My husband has cheated on my at least 4 times: Advice?

U already know it’s time for him to go


Your boys will suffer more if you stay.


Get the folk out gurl!!! Go find yourself again, what makes you happy? Its not a straight road, things will be hard for sometime but you will get there😁

Happy mom equals happy children…trust me😉

Umm. Empty the bank account. Find a new dwelling place. Cut off his dick. And move on with your life. Period.


As harsh as it sounds you need to do whats best for you to be able to be the mother your kids need. You know what to do so dont procrastinate using the kids as an excuse it’s just dragging out the inevitable which in turn will hurt your kids more…and yourself

You’re kids will be sad at first, may not even understand, but You are raising men. Don’t waste your energy on him. Cherish your kids.
You’re good enough. Sending good vibes mom

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Be a role model for your children, kick him out and rebuild your life… showing your boys that cheating is not something that should be tolerated in a marriage


Sucker…seriously? Dude is clearly a player and your clearly insecure, or you’d be gone already and not asking opinions. Your kids are your only concern as he clearly doesn’t care/value “family”. Good luck moving on.

Just end it. Your children will be happy if you’re happy. Your husband will never be faithful.

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They are suffering watching you be unhappy. Leave if that is not where you want to be. It is definitely a respectful loving environment.

Why would you need advice on this? Unhealthy relationship is worse on children.

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He’ll do it again RUN :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman:

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I’m going thru it myself, however I packed up and left! Divorce is almost final, thank God!! He will NOT stop cheating! The best thing for your babies is that YOU be in a good place. For the sake of your babies and yourself, GO!

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You can do better smh :woman_facepalming: be happy girl even if it’s being alone for a while you don’t need that

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Put 1 ft. in front of the other. And walk right out the door. When a man cheats…it’s not cause of you,it’s because their insecure.

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4 times? And you are still around? Have some self respect and leave.


Everyone is giving fantastic advice. Think also about down the road when the boys are older. They may find out what happened and see their father cheating and how he treats you. They’ll think it’s ok and do the same. What if someday you have a girl she may think it’s ok too.

You already know your answer,Should have already been a ex husband…


This is a pattern. He’s never going to stop cheating. He really doesn’t care about you if he is consistently cheating. If you know of four times, you can rest assured there were more that you didn’t know about. It’s time to see a divorce lawyer.

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Allowing your sons to see that it’s ok to do this to mom so it must be ok to do this period is bad teach those boys how a woman should be treated


Leave his sorry ass!

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Kick his ass to the curb!! #onceacheateralwaysacheater #runbabyrun

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Here’s what you say to your kids about their cheating father:
I wasn’t good enough for your dad so he had to find better elsewhere.

And if they ask what that means? Say your father is part human part pig who likes to dip his stick where it doesn’t belong. End of story.

Do NOT let him come out all shiny and blameless.

I am sorry to hear this has been his legacy to your family. Your family does not deserve this treatment. I would start reaching out to those who truly care about your family and see what your options are. Have people pray for your family and give the situation over to the Lord. The Bible does support your right to leave a husband who has cheated on you. Pray that the Lord would take your pain and give you his peace and love. There are options for you. You need to make choices for you and your children that will you move on from this.

As long as he can have his cake and eat it too he will continue, what are you waiting for let him go and let God

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Your husband has already moved on. Get divorced so you and the boys can move on too. Kids do well in a loving household and will adjust just fine.

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Plain and simple just move on. Your boys will be sad at first but growing up in a healthy environment will be better for them. Kids see and sense everything!! If you stay they are going to see your current relationship as a normal thing and unintentionally follow in those Footsteps. Why? Because you are settling, and if their mom is ok with it then it must be OK. You deserve better and will get better and your boys will be better men for it. Because you will have taught them to respect woman and their relationships.

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If your that unhappy in your relationship,I’m sure your kids have noticed that already. Be a good example to them and leave.How are you going to feel if you do nothing and your children end up in the same type of relationship. Be a good example and teach them to respect others good. It’s never too soon for them to learn right from wrong. Best of luck,and get a loving and respectable relationship. Life is short and you and your children deserve love now.

It’s perfectly fine to leave him and still have a healthy coparenting relationship. Do what’s best for you. Don’t live your life feeling like this. You deserve real love.

Leave hunny I was in the same boat we have a 7 and 4 year old but I finally divorced him and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders we actually get along great now because I have no expectation of him! Leave for yourself, kids sense when things just aren’t right!

Boys will totally understand as they get old enough so be honest with your self and your boys boys are mommy’s girls are daddy’s so I believe with out a dought your boys would want you to go take your boys and leave and be happy

Studies show it’s better to leave than it is to stay in a situation like that.

Simple one word!
U n ur children dont deserve that,
And he certainly doesn’t deserve yous. :broken_heart::kiss::heart:

Why would you stay??? Someone needs to leave!!!