My husband gets irritated that I don't do my normal duties due to morning sickness: Advice?

You can believe this or not but it really works I did to my husband and I got the biggest kick. Cross over your husband when you get up. He will have the morning sickness instead of you!!! Try and see what happens let me know how it work


Tell him fuck himself. Do it yourself. If he doesnt like it have his mother do it.


Tell him to fuck off


I’m all up for putting something in his food that makes him puke and makes him nauseous. Then when he’s not feeling well and he’s hung over the toilet and he can’t do his manly or husband duties look at him and go it’s not that easy is it! Because believe me my fiancé can be a selfish dick and he has come at me both times I was pregnant. And I’ve made him regret it every single time. And here lately he’s done this whole you don’t do anything but sit at home and watch TV all day bullshit when I have two little boys under the age of three one of them is learning to walk in the other one is just not wanting to share so he’s kind of mean to my baby. So most of my days are spent in my living room floor making sure my three-year-old doesn’t murder my nine-month-old. So some days the toys don’t get picked up or the dishes are slow to be loaded in the dishwasher or the laundry might get backed up just a little bit. But my fiancé has learn to watch what he says around me or he eats his words. He said all I did was sit around and watch TV all day well that’s what I did for five days straight. I made my children food but I didn’t make anything for him. I washed my children’s clothes but I didn’t wash his work clothes. I cleaned up after my children but any plate cup or bowl that he had out but he just can’t seem to get it in the sink never got picked up. I looked at him Saturday and said so I sit and watch TV all day now you know what that’s like. Needless to say he’s done nothing but watch the kids today well I’ve done nothing but clean and he’s getting a taste of why I sit in the floor with my nine-month-old. He also has a bad habit of not helping me unload groceries or if I go to my moms for a weekend to Chyna make sure she’s got her medicine in order go to the grocery store make sure she’s got food she can eat and stuff like that when I get home he doesn’t help me unload the car and his excuses I didn’t help you load it why should I help you unload it. Just because I’m a stay at home mom doesn’t mean I’m your damn mother you can act like a father and help me with your children. So I don’t have three kids I have four. And mothers don’t have sex with their children so we’ve not had sex in four months and the one time we did was pretty much the first time after I had the baby so we’ve had sex maybe twice in a little over a year and a half almost 2 years. He seems to be OK with that because sitting on Xbox or napping in the recliner is more important. But I know what it’s like to be completely sick with morning sickness and you can’t do anything. But all I can say is make him regret saying that. Men expect us to be wonder woman when they can’t even handle a simple cold. Most man if you leave them with the kids in the house duties they can’t get it all done or they can’t handle all the kids at one time. I handle my two boys 24 seven anywhere I go I couldn’t even leave both of them with him yesterday just for me to go to the store I had to take one. I’m beginning to understand why some women just don’t need men and prefer to date women. I’m about to find me another mom and be at to Mom strong household with a bunch of kids and we can handle the shit on our own and don’t need a man!


Tell him he’s an adult. He needs to pick up the slack until this passes. After all, he helped create the situation.


Does he not have working hands or something? Jesus men are useless


Your his wife not his mother, Chuck toast at him and tell him if it’s not good enough to get off his ass and make his own bloody dinner unless he wants you to vomit on his food


Well I hate to say this but nothing you say or do will make a man understand what you’re going through you will just have to suck it up and deal with it or ignore him and let him make his own dinner

If he can’t handle now he will be worse when child has come and your tired and bizzy with the baby all day .

He needs to grow up and help out u ain’t his mum you shouldn’t be doing everything for a grown man anyway

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It sounds life you should of waited for the right man!

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I’m a bitch and a half ,I’d tell him to take a flying fuck. I threw up when pregnant all day long. My husband did everything for me. He knew I’d cut him if acting a fool. Forward 20 sumthin years later, still does everything for me. Tell him you’re busy growing a life.

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I’d leave. That’s just me though. I’m not mothering a grown man that I didnt make.

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Cook that man supper & when you go to hand him his plate VOMIT!!! Next time you say you’re sick his ass will go to a drive thru :woman_shrugging:

  1. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, especially during pregnancy
  2. Your focus- you, the baby, and your other little one
  3. You can provide education regarding the physical and emotional impact a pregnancy has - especially the 2nd time around with a little one by your side but ultimately it is up to him wether or not he will acknowledge, validate, and provide more support and understanding
  4. Another option, talk with you physician about providing some education to him as well during next baby check up. Good luck to you and I’m sorry for your stress.
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just ignore him and tell him unless he is taking car for ur other child 24/7, and cleans daily, and is infact growing a small human then he can f off and cut u some slack

Throw a can of biscuits and a pan at him place butter and jelly on table supper is served

Morning sickness is the worse thing ever. I think I would rather have the swine flu than to have days and days and days of throwing up and/or dry heaving. I’m sorry but my bitch mode would kick in and I would end up telling him to kiss my fucking pregnant ass. He needs to speak to a therapist about his babyish ways or your GYNO so that he can get the full spectrum of what you are going thru.

