Your husband sounds like an asshole, if I called my husband at night to come help and he acted like that I would leave his ass. Your spouse should always be the number one person you can count on when you can’t count on anyone else. Bottom line.
Are we married to same person? I’m so sorry and it is just ridiculous. Hugs!
F-k him… pack up and tell him bye. I would never be with someone i couldn’t depend on.
You where definitely you call him first ! Husband . Help , then if he’s not close someone close et but always him first !! Xx
Your husband should be your best friend and the one person you can depend on, no matter what. He should also be the one who has your safety first and foremost on his mind. It doesn’t sound like that’s the husband you have. He wouldn’t have hung up on me late at night, stranded like that, but one time. I wouldn’t have called him back, but he wouldn’t be bothered with me anymore either.
I’d be like it’s ok Jeff helped me, George or Lincoln. Start naming names off of $ and watch how quickly he starts worrying about why you’re not calling him.
He’s a dope. Remember this when he reach for you in the bedroom
My husband would of gotten upset with me if I didn’t call him. I’m sorry but a couple should be there for each other no matter what time or situation it is.
Sorry it’s not just work or the kids… HE MUST BE TIRED OF HAVING A SPOUSE. Even after a long day, your wife is in a dangerous situation. Calling her husband is the 1st thing a MARRIED WOMAN IS SUPPOSE TO DO. I can see him being a tab bit irritated but by the time you all made it back home he should’ve shaken it off… I’m so confused. Call who eles? For them to ask you lol Did you call your husband😒
What an ass. Sorry. But if you can’t depend on him when it counts… nope. Gotta go.
If you can’t count on your husband no matter how big or how small something is, it’s time to get a different one! One that’s gonna jump when you need him no matter what the problem is!
He needs to grow up. You would be better off with someone that cared about you
My wife would have been 3 steps out the door before I even finished my sentence. Your safety should never be an inconvenience to your partner.
F that guy. My husband would never tell me to figure it out on my own. We are partners. Though we have both admitted we are co dependent on each other but still hes supposed to be your support system.
It’s def not right for him to hang up on you. But I also understand this frustration. And the kids had just been corralled and put in bed? Yeah, I would’ve been annoyed too lol
Wow. Just wow. My husband would have gotten in the car and stayed on the phone with me until he got there.
He was doing something while you were at work. He had to adjust his plans to accommodate you. Then made the situation your fault. Spy on him and you’ll see the truth. Gaslight. Breadcrumb…you’ll see.
I don’t have a husband to call you are lucky , but I am a independent woman & have been even when I wasn’t married ! But it nice to have someone to call he should of understood!
My husband would be upset if I didn’t call him first & foremost. I’m sorry this happened to you.
Will this matter if 5 minutes or 5 years… no. You were both tired and frustrated. Give yourselves a break. the question is, Is this a normal reaction to a request for help from him. Go on that information. Then decide, I’m sure you already know if he’s a good hubby or not. Hugs for your hurt feelings.
Listen, he’s a man and they can’t handle stress like women do. Not only did he say he had a long day at work but he also had to take care of kids and then you call needing help lol. I’d say he was overwhelmed and needed some alone time to destress. I wouldn’t take it personally unless he acts like this often.
He was prob just tired. Lol my husband would’ve given me the business I’m always locking my keys in car unless this runs deeper and he isn’t there for you ever then I would feel a certain type of way. But I know if I worked in shitty part of town he would’ve just jumped up and not even questioned it at the moment. Actually prob wouldn’t even let me drive there. He would be picking me up
My husband would be there without question…if I were u I be questioning my marriage and the fact your safety doesn’t concern him
Ok yes he has the right to be frustrated,he’s tired and has to wake kiddos up etc. But beyond that he should have never hung up on you (yuck) and as your husband Made sure you were safe and hell bring the keys asap . Than you both move forward and talk it out the next day. You guys should invest in the book about love languages. It’s so insightful.
Cant. Change. Him. Unless. He does. It. Own. His. Own
I would be there for anyone!
He’s not you best friend anymore?
Perhaps you do things like this often? Frustration over these these things and saying “you put yourself in that situation” isn’t a random outburst. He must be frustrated over the fact that you may be forgetful quite often and after a long day, he didn’t want to deal with it.
My now ex-hubby drove 3 hours to bring me spare keys when I lost mine. He wasn’t happy and I heard about it for years. But he did it.
Well, that would never happen again, usually I would figure it out, call and ask the non emergency police number see if they do lock outs, if not, call a tow company. I would have thought about my kids and not want to wake them over MY mistake, sometimes it’s just nice to figure it for yourself.
My husband would not have even let me finish my sentence. I was in a minor wreck when I was pregnant. I call the police and my husband after. He was on the way and kept me on the phone to keep me calm. He is my rock. Yours should be too
There was a time one morning, when my hubs accidentally locked the pick up keys in the truck, while was at the bank, well he called to bring my keys. Sure okay, but I was nervous about driving the Buick that was not an automatic, so I drove the motor home into town for the rescue! We laughed about that one a lot!
