Everyone have the right to a Hobbie but if you play it nonstop it’s not a hobbie it’s a addiction. You could’ve took the power cord until yall could have talked about a schedule yall could have made about him gaming and him helping
You’re behavior is gross and very immature.
Replace the Xbox but serve him with divorce papers at the same time.
I could see selling it if he wasn’t working and you needed money but that was a little messed up. But I hope he’s helping with the kids now that he has some free hands
No progress lost . Your stats are stored inside your Microsoft account for any game , unless he’s super into it and had a box attached . Doubt it tho. All he has to do is buy a new one and login. Is your husband 8. I don’t think he should be married with children. Lol damn girl you got balls for selling it tho HAHAHA holy f.
It’s a good thing you did because he’s not paying attention to you or your kids and he’s not helping you around the house and he needs to help out more
Never is it ok to sell, give away, steal, break etc. someone’s stuff. Husband or not. When I notice my old man playing to many times I express it. He doesn’t always like it but he usually is like ok yeah I can spend more time with my family and he does it. If he chose not to repeatedly or for a long period of time I would obviously learn his priorities and leave. Simple as that. That was disrespectful, rude, arrogant and just plain wrong. Where is your integrity? How would you feel? If he’s in his games there could be something he’s feeling. Am he escapes it by hiding in a new world.
Holly Meadows this you?
WOW! I don’t understand a grown man spending that much time with a game but that’s not my business. Selling his Xbox was wrong on so many levels. What gave you that right???..
Fuck him and his game
Is he isn’t present he shouldn’t be there period
No reason to do things alone with two parents
Might as well make it one
Sounds like there may be some addiction there…but yes you were wrong. It is either professional help or divorce… or if you are lucky…he will snap and realize what he is missing out on with the kids. I have a feeling if you would go so far to sell his stuff…you jave done some other things that are not nice. Maybe he started out using the games as an escape.
I mean, I think you’re both wrong.
Yes you were wrong. The way you handled it was childish.
Think how you would feel if he sold something of yours and you got your answer
Probably could of done it a better way but I understand your frustration.
I get where you’re coming from but there was a better way to approach this situation. Hopefully you replace this and you guys can communicate.
i say you both are him for neglecting you but also you for selling his xbox while he was at work kinda spiteful if you ask me
You crossed a line with that one. My Husband is a gamer too, and I would NEVER do such a thing. Communicate your wants and needs and hopefully he can meet you in the middle. In the meantime, you should replace the Xbox. Men need things to distress them too, even if you dont understand it. That’s his thing.
Yeah… That was a bitch move on your part. He has every right to be pissed.
How would you feel if he sold something of yours?
You sold his stuff? Yes you are wrong
I thank god everyday I’m with someone who doesn’t play video games. He needs to grow up but you shouldn’t have sold it
But him a new one. WTF. Why would you do that.
Fix your relationship, don’t sell someone’s stuff. That’s total BS.
I don’t think I would have sold it. I would have taken it and hid it until he starts being a parent my fiancé and I had issues with his gaming addiction. We now have it where he plays 2 nights a week but not until the kids are in bed.
Sounds very childish on the part of both of you. You should not have sold his Xbox, but he should help more with the kids and house. How would you feel if the roles were reversed and he sold something of yours.
Did you buy it? If not he can even press charges on you. So dumb to do that to the poor guy. You should have spoke to him and told him how you feel. I work and my partner stays home with the kids. When I get home from work I like to unwind and play my oculus and would be livid of he sold it. And he plays it more than me. Than when I get the kids down we spend a little time together and than he gets on the computer. I joke that the computer is more his gf than I am but would never take that from him and I bought it. People need to communicate with their partners.
Are you really even questioning if you’re wrong for taking and selling someone else’s property? Seriously? What if he did the same to you? You should have dealt with him like an adult.
You were wrong, but get where you were coming from. Better fix this, get some help.
Everyone saying she owes him a new xbox…ummmm doesn’t he owe her being an equal partner and helping with their children? Yeah, maybe she shouldn’t have sold it, but if his game is more important than his family for him to threaten to leave then maybe she needs to reevaluate the relationship. I gotta say this is golden though. Lmao.
I would have left before I sold his crap. Selling it isn’t going to change him. And you don’t deserve that mess. I hate video games. Yes everyone deserves a hobby, but not at the expense of their family???
He won’t lose his progress je can get a new one and everything is backed up to his Xbox account
Yes, you needed to have the discussion. I hope he sells something you cherish when you leave the house. How immature.
Ya could’ve just hid it. What if he sold all your make up or shoes or jewelry?
You both have a lot of growing up to do.
Interested in anything else u wanna sell next?
Did u sell the accessories? Message me with prices
I agree with Alicia Ivory take the power cord or take the controllers or take all the games, leave the Xbox Console and tell him he’ll get them back when he starts helping or goes to counseling. 
