My husband forgot my birthday...advice?

Umm… grow up and tell him. Stop making his birthday a big deal with the expectation he will do the same. Do it only if YOU enjoy it.


Is this the Passive/ Aggressive Group meeting?

Did you tell him he forgot? Or did you just get mad with him without communicating? My personal opinion is that it’s toxic to get mad and not express why, you’re not letting the other person fix anything. Forgetting a birthday isn’t huge, people do it all the time. Heck, I forgot when my sisters was, but my kids, I don’t forget theirs. I don’t forget my partners because it is legit 5 days after mine. My ex, we often forgot each others, not because we weren’t important to each other, but we are busy adults who don’t stalk the date, and then bam, it’s a certain day and we don’t even know it.

I always hear people say treat people the way you want to be treated,nope I treat people the way they treat me,his next birthday I would act like I forgot and not say anything, sometimes people need to know how you felt and that’s the only way they’ll know, sorry not sorry

Men are not as good as women at these things. I’m sure he will feel awful. You need to just talk to him.

So he thought it was just another day, and because he forgot, you’re gonna be ridiculou and immature and not talk to him about it?

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Not everyone remembers birthdays

I deal with this every year. I lose my shit & he does it again the next year. I think it is just a guy thing.z

I forgot my husbands. I remember what day it is, I just forgot what day it actually was :joy::joy:


Tell him, he probably forgot about it. I forgot my own bday this year :woozy_face::joy::joy:. Or maybe he’s keeping a secret, it might be a surprise

I’m sorry but that’s FKED! I would be angry. Even if money was the issue he could have made you a card or wrote you a letter. Definitely talk to him about it, communication is key.


Quit making him guess why you’re upset. Sheesh.

Not trying to give excuses for him. But he probably doesn’t even know what date it is. So he probably knows your bday but not the actual date it is rn. Guys are the WORST with dates!! I’m sorry :disappointed:

Lol this just happened to me, no big deal we laughed and moved on. I knew days before it happened he forgot.

That’s when you get dressed up and tell him bye, when he ask where ur going that’s when you say, I’m going out for my Birthday. His light bulb will click on. I use to think who could forget Birthdays of ppl you love…until I got older and have 75 different things running through my mind a day. I forgot my BFF’s this month, 1st time in 25yrs. I almost let my man’s creep on me last yr, it was the day before when I realized oh shit his bday is tomorrow. I forget how old my kids are even turning and I’m 35. I get it though, because it hurts so mfing bad when you feel like you always make their days special and you can barely get the kids or man to tell u HBD on urs.

All the people on here, defending their spouses forgetting their birthday is really quite disgusting. Your birthday is a special day!! Just because your husband is busy and works a lot and yada yada, doesn’t mean that it’s OK for him to disregard your birthday. My gosh women, you deserve more respect than that!!!

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Mine did also. 9/2 . He texts me and says Jimmie buffet died yesterday. 2 mins later texts and today my beautiful wife was born. Like really?!?!?@


He’s an a$$ hole. Lol. But its ok. My husband couldn’t even remember my middle name (because his ex gfs middle name was part of my middle name) for years. He would always say his ex middle name and I was like bro you were with that girl for 10 months and we’ve been together for 6 years (at that point) how do you remember her middle name but you can’t remember mine. It gave me a complex of insecurities for awhile until i realized he just doesn’t remember stuff like i do. You really gotta hound stuff like that into them. After I made a whole ass big deal about it in fb he hasn’t forgot my middle name since then. Lmao. But yeah it’s hurtful. Just give him some grace. Because I’m sure he would never choose to forget your birthday just to hurt you. Just remind him. I always start by telling the kids, mommy’s bday is next week, in 5 days, in 2 days. And my kids do a good job of keeping him informed.

I understand people do forget things. Some people don’t even care about their birthdays. But there wasn’t one point in the day where he saw the date? If not multiple times? And it didn’t click that it was your special day? His wife’s birthday? I call bullshit.
And if he wasn’t reminded of the date somehow that day, how about any day prior to? He should have planned ahead and made a reminder for himself. Present, no present, who cares. But not able to say “Happy birthday!”?? Nope. Not cool. Come on guys, do better.