Dont matter what time of day my husband always will
Come to my rescue he wouldn’t want me walking or being stranded.
My old man has come to my aid numerous times when I’ve locked myself out of my vehicle without a complaint other than the words “again?” I now have a spare key and we haven’t gone through this in awhile…if I was met with “what do you want me to do?” I’d be raising him a “pack your fucking shit and get out…is what I want you to do if you’re gonna respond to me like that the fuck?”
My husband would have been livid if I wouldn’t have called him. We are each others first call in any situation.
Husband sounds like a jerk
Sounds like he needs his Man-card revoked.
Ditch the husband and get aaa
If I called anyone OTHER than my husband first, my husband would be wanting to fight me. LoL Your husband IS supposed to be your emergency contact.
Girl please stop reading these comments because half of them are not even true. It is totally normal for him to be upset after he put the kids down. He showed up and that’s what’s important. Everyone saying for you to get a new husband after reading a short vague paragraph is so annoying. The fact that you are shocked and at a loss for words leads me to believe he usually doesn’t act like this. We all expect our husbands to jump up and spring into action and be our hero without us asking them to do so. Not all husbands are exactly the same. He showed up and that’s what matters, so what if he was upset. Now if he left you there all night then that would be a problem. I’ve had to drive to my husband’s job to take him his wallet, was I happy about it, no. Did I do it, absolutely. Most people will say they have a perfect husband who never gets mad and he’d be there in seconds, but where do they lack? So all of a sudden everyone has a perfect husband? Get real. Every marriage is different. Don’t compare. Only you know what kind of husband you have. Look at the whole relationship, not this one incident where he still helped you.
Yes! I used to experience this when I was married! He was an as$ anytime I needed his help. Very self centered. God Bless his sole!
I would think who can get there the quickest? Hubby or Uber? Late night workers should watch out for each other, never leave until everyone is safely to their cars and started on their way. Parking lots are very unsafe for a lone woman, especially at night. Ps tired or not, he was being a big D! Married life is about being able to depend on your spouse anytime,anywhere especially in an emergency! Bet he would have run right out, No questions asked for one of his buddies.
Is this the first time for him to react like this?
or was this a one time thing?
I would have called him too. And he would do the same. Kids or no kids. I’ve had to save my husband and wake my kids up for something like that. They’ll live. As for a bad day I get that but for better or worse. He should be able to deal as you would if the situation was reversed
I understand where he coming from he had to wake kids and come help you
No ma’am…I would be filling for divorce on that situation alone…no way would I ever be with someone who responded in that way in that senerio…I would have been livid and I would also be single… I have locked my keys in my car lots of times…who do I call my Boyfriend never once has he responded with “what do you want me to do” nope never its always I am on my way…Flat tire…I am on my way…car won’t start…on my way…in a car accident… on my way…no matter what time it is…if its raining…120 degrees outside…its always on my way…you need to let that piece of crap go…I know I would
Oh f no!!! That’s crazy !!! My husband would have been pissed if I asked someone else!!!
Sound like you need to find a new man. I would never put up with this disrespect. Sounds like he doesn’t care about you.
These are signs to leave.
Who else had your other keys?
A man like that will never change, hun. It’s time to file those divorce papers. I guarantee he’ll be begging you to stay with him lol
Next call should be a divorce attorney
He is in the wrong here. He’s supposed to help you. How would he feel if he had to call you ???
Throw the whole husband away lol
I once forgot my keys for work called my husband and he walked with all 3 kids almost an hour pushing my daughter on her tricycle making sure my boys were beside him one on a bike one on rollerblades just to bring me my keys in the middle of a heat wave, sounds like your husband is the problem
Find you a man who cares about your safety !
I would have sighed and been like well God damn it but I would have also said alright I’m on my way lol
:s your husband should be your best friend and the fact you’re surprised at his reaction tells me you would absolutely go help him if he were in this situation… I would help a friend in this situation idk someone said this is how affairs start and i don’t condone that but I wouldn’t be entirely surprised since that response is so hurtful
I would call roadside assistance instead of my husband any day especially if he has the kids and they are sleeping. Not worth a divorce. My husband is my ride or die but not when it involves waking up our loud whiny grouchy kids especially if he is paying for roadside services for both of our cars to avoid fights like this since we are both forgettable lol I might have walked home to avoid that car ride LMAO
Is this out of character for him? Have u needed his help prior to this. Not acceptable how he handled it. Your not wrong. Especially if he has a spare key to ur vehicle. Financially I know I couldn’t afford a Uber or locksmith.
His reaction is not normal at all. Who did he think you should call instead of him who had quick access to your spare keys. This is extreme strange. You’re right he is your emergency contact as he should be. Sounds like he needs to reevaluate his life because no good man, husband or boyfriend, would think his reaction is ok. You’re not wrong. He is.
If he asked you if he is the only person you know to ask for help on situations like that,get a close friend with or without benefit, and you don’t even have to go home quickly to this bastard!!!
