…I need some advice…my husband has been non stop playing his xbox all night, after work, before work…literally every second of the day he is not at work…he is on his xbox…he doesnt help with the kids or the house work and refuses to even acknowledge me…so the other day when he was at work, i sold it to someone on facebook and now he is MAD and threatining to leave if i dont replace it…he is rmad that he wont even talk to me and has locked himself in our room…was i really in the wrong for this? he is complaining he will lose all of his progress now but he doesnt put any effort into us and its just a game! was i w
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband is mad that I sold his xbox: Advice?
Had you communicated BEFORE about how you were feeling??
Sounds like you two have a communication issue.
Yea u were wrong. That was his property…
Well I would have took it and hid it for now and pretended to sell it and talk about it and if he didnt change give it to him and leave him
I would’ve been pissed if my husband sold my Xbox or PlayStation. Like why wouldn’t you even talk to him about it? Just go and sell his stuff? How would you feel if he sold your shit? Or broke your stuff? Not right.
You’re a witch… poor guy
yah you’re wrong for that.
Imo you were wrong! I can see maybe after work he needs to unwind…however you needed to talk to him about it…and if he doesn’t listen just go on with life like he’s not there or leave him
You were definitely wrong girl. Simple communication would’ve fixed this and if it didn’t, then you should’ve made a choice about your relationship and not selling your husbands things out of spite. First thing you need to do is grow up and second, buy your husband a new Xbox.
Throw the whole husband away loser.
Wow. You are in The wrong.
You don’t sell someone else’s property regardless if you are married or not, sounds like poor communication on both parts.
Yeah what you did was wrong you should buy it back he works all day he should be able to play as much as he wants you probably don’t complain about the income he brings in
You are definitely in the wrong sounds super toxic to me
Sounds like a huge baby he needs to man up and pay attention to his family!you did right
I mean you sold it without even having a conversation with him…. It may be just a game a to you but that’s his hobby. And that can take years to build…
You are 100% out of line. Wow.
How would u feel if he took something u loved like that and sold it? Not only are u in the wrong he needs to run. What r u going to do if that was one of ur kids doing that
You were 100% wrong.
Yea it was wrong that man needs to
I hope he leaves you tbh wtf
If my spouse threw out my possessions I would evict him. Girl YOU are toxic
Deff in the wrong. You should have talked to him
Would u mind if he sold your stuff that you love without asking ?
wow thats some balls…my husband would MAD also…like alleasha said i would of hid it instead of selling it wow…communication is key
Should of sold the man. Take away his toy and watch him throw a fit
I’m guessin you have talked to him several times about it already . Send him home to his mommy
Wow. I think you owe him a brand new xbox. Whatever new one is out.
The fact that you even have to ask if you were wrong
You’re both wrong. He shouldn’t be playing games every second if the day, but you can’t just sell his stuff either.
The fact that I want to say “you go girl” totally means you were in the wrong lol
Yeah, you were wrong. Communication matters.
Gaming addiction is a thing so discussing it, like adults, should’ve been first. If he wants to leave over it, you don’t have a husband; you have an extra child.
Neither of you are right with your behaviors.
Totally in the wrong get it back asap…
He needs to step up however you shouldn’t have sold his property and should now replace it.
Also, you should talk over your concerns and move on if he’s not willing to change
You was wrong because that’s not ur stuff to sell.
Wrong! You had to throw the man away!
I mean you’re wrong for selling his Xbox. And from personal experience if he’d rather be on the games than with you and your kids it’s time to move on. He won’t change. Been there done that and have never been happier just being my daughter and I and not having the extra frustration.
Both of y’all are wrong. He should be helping w the kids n everything but imma gamer too and u sold his system? Wow. You should buy it back. It was his. But most of all y’all should be talking through this.
Tell him he lost all progress with you if his game console is more important than his wife and family.
No not wrong i had to sell the xbox because of that.
Wow! That’s so bad. That’s real wrong of you
You are sooooo in the wrong for selling HIS Xbox. That is his personal property. You owe him a brand new one and a better wife.
You were definitely in the wrong, that was his property and if you didn’t like how much he was playing you should’ve had a conversation like a normal adult. Not sell someone else’s stuff that probably can’t be replaced for years, if it ever can, because you can’t find them anywhere since Covid.
Yes you’re wrong. That’s technically theft if he’s the one that paid for it. Did you even tell him how you felt about his constant gaming or did you just sell his system? You can’t just sell your spouse’s things ( especially things over $500 because that’s a felony) because you feel spiteful.
You aren’t his parent.
Uh. You shouldn’t have sold it but clearly he has an addiction to it and is completely useless so I say trade him in.
Yes u was in the wrong u could have took the plugs controller something but u sold the system that’s just dirty. My husband is a gamer usely on gets on to play with our son or after I go to bed but even if it was at the point y’all are at I would never ever sale his Xbox u brave that’s grounds for divorce
I’d be pissed. I get your upset but it didn’t belong to you
I will say you might have gone a tad bit too far but in reality you need to get rid of him
I would take the c box and throw it in the dump
Let him leave. Sue for support.
Yall are both wrong.
No he’s a grown man with kids he needs to grow up
Both of you are wrong… but I seriously can’t stand a grown ass man who sits on a video game ALL DAY LONG… when you have a house and kids and a wife… blows my mind.
