My husband gets all mad when i dont answer my phone as well. However he gets over it because he knows i do a bunch of things with the kids and i was busy or else i would have answered it. Checking in is fine but getting angry and having arguments about it is not. If he is truly using your phone to “keep track of you” or as a form of “control” than that is a larger issue and really needs to be addressed maybe even with professionals. Such as counselors, therapists, etc. It may be related to him cheating and being guilty or it may just be an issue he has gained from a past relationship that he cant let go of. There is always a reason for the actions of others you just need to get to the bottom of it. These things can eventually escalate and you dont want that kind of situation.
My husband hasn’t answered my calls in 10 years. He is a chef and calls me when he feels like it. It used to really make me mad but what can you do? If it’s really important I call the restaurant. Really pisses him off. Hahaha
You can’t just ignore it. It will not go away but it will only get worse if you do. I would tell him that you love him with all your heart. Maybe tell him some of the things about him that you love so much. Ask him how he feels about you. Ask him when I call you and you don’t answer why don’t you answer? Are you angry at me, do you just don’t care, are you disloyal, are you cheating, or are you just busy at will call me back as soon as you can. The same is true for me. When you get angry it is very hurtful and I just can’t expect it anymore. This disrespectful behavior must stop or you need to see professional anger management help
This guy has serious self esteem problems
No this is not normal
Hes cheating and deflecting or a narcissistic asshole. Honestly, I hope he’s just cheating for your safety because narcissists are soooooo scary and dangerous
Get a watch that vibrates. Or a blue tooth.
Ditto girl, and eventually I just told him cell phones are for the owners convenience, not the callers. Sounds rude but getting mad and causing me anxiety was too much.
This is controlling behavior. It’s only the beginning.
Mine did the same! I pointed he never picked up and I had the many missed calls to prove it. He stopped getting mad. Just talk to him.
Sounds like a narcissist
I would talk to him about it and explain to him that you can’t always answer your phone because you’re busy doing stuff. And if it continues, and say you’re in the middle of dinner, just stop making dinner & when he gets home and it isn’t ready then explain to him well I had to answer your call so… that’s how I’d do it anyway:woman_shrugging:t4:
My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years & his sister is that way. If he doesn’t answer or text her back in .5 she’s blowing my phone up; it’s annoying, I still haven’t figured out how to handle that one, because his family doesn’t follow or listen to what anyone says, there’s no respect at all.
Good luck♥️
Honestly it sounds like a guilty conscience I’m sorry to say but I would snoop his phone, confrontation will just cause a huge fight and he’ll never admit to anything until caught red handed…hope you find a peaceful resolution
Sounds like it’s his control issue, and something he needs to work on. I live with bf and he has done the same thing, and gone as far as saying crude comment as to what he is going to do with my phone. I straightened him by responding that I am not his employee or not on call and will return the call as soon as I can. I work outdoors often and phones are not convenient to carry horse back etc. Counciling perhaps.
I just answer calls at that busy time of day on my Apple Watch so people have to hear the background noise and know I’m busy and I can keep working on dinner, etc. You could also get air buds for the same thing-
If I can’t answer calls I send one of the auto-text responses, “can’t talk right now” “can I call you later?” Etc.
Sounds very controlling. Just because he’s never laid a hand on you doesn’t mean that he’s not abusive. Controlling is the start of an abusive relationship. Abuse isn’t always physical.
Try never answering it for a day or two and whenever he gets mad just ask do you ever want me to answer it again. He will get over getting mad or hit you if he hits leave don’t take his _____!
It’s a good thing it’s not you
Have you ever been mad when he doesn’t answer. I would try it. When he reacts tell him tell him well you do this to me all the time.
Besides working you’re still cleaning, cooking and helping the kids and he gets mad because you don’t answer the phone ? What an idiot! This is abuse
My husband has got an attitude before over it but apologizes later when he realizes that was unnecessary. Because there’s no reason to behave that way especially when you’ve never gave him a reason to feel you’re doing something shady… I could see if he was just worried like maybe something happened but not to the point he needs to be reacting that way. Sounds to me like he feels guilty about something HE might be doing so the moment you don’t answer your phone he’s assuming you must be doing the same thing he is. I’d be checking that quick as hell !!
