Ok so first of all lol ur a sahm…hubby works. He shouldn be getting up at night with baby. Second. Get the kid off the boob. Ull get alot more sleep once that happens and ull feel better. 3rd. Get hubs checked out for this issue if he dont have a drug problem cause its not normal…but if hes getting up with kid middle of night eben when hes working and ur not. That could be what why hes so tired get the youngest 2 in daycare also…even if its just cpl hrs a day few days a week. Ull still have get that time to your self. …ull get a break.
Um…youre bitching about something that cant be helped. I say he leaves and finds someone that cares.
He could be narceleptic my husband is the same way always falls asleep then he went to the doctors for a sleep study and ended up needing meds so he can stay awake. Even when we both were working he’d claim to be more tired then me when I did all the cleaning and taking care of the kids and worked more hours then him. He’s gotten better with the meds thou
Sleep study . There’s something going on
Definitely have him talk to a dr for medical issues because theres something going on
Your husband needs to see a doctor.
For one, you’re not selfish and all these women who are saying that or saying he shouldn’t have to help is ridiculous. A sahm is a job too, and your husband should absolutely be helping even if he works. Your husband either has a drug problem, or he needs to get checked by a doctor. Him having a job is no excuse for not helping. You have a job as well and should get help from your husband. Doing everything for the kids all the time is not good for your health. You are not selfish and your husband should be helping Get the dude checked and ween that baby
There is no doubt that raising a family can be tough at times. It’s a lot of work. I can tell by your post that you have some advanced depression symptoms going on. That fight or flight mentality is a big red flag.
Have you considered getting some help other than on social media? Everyone goes through rough periods in life. It very common and absolutely normal.
I would encourage you to start practicing some self-care. Ask your family, neighbors or church group for help. Take time to make sure you are getting enough food, time to get cleaned up for the day and maybe take a rest when the kids are napping.
You don’t have to do this all by yourself. There are lots of social programs available to help you through this. One day at a time, one step at a time. You’ve got this. We will give you all the support you need to help you through it. Hang in there!
Have him tested for depression
Take a breath and realize young children won’t be a stressor for long. Love your husband.
Why’d you have another kid then? Sounds like you just don’t want to deal with any of it…if dude is working a job to support a family of 5 with a single income, I guarantee it’s either a very well paying job or hes working hella overtime. Either way, the guy is keeping a roof over your head and food on your table. I’d say you’re about even…
The way you describe his sleeping makes me question drugs…
I think people are getting sleep apnea confused with Narcolepsy he could be narcoleptic worth getting him checked out
He could be deficient or suffer with narcolepsy. I’m sure he’s not wanting to fall asleep at every opportunity but he may well have something medically wrong with him which is really worth getting checked out. Is it worth trying to express and get someone a family or friend to have your youngest for you so you can have atleast one night sleep? Xx
Does he fall asleep at work?? Or is it only at home?? Cause if its only at home its not a medical condition he is just being a terrible helper, and you are probably both needing to sit down and express your concerns, as ge more or less has something he needs to tell you. Im saying this cause i too was always tired when i was with my ex. We had issues and my way to deal with it was to sleep only cause i didnt want to be there and i didnt know how to tell him. You need to find out if he is sleeping at work as well for the just incase. But im sure tgey would contact you and let you know if this was happening.
He has an angina heart that’s y his constantly tired
Sounds like he has sleep apnea. He might need a check up maybe he not getting enough oxygen and making him sleepy and tired! Does he snore?
Check for sleep sleep apnea! Get blood work done! Sleep apnea can make you feel horrible.
My hubby was like that so is his sister. have him see a Dr. there are Meds that they can get for this.
I have an idea. It’s kind of strange though, but hear me out. How about showing some kind of concern about your husband’s health instead of being frustrated?! Did it occur to you that his sleepiness or oversleepiness maybe is due to a medical condition? For God’s sake, what happened to until death do us part. Or was your oath until hubby gets sleepy! Ready to puke! On second thought, leave him, he’ll be better off! You don’t deserve him!!!
Sounds like depression
I would definitely get him to a Dr…that is not normal…there is something definitely wrong…
He’s tired OK. . He works men who work get tired us as moms are always tired you will never have a normal sleep pattern again that’s just being a mom he’s not going to rescue you all the time he’s a man it’s what they do. My husband is very supportive but I take care of my three children my youngest being 19months old men are just not built like we are