmas. I stopped once I realize he was never going to do those things for me, especially when I asked why he never reciprocated. His response “I never asked you to do those things.”


I remind my husband and kids of everyone’s birthday. Text your dad it is his birthday. Honey my birthday is next week we are going to dinner on Saturday at 6pm. Here are a few ideas for a gift. I don’t let anyone forget mine or anyone else’s in the family


So say something to him. Communicate that he hurt your feelings because he forgot your birthday.

My hubby has forgotten my bday before. You can let it drag you down or use it to educate him. Let him know how it made you feel. Men usually don’t care as much about these dates. From now on give him reminder so your not hurt.


Order yourself a nice vase of flowers and put them in your kitchen. When he asks who got you the flowers tell him you did something nice for yourself for your birthday. Most cases regret of forgetting your birthday will kick in, and he will make a priority to never forget again and hopefully go and get a nice thoughtful gift good luck :heart:


Happy birthday!!! :blush: :beers::birthday::wine_glass:

I understand you are upset, best way to resolve this is to sit down and have a chat.
Try not to make it into an argument. Just a gentle reminder that: hey it was my bday the other day. Maybe this weekend we could go out to celebrate?

Good luck.

My husband forgot our wedding anniversary this year. We ended up chatting about it a week later. Lol
I was a little hurt at first but shrugged it off and life went on.


Girl it happens I forgot my own child’s this year. I was in the hospital with my ole man, and I was a day late with his birthday. Just don’t stress the small things, he was preoccupied with work, or whatever. It happens love.


Don’t say anything, when his birthday comes around…forget it !!!

I would be like did you forget something

Maybe he’s got a lot on his mind. Talk to him about it. People forget things. I still have to tell my husband when our kids’ birthdays are. One year we BOTH forgot our anniversary. :woman_facepalming: Just think how sorry he’ll be and I’m sure he’ll really wanna make it up to you :wink:

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People forget things. Just let him know.

Lighten up! Men for the most part don’t remember, and if they do? They were trained to, which sounds to me like u need to put your trainer hat on.
Same for being observant….

Make yourself the big deal! Let him wonder what and why!

Many adults stop caring about their own birthdays and forget other’s birthdays it does not mean they love you less. Look at his life is he working hard, does he hate his job? So many things could be going on in his head he may have also simply not noticed the date. You need to communicate with him, ask him if he remembers your birthday then ask him the current date if he responds correctly. Also try getting an old fashioned wall calendar to write important dates and appointments while marking off days that have gone by put it somewhere where he cannot ignore it.

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Yes tell him for he can know and hopefully he apologizes and makes it up and he’ll never forget it in the future

The date person in our relationship, my SO forgets everything unless it is put into his phone calendar or i put it in his calendars and also remind him several days in a row for anything
My SO is working literally 7 days a week 16+ hours so it’s hard

But you need to communicate with your SO and explain why you are upset- people forget dates all the time


What’s the point of being mad at him and him not knowing why. Either tell him or get over it.

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Mine would never!!! Mostly because I count it down for him!!! :laughing:

You are not mad. You are hurt.


Didn’t he notice any other birthday cards on the shelf from other people?

How about saying something in a sneaky way. Buy yourself a great gift and wrap it up. Say thank you so much Honey and unwrap it in front of him. Call some friends and invite them to your birthday on the weekend. Make your own Happy.

Mt parents forgot mine once, was sad but I just turned up & said I’m celebrating it’s my birthday today; the day was almost over hut I was done waiting for a ph call bahahahaha!

Would not bother me. Birthdays are not a big deal for me.

If my birthday didn’t pop up on Facebook, he would forget mine. He doesn’t remember his kids birthday, unless I remind him. I made reservations for our favorite restaurant this year for my birthday

Since when do we have to have people shower us with every occasion. He forgot. It’s not the end of the world. And for Christ sake be an adult and tell him why. Or how is he supposed to know how important it was to you.


I stopped caring after a certain age.