My husband does the exact same thing…
He is just trying to control you.
My EX was the same way.
I had to call or ( report) as soon as I got off of work
Or when I got home
I went out shopping one day and we.spent the entire day out…I got yelled at because I had not “checked in”. I am not worried about a phone when I am out enjoying a day with my daughter…yeah we had an argument…I said , I do not report to anyone…I am a grown woman. My parents are dead… and you don’t pay my bills. We were married for 9 years ,but lived in two different states… we split up because of all of the jealousy of my daughter control issues and the drinking…I don’t drink and won’t be verbally abused by someone who Does
Sounds like he has a guilty conscience…
Not everyone has there phone on them 24 /7 he needs to stop , it’s controlling
Narcissistic and controlling.
I’m sorry to say this… but he’s 1000% projecting. You should be more worried about what hes doing when he doesn’t answer his phone. I’m pretty sure it’s not good.
Go to counseling together and have that objective person tell him how his expectations and anger are ruining your marriage. If he won’t go, go by yourself to get the support you need and he’s not giving you. Even one hour talking to a mental health professional can help you put this into the proper perspective and give you tools on how to talk to him to deal with this issue and others. Good luck.
A control issue. My daughters boyfriend is the same way.
I feel like, that, because our phones are cordless, it’s expected we carry them everywhere we go, and answer on demand. I shouldn’t have to stop what I’m doing to instantly respond to someone, especially when it’s inconvenient to me. I get grief, when I don’t answer, too, but, as an individual, I don’t deserve to be scrutinized because I miss a call.
I was this way. I always think of the worst and I have abandonment issues,
Those people who are saying he’s controlling or cheating are absolutely wrong it’s not about control. I would stay calm and sit down and talk to him and tell him calmly and talk about it. Try to understand his side and why he feels that way and why it makes him feel that way
I’d have him see a therapist about his control issues over something like that or if u get a chance check his phone sounds guilty about his own actions. On the other hand it isn’t controlling either. If u normally pick up or call right after work it may just be a worry thing. There are times I’m busy and set my phone down and dont hear it because I’m in another room. Just start keeping it on u and answer it doing a million other things he will start 2 understand ur busy eventually and just dont have time 2 talk. When my husband starts in with why dont u ever answer I just throw it right back at him. I do most of my best cleaning when I dont have my husband around on top of bathing, school work etc. After 13 years together he finally understands that I will call him back if I notice hes called and I missed it.
Sometimes it’s the perfect place. Unbiased advice. And to answer your question, you probably will need a mediator to help facilitate this conversation so both sides can be heard and some type of resolution can be made
Some people are just like that. I would suggest talking to him about it. I mean you’ve been together for 8 years. I would hope he’d be under about how you’re feeling,especially if anxiety is involved. Only way you can handle this is face it head on.
He might have his own specific personal issues causing him to act this way
I get so angry when my mom doesn’t answer😂
But find out what’s really going on. It might be deeper
No one is perfect
Just say MF I’M BUSY!!! and if you don’t drop everything you’re doing when I called don’t expect the same thing from me.
He needs therapy. There has to be a reason he gets so upset. Why is it okay for him to be busy and not answer your call but the same can’t happen for you? Are you supposed to pull over on the side of the road to answer his call? Do you answer when you’re in the bathroom?
Block his call see what happens
I always forget to raise the ringer after I get off work…its no biggie. He laughs about it. THAT is normal, cause if he gets mad I can get even madder. He don’t want that. So we just keep it cute.
I think he may have anxiety. I am the exact same way but I dont argue about it but omg it totally freaks me out and scares the hell out of me and takes me all day to recover. He seems to be more verbal than me but maybe its something to think about and maybe a therapist could help him deal.
First off it is ridiculous that he reacts this way. I would have to to wonder what it is he is hiding. You are entitled to be busy considering you have all the extras to do. If it is such a problem tell him to set a time that he will call everyday so you can be available if he can not do that then I would not care I am sure it is nothing important. His behavior is not a normal response to you not answering the phone so I would have to ask is there more of this behavior in other aspects of your relationship that is causing you to have anxiety if so you need to get out.
