My husband gets irritated that I don't do my normal duties due to morning sickness: Advice?

Tell him you want a bigger paycheck and longer/better sex. Since he being petty and all.


Tell him to shut the F up and cook his own dinner…a real man would and he would be concerned about you…


Tell him to go fuck himself


Ask him if he’s got two broken arms. Why can’t he cook dinner?


You could have a condition called HG . Hope you get up feeling better. As for your husband … Men don’t always understand . tell him he hurt you and you love cooking him dinner but you physicality can’t …

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He needs to go back to his mama’s until he grows up.

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He’s an ass but cook dinner in the morning or crockpot it.

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I’m irritated he’s such a dick!stick some puff pastry over a tin o dog food n tell him it’s steak pie!x


This just gives me anxiety… what does he think is going to happen when the baby comes? He needs to man up and help you out!!

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Cook And then puke in the food lol no but seriously… ask your Dr About how to help you deal w the sickness. I’ve had HG with all three babies and it can be terrible. Sorry…it sucks big time. Maybe he had a bad day? Idk…maybe he’s an ass. Some men just don’t get it. Good luck mama


I was told that I need to help myself rather than sit there feeling sorry for myself :neutral_face:

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Tell him to make dinner for the both of you! And if he doesn’t maybe you should just stop doing the normal things you do for him so he appreciates the things you do!

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Tell him that he’s an adult, has two hands and is perfectly capable of making his own meal if he’s hungry.

You are his wife, not a maid. Pretty darn sure he’s not cooking you dinner when he’s sick. Let alone pregnant.


Throw the whole man away. U need to relax and take care of urself. Hes going to stress u out amd thats not good for the baby.


My husband is a good man but very similar. We have had 2 pregnancies and he like a lot of other men just do not understand. It is frustrating and hurtful. My only advice is to focus on you, baby, and baby to be. I would wait for a calm time and tell him I know you cannot understand how hard this is but please either step up or be quiet for now about any grievances you have. If you want supper, make it, if I am not caught up on dishes, do them. I need you now more than ever so if you cannot help please at least do not make it worse.


Tell him to fuck off and go grow a human himself since it’s so easy for him! Sorry but your man needs to grow up


Take off for aweekend just you

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I’d tell him to go suck a egg and hit McDonald’s up. Piss on that


Tell him to go get a pizza and shut the fuck up. If he wants to continue being a lil bitch about it next time he can carry the baby😂 jk. But fr. Tell him to go fuck himself. Btw I feel you. I found out 2 days after christmas that our 3rd is coming. The nausea and fatigue is the worse I’ve ever experienced. My house isn’t near as clean as usual, but my husband is awesome w that. It’s not like this is going to be forever…


He helped get u pregnant, he can help with the other shit too…


Make the dinner. Throw up. In the dinner. On the floor. On him. Then drive to urgent care to get checked out to make sure you’re ok. Leaving your other child with him. When you get back ask him if you should try again since it’s your duty…


This group makes me appreciate my husband more and more everyday


Kick him in the balls.


Maybe have someone else explain it to him :woman_shrugging:t2: sorry you’re going through this. Some men are jerks :rage:

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He’s a grown man… if you are too sick to cook he can either cook himself or pick up the phone and order take out. Maybe Buy some easy stuff to make that doesn’t require hours of cooking from scratch like frozen pizzas, frozen lasagna ect that he can just pop in the oven. And get yourself some ginger ale and saltine crackers for your nausea.


Tell him to fuck off


Men would never last being pregnant! Hes being a dick and tell him to cook his own food. Also, talk to your doctor about the morning sickness. Theres things that may help you!

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If you aren’t working yourself, cook dinner earlier and he can heat it up.

Run :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman:


Just have your hormonal fit and tell him he can cook his own damn meal. Then run to the room and shut the door, lay down and enjoy the rest of the evening. Having morning sickness is no joke. I just had a baby and was on bed rest. I dont have a husband or boyfriend. But I do have 5 kids now, and they were supportive, as well as your husband should be. It wont kill him to cook once in awhile during your pregnancy and help take care of your other kid and household chores. You wont always have the feeling of sickness that bad so he should atleast be patient. The first trimester is a doozy. After all you have to be careful in the first trimester so you dont miscarry. Sounds like maybe he doesnt really want this pregnancy. Who knows. He needs to be supportive as you are as you keep up with the house, your kid, and of him.


Show him all these replies…maybe he’ll see what an asshole he’s acting like!


I just wanna say that I’m really sorry that you have to deal with this I consider myself a lucky woman not to have to deal with stuff like that from my so

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i would just laugh if my man said some shit like that to me. "you’re joking right? cause i know you are not talking to your pregnamt wife this way… "


Im so glad mine didn’t act like that. He either cooked, went and got us something or he found himself something to eat


Time for a new man. Thankfully I have the best husband around. I found out right before Christmas. And this is number four and morning sickness has kicked into overdrive TIMES A MILLION. My husband works six days a week long hours while I’m home with the kids and STILL comes home and cooks, cleans, and helps take care of the kids. Get a new husband.