I’d be hurt. I love my birthday. He knows I love my birthday and I think it’s the small things. You aren’t asking for a suprise party. You’re asking for an acknowledgement of a day YOU enjoy. It’s really small if you think about it and it isnt like it only happens once. It happens yearly and I feel like husbands partners etc should be more aware especially if you’re a birthday type of person. I get needing to kind of ignore the situation especially if it’s happened before. Breath and talk to him about how it made you feel :black_heart::heart_hands:

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My husband and I have forgotten our anniversary and birthdays as well. We are busy. It happens.

Since Everyone makes plans & Breaks them, I celebrate My Birthday, At a Hotel, Drink eat Swim & read my horoscope & may stay another day if it’s Snowing…

Talk to him babe. We are all human.


I’d book myself a hotel and dinner somewhere fancy and “forget” to tell him :rofl:
When he calls wondering where I am, I’d say I’m out for my birthday

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My husband is forgetful so if I want him to remember I remind him multiple times lol. I’m like oh snap my my birthday is Tuesday :rofl:


I know you are hurt about him not remembering but really. I sometimes forgets my own until someone say it to me.

Have you heard the song by Mylie Cyrus - Flowers ! Pamper yourself on your Birthday :rose: & don’t forget to repay the inconsideration on his bday :grin: oops ! Forgive him :purple_heart: some men just don’t remember such things unless reminded or put on their calendar by their wife :kissing_heart: But I’m betting he won’t forget it next year


Talk to him. I’m sure he did not purposely forget. Maybe he’s stressed at work or has a big project going on. If he hasn’t even asked you why you’re angry maybe he hasn’t even noticed you’re angry. Just like you, he isn’t a mind reader. Unless he’s treating you badly otherwise I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and let him make it up to you.

Unfortunately a lot of people forget their partner’s birthday. Sometimes it’s because they get busy in life. I know sometimes I’m not sure what day it is. Talk to him and let him know why you’re hurt.

Talk to him try not to let it upset you. Some day you will wish he was there to forget it…My husband could never remember mine we were married 45 years he died 4 day before Christmas 2022 .

People. Do for get maybe too him u don’t look older

After almost 18 yrs of marriage, sometimes you have to be the planner. He has ADHD and horrendous memory so we talk about it and plan the day. He will occasionally take it off work. We don’t always go away sometimes we stay local and do something simple or other times we plan an overnight trip. It is frustrating to always be the one to come up and implement ideas but it is what it is. We don’t do material gifts much just spend time together enjoying the day. We are downsizing. If there is something cool inexpensive I want he may get it but we just do a card usally. I keep talking about it repeatedly the weeks before and keeping it on his radar. I’m sorry he forgot that sucks but men are terrible about keeping track of stuff like this. Not making excuses but sometimes you have to help them remember. Hugs

Im sorry your feelings got hurt. Im sure it probably wasnt on purpose & if it was shame in him.

However if its any consolation, when you hit 50 you PRAY everyone will forget :blush: especially father time!

I say tell him why youre mad, then get yourself a nice dozen of roses, reserve a table at a nice restaurant, go see a girly good movie & drag him along so he pays, :rofl: & next year I bet he makes better plans :upside_down_face:

Happy Belated Birthday :balloon::birthday::gift:

Is he a good husband every other day? Because people forget things and it’s okay. I’m sure if you said something in the morning he would have felt terrible :woman_shrugging:t2: dunno your dynamics of your marriage. Speak to him and tell him.

Well, it seems like people here are a lot more understanding than I would be… lol.

It’s okay to be angry and hurt.

You do have to tell him why, even though I know it smarts and will feel embarrassing.

Maybe you can suggest something - like - “hey - since we didn’t celebrate my birthday last week (or whenever), how about I let you take me to dinner” or whatever.

If he’s all “OMG I forgot!”, then no harm done, ugh just remind him in future.

If he says “Hm, yeah, that’s a good idea, let’s go”- or something non-“reactive” - then you’ll have to do something to push it to the front of his mind next year.

Only if he remains indifferent and unfazed that he missed your birthday, or if he refuses. gets angry, or super defensive, would I be concerned as to what the underlying issue is.

I think knowing your own marriage is essential here (whether it’s solid, happy, and a harmonious pairing - or if it’s been plagued by concerns, conflict, doubt, trust & feels unstable ) is the greatest indicator of what’s going on.

