Get out!!! It will get worse if you don’t.
Get to a Alonon meeting…they are everywhere…get some good direction before making any decisions…he has a illness that spreads through your family…learn as,much as you can…
No I would not. This is abuse! Get out now!!!
Bye bye. Are u dumb? U really want yr kids in that environment? And yes he is a danger if he is leaving u with no means of nothing in case something happens to those kids.
Call the cops and report your car stolen. Maybe they’ll find him and arrest him for being drunk. Then take the opportunity to get a restraining order and also get him into AA. Join al-alon for yourself. Don’t let him back,if at all, until he has been sober for a year.
If holding on is more painful than leaving… Then for yoir children’s sake leave… They deserve better a healthy life…
No… you have to let your mind over ride your heart!
Get out now .children hear and see more than you know. They can pick up habits thinking its NORMAL.the next step is you/them getting hurt
I would leave. My boyfriend has an issue when he drinks, where he will just keep drinking. He is not necessarily an alcoholic because it isn’t every day, but he did have a 2 day binge not long ago where he kept me up all night for 2 days straight all while I had to work. I ended up late to work one day because of it. I told him that it will never happen again because I am the primary source of income and if I lose my job we basically lose everything. He’s improved but he still has days that he just does whatever.
Been there done that
You should of left the first time he touch your purse& keys.
Don’t blame you a bit
Get a support group. You must do the foot work it will be tough but you can do it and will be glad you did. Boot him out.
You sound like you have a big loving heart but please don’t let people treat you like a used napkin or a doormat. You know this answer! The first step is always hard but there is somebody else out there who will love you and your boys. Time to fly solo with your kids for a bit mama bear.
Short answer, no. I left th is type of relationship after a 23 year marriage. I don’t know what snapped him but something did and I tried for ten years before I have up. I had put him through rehab 3 times before I finally left. He’s still going through rehab year after year and I’ve been gone for over 10 years now. My life is finally my own and my kids are healthier emotionally for it.
Leave before your kids end up doing the same thing when they get older… Either drinking or thinking its OK to stay in some bs like that
I wouldn’t stay, he needs to realize what he is doing and that won’t happen until he has lost it all.
Why do grown women have to be told what a bad relationship is?? How do they raise children when they cant even decide whats best for themselves? Please momma get out and get therapy. Dont let anyone treat you like a dog. It will reflect in your kids lives and futures. He clearly
does not love you like a husband. Love is what you do, not what you say.
There is many different types of abuse.
He may not be hitting you but he is mentally and verbally abusing you. You have to look out for you and your children. I would leave. He needs help.
Nope, move on. He will not change unless he wants to. And most won’t want to unless they hit some kind of a bottom… Like losing there family.
Why would you stay in such a toxic marriage. I would have been gone the first time he called me a whore. Where there is no respect, there is NO LOVE. Leav !!!
You don’t need this 3rd child. And if he is doing this. He is harming you and the boys. As they grow they will think this behavior is ok. It won’t be pretty…
Hello!!! U need to ask?
What is wrong with you, all your ever going to get from that jerk is more problems. Wake up girl or at least for the poor children sake.
Delete your history and find someone who will love respect you
Good grief woman. Kick him to the kerb.
He has a disease called alcoholism but if he won’t go for help then get out
Divorce, restraining order, and child support. Not necessarily in that order.
Been there…it doesn’t get better. And think about what kind of role model is he to the children as they get older.
Hell no get out of that situation as soon as you can and all his money too
Absolutely not, you deserve better and so does your children. It will only get worse.
You need to leave. I was in that situation for 10 years. He is still and alcoholic. Hes been thru many relationships and drained all the money out of his accounts. He now lives in a trailer. Get out before he starts dominating the children and scarring them when he feels jealous.
I’m sorry but that is unacceptable and you should make plans to leave. Alcoholics don’t stop drinking until they are ready and is a disease that is progressive and prone to relapse. It’s a roller coaster ride. You have to decide if you and your kids want to stay on the ride. Even if they are young they will still know something is wrong even if they don’t realize it’s alcoholism
Not good environment for the kids, and unfair for you to have to always prove , justify or defend yourself.
That IS abuse…psychological, emotional, financial. Leave as soon as you can.
Think about the example he is setting for your kids-- Is this the kind if spouse/parent you would want them to be??
You all deserve better. Abuse is not always physical. Some scars never heal.
No chances he needs to clean him self up on his own your Children and yourself should be first no question ask.
