My husband is always tired and I am stressed: Advice?

Get a sleep study and blood work done

He needs to go to the doctor, sounds like something is wrong.

Also, this might be intrusive to ask, but is there any chance your husband might have a substance abuse problem ?? Abusing opiates can cause this


Give the baby yogurt before bed. It will fill their belly and give you a more solid chunk of sleep. Give you both a more solid sleep.

I did this when I was depressed. I could sleep 12 hours, wake up, do a ton of things sit down for less than five minutes and just pass out. He definitely needs to get to the doctor because it can be a lot of things and you don’t want it to get to the point where he passes out while he is driving.

What type of work does he do?

he needs to be tested for sleep apnea…and his doctor needs to test his vitimin d and magnesium levels…keep me posted on how he is doing…

Men get depression also. Id see a dr instead of just saying he’s lazy etc. Men dont talk about their feelings. Being depressed makes you tired. Its how your body deals with it.


Sounds like depression.


yes and draw an a1c not a fasting test…to check if he is diabetic

I definitely agree with most comments that his sleeping so much could be a medical issue. Another thing you need to consider is your youngest is more than capable of eating solids and drinking from a cup at that age, even if you still choose to pump and give him breastmilk doesn’t mean you have to physically feed him if its wearing you down that much and you have to break him of getting up and wanting it at night and to start sleeping in his own crib and/or bed. It will be a hard couple a nights but he will adjust if you stick to it, it sounds like your nights are already hard enough so a few more won’t kill you if it benefits you after right?


He may have a medical issue … my husband does the same and there is a actual medical issue behind it

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Could be thyroid issues

Is it nearly 90 or something ? Lol I’d go to dr and get a blood test. Maybe needs vitamins?

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I doubt very much it’s bloody meth or opioids. To me this sounds like a classic symptom of depression. When I was depressed I could just sleep all day everyday, no matter how much sleep i got my body just wanted to shut down and keep sleeping. I got on some meds and started forcing myself to do it her things when I wanted to go to bed.
Sit down and communicate with him, tell him you have noticed he has been more tired lately etc and if there is anything going on at work of home that he may need to talk about and that if it continues you would suggest seeing a doctor.

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It’s sounds like he needs to see a doctor to me.

I thought my ex was narcoleptic because he was constantly falling asleep doing everyday things turns out he was just on xanax.

Its 1 of 4 things. 1 low iron b12 or d. 2 sleep apnia. 3 diabetes 4. Heart problems. He needs to see a dr. Its life threatening.

I have been in the same boat, my husband doesn’t fall asleep this much but no matter how much sleep he gets he’s tired. I have an almost 6yr old and 4yr old and I’m a SAHM, I the first few years were the hardest because he works 12hr shifts-2 days, 2 nights. I was the one who got up with them constantly thru the night and dealt with keeping the house in order and because I’m apparently a masochist decided to go back to school online. My husband has gotten a little more involved now that they are older so I would say hang in there and get him to see a dr. As a SAHM we work 24/7 and it’s exhausting for us too! I don’t have family where I live either and his lives an hr and a half away from us. Let him know that he needs to see the dr and get this figured out.

That uses to be me. Turned out I had diabetes. Get him to go to the doctor.

Either he gets help or u leave. Been there done that

That sounds medical, I would get him checked out.


Me ex just had his testosterone checked bc he was constantly tired, lazy, crabby, depressed, the list goes on but it was low. He now has to have weekly shots for the rest of his life. Hoping it helps him bc our kids don’t enjoy being around him. Frankly I don’t either, never know when he will snap. :roll_eyes:

