Give him an ultimation - clean your body or move out.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, right…?
First if all that’s disgusting why u would marry a dirty dude in the first place lmao
Sounds like he may be depressed, typically people who are content/happy in life don’t let their hygiene get this bad. Maybe offer for him to see a therapist:confused: but on the hand some men are just gross sooo idk
Report him to police,for better for worse you took the oath
It’s disgustingly sad how many people don’t understand that this is a sign of depression. Sounds like the man needs help and too many of the comments are making fun of him. Remember, your comments say more about you than who you’re talking about.
This is going to sound very mean and a bit over the top. But I had a similar problem with my now husband when we first started dating. I couldn’t stand how stinky he was. And one day is was way way bad. To the point that I threw up all over him when he went to give me a hug. And since that day he makes sure his teeth are brushed and showered up. Mainly bc he doesn’t want to go threw that ever again. And it wasn’t just a little bit of throw up, it’s was a lot. Like A LOT! But in the end it did work.
My husband had the same issue plus many other we got him to a Dr and he got diagnosed with depression “already knew that” they got him on medication and he is doing better but it’s still tough depression takes a toll on more then the person who has it for sure
Some ppl are just that way…this is really something that should have been addressed before marrying. Maybe he is depressed but then you need to address the cause of that. If you married him knowing this is how he was then I’m not sure you have a valid complaint. That’s a missing piece of info to this conversation
Buy him the best smelling hygiene a product…Hopefully he will appreciate how being clean makes himself and everyone around him happier…
So how was his Hygeine before you married him? You didn’t mention that he changed in any way? Did you just not notice before you got married? Some men are great men, make great money, are amazing lovers, ect. they are just slobs. I say take showers with him, and make dentist appointments every 4 months instead of 6, you may have to pay out of pocket for one of them, but do what you must. Again, not sure how this was missed in the dating phase.
Go buy a pressure washer at the Walmart, fire it up and hose him down. He will appreciate a woman who knows how to use one. Y’all can bang during or after.
Never really had that problem, bit since the time I started sleeping with my husband, I told him he had to shower or bath before getting in bed or touching me.
But he worked really dirty jobs. He still does after more than 30 years,takes a shower before bed
Don’t feed him, and kick his axx and his mother’s also.
She should have taught him that.
For heavens sake!!!
Wow!!! What a stinker , how can he not smell himself ,and not brushing his teeth’s takes the cake I Feeling it for you ,You have a stinky situation Put your foot down and tell him your stinking up our relationship It’s my way or the highway Period!!!
Does he have pain in his gums when he brushes? I was having a hard time with mine because I have severe advanced periodontal disease and it hurt and bled horribly. Few visits to the dentist and a new brush and I’m doing so much better. Maybe it’s not that he doesn’t want to brush but that it’s extremely painful and he’s to headstrong to say anything?
The showering…. Invite him in with you? Make it sexy?
Its a shitty thing to say, and totally true, but people treat you how you look. If you carry yourself like a bag of buttholes, thats how people will treat you. I teach my son, when you are clean, and you look good and smell good, you feel good and people treat you differently. And its totally true.
Divorce and adult toys are cheaper than drugs.
Advice… What is wrong with done people a month goes by no change OK you go get an annulment and let him figure it out
This could be depression. I feel this way right now. I have to physically make myself brush my teeth. I do it, but it’s such a chore.
Was he not like that when you met him? Just asking.
Tell him therapy for hygiene issues or adios!
You know those little tree air fresheners? Pin them all over his clothes! Lol
why the hell did you marry him in the first place???
He needs therapy asap. Sounds like depression.
Give him a bar of soap and tell him to use it
He’s mentally ill. You can’t force him to get help. Just leave.
If you aren’t wiping his ass, it’s all good.
Divorce simple as that!
Shouldn’t of married him!! Nasty
leave him an find someone cleaner period end of story lol
This is a deal breaker for me. If my wife was like this, I would put a sign on her, will shower for a dollar…
As him to jump in the shower with you! Will make his day.
What’s the point can’t even see dentist lol can’t have sexual orientation if I stink either
Ultimatum, clean up your act stinky boy or find a new home
Have an affair ha and drop subtle comments that you are mmmm
Sounds like laziness to me
girl why did you even marry his dirty ass in the first place??
i’d just tell the fucker to shower lol
It sounds like a mental illness, or alcoholism.
Send him divorce papers. Sounds gross.
Offer him shower sex…just sayin…
Pour body wash on him and then spray him with a hose
Divorce. You cannot change people.
Jesus, would you take a bath? I’m asking the lord lol
Take him skinny dipping
Relevant advice: divorce him
Feel for you, Sorry!!!
Depressed for sure get him so help good luck and God Bless
Get rid of the dirty bastard
Tell him , you’re grossed by him being filthy . Tell him to get whatever help he’ll he needs. He’s not being very loving or a good husband
Gross, get rid of it.
I’ll suck your dick if you shower first… done next
Sounds like you need to divorce his stank ass
gardenhose and a long handle scrub brush.
Tell the smelly c××t to go for a wash or better yet pour a bucket of water over him when he’s in bed then maybe smelly hole will take the hint
I had a filthy ex. I literally had to tell him he smelled before he brushed his teeth or bathed. I left him. He was pretty gross.
Give him a good hosing.