Tell him to cook you dinner and rub your feet before someone else does


I would tell him where to get lost that you are a woman and a mother you are not a dog and you are not something that answers to his commands you are your own boss him saying your duties I’d slap him upside his head he can get up and do the work just as well it’s not easy being pregnant and it’s not easy having a baby men don’t understand that

Omg seriously? You are having his baby and he can’t be sympathetic? First grade asshole girl! I have several medical issues that made me bed bound for 9 years and now that I’ve found treatment that’s working I’m still an unable to do tons and what I do manage to do is done with a ridiculous amount of breaks and time. Now I’m not saying my husband and I haven’t had fights because of my inability to do things but that was before he understood what was really wrong with me. You are having your husbands child and being pregnant sucks, at least it did for me and he should be cherishing you like CRAZY!! He’s being selfish by not understanding. You need to tell him to suck it up on the days you’re unable to do things and help you out. Or jeez go out to eat and the world won’t end of you have clean the next day or something. Ugh MEN! The morning sickness will more than likely only last a couple months so he needs to calm the eff down

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fuck his whining bullshit, tell him to carry AND birth a child then get back to you


Have him read ‘what to expect when you’re expecting’ and make him sleep on the couch :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have to say that’s way uncalled for. He’s a grown man. He can make his own dinner. When I was pregnant and didn’t feel well, my husband either cooked or got us something to eat without a second thought. And, that’s how it should be!


Throw away the whole man!:unamused:


Tell him to grow up and stop acting like an asshole.


Are you sure you want to stand with this man who is selfish and doesn’t think of you or your babies? This is an abuse.


Feel this all to well. I wish I would have the guts to do this, but I hope next time he says that you haul off and kick him in the nads.

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You’re body is making a baby. That is more work than he will ever do. He needs to realize it is hard work and you need to take care of yourself and rest as much as you can.


Puke on him… maybe he will be a little more understanding :woman_shrugging:t2:


You’re his wife. Not his maid or his mother. Y’all have a kid and another on the way. Tell him you didn’t take his ass to raise, and he can get up and cook dinner or order a pizza and to quit acting like a 2 year old. If that’s not acceptable to him, refer to the other comments on here. Throw the whole man away.


Tell him he is a grown up now. He needs to step up and take care of things when you cant. Its called team work …


He’ll never understand, and he’ll never “get it” because he can never get pregnant :roll_eyes: we teach people how to treat us, if you cave then it’s only going to get worse. You need to look after yourself and your growing bubba- if he’s hungry he can cook or order in until you’re feeling up to it again. If the house is messy then call in maid service until you’re well enough- all these tasks and chores CAN WAIT. Honestly he needs a crash course in compassion :-1:t2:

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He needs to realize for some women, morning sickness isn’t just a little bit of nausea. Mine practically waited on me hand and foot.
I lost 25lbs in 3 weeks. I was in pain ALL day and night. I never cleaned, I never cooked. I just COULDN’T. And at first, he didnt understand. Eventually, when he saw how bad I threw up, how often I threw up, he clued in that it was genuinely incapacitated. I was even put on bedrest for a month from how severely sick I was.

Puke in the food, game over It’s like force feeding someone who has the flu


Tell him to man up and stop being a pussy… you’re pregnant FFS

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Just puke on his dinner :woman_shrugging:t3:


Very inconsiderate of him! Morning sickness is not the business

I’d make plans to leave his ass once you’re feeling better


Given laxatives lol or something to get him to throw up the day then tell him to shovel the driveway.


I can’t stand men like this. First of all they have no idea how bad the morning sickness can be. I lost almost 10lbs with my last cause it was so bad. I was the same way, all day and all night. You need to have a serious chat with him, if he’s “annoyed” cause you are physically sick, what is gonna do if you get out on bed rest?

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Man you cook every dinner? Ha! Yeah right, I would tell him go eat some McDonald’s or something!

Yes, when you’re nauseated walk to him and vomit all over him. I did that to my husband and he shut up. It works, try it.


Buy him a book, it’s called
“ The Expectant Father”


If it were ME, I’d tell him that if he can’t try to understand or be patient enough for the first trimester to end, to feel free to send the divorce papers my way 🤷🤷 but that’s just me.


If he’s an asshole maybe he shud try giving!like the man bump…either he gets it or he don’t…maybe u shud ask fb woman to like and see how bad he’s outnumbered!!!actions speak louder than words.

