Make a dental cleaning appt. just because he needs it twice a yr… then therapist appt. .
Eeeeeee😬 throw the whole man away!
Find him a side chick. They will clean up for them h.o.e.s.
Sounds like depression.
So sorry you need to talk, when wants a kiss say no, the same with sex ignoring helps
Invite him to shower with you
Why’d you marry him?
Men are worse than children If your mouth smells like dog crap I’m not kissing that
So he washed himself before marriage?
Really isn’t much you can do. But when he needs a dentist and learns how it hurts when a tooth needs to be pulled or filled he might change his mind.
If you all read very carefully it said ever since the got married he has had this issue so there definitely sounds like he has a problem he might just need to talk about it I have depression and I have never wanted to go without a shower or brushing my teeth but it could be depression because it effects people differently she can’t just give up on him she needs to ask him if there is something she can do to help not put their business out for the whole world to know help him pray about him he needs some one to stick by him not just run off
The only two things I can think of is that since you’re married now he thinks he doesn’t have to keep up with hygiene since he’s not dating anymore or he’s suffering with some mental issues . Either way this definitely needs a sit down talk where you can calmly express how you feel and how it’s effecting you and your marriage and decide if it’s something you can both come to a conclusion on . If not decide if that’s something you can compromise with or not .
You aren’t asking for much. Like the BARE MINIMUM. If he can’t do something as simple as brush his own teeth for you, he doesn’t care about himself or you. Leave his ass before you get stuck with his medical bills. That’s completely ridiculous and disgusting.
Have you ever looked into any possible mental illnesses? Certain ones can make depression really bad to the point they feel its not worth being hygienic or cleanly this use to happen to me and my brother
Well, if he is taking her commenting on his poor hygiene so personally, perhaps he does have mental health issues or low self esteem. Or possibly he was raised in filth and it seems normal? But, if he had good hygiene when you dated, then he’s capable of cleaning up his act. So the real issue isn’t that your being disrespectful by expecting him to clean up his act. The real issue is his disrespect of you. The question might be why he wants to hurt you in this way?
For everyone saying depression, while that could be the case, it could just be he’s comfortable and doesn’t feel the need to “try” anymore. Also, some people just don’t have great hygiene and that’s it - could be the way they were raised.
Depression hell! Does he work? In the midst of this pandemic I don’t know why anyone would not want to take a bath. Please don’t have children from him. He sounds lazy. And not brushing the teeth? That’s a big no go for me. If I can’t kiss you then we not making love either! If he’s not cleaning himself he’s probably not helping clean the house, and he damn sure ain’t going to help you raise and keep kids clean.
I would sit and have a gentle chat with him about it if he gets mad then that’s his problem not urs but u need to be able to talk through it
sound like a good place air freshen or get him some of those tree air freshen with a nice chain for around his neck might take hint lol I feel sorry for you I had a guy come out to fix my furnace it was so bad I had him leave i flat out told him go home take a shower and then come back
Wow. I love how this post has turned into a diagnosis. Lots of trained mental health professionals on here.
Depression comes with many other symptoms and as for bipolar well, I might as well give up my career in mental health now.
Please please all, unless you are professionally trained don’t give out diagnosis’s. It’s so unhelpful and at times can cause anxiety to start when there was nothing there to begin with.
We don’t know the persons history or current presentation and there certainly isn’t an MSE completed to even begin to formulate.
It’s bad for people to be diagnosing without the proper training
Leave him. And let me tell you why. Everything you bring up something that bothers you in the relationship, he blows up. It doesn’t matter what it is.
Might be a depression problem that makes him either not care to care of himself or not see it as a priority or something
He’s lazy. Fold up an extra sheet and lay it across his side of the bed so that he doesn’t get the clean bed sheets dirty. Make him use his own blanket. Put Saran Wrap over his toothbrush so the bristles don’t touch anything in close proximity. Buy him his own hair brush and make sure it stays in a pouch, as to not touch yours. Put towels over the furniture where he sits so he doesn’t ruin your furniture. Do the same for your vehicles. Use a mask and gloves when collecting his laundry for the wash. Maybe he’ll catch a hint.
Lol my wife acts like she my mother. She always telling Me to do something. No matter what it is. She nags hard core. But drives me bat shit crazy. But in the end i do just about anything. 35yrs still rolling. I say happy wife happy life. Don’t get killed she watches them tv shows. Lol.
must not have been taught that growing up, hard to convince them that most people have good hygiene
The man I married is not the same to because of a stroke try to go in the bath room and encourage him to take a shower with him best of luck remember you .married him with love
Get a divorce, and tell him it’s cuz he stinks and doesn’t take care of himself and you’ve tried to get him to see this but he doesn’t care, and obviously doesn’t care about the marriage anyways then
It will be up to you. You are entitled to your line in the sand, your boundary. Perhaps you made the mistake of thinking you might change him before you married him— he was bathing regularly and brushing his teeth before you married? You will have to chose whether or not you want to live with his condition.