Been there get out. Things get worse and your children though they are young feel the affect of the tension. It’s not easy but you can do it. I’m now a grandmother and my kids appreciate the sacrifices and know I did my best. Protect them at all cost.
I would leave. You are teaching these children thst this kind of behavior is acceptable. And there other forms of abuse aside from physical abuse. He is putting you and those children through mental and emotional abuse.
You may not have been hit but you are in an abusive relationship. He is mentally (psychologically)
and emotionally abusive to you. Just to name a few forms of domestic violence you mentioned. Even though he may not be effecting the children at this time, eventually he will. If you decide to leave you have to carefully plan you’re departure. If you decide to stay both of you will need therapy and he also needs help with his drinking.
He’s being controlling and verbally abusive. Tell him he MUST seek help or go. Also, get yourself into Alanon meetings. VERY helpful in these situations.
This is a form of abuse (mental and emotional) and an unsafe environment for you and your children. If he isn’t willing to get help and address his problems, you need to leave. It will only get worse with time. You and your babies deserve better! Do it for them if not yourself, you all need to be in a healthier and safer environment.
What would you tell your daughter of she came to you and told you her partner was doing this to her? Also, is this the example of a relationship that you want your children to think is the norm?
The alcoholic is very selfish. They don’t care about you, their children, it’s about drinking.
Yes, I am in the same situation right now and he’s moving out November 1st.
It will be hard and you may even find yourself wanting to forgive him and what he has done but you need to be strong for yourself and your kids and leave. That may be the only thing it takes for him to open his eyes. I wish you the best!!!
No, I wouldn’t stay. Your boys deserve a better life and so do you! Sorry but I can’t believe you’re asking this question and haven’t left before this!!
My father was an alcoholic during my childhood. It was awful! This man only loves the bottle. Alcoholics are selfish people. I wouldn’t stay in the environment. He is very jealous and distrustful of you.
Noooo just pack up the kids and leave. HE may not be physically abusive now, but he is psychologically abusive. He may become physically abusive later. Think of the kids. Be happy, God bless and be safe.
He’s abusive! You can wish he’ll change but it sounds like he’s not ready to be a family man. I’d say, leave.
Kids see and hear even when you think they don’t. They are being affected. One healthy present parent is better than being in a disfunctional family situation. Get out!
Prayers for your situation.
You already know the answer to this question, you just want someone to give you a good enough reason to stay. Boys will grow up thinking this is good behavior, get them out of there.
But it wasn’t until he laid a hand on our two year old child that I Found the courage to walk away and I was in that environment for 4 years
Please take your children and go or put him out. Alcoholism is a sickness and he needs to seek professional help. Abuse is abuse and it doesn’t matter whether it’s emotional, physical, psychological or financial. If you won’t do it for yourself please do it for your children.
The only way he will change is when he reaches rock bottom. Make your leaving him his rock bottom and see if he’s willing to seek help. Only when you see a changed man, a man willing to seek help on his own do you allow yourself to consider allowing your children back into that craziness. Be strong and do what’s best for you and your kids. They deserve better!
Actions speak louder than words.
Pack your kids and leave without saying anything to him.
When he starts looking for u and his kids tell him if he doesn’t go to rehab today then he needs to leave the house and that you will only go back when he is either gone from the house or has gone to rehab and he will not see his kids until he chooses which path he will take.
You have to take drastic measures In order to get results.
You are the mother of those kids, and you have an obligation to them for them to grow up in a house with no vices and respect.
They’re young now and they don’t understand so NOW is the time for their father to better himself and get help.
For them. Not for you or even himself.
Kids deserve only the best versions of us and we all know perfection is unattainable but we owe it to them to try.
No more chances. He is emotionally abusing you and that is serious. It will continue to get worse. You cannot live like that, but here’s the danger; you need to work on you now because I’m willing to bet there were red flags early in the relationship that were overlooked. If you don’t develop a healthier you that is strong enough to walk away at the first sign of these red flags, you will run into the same situation again, just a different face.
No. An alcoholic with 12 years sober and only got that way cuz I lost everything. You have to leave…
Please find your inner strength and leave this toxic relationship it won’t be easy but in the future you will see hiw much healthier and happier you all will be when it tske that first step dont go back you will mourn the love you have for him always he is ypur childrens father ive lived this they wont change took me 17 years move forward the peace is so worth it:heart: many prayers your way
Leave. No more chances. Ultimatums and chances will only make it worse. He is verbally and emotionally abusing you and it can and most likely will get worse. Those kids and you deserve better!