Send him a text before you get busy, ‘’ I’m home going to take the kids a shower etc. I’ll call you when I’m done ( if you have the time after). My dude does not get mad at me for this but, sometimes it’s all that’s needed so he knows you and the kids are doing ok. Sometimes my dude gets nervous when he knows I’m going to be out and about with traffic and all, it’s not a trust thing it’s a I want to make sure my family is safe thing. Done guys just let their anger show more than there worry.
I had a husband like that drove me crazy. It’s a control issue to me. That and other reasons we r no longer together. I could tell him but just made him mad and didn’t do any good and he’d just get worse about it. Good luck I hope he listens
Introduce him to MGTOW videos. (Sandman, TFM, Spetsnaz, Better Bachelor, Bar Bar, etc.) In no time at all he’ll be REDPILLED and never call you again.
Tell him that your phone is not glued to your hand 24/7 and when you get home from work, your second job starts. Tell him that there’s times you call him and he doesn’t answer but you know once he sees he missed your call he will call you back. Ask him if he ever comes home and has to help with homework, do laundry, get dinner ready, read up the house and organize for the next day. Explain to him how his anger over a missed call makes you feel and it’s got to stop. It’s apparent that he’s got trust issues. You may have to be blunt about this.
If he’s accusing you of cheating its because he’s doing it. Those that can’t take accountability for their actions will place blame on others to take the blame off themselves. Start giving him what he gives you! The mad and anger. He seems very controlling
I get mad at my husband when he doesn’t answer but that is because I am paying for a phone and he most likely left it at home and he is disabled and falls
I’d lose my shit if he didn’t answer his phone tit for tat here. And if he asks why just say because this is what you do to me.
Hell, I get mad when my husband and don’t answer my call too. Perhaps because I see him answer the phone when we’re together so WTH are you doing that you don’t answer when I call? No excuse. Answer the damn phone (I mean him, not you).
In my experience, if he’s mad that you don’t answer, he’s doing something wrong and thinks you’re doing the same…just my opinion
I know someone like this. I told him he just calls at the wrong time or he does the same. Doesn’t work. He’ll get over it. I wish I had better advice but I don’t think anything will help.
My Ex was like that too. One time, he actually demanded to speak to my boss when I didn’t answer his call. I called hin back when I could and fussed him out. It didn’t get better but got much worse. I would tell him that I had a job and couldn’t sit around waiting for him to call. If I didn’t answer, just leave a message and I would call when I could. Every call was like – hey, you doing ok? Good, I will let you go.
In his head his job is important but yours isn’t . He doesn’t see what u do as a job and feels you have all the free time in the world to be answering his call . That’s why he gets upset. He doesn’t respect u
I left mine so no more anxiety. You’re situation seems better than mine though so not sure what to do
Sorrrry to hear how you have to live in fear buttt this should be nipped in the bud…back in the “olden” days when the rotary phone was all we had, there was no wayyy in blue belly hell wives/mothers had to live in fear as to being around the house phone 24/7…you have a life that does not need to be lived in fear when every move you make has to be held accountable for…tell him texting will let him know when you just can’t talk due to other important things you have going on at that particular moment…you need to relax & not live a life in fear otherwise he needs counceling on his posessiveness!!!
Men need to grow up. Give him a dose of his own medicine next time he doesnt answer your call
It sounds a lot like leave & never go back thats just my opinion tho
Jealousy is a terrible monster and usually come from insecurity on the jealous person report
well Doris does the same. he leaves a message saying I could be dying and you will not answer that so and so phone:grin:
Controlling and mentally abusing you with his anger, run…
He’s insecure and controlling. That’s his problem, not yours.
People treat others how they allow them to . He is controlling born of insecurity , even to the extent that it seem you are left to run the home thus not having any time for yourself .
By allowing him you are an enabler and your children will grow up seeing that this unhappiness is normal .
Don’t think they don’t see it and sense it Kids are smart .