He’s a jerk!! Not worth your time.
He doesn’t care about you.
Never… NEVER depend on anyone but yourself. Put a spare set of keys under the outside of your car. They have magnetic key holders. No woman should ever depend on a man or anyone else.
Hung up on you? Late at night in a risky area? No ma’am - y’all need to have a serious conversation about boundaries and safety. He was waaayyy out of pocket.
I’d personally tell him to kiss my A . But next time he asks you to do something even as minor as a drink say the same crap back every time . He will get the message .
If I was a dude and that happened to my woman and I just put the kids down and tired or not I would’ve ask my nabor to watch my kids while I rescue my woman especially if it’s just 30 mins drive and done it with a smile.
Leave him and get a divorce
I honestly feel like this isn’t a reason for divorce. Talk to him at a later time when you are both less frustrated and more understanding. Explain how you feel, how you need a man who is a protector at all times even when u make mistakes and try to understand why he was frustrated. If I were your husband, I would’ve been quite annoyed, but definitely would’ve been there regardless. If you really think about it he may have been an ass, but he didn’t abandon you. He did bring the key, so it’s not like he really left you out to dry even when he was annoyed. If this happens again in a different way then yeah maybe rethink your marriage, but right now I think this is just a case of he was annoyed and tired.
That’s so rude of him doesn’t he want u safe I second guess my marriage to thats horrible
Wasn’t this posted somewhere else a week or so ago?
Divorce. Who else are you supposed to call??? He would be the only one having a spare key to your car…ahole
Girl you need a plan b your plan a is a no go. I can’t believe he would have treated you that way. Boy bye???
He is not a husband get rid of him
Face it, He was acting like a Dick!
Loser, he is not into your marriage or has some unrealistic version of what a marriage is… my husband would be pissed if I DIDN’T call him, one time I broke my work key into the lock at night when I closed up, I’d call locksmith to come and get it out and make me a new key I called my husband to let him know …he came down anyways just to be with me
Ur husband sound like a narcissist…all I got to say is treat him the same way when he is in your shoes one day .No man is perfect you either stick it through or let go you have complete jerks ,cheaters and low key Mr sweet guy who deep down is evil or the real ones who tell it like it is or the addict spouse you just got to pray pray and believe things will workout one day
Your husband sounds like a creep!
Although your husband was a complete ass, you ought to never be without roadside assistance insurance. It may even be a part of your auto policy.
My hubby comes to me no question ask I call say babe I am locked out or I have a flat even tho I can change my own tire he still comes because my safety is his main concern and if I don’t text or call when I get to work and when I’m on my way My phone rings are u ok babe we been married 28 with our problems but even while we was going through our problems and was separated he still came to me when I would call…I got stuck out drive one night it was late I called he rushed to me and we had separated for a month but he was right there and now we are on a nice road of marriage My babe would be upset if I don’t call him
Take. A. Deep. Breath. Sit. Down. And. Write. It. Off All the. Words. You want. To say. In. Your. Notebook. Take. A. Hot. Bath. Drink hot. Tea . Relax. Sleep. Where. You. With. Be. Bothered. Make copies of your keys. Put. Extras. Where you. Can get. To. Them. If. You. Have. To. Be. Self. Sufficient. Save. Yourself. Massage. Money. For. Those stressful. Times. When. You. Needd To. Lower. Your. Blood. Pressure. Take. Care. If. Yourself. Set. Aside. Time. For the. Kids. Read. Stories. Rub. Backs. They. R. Stressed. Too.
I’m glad nothing happened to you while your husband played his selfish games
You took his comment wrong you could have simply said just stay on the phone with me until I find an Uber or a locksmith. You only work two days a week… meaning he’s the one working full time to support all of you… if the tables were turned and you had just put your kids down after a long day’s work I’m sure you’d respond the same. But I also don’t understand locking your keys in the car
Wow…what a pick…bummer to be stuck with that douche bag😳
My god. You women read way to deep into shit. The dude was annoyed frustrated and the last thing he wanted to deal with. Let the guy chill out why’d you follow him? You should have just let him be. And talked about it in the morning. My god the women that post on this I swear. Idk what expectations y’all have but it’s pure insanity to think the guy isint going to be annoyed.
I have 3 kids. If I need him, he would come in a heartbeat. We would figure out a way to watch them if not he would bring them to come pick me up. He wouldn’t want something bad to happen to me. In a world like today I don’t know if I could trust a Uber or taxi. The first thing I would do is call my man. If something happened to me he would never forgive himself. He would always make our kids and me safe. No matter what the problem was. Any time I need him, he would come to me. Even if he left work. He knows if I need him, I don’t call him, when I do he knows it’s an emergency.
Wow. What a selfish asshole…
Girl, that is not a husband, that’s a pissed off room-mate. What the ACTUAL f*ck?!
Yeah, I’d be taking the kids and leaving. What did he want you to do? Walk home when it’s past closing, dark and dangerous?! What a douche!