And I hope your pregnancy gets better. :hugs:

Barf on him and tell him to have a damn seat. Silly man child.

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Freezer meals. And he was probably just hangry I wouldnt take it too Seriously. But definitely do some meals in advance he could help you prep if he’s not going to be an ass…

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Get primerib take out from China hut.

Mr dr had to tell him the baby is more important

Duties? Tell him to shove it and remind him that you’re a partnership and you answer to no one.


He’s a grown man, with two working hands, yes? Does he know the location of the kitchen? Can he do simple tasks like opening and closing a refrigerator door, and turning a stove on and off? He’s MORE than capable of making himself, his first child, and you dinner while you literally perform the miracle of growing life inside your body. And if he has a problem with it, make sure to have a nice lukewarm bowl of soggy cereal ready for his dinner every night.


Try meal prepping when you’re not feeling sick and talking with him and your physician about what you’re experiencing. Sometimes we all need a helping had in empathy and there may be more stress he’s experiencing then he’s letting on and his only outlet is nitpicking simple things. Communication is key!! I hope all goes well!

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Men will never understand.

Kick him in the crotch! Pregnancy is hard! I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone :joy: the reward at the end is what is worth it!!


Your body is making another person. That takes a LOT of energy and will drain you. He could help or at least order takeout for a little while.

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So an adult male can’t make he’s own dinner for a few nights so he’s own wife and mother of he’s kids can rest. Send him YouTube videos of women discussing morning sickness sickness. Then talk to him about making dinner for a few nights so you don’t end up vomiting in the dinner.


Gag when you hand him his plate. Tell him thats his first warning.


I just wouldnt do it. If he is hungry he will cook.


I would make him go to a doctor appointment and make him say that shit in front of the OB… so he can very swiftly and nicely be told to STFU and cook some food, you’re busy building eyeballs and shit


I’d leave quick and rethink my situation but then again I been through enough abuse that I refuse to take anymore I’d stay somewhere else f him you need to take care of yourself and your unborn

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He sounds like a spoiled self centered brat that needs to grow up. It takes two in a marriage and two raising the kids. He should have taken care of you and his child. Good luck I think your going to need it!!


Puke In his food I guarantee he won’t ask you to cook again lol


Mine does the same exact thing and makes sure to tell me how good I was before I got pregnant


Buy some bread and lunchmeat, then show him where they are. Men are like children you have to teach them

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Get some headphones and learn to ignore his hissy fits. He will eventually get tired of complaining or handle it himself. Kind of like a whinny kid. Train them not to be spoiled by not responding to spoiled requests

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Your husband sounds like a selfish ass! Tell him where to stuff it and raise the kid yourself!


Simple solution, give him food poisoning. For at least 3 months


"oh geese i didnt know men could get pregnant in which causes me to throw up- i didnt know your hands were broken and that you were a selfish prick who cant do a damn thing for himself.
I thought well gee me growing your LEFT OVER SPERM in my womb would make you happy- that the fact that i YOUR WIFE has a life changing experience going on with, oh i dont know, YOUR child. "
I would get so petty​:joy::joy::joy: hes a grown man and is being ungrateful of the fact that your dying to give life to his child (sarcasm on the dying but it has you feeling that way)

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I have rough pregnancy on my 2nd and I stayed sick the whole time with my first. And so far same on my 2nd but much worse. Thankfully im not alone this pregnancy and he sees how physically sick I get. Esp when he took a week off and stayed home he got to see my whole day of morning me trying to go to work and after. Now he seen first hand he understands a little better.

I find what goes around comes around, I had a knee replacement my husband was supporting me but then he had to have a knee replacement surgery and he knew how I really felt and he got good service and care.:two_hearts::blush::sunflower::turtle:

Morning sickness sucks but you are a mom and a wife and sometimes we just have to push on and continue! If you don’t want to cook then go buy something and say you were craving! Never let a man be hungry because they can understand you not feeling good but when it comes to food there is no peace! When I don’t want to cook I have stuff that is instantly ready! Buy stuff that you can whipped up and quickly do it!