If you’ve been together 4 years 2 kids and he has done is "many"times, you said it’s pretty common, hopefully you take the advise from those on here, but at this point, you’ve had plenty of chances to leave , yet you stay.?
Sounds like he is controlling when he drinks. Tell him please go get help or dont drink stay home with the family and do things to gether. Also does he know they were old text
Nope. He’s got a disease that only he can cure. He’s chosen booze over you and the kids. It will get worse and he will die young. Get out now, while you can. I speak from experience.
No, You and especially the kids deserve better
You need to leave. He may not be abusive now, but one more drink might be the one. If you get your keys back, make extras and hide them. Good luck. Be careful
Praying for u it will only get worse verbal abuse sometimes is worse than physical abuse no woman deserves to live like this your boys deserve a better life and so do u. The more u put up with it the worse it will get . I know what u r going thru I have been there many nights with no sleep keep u in my prayers
No, but i understand how hard it is to leave, keep a spare key for car and house hidden from him… cash too
Leave. He might not be physically abusive but he is abusive nonetheless. It is difficult to leave but your kids will fare better without the toxic example.
Stop looking for validation from others when you already know what to do. The time taken to survey Facebook could have been time well spent packing up!
Your kids are the ones who will pay the price, and will never change him. no matter how much he says he’s sorry, he will end up doing it again - over and over. I have been living with it for over 30 years and its still the same.
There will be many promises made and I’m here to tell you they don’t fulfill those promises oh, please understand they will say anything to get you to come back initially
I wouldn’t stay you have them babies that see everything and knows more than u think
Get in a program and to meetings or leave only options if he wants to save the marriage
I know it will be hard but leave not only for you but those beautiful kids you have
My children’s life was full of the same story! Until it got worse. It was not worth the 18 years I thought he would grow up! Please leave.
Hell no I told my ex I was not going to beg him to stay and if he wanted to leave go for it dont let the door knob hit in the butt when you leave
I would leave. This is just the beginning of more abuse. He’s already doing verbal
You should leave, staying only let’s your children know that it is okay for them to act like that and for them to treat you and other people badly. They maybe toddlers but it still affects them when they do see it
Nope let that shit go and protect your children. He needs help and all your doing is giving him more chances to steal the food from their mouths.
Kick his ass to the curb!!! Your peace of mind is priceless! And your children do not need to be around someone like this. Life is too SHORT!
Tell him to go hump a stump get rid of him at least for the kids sake,they dont need to grow up around all his drama.
Do it it is not going to change until the bottom falls out from under him
I would take the kid’s and leave. Do what is best for you and you’re kid’s.
Nope, the comment about you cheating was the beginning of violence. Next time you wont be so lucky and he will act out. no more chances.
Kids know right from wrong…they know what’s happening, but are probably very confused why dad acts the way he does. Leaving will be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. You’re stronger than you know. Look how much you have put up with already…
You and your kids will better off. Think of what the kids are going through. If they’re old enough be honest with them, you don’t need to tell them how you feel, but ask them how they feel.
Main thing stay safe, if you need to leave then do so, go to counseling, pray for your husband to get help. God can fight this battle/war. Pray about it and let God deal with it.
No way. Gather yourself and children and go to safety. You all deserve better. Best wishes
Thank God I had family far far away that loved me and cared enough about me to help get me and my two daughters there
He isn’t abusive now, but with kids in the house, why take a chance. When you get your purse back make a few copies of the keys and give to a trusting adult or hide them. One never knows what he will do. Again, just because he hasn’t gotten physically abusive doesn’t mean he won’t, he is being verbally abusive… Protect yourself and your children.
Just leave sis, your enabling him…You and your kids deserve better…
I would’ve already left
HELL NO! There is such a thing as mental abuse. Get out now!
No, I think things can be better than this.
Get out now!! You nor the kids deserve this…you can’t fix him…he has to want to stop drinking on his own…
Leave now. It will
Not get better only worse
I left and got a restraining order! You got to get rid of him
Nope. It only gets worse.
THIS … this is abuse
Omg , this relationship sounds just like my daughters, she,s been with this guy ,Kevin ,but I CALL HIM,THE DUMPSTER, , she,s beem
N eith him for 12 years and finely married him 2 years ago, they have a daughter that is 12 , ,he too is an alcoholic, beer is water to him, she also has two other kids from her first husband,a 17,year old and a 16year old … I hope you fi d your way out of this marriage before it,s too late you you and your children,
Get your boys and get out as soon as you can.
Just leave him , your boys don’t need of that environment
Chances are over he needs to be a man, father and husband
No way he gets help or get the hell on before he do becomes abusive