Do give the benefit of the doubt, but don’t entirely distrust your instincts either.


It’s just a birthday. Create your own happy! You want to acknowledge your bday then do something for yourself. Your an adult. Tell him that ur upset instead of making him tap into his non-exsistent mind reading skills. Why let something inconsequential come between the love and harmony of ur marriage. Be happy he woke up and he returned home safe from work.

Mine didn’t forget. He just didn’t acknowledge it. And my birthday was on Mother’s Day. I’m still pissed. Even my 9 year old noticed and asked me why he didn’t do anything. :roll_eyes:

Worse things could happen.

I never got anything for my Birthday from my husband only a text saying 2 words Happy Birthday.

Grab his phone and put an alert on your birthday a day before for the future. But I get how you feel and I’m sorry. Let him know, so he can be more careful in the future.

16 years of that, all holidays

expected for himself

Divorce… its just not on!!

My husband doesn’t but he can’t remember things as easy anymore due to a concussion. So he has a legitimate reason to forget🤷The only reason my husband remembers my birthday is it’s the same day he started working for his company. He doesn’t even remember our children’s birthdays. But I won’t ever hold it against him.

make birthday plans with your friends, tell him your going out for birthday dinner. don’t even tell him him who’s. maybe it will ring a bell and if he cares he’ll try to make it right, if he doesn’t then I’m going to guess theirs other issues going on …

I would let him have it! What an insensitive jerk!
When I was married to my first husband his brother and I had the same birthday. Before I left for work my hubby had the nerve to remind me to call my brother in law to wish him a happy birthday but not a word to me. A co worker baked me a cake and there was a little left. After work he saw it on the table and again had the nerve to ask me who the cake was for…still not saying a word to me. I finally went off on him for forgetting MY birthday. We were divorced less than 4 months later…before HIS birthday. Lol.
There were other issues in the marriage tho just to clarify.

Idk why but it feels a little wholesome that the issue is forgot a celebration date and not he came home with two new baby mamas disappeared for days etc lol :joy: I’ve jsut read some wild shit the last couple days on here and I’m reading this and I’m thinking you’ll be fine lol :joy:

My personal opinion is yes everybody celebrates birthdays, different and not everyone makes it a big deal. As a spouse, the least that a spouse could do is to acknowledge a birthday with a happy birthday, but to not say anything at all, says a lot about how your spouse acknowledges you.

Forget his shit too, valentines, christmas , when he wants some ass tell him no 2 can play that game🥴 petty right

My family forget my birthday every year
I get you feel hurt hunni and that’s ok to feel like that
Ask yourself Is it really that bad
In the big scheme of things

All these excuses for grown men is baffling. I’d put your Bday in his phone calendar & set reminders every day the week before & on the day, go buy my own gift,get a mani/pedi, tell him since he forgot your bday he’s in charge of kids/house/meals all weekend. I wouldn’t do anything for him on his either & he’d get a crappy christmas gift. There is no excuse in 2023 for your spouse to forget when there are calendars with alarm reminders on phones. Happy Belated Birthday :partying_face:

Men honestly are actually a wee bit hopeless with dates etc. Tell him why you’re mad he’s not a mind reader and move on he could get hit by a car and die tomorrow and you’re mad at him for forgetting your birthday is it that big of a deal really :woman_shrugging:

Treat yourself to a day out with a friend an expensive one then when he questions it tell him he fucked up lol

Stop being passive agressive and tell him why you are upset.

Mommas of TEENS! Read this blog! Very good insight!

Some of these comments are crazy… girl I’d be helllllaaa pissed and let him know about it… there is NO excuse for him forgetting it’s the same day EVERY YEAR! That man has a cell phone and I’m sure looks at a calendar ! I would tel him how to feel for sure !! &&& I’m so sorry he did forget some men seriously are just buttheads and think it’s no big deal! Treat yo self :upside_down_face:

If he wants to he willl!!! My hubs literally does it all!!! Plans surprises, dinners, shopping spreees, take the girls to get me gifts and etc. one year blew up and made his own balloon arch he got from the store.!!

My husband can’t miss birthday, cause I toot my own horn & claim the whole month of April as mine! :joy::princess: :aries: Well, until the 27th, which is our sons birthday. He kinda stole my thunder. :joy:

Oh my just divorced that rotten bstard