My husband has cheated on my at least 4 times: Advice?

Kids are really smart. They notice when things aren’t the way they should be. Just sit down with them and tell them that you and Daddy can’t live together anymore. Let them know right away that it’s not their fault

Love, do what’s best for you. Don’t drive yourself into further depression. I know it’s easier said than done but once you choose what it is that you will do… stick with it momma. Be confident in your decision. You could both be amazing co parents if you two separate. Don’t stay because of children, ever. They feed off of your energy. They will know you are not happy. Put them first (not saying you are not doing that) when making the decision to leave or stay. Then if you leave, (even if you don’t) you need to work on you love! Only you are in control of your happiness. Sure he can be a factor but you can choose to put up with it or leave. Trust your instinct. And always communicate with your partner… no matter how awkward or uncomfortable it may be. Calming talk. Go in to listen and tell him you want to be heard as well. But don’t go into it demanding. While you can demand respect (you should) but you can’t demand him to change his feelings, or make him do something he doesn’t want to do. My ex husband cheated on me. I chose to leave. I was a stay at home mother and no job. I got two jobs, (I had no car) I walked everywhere. Put my pride aside and got assistance from the state until I got back on my feet. It was literally the hardest time of my life because I always questioned my worth and what I did wrong. In reality a person will cheat even if you are the best wife/husband ever. People just suck. I’m so very sorry you are going through this. If anything, I think it’s important to also seek some kind of counseling. I’m sure your mind is everywhere. Rightfully so. Please take care of yourself. You are loved! You’re important! Your worth isn’t determined by what someone does to you, rather then a reflection of the person doing the wrong thing. Good luck! :heart:

If you stay, you’re inviting more of the behavior. Leave mama.

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Leave … do not stay cause u think it’s better for the kids its not


When your kids are in a home where their mom is happy they will be happy. As long as you care for them with all your heart they will be ok.

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Say good bye to that loser

Selena Gomez “lose you to love me”


Walk away he won’t change Trust me

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3 times to many. U n kids deserve better

You deserve to be treated better than that kick him out

Boring!!! KIDS know more than what you think!!! STD, All of the deseases there is you are Going to end up with All That! Gross!!! He’ll leave you anyway!!! PENDEJA!! Yuk

Once a cheater always a cheater. Sit him down and let him know this is how it’s going to be, if not he’s gone, kids will be fine, just don’t fight and argue in front of them. Marriage counseling, attend church and get involved, be a family again, if he messes up he would be gone.

You deserve so much more leave him co parent with him be civil and your kids will be fine. Work on you focus on you find yourself again change is painful but the end result is something beautiful! U got this stay strong.

leave and don’t use your kids as an excuse to stay they will resent you for it take my word for it from past experience

Run as fast as you can! :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman:

Is this question a joke? People really cannot be this dumb.

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Just leave with your things and kids and go stay at a women shelter so you could get the help you and your the kids need.

It is not better for the kids for you to stay. Leave.

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Once a cheater always a cheater you deserve better

Forgiving after the first time is one thing. You’re a brain dead moron if you stay and forgive again

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Do not play Russian roulette with your health.

You deserve better and what kind of a role model is that to your kids if they ever find out :frowning:

I would try to make me happy for a change. But always remember he is the father of your children and they should be able to love him and to allow him to love and see them when ever he wants or they want. Never use them for your own gain. Kids do not like it when the two people in thier world separate, however, always keep kindness in your heart for the one that has hurt you and kindness and love in thought and actions with your children when it comes to him. there is a happy tomorrow for you just seek it with kindness in your heart and soul…tango on lady and be happy

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When i was 12 my parents told us they were getting a divorce and i was so relieved! It was harder for me seeing my mom treated poorly than i was my dad leaving. I knew it would be healthier for everyone of he left.

Why do u think your entitled to stay because u have a son. Ass backwards. Your the dummy now

Move on. And co- parent

Lawyer up and take the child support if it was offered. Put yourself first and get some therapy as well. This is going to suck but how you feel when it’s all over is worth it

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All I’m gonna say is what I would do. I don’t put up with cheating…period! This is my motto: if I (& our family) wasn’t a good enough reason to keep your pants on…nothing we do is gonna be a good enough reason. I wouldn’t stay in a marriage/relationship when I’m not respected. Best of luck to you…


divorce him. I would have done it the first time he had an affair

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Your sons are watching both of you, and they will learn from your relationship with your husband, how they should treat a woman when they grows up. Show them that their momma should be treated like a queen and nothing less! You deserve better and your sons deserve to learn from better! I would never stop a father from being in their child’s life, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay with him. Coparent and move on. I wish you and your boys nothing but the best!

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Y’all chicks are crazy. Y’all better stop crying and cheat back. That’s the only language a cheating man understands.

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Leave him, if you think your kids don’t feel the tension, sorry to tell you but they do. You’ll find once you leave that as long as you let them know that there loved, they will be happier. You won’t be as sad and that will make them happy.

Start therapy immediately so that you can get some outside support. And leave him.

Unfortunately your boys will be affected by your husbands bad behavior.

An unhappy mama is worse than leaving.

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Oh hell no. You don’t deserve that. MOVE ON & FAST

If you’re in an unhappy marriage, you’re children are growing up in an unhappy family!! This man should have been called your EX husband a long time ago. It’s time for you to know your worth. You should want better for those boys that you’re raising. What they see before them will be what they grow up thinking is ok.

Obviously you are having unprotected sex… he’s going to bring home a death sentence to you sooner or later :disappointed:.

Don’t just leave. Get your ducks in a row (financial, anything you two are committed to together such as your house…)Consult a divorce attorney. Good luck mama and I’m so sorry this happened to you


Leave him there isn’t any trust. He clearly doesn’t care because he didn’t learn the first time. You and your kids deserve more .

Leave him. I’m personally speaking from experience. Once a cheater always a cheater. I was around 5/6 weeks pregnant and I stayed with my sons father until he kicked me out 9 months pregnant. I thought he had changed but once our son was 11 months I ended things with him and I’ve never been happier with my choice.

You know it’s time for a divorce. You need to tell him what you told us, the love and connection is gone, as a repeated victim of his unfaithfulness you have found that you can not find it in your heart to trust him and with out trust their is no relationship. Sense he has proven to you that he is so unhappy with the relationship that he has sought connection with multiple other women then it is just time for you both to lay this to rest and go your separate ways. You are obviously not happy or fulfilled together. It’s not healthy to raise your boys in marital facade.

GTFO! No one is worth that shit!

Your children learn from watching you. Your husband is already setting a horrible example of what a husband should be. Leave him. It will be hard at first but so worth it. Be an example of a strong woman for your sons.

I would’ve left the first time but that’s just me. You’re not doing your boys any favors by staying with a cheater and being unhappy. You don’t want them thinking that’s a proper way to treat a woman.

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That is four that you know about. His affairs could affect you physical as well as your mental health. Do you have relatives you can go to?How can you lead a normal life with that going on? You need professional help, good luck

Kids ain’t gonna fix a cheater

Should’ve left the first time

Uuuummmm… leeaavvveeee him!! Girl you don’t need that shit!

Kids suffer when they watch their parents bickering or otherwise not in a healthy relationship. The need a good example of what love is and they’re looking to you to show them how they should be treated.


You know what you need to do. Don’t keep putting up with crappy treatment. Tell him to shape up or ship out.

Co parenting is only hard if you make it hard… you deserve better inside of your children… and they definitely don’t need to think that this is acceptable behavior.

A cheater is always a cheater. Do not put up with it.

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Bye felicia…move on
Do not put that stress on yourself

Are you waiting for him to do it again? Hang it up men don’t change and it seems he is one of those men

do whats in your heart luv. id say you already know the answer. dont hesitste … do it. an dont look back. all thr best on what you decide

I would have left the first time :woman_shrugging: child or not, don’t put up with that bullshit. You’re lucky he didn’t give you anything (disease wise)

Leave before he bring you something that you can’t get rid of. I understand you don’t want to see your boys suffer but you’re suffering by allowing this to continue. Clearly he has no respect for the marriage.

You deserve better your kids will suffer more if you stay.

Kids would rather be from a broken home than live in a broken home!


Know your worth and make sure he knows you know it. Make a better life for yourself and your kids and show them they must demand real love and respect and show real love and respect and that their father’s behavior is unacceptable. If he’s a good dad, make sure they have a father and don’t turn them against him, but do what’s right for you and your kids and leave.

Get everything you can in order… have a stash of cash and leave his ass

Leave and coparent or live in the same house like as roommates and agree not to be together and not to bring anyone else to the house until you guys can talk to the kids about what’s going on but find someone who loves you

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I think deep down inside you already know the answer to this.


Should’ve left his sorry ass after the first time.

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Divorce time. Screw him, he’s not faithful!! Do you want your sons growing up thinking that’s how to treat women? It’s a vicious that cycle. Break it.