Yes, you were definitely wrong. This is your husband, not a child. With that being said, you are both adults and should work on communication skills and comprising
This is wrong…dead wrong. What if he sold your stuff? Smh…
I don’t think that’s right at all to sell his stuff on him. Communication is soooo important… I went through a phase like this with my husband and we talked and talked it out and it got solved and we moved on… Selling his stuff is just going too far…
I hope he does leave, and then you get charges against you for theft
you’re out of place here love
Honestly you should have just sold him on the marketplace and kept the Xbox.
Is he the only income provider? If so I think you were wrong. You probably should have talked to him first.
I expect my husband to help with the house and kids just as much as I do because we both work. If I was a stay at home mom I would have no issues. As long as he’s not pushing our kids away for the game.
I think you over reacted, I would have tried hiding it before legit selling it
I think both of you are wrong. I’ll be livid if my husband sold anything of mine. And he’s a grown ass man , gaming should be done in “free” time
Wow …. How immature of you, and you knew better.
Definitely in the wrong unfortunately. Probably should have come to a better solution for the issues at hand, instead of selling something that obviously didn’t belong to you… damn, it’s a tough one, good luck.
this is hilarious
That’s so wrong.
You’re both at fault here. He needs to know when to hang up the controller and help, and you needed to communicate your needs before up and selling something he’s had probably longer than yall have been together.
If he prioritizes the game over you, the kids, and house help,then you are right. Being absent is bullshit, hope you can find joy
Hahahaha I guess technically you’re wrong, but reading this you’re kind of actually my hero LOL
Yes you were 100% wrong but it sounds to me like this relationship is over
Instead of asking for couples therapy you sold his stuff? Did you try asking to play his game with him so you could bond or ask to try other activities with him like hiking as a family? How would you feel if he sold your phone because you were in it too much?
Yeah you crossed the line… never sell something that isn’t yours. Replace it. The right thing would’ve been having a talk with him to express how you feel …
You were a million percent in the wrong. I get your anger but there are right ways and wrong ways to handle it. Shame on you, you should be replacing it. And I suggest couples counseling if this relationship is to continue
Yes your in the wrong!! He should leave you wtf
Bruh takin a mans place where he gets to blow off steam is so fucked up lol
You are definitely wrong! How would you feel if he sold your stuff
If he isn’t going to listen and change and reason after so long I’d of sold it but also left
If a game comes before any of my children with dad then bye bye
If someone tells you, you are in the wrong then obviously they get walked on too
Deuces for me
Yes that was wrong of you.
Should have just got rid of him
That’s…. messed up.
If you have an issue with his gaming then talk about and make plans to grow and change together. If that isn’t an option… then pack your stuff and leave.
Just up and selling it… I’d pack my stuff and leave.
Yup you were wrong!!!
Honestly, video game addiction is a very real issue for many people.
I would’ve sold the f*cking thing too girl. Clearly you & the kids are not his priority and now you’ve got his attention!!
Don’t let him make you feel guilty when he clearly doesn’t feel guilty about prioritizing the REAL WORLD and his very real commitments and responsibilities.
All that being said, I’m super grateful that my hubby puts time with our daughter, pup and myself above everything except for work.
Pretty sure it goes without saying that I would sell his gaming systems if he pulled this crap!
I’m tempted to tag him to confirm but he’s working
Petty af… kinda wish I had the balls…jk Tho. Bad. Communication is !
Least he didn’t put his hands on you. My ex did all over a game system. They take those things so seriously…however you are very wrong for selling his stuff and I was wrong for tossing his system out a window. Just try n make a time frame for him to play n one to help.
I get where you’re coming from but if i were him id be mad too. That’s a lot of progress made and you should have been blunt. Help me with the kids or were done I need a man not a teenager. If he chose to continue to not help id have moved on and let him keep his game for company. With that said though everyone deserves to be able to wind down after work and theres a lot worse he could be doing than playing a game at home.
Both wrong. He’s being a child, and you were a child. He may be justified in his need to decompress, and you may be in the right in your need for him to grow up and literally stop playing games when it’s detrimental to you and your family and your sanity. He’s not a stud, his sole purpose is not to make money and make babies. And if he can’t get that through his head, tell him you are preparing to leave and do it alone since you’re doing it alone anyway. UNLESS he chooses to meet you in the middle.
But yeah, selling his Xbox was 1000% not the way to go about this
This is way more then an x box
I’d be mad too!
You are wrong
You’re definitely wrong. He’s wrong as well for being a deadbeat but you shouldn’t stoop to his level. I understand where you’re coming from totally but you could have just put it in the closet or under the bed or in the trunk of your car and tried that first.
Yes u were wrong now u can have fun getting him a new one. I got u got a good price for it. And or u have your own money to get Homa new one
Learn some communication! Yes it’s wrong! Wow!
Really sold it while he was working that was pretty ignorant
Yes you were wrong. It. Was his personal property. Yes he was addicted . Both of you should seek counseling. Any addiction is difficult to live with. But first the person needs to recognize the addiction
You aren’t his mother, you can’t dictate his actions, or sell his things. But u can dictate what u accept so if you are not happy then it’s up to you to decide if you wanna stay in this relationship or not. I can tell you I was in this exact type of relationship for over 10 years and 3 kids later, and I’ve since left and got married and he’s still playing his game. You can communicate, you can try and get him to see your side but ultimately it’s up to him, and it’s up to you what you tolerate. But definitely don’t sell his stuff, you can’t control him
Would you be mad if he sold your stuff because he didn’t like you being on it or using it.
While I do agree he shouldn’t be on it 24/7 selling it wasn’t the right thing to do.
I would be livid if I was him.
I wouldn’t blame him if he left you.
He needs to grow up.