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Honelsty been with my man 11/12 years. If he forgot my birthday I’d make a big deal out of it ofcourse but I wouldn’t let it hurt me. Life gets so busy and birthdays are hard to remember that’s why so many people forget them

If you can’t use your own brain to figure what to do, rather than asking total strangers on social media what you should do, you’re the problem. Go talk (not yell or threaten) to your husband and figure it out!


I no longer wait on him. I just go buy myself something and if he forgets I just buy me two gifts. I’m okay with that, it’s sure not for everyone but I’ve forgotten birthdays and anniversaries. I tend to think they matter more to some than to others.

Do the same for his birthday🤷‍♀️ maybe it’s petty but maybe it will get the point across in the mean time go take yourself out to dinner and get yourself a gift

Why not just tell him that your feelings are hurt because he forgot your birthday.

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I’m sorry. I hope yiu has a happy birthday bc yiu deserve it. :heartbeat:

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you are not a child. just say dang I can’t believe you didn’t even say happy birthday to me yesterday and let it go


Our anniversary is the day before her birthday. Or the day after. I can never remember. 21st and 22nd. Just get two cards and it will be ok.

If it’s important to you then make sure he knows. Put an event in his calendar. Send him gift ideas. Make a reservation yourself and just hand him the bill after dinner. Put a note on his steering wheel on the big day.

My husband did that every year. So one year I turned the tables and didn’t make the slightest mention of his birthday. No cake. No gifts. He had the biggest temper tantrum! It was funny as hell. I said that’s what I get every year on my birthday! He’s long gone, but dumping him was the best thing I ever did!

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When we get old we forget things especially men lol I remember growing up everyone would ask my mom about birthdays and anniversary and never my dad cause he would forget lol I don’t think it’s intentional. Or tell him how you feel and have make up s3x :grin:

Just tell him he forgot your birthday. :woman_shrugging:t4: You’re all mad and he probably didn’t realize the date. It’s not like you told him it was your bday and he said he didn’t care.

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I would be livid. I would do the same on his. If it was ligit like he’s sick, or working a lot, or extra busy, like there would need to be a reason. That’s just pathetic and very sad and he would have to really gravel to get back in good graces, you don’t forget your spouse birthday ever. Like put it in your phone make a note somewhere somehow.

You can’t look for you in other people. You will be disappointed 100% of the time💯


I’m sorry that you’re hurt by this a lot of guys don’t remember details like this so I always tell him my husband that my birthday is coming up soon I plan my own birthday whatever I want to do and I let him know and I let my friends know I’m not going to be sad or mad on my own birthday :person_shrugging: I’m going to celebrate it myself lol I feel like a lot of guys forget this and a lot of wives don’t remind them and to me that’s setting them up for failure and setting yourself up for disappointment. Guys just are not wired the same way that we are some of them are most of them are not lol :person_shrugging:. So you can continue to be upset and mad or you can tell him you’re upset because he forgot your birthday I’m sure he will feel really bad about it and want to make it up to you. But for next year I would start dropping little hints for him :wink:

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No point being annoyed and not saying why, you are probably more hurt than annoyed. Just tell him. He ll probably be mortified x

Men do not think like women and don’t get hints. He probably wouldn’t care if you forgot his birthday. Don’t make him guess why you’re mad, that’s childish. Just tell him he forgot your birthday, it’s really important to you, and you want him to make it up to you by doing whatever would make you happy.

Be specific. Name the day, time & restaurant, give him the link to ordering the jewelry you want, the phone number and address of the florist and a couple suggestions for bouquets you’d like. Expecting him to remember your birthday or anniversary is like his expecting you to know all the stats for his favorite sports team.

Give him warnings & put it on repeat on his phone calendar with a multi-day advance alarm.

Dude I barely know what the calendar date is…

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The way to fix this is to do a running countdown starting the month before.

My husband usually doesn’t even know what day it is because he works so much!

I used to play the “wait and see if they remember” game and 100% of the time I lost. Just like the car oil light… he gets a 30, 15, 10 and 5 day countdown! :joy::joy:

If he forgets after reminders- then you can be mad. Communication matters!