Thankfully my man for the most part understood. Morning sickness is rough. I had it for the first trimester and a half. And my doctors tried everything, nothing helped. It finally eased up on its own. But shit morning sickness is not what it sounds like. It’s draining mentally and physically. I felt sick without actually throwing up half the time. Which was the worst. And when I was throwing up it was non stop. I feel your pain. Morning sickness is hard on its own I can’t imagine having it without the support of your PARTNER.

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Make dinner and throw up in it😂


Sounds like your husband is just a jackass! :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Play deaf and take care of yourself and your babies. He is just trying to bully you into doing it…or get a doctors note hh

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He wouldn’t be knocking me up EVER AGAIN after this time…


Tell him no more sex and you won’t feel this way again.

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Sometimes you have to throw the whole husband away


You are a mom. I barfed 6 times a day average through both my pregnancies for the entire pregnancy. Suck it up, pull your big girl panties up and take care of your family. I’m guessing there is more to this story than him being mad about not having dinner for one night. I’ll take a huge bet that this is a build up of doing absolutely nothing since you got pregnant and are using it as a excuse and dinner was the final straw.


Is he an adult with hands? Or did you marry a Man-Child. I wish parents would stop raising their Sons to be catered to as though they don’t have to lift a finger in the home. Having a penis does not disqualify you from housework and caring for children.


i say guck him
…bur he needs to get resl…asshole

A relationship isn’t always 50/50. Sometimes 60/40.
It doesn’t matter. The other half is there to help when one is down, needs help. Or whatever the case may be. Maybe he needs a reminder. Be honest about your feelings. And also remind him that you are growing a human inside you! You don’t want to be put on bed rest or stuck in the hospital( then what would he do!) Morning sickness can be a serious issue!

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Make some fudge with chocolate exlax in it with ice cream let the bastard shit his self. See if he feels good.


If he doesn’t get It then he can’t understand It… you can’t fix stupid.


Tell him to kiss your as and go home to mom for a couple weeks he’ll change his tune lol.


Just call for pizza. Dinner solved.

My husband and I take care of each other when we are sick or tired or whatever. One of us picks up the slack.
If he cant do that the he shouldn’t be in a relationship

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Call his Mama and ask her to come cook for her boy cause he is hungry.


He doesn’t need to be waited on hand and foot and hes capable of making something when you’re not feeling well. I’m 30 weeks and mine during the first and some of the second trimester I had morning sickness and if I didnt feel well he told me to take it easy and dont worry about anything because he was supportive and has always been… he just needs to understand that feeling like that and trying to cook is not something that’s easily done because smells can make you run and get sick. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that.


I was lucky i didn’t get morning sickness with my first baby. My husband did but he still went to work Naver complain. But with our second child i got morning sickness but i still got up. Got my husband of to work clean my house because i Naver liked my husband to come home to a dirty house and was still able to care for my baby and my husband always came home to a hot meal.

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Cook the food and barf in it and serve it to his ass


Ur a mom I was sick the whole 40 weeks with all 3 of my pregnancies. I still had to cook tho are i woukd get sandwich stuff with chips are something easy BECAUSE he worked all day and even tho i stayed sick all day n night i still would. But he should man up if hes gonna be a daddy

But than again i know some women try to act like pregnancy is a disability and I cant stand that

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Absolute BULLSHIT. I was sick all day every day for 7 months. It is like having the flu. Serve him some spoiled meat or something to induce food poisoning. See how he feels. This post enrages me.


Ffs!!! He’s not growing another human being inside of him, he can sure as heck help out for 9 or 10 months!!! I WISH someone could have the kids FOR me!!! :joy:

:face_vomiting: on him then maybe he will get it! Just saying.

Sure thing tell him get off his ass and do something we are not in the 1940’s he should pitch in especially if your sick and pregnant

Puke on him and then he’ll shut the fuck up.


He wasn’t sick when he was in the bed with it you so tell him that’s why your sick now lol !!

Remind him female praying mantis eat their partner after mating & he’s starting to look pretty tempting. Lol :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Okay this is what you do simply tell him to stop acting like a little bitch. And start acting like a man and be understanding that his woman is pregnant with his child and morning sickness from being pregnant isn’t even comparable to him being sick. Real men don’t act like this. For real. He sounds like a total douche bag, and I’d slap him if I was with someone who spoke to me that way while carrying his child. tell him to grow the fuck up and stop acting like a complete incompetent dick head and if he doesn’t start acting like a real man should, then leave his ass because guess what honey it’s only going to get worse once that child is here


That’s not how a partner acts. I could just see him getting all mean to you because you asked him to change the babys diaper.

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Well if explaining didnt work then a swift kick to the head might. :woman_shrugging:

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The story of my pregnancy.

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A real man cares. Dump his sorry ass.

