My husband is an alcohlic: Should I give him more chances?

HELL NO! Get out ASAP!!

Get out he needs help and until he reaches his bottom he’s just going to bring you down also

Leave or kick him out

It seems you already know what you need to do. I am sorry you are going through this. Prayers for you🙏

Get out. Can’t fix a drunk if they don’t want help

No you deserve better

Ur brain will tell u, u are just struggling with letting your :heart: agree

Please leave. Please

LEAVE!!! GET out NOW !!!

Send him walking :walking_man::v:

Is one of your kids a daughter? Would you want her to put up with this type of behavior from a man when she"s older? Would you eant a son treating a woman this way? You deserve better & so do your children. And by staying while he does this you are enabling him to continue this behavior.

Oh boy. I am currently ending my 8 yr nightmare of a marriage to an alcoholic addict. 1st let me say, YOU NEED AL ANON, GO NOW. Next i will only share my experience, hope, and strength. I don’t give advice, it’s your life and your choice. Alcholism/addiction is a progressive disease without treatment. In other words if he doesn’t want to get better and make a real change, he is going to slowly spiral. My husband lost his job last week and is basically destitute, during our marriage he made a very comfortable sum of money but he allowed his disease to progress. He was not really physically violent, but the gaslighting and emotional abuse was ridiculous and it showed my kids that they can treat a woman this way or a man can treat my dtr this way. I wasn’t setting a good blueprint for my children. Through al anon and other self help things i realized i have one life and it won’t be wasted on waiting for this man to get sober. I filed for divorce and haven’t looked back. Can’t hardly wait for it to be finalized.