Ur letting him have control over u. No1 controls u but u. Wow run from this 1… it will only get worse
I had an ex like that, and even though I only didn’t answer if I couldn’t, he was cheating
He’s controlling! Get counseling - if he won’t go, go by yourself. If he won’t change, leave! Don’t spend your life like this - I have a sister-in-law who has put up with this for over 50 years. It is wearing her down! But she won’t stand up and tell him to CUT IT OUT! Don’t be a victim!
Tell him to do some of the chores to get the load off of you so you’ll be ready to answer his call what a dick
Tell him you have better shit to do than be on your damn phone all day fuckin whiny ass man baby
Acussers are justifying guilt
Start calling him randomly.
Control Freak wants to know where you are every minute.
Nope. Definitely not. My life doesn’t revolve around my phone all day, so if my husband was doing this, he wouldn’t be my husband for long. Sorry you’re going through this. Sounds like some trust issues on his end (and they can definitely be for no reason!) maybe be has self esteem issues and has irrational fears about the relationship.
I would just make him deal with it. I mean this is a problem I have had several times. Like god forbid I not stare at my phone waiting for his possible call. He got over it tho. I was busy with the babies. Nothing you can do to make him change except tell him how you feel or don’t even acknowledge that he’s angry about it. Just talk like he’s not mad. He will probably get over it
It’s better to talk about it when it’s not happening. I am sure it’s his anxiety and now it’s rubbing off on you. I’d ask him why he gets so upset when you don’t answer and really listen to him. Then ask him to listen to you when you explain how his behavior is making you feel. Then come up with a plan together on how you both can change a little to make you both more comfortable.
My husband and also gets worked up when I don’t answer calls or texts right away. It got worse when our son was born. He has very bad anxiety though, so I know to some extent he can’t help how upset he gets. I just remind him I can’t always have my phone on me 24/7 and I call back or text as soon as I notice the notification. He’s getting better about it, though he almost never answers his phone when he’s home with the baby and I’m at work, and I remind him it goes both ways.
Sounds like he has a need to have control over you. You are not at his beck and call, as you have respossibilities of your own you have to take care of. By the way why is he not helping out with at least some of the work at home. Then he would realize just how much work is what we call call housewaork.
Wait so he can not answer but flips out if you dont. Ridiculous.
Maybe you should bring up the fact that so many people’s lives revolve around there phone it is good to disconnect awhile and get back to the way the world used to be. Excited to see you and catch up on your day. Fondness actually does make the heart fonder. Phones to me are for emergency or for out of town contact. Phones take up to much of a person’s time, it takes away from our children. It is rude to take calls when people visit. They take time to see you and instead of silencing the call or saying you can call back later, many people rudely take the call and ignore their guest. Many points you can bring up. To me getting upset or angry at a missed call is a red flag in the relationship. It is a control thing that could become much worse.
My hubby is the same way, but with him it’s because of his anxiety. He’s always worrying about me and the kids, and if I don’t answer he thinks something is wrong. So when I call him back, he gets mad, and it’s because I scared him.
That sounds a little fishy hun… the fact that you feel the need to have to say that he’s never laid a hand on you just makes the behavior more concerning especially becuase you feel the need to have to justify it soooo much
Tell him your phone is not glued to your hand. And then ask hey do you want to help out doing everything I do? LOL
Trust issues all the way. He mustn’t be living his life correctly. I wonder what he’s doing on the times he misses your calls…fishy! I always miss my husband’s calls because like you, I’m busy! If he needs me, he will call again or text me. I’d be concerned. And I’m not wearing ear buds to not miss a call!!! That’s insane.
I have a fit bit so my calls come to watch I can hit ignore or answer. That may help. But def talk to him
It is all about “Control”… he needs psychiatric help.
Meh mine just calls b text till I have time to call back , but he can only reach me when I’m home …only a wifi phone now
Get some marriage counseling and maybe he needs some individual counseling before this escalates. Does he not realize how much work it is to take care of the baby and housework?
I would give your phone to one of the kids so when he called they could tell him that you are busy doing something for them and they had to get your phone for you and answered it for you
I honestly don’t know why you’re asking strangers, you’ve put up with it for 8 years and it’s only up to you if you’ll put up with it for more, no one can decide that for you
Grow up . Practical advice needed not fairy stories