Get him checks for sleep apnea and diabetes

I think you might have a problem deeper than a husband that is overtired. Often being tired like this can mean a range of health issues and or mental issues like depression. I think you should TALK to your husband and see if you can schedule a doctors visit/ physical to make sure everything is ok on that front. Mention how he seems chronically tired no matter how much he sleeps. As far as you not sleeping enough. It’s time to cut the cord with baby. Baby doesn’t make the rules. Start transferring him to a bottle. Everything is hard at first. You will have push back. Stick to it, mama. You need some sleep and to care and take care of yourself as well. You could pump and try a variety of nipples until you find one your child likes. Then use positive reinforcement to introduce. Like if he takes the bottle, clapping hands and saying yay. Puts it in his mouth for a second, do the same. Put him down for a nap, same. Breast feed and then transfer to a bottle and put him down for a nap. Small increments is progress still. You can work your way there. You don’t want to resent your partner. You could also use an hour or two by yourself to nap or relax and get your nails done. He may be able to sleep because you’re there and he knows you’re there. Give him some more responsibility and the ability to take care. As mothers we tend to feel like we need to do it all even when we aren’t asked to. Tell him you’re gonna get groceries and that he has the children for a while, you may be surprised at how he steps up. You could also use positive reinforcement there. Hey babe! I’m gonna go to the store. Can you feed the kids Spend 30 min there and come home. Praise him on getting them fed. Ask if he wants to go relax or make him a drink or take a nap. Then build up to an hour and such. Switch days for staying up with the baby if sleep routine isn’t down yet. You can do it!

Definitely needs to go get checked out by a doctor!

No advice but girl i lived it. My toddler didnt sleep througu the night till after 2. She still doesnt, but she at least now sleeps a good chunk. I weaned her completely odf the boob at 2 and a few months and she finally started sleeping. Theyre like little addicts. On the husband rnd? No idea. Mine works 24 hour shifts and when hes home he never helped with the babies at night. I work from home and kid duties are all on me. I feel for you! Have him see the dr?

Definitely have your husband get a physical and get blood work done!
Could be related to the thyroid hormones …could even be depression …Something is not right


Sounds like marriage.Not trying to be a smart ass.Been married 26years 3 kids.Husband did the same.Sounds like a normal family.In a few weeks the weather will change and things will get better.Dont give up!:revolving_hearts::pray:


Had a similar issue as a teen slept a year of my life away, I mean like 20+ hours of sleep a day. My iron was too high.

To me, it doesn’t sound like depression or at least those aren’t signs of depression. I’ve had depression for 14yrs now and I have never fallen asleep feeding my kids, during conversations or when people came to visit. This is something that probably needs blood work.


My husband did this an it was sleep apnea was keeping him from resting an sleeping

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Probley low iron. Thats how ive been getting lately. An found out my iron is really low.

Maybe he has a thyroid issue or diabetes. Maybe its medical

Does he snore? It could be sleep apnea making him tired. I would suggest he have a physical to rule out any unknown health problems. Another possibility may be depression.

This sounds like normal life to me…you didn’t mention your house husband’s age, but age plays into a lot of factors. Stress, hormones, work, just life in general. Life is hard. Marriage is hard. Talk to him.

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Before anything else, he needs to see a doctor first. If there’s nothing physically wrong then there’s another problem and counseling will probably be required. If nothing changes you have to figure out your priorities and decide if you can live with it or not. Either way I hope for the best for you and your family.

Go Get A Job & put the kids in Daycare! It will be good for you to get out of the house and give yourself a life besides being a babysitter, and if he is still sleeping all the time- I m with Ashlee W- maybe he is sick?!

I agree it sounds medical related. It’s not normal. I knew someone like that but he just recently passed away. Not saying your husband will pass away but I’d make him see a doctor about it to rule out anything serious before I divorced him.

Could be thyroid or sleep apnea. I have hypothyroidism and when my levels are off I get really moody. I’m not a moody person.

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Could you express and give him to the granparents for the night? And if he won’t take the bottle how is your husband suppose to help? Unless you start weaning? Sometimes mental health is more important than anything else.

So my ex did this h3 admitted hed purposely fake sleeping to avoid me

That doesnt sound right. Narcolepsy possibly?

Your husband could have chronic fatigue, sleep apnea or another health issue. I would have him see a Doctor.