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You shouldn’t have to MAKE him behave properly. He’s being a child and should be helping and encouraging you. He needs to put on his big boy undies and deal with things like a grown up :roll_eyes:

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Make dinner for him and absolutely cover it Ipecac. Do this for every meal and drink for 4 days and then see if he understands

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Having morning sickness or not feeling well from pregnancy is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the flu or cold. He is ridiculous to try and compare the two. You are growing a person inside your tummy. He needs to be more understanding. You need to let him know his behavior is bothering you. If he’s a good husband, then he will understand.

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Are his hands broken?? Tell him to cook for his own ass


You could prepare homemade freezer meals in the mornings, casseroles or whatever is easiest for you, stick it in the freezer then have him put it in the oven in the evening. That’s the least he can do. Or stick to crock pot meals you can start in the morning. He really should be more considerate.

Communication… tell him how you feel with honest feelings. Crying helps :upside_down_face:

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Tell him to kiss your ass followed by eating a bag of dicks. You didn’t do this to yourself and he can miss you with his bs. Should he continue to bother you attempt to projectile vomit on him.


Hes pretty inconsiderate. I would puke on him :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Your husband sounds like a little bitch. You’re not his mother. Tell him to get off his ass and cook his own food. You have an actual human growing inside you. That takes a lot outta you. But seems like he’s too immature to understand that.


Order food before he gets home, put it into a dish or two and put them in the oven. So when he gets home he thinks you cooked :joy:


Normal duties? Are you his housekeeper or gf/wife

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I’d be telling that bitch you got that thinks he’s a man and tell him get in the kitchen bake me a pie

Let him drink himself sick and say get up and take out the trash, throw some gnarly smells at him, let the dog run around the house while he stumbles around and say this is what I feel like daily but I’m doing my best to stay vertical.
Spoken from a Mom that threw up to 13 times in a day through my entire pregnancy and took zofran and phenegren while I petsit full time.
Men. Have. No. Idea.
But get ya some meds from OBGYN and take miralax and probiotics.
Crackers and nut butter.
Good Luck Momma!


Puke on him the floor and on his shoes just puke everywhere and see what he has to say then :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Once you feel better make a crock pot meal those are really nice and simple. I’d be telling him he has two hands and your pregnant it’s different than his freaking man colds.

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Duties?? Are you the wife or the family care giver?

Order pizza. Fuck it.

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I had severe sickness all day long for several months with most of my pregnancies. Cooking was so hard because the smell made me very nauseous. It was hard enough throwing up constantly and losing so much weight I ended up hospitalized. Then try to do my parental duties while sick. Your husband needs to learn empathy and help out.


Tell him to drive to McDonald’s and get himself something nice to eat.


Cook his dinner and when you vomit remind him that it is his duty to clean up and put you into bed. In sickness and in health.


I guess next time he should get pregnant and his body should change. Oh wait, HE CANT. praying for you mama!

Just puke all over his food and tell him dinner is done🤷‍♀️


Ask him when the last time he cooked was and if it isn’t today then tell him to get to it. What a lame ass


If he doesn’t understand your sick because your pregnant than just puke on him! Sorry I have no sympathy for a man that doesn’t get your ill from being pregnant with his child! Hope you start feeling a little better as the months go on. :heartpulse:


Wow!! Red flag. I dare for my husband to talk to me that way. Stand your ground.

I’m really loving all the puke in his food and on him comments. I think that’s more than fair. Men will literally never understand. Because they’ll never go through it. Some men luckily are very sympathetic. Sounds like yours isn’t.


Graze his sack, then tell him to function at normal speed


My husband would never be upset with me for not feeling like cooking. He’s actually in the kitchen right now cooking supper because I’m recovering from an infection and I promise you he did the same thing when I had morning sickness with our kids. Marriage isn’t always 50/50 with work and household chores.

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An “accidental” tap in the nuts should do the trick…


Run raw chicken on his fork and when he’s puking tell him to suck it up.


If he’s sick too maybe he needs to visit the Dr. That’s not normal. Drama queen he’s just lazy

I just keep going. Now with 7 kids routine must be kept

Are you close with his mom? If so call her and tell. If that’s not an option tell him YouTube has recipes all day long and get to cooking.Stand up for yourself and tell him that growing a baby isn’t easy and his responsibility to make sure you and the baby are ok. Also he want to avoid this either keep his hands to hisself or get a vasectomy. Some times being nice doesn’t work.

Think the jackass will get the message you’re not cooking if you do any of these… lol

Put a pop tart on a plate. Tell him dinners served.

Hand him a pot and a can of unopened soup. Walk away

Throw a box of cereal at him. Literally throw and sit back down staring at him.

Tell Him his dinners at McDonald’s he better hurry and go get it.


Swift kick in the nads should do the trick. I’m told that makes them nauseous.


Men do not understand pregnancy!

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