Get over it…Dang…Way too many serious things than your birthday. Maybe the kids birthday but not a big deal…My opinion only

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I started buying what I wanted, handed it to my spouse when we either got up or at dinner and told him that it’s what He bought me for my BD. He didn’t seem to have much trouble with it.

Today is my birthday and I just wish she was still here with me, she past away a few months back…I miss her…don’t let somethings bother you so bad, cause your best side could be gone in the blink of a eye…


Go buy yourself something nice! When he asks about it tell him it’s from him! Laugh and move one!!! Maybe he will do better next year!!!

It happened to me this past birthday too. Yes, it hurt, getting nothing and feeling forgotten. But I got over it. Unfortunately its part of life and things will happen that suck, but we’re adults, not children, so our days aren’t as important

He’s throwing you a surprise party this weekend. Relax


That’s hurtful, but you’ve got to tell him…he forgot the b.d. and you’re not happy he did.
Holding a toddleresque snit grudge and sulking…waiting for him to ’ realize ’ and read your mind, won’t accomplish much.
Its the game playing of the immature and petulant. Have a conversation & communicate directly like an adult.


Sooo you’re mad at him for being human and forgetting about something and instead of communicating about it you don’t give him an explanation at all for you being mad. And just sit and stew about it. Real mature.


Sit down and talk to him….tell him how you feel and why

Eh, we don’t do birthdays for adults in my house. It’s just another day. Mine wouldn’t remember mine if it weren’t the day before Halloween.


Communication is key in marriage. Why not tell him how you feel or why your mad? Stuff happens and people get busy trying to remember deadlines and stuff. Also can’t expect others to respond to things like you do.

So you didn’t have any plans to celebrate your own day? There’s no way anyone in my house could forget my birthday because I make a big deal about it & make sure to celebrate my own life.

Plan a family dinner this weekend and tell everyone but him it’s for your birthday. Have every bring presents, etc. Go all out. Have ppl during the dinner ask him what he got you or where his present is. Make sure you and him are the last ones to show up and watch his face and he walks in the room to the party and realizes exactly what he forgot and his face just drain to white I bet you after that moment in front of everyone he won’t forget your birthday again.

Just remind him, i dont even keep track of our birthdays anymore lol but we make sure to celebrate the kiddos birthdays.

Say something. Little problems left unaddressed turn into big issues

As mentioned, men do not remember dates like we do. If you want something or want to do something special for your birthday start reminding him 2 weeks before your birthday. Yes you may have reminded him with hints for 2 weeks but then you shouldn’t be disappointed.

Let him know that in future you will remind him 2 weeks before and he can make the plans. Easy.

By not talking to him, he has no idea what is wrong. He can make it up to you. Most times they do not even remember their children’s birthdays.

I say find someone who will remember tbe small things . The fact that you make it a big deal and he makes no deal out of it . Id be sayi g bye bye

I believe he honestly forgot. Men don’t remember birthdays.:woman_shrugging:t2:They’re busy with working and they have other things on their mind. My boyfriend puts birthday dates as reminders on his phone. I remind my boyfriend my birthday is coming up. :rofl::woman_shrugging:t2: Thats how men are. :roll_eyes: I’m sure if you tell him he’s going to feel bad. I would definitely talk to him soon.

Remind him, it happens :roll_eyes:

I’ve come to realize guys don’t remember anything. Mine barely even remembers his own bday.


Most of you ladies are wayyyy too forgiving, babying these grown adults, and it’s why your birthdays/anniversaries get forgotten.
I hold my husband to a high standard, and it works. Plus it shouldn’t be a big ask of your partner to remember 1 or 2 special days a year.
I think it’s terrible you were forgotten about on special days. Imagine how little you cross his mind on ‘regular days’.

So you expect him to know why you’re mad when you won’t even tell him? It’s so easy to forget birthdays/anniversaries when life is busy. I think it’s silly to be so upset that you’re not talking to him, over a birthday.

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Or stay mad till he figures it out himself.