Your his wife not his slave, tell him to cook his own damn meal. And as far as that goes he can wash his own clothes and clean the house also. Sounds like pansy ass boy not raised by his mother correctly

Tell his ass to grow up and make his own damn food.

If it were me I would definitely tell him to grow up, you are not his mom. I keep seeing these types of posts and I just sit here thinking, really?! Especially pregnant my husband always took over usually without me having to ask, and we were 20 with our first one lol you don’t deserve that. I had the same sickness while pregnant and it’s a different type of exhaustion than just being tired or not feeling good. I just really don’t understand guys like this. Clearly he needs to watch watch detailed videos on what pregnancy truly does to your body. I’m sorry you have to go through that

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Too bad men don’t get pregnant. Then again the human race would end if they could.stand your ground and don’t feel guilty!

Girrrl, my first trimester was ROUGH!!! I mean, it took a lot out of me. I stayed exhausted. About a week or 2 before my 2nd trimester, my energy came back and my nausea is now almost gone. I still get sick from time to time. And I’m 20 weeks. During my 1st trimester, I did what NEEDED to be done when it came to household chores. And promised the hubby that as soon as I felt normal-ish again, I’d deep clean the house. Which I did. I also called a close friend to help me. Since then, I’ve kept the house up. Have a couple (that has a good marriage and kids) come over and discuss pregnancy with him. Have an experienced close family male friend that you trust to talk to him also helps!!! Men just don’t understand. It’s not that they don’t want to, they just don’t know what it’s like. Pregnancy is BEAUTIFUL!! But, HARD! Pregnancy is amazing! But gross and at times, weird. Share the good and bad moments with him. Bad… as in, when you cough and accidentally pee yourself :woman_facepalming:t3: Even though us women carry the child, a couple is pregnant together. Let him know that you appreciate and love him, but you don’t want to have to go through these experiences alone. It’s scary. This is the moment where you need him the most. Your body is adjusting to something that’s never happened before. It takes a lot out of us. Simply walking to the end of the driveway for trash pickup will have you out of breathe and ready for your 2nd or 3rd nap. My advice is… spread your chores up. Every wifey duty you do in your home, take a break in between. Clean the kitchen, take a break. Clean the living room, take a break… etc. You will begin to feel better soon!!! In all honesty, I hardly every cooked during my 1st trimester. I was just too dang tired and sick. I cooked easy meals or asked the hubby to pick up something on his way home from work. Things will get better!! :kissing_heart:

Easy solution. His mama obviously did not raise him right. Get that loser out of your life. It will only get worst, I know from past experiences.

Make his dinner and puke on the plate.

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Send him links of how women feel while pregnant read articles to him or call his mom and tell her what’s going on and see if she can talk sence into him. If my son ever spoke to his wife that way while shes pregnant or raising children I would smack the crap out of him lol. Some days a wife/mom or mom just wants to relax to get better.

Remind him ge never got sick like u and when he manages to grow a baby in his stomach he will be able to have opinions on “how sick” ur allowed to be. Take all the time u want omg some mennnnnn

Omg tell him to get to work and pick up the slack! Geez! Your creating a human wtf is wrong with him?!?! Lol


Did he not make a vow “in sickness and in health”?
Man up.


Tell him to cook his own damn dinner and to stfu and let you be pregnant. Would he rather be dealing with the sickness pain hormones and everything else that comes with pregnant, um probably not if he can’t even handle one night cooking dinner for himself


Selfish man, tell him to act like a man not like a child.


Tell him to kiss your ass. I think the little human you are creating and growing inside is more important then doing dishes, dinner, or wiping his ass. Tell him to be a man and pick up what you’re unable to do. P.s. your husband sounds like an inconsiderate asshole


Kick him in the nuts :no_good_woman:


Throw him away and start over.


Kick him in the taint and then ask why he can’t get up and do the dishes.


Next time he complains tell him “there’s cereal.” Haha.

But jokes aside, imagine eggs worsening your nausea and he is trying to FORCE you to make eggs?! Youd barf all over the kitchen! Plus, your body is hurting and you feel sick. :blue_heart:


Tell him to go sleep in his vehicle. Men are a waste of cells I swear.


Just remind him that even in sickness, you’re still growing a human. Which is more work than he will ever do in his entire life. I hope you get the break you need and deserve and dont be ashamed to rest as much as possible!!


Men wouldn’t last one day being pregnant while continuing do your normal every day routine!


Tell him to fuck off


sounds like a controlling dick. if he’s going to be this way now just wait until you and baby are sick and finally get a nap and he starts in… just saying been there LEFT that :woman_shrugging: