I’d probably get fed up and just douse him with body wash in his sleep and take the hose to him. I couldn’t handle any funky smells coming off my husband for that long
I have been married for 37 years, it gets worse. Be ready to buy him a set of false teeth and buy another bed and sleep in different rooms.
Oh and my husband is bipolar.
Its time to leave Stankabutt🤣
Been there, with a ex I had to shower with him otherwise he wouldn’t get one
Sounds depressed. You need to get under the issue and talk to him about it. I watched my husband go through a time where he just kept skipping it and I had to be like “please. It’s time.” And he’d get upset too. But as time went on, we kept talking and got past it.
The lack of sympathy in these comments is astounding to me.
I suffer from horrible depression/bipolar disorder and my hygiene definitely takes a hit bc of it. Some days it’s all I can do to force myself out of bed, let alone shower or brush my teeth. Thankfully, my husband isn’t an asshole about it.
Your husband probably WANTS to be a clean person. Who doesn’t?
Maybe instead of making him feel like shit, make sure he’s not fighting demons you know nothing about.
I deleted my previous comment because apparently i was wrong for saying most men don’t take “baths” but yet half these comments telling her to leave him… y’all some whack a$$ ho€s in here… lmao
That’s a sign of deeper issues please dig deeper and help him help himself depression is a real thing even for men
A sign of depression.
Maybe ask him why he doesn’t want to shower daily? What is his though process? And maybe he can understand yours?
If you figure it out let me know my boyfriend is the same way. However, I feel like he’s ALWAYS been like that and I just didn’t notice it until we moved in together. I literally have to make him brush his teeth and remind him to take a shower. There was one time it went almost two weeks and I finally forced him in. I’ve talked to him multiple times about depression, but he swears he isn’t that he just doesn’t have time and forgets. so I’ve basically just come to reminding him every day it’s annoying. I believe it’s laziness honestly. And I totally know how it feels about not feeling anymore sexual attraction because of it. I get scared just to have intercourse because all of that bacteria build up fr sweat and not showering so I always just make sure the nights I need some sexy time I make him go jump in the shower first
Being schizophrenia can also play a role. He needs to be diagnosed…seriously
Yeah no thanks, I would be in separate room until he sorts himself out or gets the help he needs. It’s up to him to do it because he is an adult but it’s my choice not to smell it!
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. If he’s alright with it, it’s like beating a dead horse. RUN LIL MAMA RUN. Next time around go to the gym and stand by the shower door.IJS
This doesn’t necessarily mean depression.
Adhd/add, autism spectrum… these all have connections with hygiene.
Also in some instances water conservation caused families to teach their child to only bath once or twice a week, despite how filthy they may have been. Instances where the family lived in a drought area. Used a well system. Or even to keep their water bill low because of budget.
Invite him into the shower with you wash him up… But that is the first sign of mental health issues. Also lack of bathing causes health issues. Instead of verbally attacking him talk to him asking why he does not want to shower help him understand how it is affecting you. My mon went through this with my dad he refused to shower for 6 months, she refused sex until he showered.
Whoop him over your knee since he wants to act like a child.
Sounds like maybe depression. If he doesn’t agree, have him try some St. John’s Wart. I went thru a phase of minor depression and it helped me. Maybe it’ll help him. You can find it at your local pharmacy.
My bf is the same way with brushing his teeth.
I had this problem with an ex and I am the most hygiene crazy freak on the planet and it just kept getting worse and worse until I finally just ended it if he wanted to he would you’re worth more than someone who can’t do something as simple as brushing their teeth and shower for you and I’m gonna guess if he won’t do that he isn’t doing anything else for you on top of that don’t waste another minute of your time
I would try to get him evaluated for some kind of mental health issues. Some people with certain mental health issues have issues with hygiene. So many different variables attached to it.
I would ask if he is depressed maybe suggest couples counseling. And if he isnt will to try and work on it you might think about is it worth staying i couldn’t.
Surely this disnt happen as soon as you got married… you knew what you were getting into
Yuck. Is he depressed about something. My ex was like that. I wouldn’t be in the same bed with h
Take a shower with him
Personal hygiene is a deal breaker. Ffs. Kick his stinking ass right out.
Ask his mother what to do she raised him
Maybe try talking to him and come from a place of love. Most people with depression and anxiety have issues keeping up with hygiene due to mental health. My bf gets the same way when he’s really depressed and stressed out. For me it’s always the first indicator that he may be struggling mentally. I try and talk to him about it. It’s sad to see, on the flip side I do understand your frustration at times.
Do the hygiene stuff together…For example " Hey babe, let’s get in the shower" have a little fun with it…before going in the shower together, say" let’s brush our teeth first" I guess make it fun and “reward” with sexual pleasure …just a suggestion
Burn his video games
Ask his mother what to do and ask if he did it as a child
Your not his mother kick him out yuck thats disgusting
Sounds like depression
Ask him to shower with you
Sounds like mental health. I know when my depression and bipolar are out of whack I can barely get out of bed let alone, shower, brush my hair or teeth or clean the house. And you never want to burden anyone with how your feeling inside. So instead you suffer. But I would definitely ask if he wants to come shower with you, encourage him to come brush when you do, etc. Ask him how he’s feeling, or if there is anything he needs to talk about. Sometimes someone checking on you and showing concern is just enough to get you out of your own head.
Ask him if he wants his c** sucked, if he says yes then tell him to wash himself cuz he stinks
Um divorce him yesterday!
I had that same problem and left him!
Try showering together. It not only adds intimacy, but it will encourage him to shower. My husband doesn’t have hygiene issues, but since we first started dating, we’ve showered together.
Get in the shower with him and wash him yourself. Ask him if he wants to wash your body after? Get a teeth whitening mouth wash to use after you brush your teeth and encourage him to use it with you so you can “see results together”.
I have no advice because if I ask a grown man to brush his teeth and he says no and throws a fit that sounds like a toddler to me and I am neither a pedophile to be in a relationship with a child nor his momma to raise him and teach him the importance of doing so
Tell him shower or your gonna spray his ass down with a hose
Sounds like he’s suffering with depression
Girl i feel ya. My bf is the same way. And he wonders why we dont have sex. His excuse is the army. He had to go without showers while he was listed in the army. Which obviously its true cause his last tour was 2012. And he was showering up til a year ago. Mine is just lazy. He wont get any til he showers or eventually im gonna be over dealing it with and ill leave
I’m sure this was going on before you got married, so why did you marry him? Ewww.
My ex was like this and when I called him out in he said maybe we should break up, I haven’t seen or talked to him since. And I’m not mad
Ugh! I was with a man that got to be like that and I couldn’t stand it! I tried saying something to him about it and he would get mad about it! Well you freaking stink! Body and breath! I got out of that relationship!
Had an ex like this. He dipped and would go days between brushing his teeth. Like I could see the build up and he had the NERVE to smile SO BIG with that cheese on his teeth. I was like bruh, you’re gonna give me an infection and it’s gonna kill me
Sounds like depression my brother goes through that especially here lately we lost our younger brother April 26 and my brother has got worse my brothers has had issues before and had got himself together and was getting help and then our brother died and he started all over again
Mine did that after having strokes from unchecked high sugar and high blood pressure. I couldn’t get him to take him meds even before the strokes. He just self destructed!
Sounds like he has depression…get a good psych. As soon as possible…And get him checked out…
How old? Folks from later dates think once a week ok no matter what you say.
DO YOU LOVE HIM ??? FIVE YEARS ?? and you are JUST NOW thinking that THIS is a PROBLEM ?? WATCH the MOVIE ,~ BE
I think something more is going on. He may be struggling with something you don’t know about.
Could be dysthymic disorder, a form of mild, chronic depression. It’s hard to say but I know my ex-husband was this way and had been diagnosed with dysthymic disorder. Does he have any other symptoms of depression? My ex-husband some days would sleep more than 12 hours among other things, that led me to believe he was depressed. Just something to think about as I don’t know your full story.
Really it took 5yrs for this to be a problem
I agree with others that it could be a symptom of depression. I would try marriage counseling and then the counselor might recommend he get his own therapy
Nose plug? Lol kidding. Maybe buy him hygiene products or just tell him you ain’t gonna give it up unless he showers and brushes his teeth lol.
Following for same advice
Mine would shower everyday but not wear deodorant and wouldnt brush his teeth and his besrd was not groomed and looked bad soni started being mean and telling him he looked homeless and smelled bad and wouldnt let him touch me and it took a few months of not getting any affection or positive attention before it clicked and now hes making and effort and trying
Red flag. He should have counseling, and if it doesn’t help, move out.
He just started doing this after u got married? Or it’s been like this the entire 5yrs you’ve been together?
You could shower with him if you able tell him to get started and them get in with him
I would leave sorry but after 5 years how can you stand being near him
Is he depressed? He might need mental health help, if not and he is just being a pig then divorce.
I went thru the same with my ex husband.
Sounds like he’s depressed and you don’t need to be taken down with him. Suggest he speak to someone about his mental health and if he doesn’t you say Asta LA Vista and move on.
Send him back to his mom. That is her job
Has he always been like this? Ask his mom. This could start to bring you down and make you depressed too if y’all don’t address it. I lived with someone like that and it drove me crazy and made me depressed. Now I’m going through it with my 7 year old hahaha
Maybe he’s in some kind of depression
Depression is known to be a critical factor in personal hygiene.
Hell no, that’s a deal breaker. Move on.
I wouldn’t dare I’d drop kick it clean out of door
Why am I seeing this?You have to ask for advice for the dirt bag?
Maybe im to soft but I personally think its WAY to harsh to just up amd leave someone you LOVE over something that can be so easily fixed. That is if you do in fact still love him. I assume he probably freaks out when you bring it up because hes embarrassed and it comes out as rage as im sure hes looking for any way out of that conversation. Idk his personality but there has to be some way to get through to him that you love him very much but in order to continue to WANT to be intimate with him you NEED him to try and take better care of himself. Let him know you are in no way making fun of him or trying to shame him. Just my opinion girl.
One of the reasons I left my ex was because he wouldn’t brush his teeth or use mouthwash and I realized he ate his boogers. He also has athletes foot he refused to do anything about claiming he tried everything.
LOL it’s hard for me to believe that it took 5 years for you to get tired of his habits
Idk what advice to give other than ask him why it upsets him when you point it out. Hygiene is a HUGE factor with me and I just couldn’t do it.
Why marry him if you knew this was an issue? What the day you got married he stopped?
Throw the whole husband away but on a serious note, sounds like he is suffering with depression… Hope things get better x
Try doing things like taking a shower with him, or like seeing if he will brush his teeth with you in the morning……things like that
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband has horrible hygiene: What should I do?
Were you together long before getting married? Maybe he reverted back to his normal unhygienic self once he landed you, and he only kept it up long enough for you to be fooled into thinking that was his normal routine.
I usually don’t care to take care of myself when I get into my depressive mood. You should definitely talk to him nicely and just ask him what’s going on. Mental health isn’t a joke and presents itself in many different ways
if he’s depressed. Get him in the shower and wash him. make it a sexual thing. help him take care of those basic self care needs. he will feel loved and safe and may even open up about how he’s feeling which can help the problem not just the symptom. tell him how you feel too. communication.
Divorce him. He’s a grown ass man and you shouldn’t waste your time reminding him to take care of his basic hygiene. You are not his mommy. He might be depressed but that doesn’t justify his unruly upkeep.
Bucket of warm water with shower gel in , just go and throw it over him , shock treatment, maybe not the best advice but hey least it will wake him up a bit tell him to cool down with some cool mouth wash you’ll laugh , he won’t, but , think the points been made
Your not his parent your his spouse, he is grown. If he hasn’t changed it in 5 years I think it’s time to move on. Doesn’t sound to healthy and doesn’t sound like he wants to change how he is presenting him self.
It sounds like depression to me. If he had good hygiene before and then it went away.
This definitely sounds like mental health struggles to me. Definitely have a heart to heart with him that you’re there for him and will help him find help when he’s ready. Some of it could be that he got comfortable once he married you but it doesn’t sound healthy either.
I think that’s the most disrespectful thing to do to a spouse. Everybody should wash their body and brush their teeth without being ask.
That’s a deal breaker for me…
Omg I had to deal with this, with my ex! It was not depression it was straight ass laziness! Every. Single. Day! Brush youre teeth! Get on clean tshirt! Get in the shower and wash that ass! I turned into his mom instead of being his wife ugh girl RUN! Run far away from that mess he will not change. He wants a mom not a wife! I did it for 11 years, he STILL does not brush his teeth or anything. It grosses me tf out all the time and I dont even know how I did 11 years. Im tellin you someone else will do it. Its not normal. And it wont change.
It sounds like depression, maybe encourage him to get some kind counseling.
Sounds like he might be depressed? Would he consider seeing a therapist?
Sad to read that it’s so easy for these folks to judge this person who seem to have mental Illness (depression) to me. When they have no idea what this person is going through in life day by day. But you should hear from someone like me as well who have depression, that our daily lives are different from people who don’t have depression. Our world is different from people who don’t have depression. Yes, you are certainly not his mother but I thought couples should be lifting up each other when they are down? I thought couples should be supporting each other when one is weak, for richer or poorer, for thick and thin. It also has something to do by how you approach him. Couples therapy is also good, and he should also see a doctor that can also help him. Depression only becomes worst without help. I’m just saying, and this is just my opinion.
Was he like this 5 years ago? Seems odd that now it is a problem.