My husband is the same way!!! It was beyond frustrating until he saw a doctor… turns out he is narcoleptic as well as diabetic. I felt horrible because I constantly bitched at him about falling asleep so when I found out it wasn’t his fault I was apologizing for sure :roll_eyes:

I raised 6 who are now 30, 28, 26, 22, 21 and 18. Try twice as many as you have and much closer in age. lol. Your husband works and is tired. Normal. Your child not sleeping through the night is on you and is disrupting everyone’s sleep. He’s plenty old enough to be weaned, put on a sippy cup and sleep through the night. But if you think it’s hard now, go ahead and leave him and try it on your own. You’ll get even less sleep…I don’t understand why that is always the solution with some people these days.


Has he had his thyroid checked. Or a sleep study done?

He needs to see a doctor. Something is wrong. Legit.

My husband is the same way & has been for years! He falls asleep even standing up at the kitchen sink! So frustrating! Got him to the dr for complete blood workup and suggested narcolepsy, but everything came back fine. He was diagnosed with anxiety and prescribed Lexapro but seriously, his sleeping is still the exact same and he does not snore at al! I came to read all the comments in case anyone had gotten their hubby into the dr and still no answers

Low iron or sleep apnea.

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First of all I would try to rule out medical reasons as for why he may be sleeping so much. That’s definitely not normal! As for your youngest not wanting bottles maybe try a different type that resembles a breast. They make them but I forget what they are called.


If you leave you will still be doing it all and you can have a job on top of it.


I’d let ur doctor know about it cause there could be an underlying issue. It’s similar to one of the episodes (based off a midwives memoirs) in call the midwife.

Have him go to the doctor. Maybe something is wrong. Hormones or something? IDK.

Get him to a doctor, he needs labs to be sure he’s ok. Once he has a clean bill of health, discuss the changes that need to happen. Ween the baby so you can get rest, feel better. Work together to redistribute chores. Good luck!


Has he been checked for underlying medical issues??

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Definitely could be a medical issue he might need his thyroid checked out

Sounds like my brother. I think its more medical then lazy if he falls asleep so much and easily. I’d get bloods done for iron, vitamin b, thyroid etc and see if anything is causing it.

If he cant seem to stay away with eating healthy and being more active. He needs to see a doctor.

There really isnt enough information given for us to understand why he would be like that.

I’ve struggled like this with my husband so I started to successfully getting him to eat better.

Its made a big difference.

I would be more concerned than get upset

Seems like hes having a health issue and it needs to be addressed.

Sounds like hubby needs to at least get checked out by a doc. And I would recommend trying to wean the 1 year old some. Granted my kids were odd balls and started sleeping through the night by 6 months but at one still getting up multiple times to be feed seems excessive.

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Sounds like sleep apnea to me


You sound really selfish. He probably has narcolepsy but you’re so caught up in “me me me” that you’re not even thinking that he may have health issues going on.


Narcolepsy is real :eyes:


Check for narcolepsy…if he falls asleep like that something is wrong. Get checked out


Absolutely a dr issue. I would get him checked out

Has he seen a dr? That sounds like a medical issue? Ignore rude people, I know how stressing it can be to be an at home mom. I’m not made for it, it takes a huge toll on you and it’s awful you don’t have any support I’m sorry for that but he really does need to see a dr and he could be your support. As for the baby waking up multiple times to feed, that sounds like more of habit. I assume he eats real food by now correct? If he don’t like the bottle try a sippy cup instead.

If he wasn’t like that his whole life which would be narcolepsy then he needs to see a doctor because that’s a medical condition

Sounds medical. Could be low iron, low ferritin levels, or something

Is he on any meds that would make him tired? It sounds like something medical or he’s on some sort of a substance that’s either prescribed or not prescribed…

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My hubs was always tired too. Turns out he wasn’t getting enough vitamin B and Vitamin d. Since hes been getting it hes been betrer

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Has he been checked by a Dr? My concern would be my husbands well being. Not complaining or arguing with him.


Test him for sleep apnea… a person can sleep for hours and never be fully rested

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I would take baby off the breast. Give him a bottle at nite that he can reach. Get husband checked out. It could be high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. Do it now before its to late, and while your at it get yourself checked.Then try to get a weekend away from the kidos.

It honestly sounds like hes on drugs, has a hormone imbalance or has a sleep disorder. He needs to see a dr.