Your boys will suffer if you stay in an unhappy relationship and will learn the wrong way on how to treat a woman.


Divorce. They dont need to see a relationship like that tbh.

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If your miserable your kids will be too. Do tjem a favor and leave him.

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You really need to walk away before it all turns to hate and that would hurt your sons


Kick him out.Hes a cheater


You’re teaching your son to be a cheater by putting up with it, so his future wife should slap you now! WTF is wrong with you?!


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This is co-dependence not love. Leave!

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I Would leave because he’s just gonna keep hurting you. Your kids will be ok. They are resilient. Take care of you. If you’re not ok, they won’t be ok.

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Walk away…he isnt worth it and your sanity is!!!

He can’t love anyone. He doesn’t even love himself. Someone who loves them self would never do that to someone they love. They wouldn’t do that to their family. They’d have more respect for themselves and their family.

You know in your heart what to do

You can NOT have a decent marriage with someone you don’t Trust or Respect and it’s definitely NOT healthy for YOUR children. Girl pack his sack and send him down the road. You can do better by yourself. Been there done that.

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Leave. You don’t need to shop for advice on that. As long as you continue to allow it, it will continue happening

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You let it go way to many times… he doesn’t respect you at all…


Don’t stay for the kids.I did that and my daughter told me when she had gotten much older,that she wished over and over that we had gotten a
divorce…she said the fighting and arguing affected her,and her brother more than I will ever know!..We all get along today,I mean with the ex,his GF,all the kids, but it took along time to get there! You r not always doing the kids a favor or saving them from getting hurt, either way the kids hurt in the long run, but leaving will save a lot of emotional damage.:blush:


All we can change is ourselves!!! Staying cuz of kids just makes everyone miserable .start with one small thing,see the difference.

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Girl how many times does he have to hurt you before you finally get the picture? Also you’re risking getting an STD darling!
Get some self respect and leave him!


My advice is kick him out. Why stay with someone who clearly has no respect for you.

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Don’t let him walk all over you and your kids, give him his clothes and put him out. You can do so much better. Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater. Please do the right thing for your kids and yourself… Take Care.

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People get divorced all the time. Your kids will be fine.

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Four times, love is love but four times u just let him after the first time, after he knew you’d forgive him that easy, and hes gonna keep doing it, take the waste to its place !!

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Leave or stay and stop getting mad.


I’ve said it a hundred times at least. Marriage/relationships are not 50/50. And should never be. If your only putting in half the effort all your doing is wasting each other’s time and cheating yourselves of a loving meaningful relationship. Kids mirror what they see. What example is your relationship showing your kids? Would you want them to have those kinds of relationships?

You know what you have to do. Sugar coating it won’t help. Just have some pride and kick his ass out ffs!

Girl let yourself FREE !! Go find someone who respects and loves you enough to not put you in a position not even just once to loose you!!
Your kids will be happy your happy!! fuck cheating men!!! There’s so many more out there that won’t be a pos you deserve better It’s not about loving him that is irrelivent it’s about loving yourself enough to know you deserve better that feeling won’t fade it only gets stronger your just wasting more of your own time life and energy to end up in the same position of wanting and needing to leave

Not to be a jerk, but wait until you’ve been married for 10 years before you file for divorce so that you get his death benefits when the day comes. I realize how that sounds, but you’re so close don’t leave money on the table.
Definitely go see a lawyer though so you can get an overview of what YOUR specific process would be like because everyone has different situations. This way, you’re well informed when you make your decisions.


Your showing him your actually ok with his behavior and leaving your self open to catching anything he brings home … get out !

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Start up a bank account that he doesnt know about for you and your kids. Start looking into dating sites dont be the one left looking foolish.

Your kids will grow up and find out he cheated on you. If you choose to stay, you’ll be telling them cheating is OK, that disrespecting their partners is OK, that being in an unhealthy relationship is OK…

THAT is what would hurt your children.


Don’t file for divorce until you hit 10 years… Alimony would make healing from being cheated on a lil easier lol


You let this happen because he always new you would take him back reap what you sow now be that women you wanna be it’s time for you to shine take back your power leave him start anew it will be hard but your self respect is worth it you matter and no one in this world will ever put you first so guess what that means you gotta put you first make yourself a priority he will not stop he knows you he knows you will always run back to him you let him make you his joke take some accountability for your own actions…

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Practice birth control firstly and secondly get a lawyer . You and your kids deserve better .

Open relationship or leave. What’s the point if there’s no trust.