Tell him, you missed my birthday, then It’s his turn to talk, make an effort etc. don’t keep making thing comfortable when u need comforting

So sulking like a child is your answer to him missing something? Say something or if it’s as big as a deal as you’re making it, split up. But, don’t be petty and passive aggressive because that diminishes your credibility in this conversation.

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Forget about his the next time it comes around.

God, grow up already with the silent treatment. I forgot my own birthday because I didn’t know what day it was. Be straight up, men don’t read minds. Ffs.


Use tech to your advantage make a shared calendar and put impirtant dates in it and let technology remind of things

I forget my own birthday, why ? Because it mattered up until I was 10 or 12. Without looking at my phone to actually see a date, I couldn’t tell you what day it is today. Be mad all you want but it doesn’t do any good. If you are that upset l, then act like a grown up and tell him he missed it. Plain and simple. I’m sure once he knows it, he will feel enough shame.

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It’s one day a year to remember. I’ve never forgotten a loved ones birthday and I’m the busiest most overwhelmed person I know
How someone treats you on your birthday is exactly how they feel about you. Women are always expected to remember everything, why can’t men? Because we make them out to be dumb because they work? I work 14 hour days, go to school full time and am a single parent and have yet to forget anything.

He forgot so remind him. It would be worse if he New it was your birthday and intentionally decided not to get you anything.

Has he “forgot” before…:thinking:

Grow up. Its not that big of a deal


They do, move on.hold it over his head at a later date he’ll either be remorseful and do something nice for you or not.

I would hang up any birthday cards I got right on the front of the refrigerator and clear everything else on it.

I bet you boyfriend didn’t!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My husband always forget everything else besides our Birthdays and the month, date and year we retired. He forgets the month and date of our anniversary, he forget our kids Birthdays and our grandkids birthdays. But when I remind it to him, he want to celebrate big. No big deal. That’s why God me to him so I can remind him. :slight_smile:

I have birthdays in our google family calendar which everyone gets notifications for. There is no excuse in our house. There are reminders for everything in there and the way we are all set up with our phones these days… no reason for anyone to forget anything

Sounds like you should of maybe reminded him a week before

Talk to him. It may have been a complete accident. But not saying anything isn’t doing you any good at all


Get over it, have you ever forgotten something

I have a husband and two grown sons, if you want them to make a big deal tell them. You set yourself up for disappointment otherwise

Men never remember my sister thought getting married on her birthday would make it eay for my brother in law to remember but nope he forgot anniversary and birthday

Is that the worst that he has done? Pick your battles.


A neighbor once asked me in front of my husband what I was going to get him for Father’s Day and I said the same thing he got me for Mother’s Day——- Nothing!

If it makes you feel any better my husband forgot our anniversary and when I said it to him he responded with oh shoot and still didn’t say anything to me for the night… that was Monday. I’m still frustrated with him.

Send yourself birthday flowers/ say nothing. Don’t sign the card - and let it be

Well you can’t expect him to read your mind. While yest it sucks that he forgot it you can be childish and throw around the silent treatment and expect him to figure it out. Just be an adult and talk to him. Tell him you’re upset and why then formulate a plan to help make sure it doesn’t happen again, like maybe the app family wall calendar.

Don’t play the silent treatment,we’ve been married 42 yrs,I’ve forgotten his,he’s forgotten mine,we’ve both forgotten our anniversary ,just be up front and tell him then go out to eat or whatever floats your boat.Lifes too short.


If you. give me his name I will notify

It’s not intentional and I realize people are not going to do things we do. Set up a birthday dinner and let him find out there. I’m sorry :cry:

That’s pretty bad not to remember at all, he obviously doesn’t care much. Just forget his next one and see how he feels.

Tell him… he is a butt

Pick your battles!!! It’s not the end of the world.


Been married 25 years. I’ve learned that if my feelings are going to be hurt if he forgets, to remind him. “My birthday is next Friday. Please don’t forget it


Just tell him it’s your birthday… most guys are bad at remembering stuff like that