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Does he have sleep apnea by any chance? My boyfriend does and he also falls asleep and will sleep hard. Our 5 month old could be screaming right next to him and he just wont hear it. Hes even crashed cars in the past from falling asleep at the wheel while commuting to and from work. When he is tired he just cant help but fall asleep. My boyfriend helps a lot with our 3 kids though so although it can be inconvenient for me sometimes, it’s still tolerable. Maybe he should see a dr and have a sleep study done and then go from there.

He needs to go the doctor. There are some serious medical issues that causes that. It could also be narcolepsy. There’s treatment for them but there’s also vitamins that can really help with energy level. Super b complex vitamin helps with my fatigue from my fibromyalgia and rheumatoid disease that cause me to get very sleepy but there are many others that can help

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If he snores super loud, might be sleep apnea, other wise sounds like drug problem. No human can constantly sleep unless something is seriously wrong. I get it, I understand the way u feel. All these bitches calling u selfish probably dnt have kids or are in an abusive relationship and probably should of been swallowed instead of born. I work full time plus take care of 3 kids and hubby works 3ed, trust me it ain’t easy

I just read this chapter for my psychology class. Kinda helped me out.

As far as your sleep goes what saved me from going nuts was bed sharing. I was ebf my son as well and when he woke up i just had him there and went back to sleep. Im an extremely light sleeper though so any movement or noise would wake me up.

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Maybe it’s a medical issue?

Check for narcolepsy or a thyroid condition

Get that baby weened

Medical… could be signs of severe depression or some slight narcolepsy :grimacing: def get him into the dr

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It sounds medical. It could also be something else… had he struggled with addiction? My gut leapt to methadone and his dosage being off. Too much or too little can cause what you’re describing.

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Sleep apnea? Low testosterone? Depression?


Your husband obviously has a medical condition or drug problem. Your toddler is old enough to not eat throughout the night. I would wean him at night the very least for your sanity and also if your toddler isn’t sleeping through the night he probably isn’t getting his recommended amount of sleep which is very important.


That is totally a medical condition. Your husband needs to see a doctor. That is not healthy.


Hey him checked out medically I use to sleep all the time to and always be tired found out I have sleep apnea and need a machine. Also in men narcolepsy is a real common thing. Tell him to get into a doctor. I also have been a stay at home dad in the past and found out that their are bottle nipples on amazon that simulate the nipple try those and also since the kiddo is a year old try giving them baby cereal right befor bed time.

Very similar situation here…I’ve got a 10,2 and 3mnth old… this is the first time I haven’t been working but my partner leaves at 4am, gets home at 5pm and does very physical work in extreme heat so is very tired BUT… when he gets home he plays with the kids outside while I get dinner sorted, then he makes sure they eat and baths the 2yr old while I get Bub down for the night, then I put 2yrold to bed while he chills out with 10yr old, then 10yr old is in bed… and while he might already be asleep on couch he gets up and sorts any awakenings, dogs barking, baby unsettled if I’m tied up elsewhere in the goings on… some nights everything goes to shit and we all just call it a night early and everyone goes to sleep in my room with a movie and aircon on (bassinet, bed and mattress on the floor for eldest)…
My point is … I don’t give a fuck how ‘tired’ you are… we work as a team to get what needs to be done, done… some nights it’s a dream, others is chaos, some nights I’m done and close my door with the baby and leave the rest of them to it, some nights he’s asleep before anyone… but this to me sounds like a cop out and you need someone who can support U … not just be another child… time to step up or u may as well be doing it on ur own x


He probably has a sleeping problem

Has he been tested for sleep apnea ?

My dad has sleep apnea and it can be dangerous if left untreated. Js. I get it’s stressful for you, I totally understand your feelings on it because you’re having a difficult time with the bf. But he needs to see a Dr. and have a sleep study done asap.

when I had a problem with being extremely tired and couldn’t stay awake it was my thyroid meds helped alot I was able to be proactive and not fall asleep at any given time

Agree with others saying to have your husband see a doctor, as constant tiredness can be related to a medical or even a psychological condition.
My OH can, quite literally, fall asleep anywhere… at anytime…in any position!
It USED to annoy me, but now I see it as my time to potter around and do my own thing without being interrupted by him with his million and one questions. I purposely try NOT to wake him! :laughing:

Aside from that, I can understand why you’re feeling frustrated and stressed - especially with little one’s! (It is, obviously, dangerous for him to fall asleep while holding them!)