If it helps him buy him some items he can use. Draw him a bath. Buy some Male bath bombs. It’s not the end of the world. It’s the way you approach someone that can make a difference. Hopefully he doesn’t see this. But I do believe he’s tiered and maybe offer him a message. Let him know if he showers you will give him a foot rub or a rb down. That’s only after he showers or takes bath.
He need to see a doctor and how old is he? I would lay him out with some syrup:woman_shrugging:t6: then he would have to bath. I would do that everyday. Wake up he laying in syrup. Go take a shower.
Sorry, but didn’t you know this before you were married???
How have u been able to cope for 5 years now
Is he possibly depressed?
Offer to shower with him , It may help to bring romance back to life. It’s worth a try, get some real nice smelling soap or shower jel ( bath snd body has some really nice stuff).
Get him a gas mask and make him wear it during intercourse
Did he bathe and brush his teeth when you met & dated him ???
I brush my teeth 4 times a day and always smell fresh , some times I’ll miss 1 day of showering but you’d still wanna eat my man ass
Invite him to shower with you make it intimate…you bathe him and he can return the favor…Dr. Ruth…
Gross no se vale porque tener que aguantarse algo asi
Call his mother and tell her that if he doesn’t start washing, you want a divorce.
Depression is something mental that has nothing to do with hygiene
Could definitely be depression… But, not brushing your teeth is
Make it clear this is unacceptable and divorce worthy.
Ultimatum: shower and brush teeth or I am out of here!
I’m the opposite! my bf self hygiene’s too much and has 3 showers a day
I have seen marriage break up just for this reason.
I’m a man and I would let him know how you feel and if that don’t work throw his ass in the bathtub
I hear ya I’m not attracted to my husband either no hygiene
That’s why divorce exists!
Was he funky when u met him if so you knew wht it was (Funk ) from the jump , know if it started happening ( Funk) after marriage then thts an issue (Funk) you’ve spoken to him about his (Funk) hygiene and the response has been negative (Funk ) it’s time to leave The Funk ijs
Sounds like depression.
Well , this post went off the rails quickly !
I had this problem with my ex so I took time off of work and I made sure I was sweating eating awful smelly breath foods no showers and I did this for a week. My ex started complaining. So we ended up having our conversation in our smelly smells but in the end it worked out and his hygiene started to get better. I was super refreshed when I could get clean again.
The common advice or phrase “ follow your man wherever he GOES or DOES” applies in your situation! Be like him….be unhygienic too. When he knows and see you as that then maybe he will change his living unhygienic habits…. shave everyday!! Ughhhhhh!
A lot of people were raised on the farm. They don’t know hygiene 100%. They think it’s ok the way they are and when hygiene topics arise they feel insecure or ghosted. They have to be taken by the hand and showed the difference. Then practice is next step. Step by step. Sometimes a professional psychology is required…
Time for the relationship to end.
You could get his clothes together and meet him at the bathroom door.
Tell him to shower or else. You can’t take it anymore. Worked for me.
my ex was like that, w/ the shower part. I understood he worked a good bit, but you still have to wash your ass.
Tell him you need the d and to get cleaned up. Or try new products like getting him new cool soaps and toothbrush maybe they have tons of cool things he might be excited to try.
Gross. No touchy. If he wants some he’ll take care of himself better.
Give him a bag of toiletries. From man body wash, soap, cologne, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. Maybe he’ll get the message.
Take showers with him and wash him down. Very sensual.
He’s a grown man that’s too lazy for his personal hygiene.
well…he was probably like that before you married him and you married him anyway…so…
Are YOU MENTALLY ILL or just LONELY:question:
Sometimes an aversion to personal hygiene that worsens over time is actually a wimps way of saying I’m really not all that into you. Trying to run you off without having to run you off so he can blame you for it.
Reward him when he does good hygiene
Those are symptoms of depression.
Kick him to the curb!
Kick his nasty butt out.
A dated a drop dead gorgeous girl like that…
Literally get a new husband.
Are the Straights okay?
Get a divorce….he’s disgusting
Get a new husband end of story
Agree leave him , it will only get worse
No this fool is just a nasty piece of shit, stop trying to give people bullsbit medical outs, nasty is nasty the fuck.
Wat erg zo,n stinkerd
Yana Verenich why do women insist on staying with these infants
Move out of the bedroom!!!
Move to another room!