Tall tell sign of mentally ill… The 1st sign of a schizophrenic cracking is hygiene failing …
He needs mental health help
If u say he’s had that problem from beginning of marriage, he’s just plain nasty!¡!!! Period!!!
Can you say, Good By…
Divorce his stinky ass!!!
You’re not his mother, it’s not your job to have to remind him, if he’s not depressed or willing to seek help send him home to mummy and move on.
Throw HIS stankass in da pond,AND run fast away…
Win u look BACK if u wanna LOOK BACK…
Heeee might b chasing u.
Smell HIM from DIS POST DAMN,GOTTA my fn nose AWF.
Throw some shower gel on him. Then he will have to shower lol
Honestly it could stem from mental issues. It’s quite common among those with Bipolar. My only suggestion if you can’t get him to see a professional then suggest you two shower together. That might perk him up.
well sounds like you did not choose well-
Throw him away, tf
On fathersday this is your question huh?
Depression can cause bad hygiene habits. Maybe you should be looking at him getting mental health support rather than trying to force him to change habits.
I second this; if you aren’t already aware of any, I suggest asking your husband if he’s aware of what he’s doing, how long he does it for, and the unfair reaction you get when trying to make sure he’s okay. Not just for you but for the both of you, OP.
Emphasize that you’re a team and you aren’t against him, you just want him to be okay, and by extension yourself (no more 2nd hand bad breath)
I’d be changing the bed sheets everyday. Just tell him he stinks and needs to scrub in the shower. I wouldnt care if he got mad.
Sounds like my 11 year old son lol. That’s disgusting… nobody wants a musty dragon breath ass man.
Buy him new toothbrush deodorant shower gel n just give him it n tell him to use it that’s just nasty
I’ve been struggling with this too with my fiancé. I keep trying different things. I haven’t had sex with him in over a month. Whenever he asks I literally tell him he needs to take a shower. That I love him but my vagina health is important. I make big deals about myself and my daughter taking showers. I’ve literally gotten to the point of I make him sleep in the living room. I don’t want to leave him over something as simple as taking a shower but damn he stinks!! It’s hard to just hug him!!! Sorry there’s probably no real advice here but just know I feel your struggle. If you find something that works let me know
It sounds like a combo of executive dysfunction and depression tbh
If you have children together , Then bring it up again as a role model question? Do you want your children to follow your ways ? To have to spend thousands at the dentist? Be teased at school ? Etc
I wouldn’t have married his nasty ass. That’s so gross. You can’t make him change.
Did you not know this before you married him ?
Sounds like some mental health issues need to be addressed
No brushing teeth….no kisses. No hygiene……no intimacy and no sleeping in the same bed. Believe me….it will be a wake up call. Been there.
Take him to the beach get him enjoying life and then tell him
Simple…After Five years …its not gonna happen, old saying…You Can Not change the stripes of the zebra
My husband gets like this sometimes. He refuses to believe that he has any sort of depression or PTSD (he’s a veteran). What would you want if you were dealing with mental issues? You probably wouldn’t want someone telling you that you’re nasty for not keeping your hygiene up because you already know that. Try to be supportive and maybe make things fun like showering together or having a nightly routine to bond better and get his hygiene in order at the same time.
Definitely sounds like some sort of mental health thing.
Don’t kiss people with bad breath. No sex with dirty parts. No food with dirty hands.
To all the “before you were married” commenters - Please count your blessings to have never lived with a narcissitic abuser. My ex-husband, while dating, showered every day and had beautiful feathered hair. By the time we’d been married 4 years, I had to pour his bath and wash his hair for him “because it hurt his back.” When the marriage ended, I threw out almost all of my pillowcases, because if he’d used them they were stained beyond repair from his oily hair. Not every guy is a gem and shows his true self right away. Some of them go on workman’s compensation 2 weeks into the marriage and never “recover.” By the time the 6-week initial assessment period has passed, so has the annulment deadline.
To the original poster, my advice would be if he doesn’t want to change, he won’t.
Dont brush your teeth? Dont kiss me. Dont shower? Sleep on the FLOOR (not the couch)
Be HONEST. Tell him there’s a problem, how it’s affecting you, and give him his options. Go to a therapist, maybe both of you.
You married him he had to of been this way from go. You can’t force him to do nothing. You either leave him of deal with it like you have. Geez just push him in a pool,lake something if it is that bad but stop complaining you chose to stay
Leave that mess behind. No excuse for what he does not do.
My relative would lure her hubby into the shower with intentions of sex, they’d have fun and still get clean. That’s how she handled his hygenie issues as far as being a bit smelly
Maybe he has depression. Definitely make sure it’s not that . Or he just lazy and don’t care if not depression. So get to the bottom of it and find out because that’s definitely a sign of depression especially if he just got that way after marriage. It’s hard for men to realize or admit they have a problem.
He’s probably depressed. Try to dig deeper.
Could he be on the spectrum? Sometimes that happens with people on the spectrum. I would honestly look into therapy to help and see what advice they could offer. Other than that I would check out behavior babe because she has some videos about this kind of stuff. I would send them to him so he could watch it and “hear” it from someone else
I’d leave, I couldn’t live like that.
I’ve never had that problem with my husband … but when we were younger we use to shower together and take long hot baths together … maybe it would help your situation to invite him into the shower with you … make it fun!
There is NOTHING you can do. This is his responsibility and you cannot control his actions.