As you have older children, you would surely know that the first year or 2, or even 3, after having a baby - while your child is going through the stages of developing their independence, resilience and learning routines - is always the hardest and there will be many times where you feel like you are lost or want to give up and throw in the towel.

But you don’t.


Because it WILL and DOES get easier!

Our babies grow older each and every day, and you need to stop to cherish that sooner rather than later…no matter how annoyed you are with your husband, no matter how tired you are from the constant, repetitive up and down that comes with breastfeeding, and no matter how exasperated you are that your child is just not doing what you think he is supposed to.
DON’T allow these negative thoughts and feelings to take over your moments to make memories.
Cherish your children being little… they don’t stay little for long and we are soon left behind, wondering where our little babies have gone.

My advice:

1 - Don’t hold a grudge against your husband.
You are, after all, Husband and Wife. A TEAM. You need to remember that at the end of the day - it’s not you vs him.
It’s you & him vs the problem…

2 - Push all the thoughts of wanting to leave out of your head.
It’s the tiredness and stress talking. You are trying to convince yourself that it would be easier to leave when you know, that deep down, you telling yourself that, or expressing it - is your way of trying to make your husband pull his finger out and stop sleeping all the time.
Unfortunately, that’s not the solution. And it will only lead to more stress on you.

3 - Wean your baby.
If breastfeeding through the night is ONE of the many sources of your stress, weaning would be the ideal solution. It sounds like he may be doing it out of comfort, rather than actually needing to feed.
Shop around for different types of teats, as the types/textures/shapes and flow rate can all contribute to wether the child refuses or accepts it.
Also, as your child is 1, I would suggest adding a bit more ‘solid’ food to their diet, to help with that feeling of fullness.
When you express into a bottle and he refuses to take it, sometimes you just have to stand your ground and simply say no for the boob!
Offer the bottle, and keep offering the bottle - but do NOT get frustrated or angry or upset. He WILL pick this up and will only end with the both of you being stressed and upset .
Be consistent, and be positive during the interaction!
While your breastfeeding and the bottle is refused, your husband cannot offer to help with night feeds… even if he wanted to!
Once youve got him to accept the bottle, its all up to you if you want to gradually decrease the amount of breastmilk and replace with formula or stick to just breastmilk.

My last piece of advice, and this is the most important one of all…

Please… Go and see a doctor - yourself!
There are so many signs hidden within what you’ve written …

… You need this, not only for your own mental health and wellbeing…
But for your childrens too.

You must to take care of yourself as an individual, if you’re going to be able to take care of them as their mother.

No one can replace you.

I agree. He needs to see a medical professional. He could have something going on. Pre diabetes, sleep apnea, depression. Get that squared away first. Then go from there

Is there a medical reason he is falling asleep all the time? That just doesn’t sound normal…

Honey has a side piece

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Ween the kid,send the husband to the Dr

Sounds like sleep apnea. My Husband was the same way. He could fall asleep anywhere because even after a full nights sleep he wasnt rested. It can lead to a lot of health problems. Have him talk to his doctor about a sleep husband is doing a lot better now that he has a cpap.

As for the baby it might be time to start weaning her off the breastfeeding if it is causing you distress. You can pump and start getting her used to bottles. Baby over a year should be ble to sleep through the night. Not that they always will( teething, illness etc.) But you shouldnt be waking up multiple times a night to breastfeed.

Take him to see a doctor.

Sleep apnea is not an excuse for falling asleep all the time. I have severe sleep apnea and even with no cpap i dont fall asleep all the time. My son and father also have it and they dont do it either. Narcolepsy is a possibility tho that actually makes sense. Could be another medical reason also. Never hurts to check. My sons dad does this shit too tho and he doesn’t have a medical condition he’s just lazy :person_facepalming:t2::person_facepalming:t2: He sleeps all night long and will come home and fall asleep as soon as he sits down. Hence why we aren’t together because im not raising a grown man too.