Now he can go sell the kids and you can’t say nothing
Eye for a eye they say
Girl , if you had sold MY SHIT , I would leave too !! That is /was his personal get away , and he would have given it up eventually. Now he has NOTHING and you will have him criticizing your every move , both as a mother and a wife . You literally just took his “ life” away !!! I would NEVER do that because I want my hubby always with ME !!! You better run and get him one quick .
Y’all need counseling. For real. He was wrong but so were you. You can’t fix problems without talking about them.
Yes. Very wrong. If being with him not what you want, then dont he with him. Dont sell his property. You both sound to immature to be married with children anyway.
Nope you were wrong. A lot of people play video games, hell if you can’t beat him join him. I love playing the games with my hibs
So I get that hes mad. But to behave like he did prior to you selling it, and this way again after you sold it…Sis…let his childish ass leave.
God forbid he were to sell something of yours that you enjoy in your free time. You should have just told him to help you like an adult.
you are totally wrong. and you knew what he was like when you got with him so you have allowed him to still do it.
YOU DID WHAT?! Yes you are so wrong! It wasn’t yours to sell in the first place! Sounds like you need to stop being vindictive and grow up!
What a baby be a man and spend time with your wife and kids grow up
Don’t care what everyone says but you go girl ,if it was me I would have put it straight in the bin and then have a conversation about family values and if this relationship has a chance to survive
Yes you were in the wrong selling his stuff specially if he cared about it that much but it sounds like he has a lot growing to do family first play after
He needs to man up, but you didnt have the right to sell his personal property. I mean, you selling it didnt make things any better.
Girl there’s other ways to get their attention, I’m from the tough love school when it comes to my kids, but not my partner… there’s other ways.
Someone sold my things id pack their bag and throw them out …yes you were wrong. Technically that’s theft.
Annoying that he’s constantly on his game but honestly…he could be doing a lot worse.
Yeah you’re wrong lol
You don’t sell someone else’s thing.
You could have just taken the power cord lol
Shouldn’t have sold it but I relate to this post…was in a relationship at one point that was just like this. He wouldn’t look at me or child. Would scream if we talked to him during his play time. Blew tons of money on games for said system. Never wanted to be bothered by anything other than the gaming system.
I waited until child was asleep and then I started running and going to the gym every night until I was ready to go home for a shower and bed. Sometimes I’d be out for 3 hours or more just so I didn’t go home and feel unwanted.
He eventually started cheating and blamed me for never being home at night.
Leave. Buy him a new system and leave, you already know where his priorities are and you and the kids and house are lower on the list than work and gaming. Leave.
Bruuuuuh. You don’t sell other people’s shit without their permission. That’s actually considered selling stolen property, and the person you sold to has received stolen property. Both of which are illegal🙃
You had no right to sale it. If he sold something of yours you’d be mad. 
You’re both in the wrong. Yes he should make time to spend with you and your kids but its not right to sell his stuff. My husband is a gamer and he only plays after we put our daughter to bed. You both need to learn to compromise
Yes you were wrong for selling it. You are adults communicating is key. I’m so curious as to how old y’all are…a grown man locked hisself in a room.
As a gamer myself I’d be mad as hell! How would you feel if he sold something of yours? I get your frustration but giiiirrrrrlllll! Go buy him a new Xbox AND some games!
Should not of sold it, seems you’re both immature and your marriage would benefit from counseling and learning to communicate
Yes you were wrong. Better to Had a conversation with him and hoped that it would work if not then seek help
You were wrong my hubby loves playing games and been married 25 years
Exactly the Same post was put up on another page yesterday only the husband was at his mums apparently ignoring his wife…. Maybe a little fib going on here
I mean that was pretty messed up imo lol should he step up and help of course but I’d be pissed too if someone went behind my back and sold something I really enjoyed. I think there’s wayyy more here that needs to be talked abt on both sides
As a gamer if that property is his regardless of how often he’s on it you don’t touch that, yes his neglect is abhorrent, but so is selling something he enjoys, there’s is more going on behind this there’s more that could be done before selling something he puts time into
You’re not wrong. He’s a child. He should be helping with the house and kids. Enjoying something in your free time is fine but not every second of the day.
Well to leave your wife over thst is ridiculous u dont leave you talk about it which is what u shouldve done verses selling the Xbox. Yes you were in the wrong you both need to communicate with each other. U both need to compromise
He shouldn’t have so much time invested in game instead of his family and other priorities. But no, you shouldn’t sold it because it was his. But since he was helping put with the house and kids and now he won’t talk, oh well it’s about the same. No I wouldn’t replace it, I would go about my business with my everyday life with my kids.
Why didn’t you learn to play some games with him! YOU’RE WRONG AS HELL
Wow. Personal property is a real thing. You stole his game and sold it. That’s criminal.
He should def be helping out! But it was wrong to sell it.
He’s not a kid you know, how would you feel if he sold something that belonged to you? He has a right to be mad.
I personally would have hid cords or controller rather than selling it.
Yes your wrong you sold HIS stuff without him even knowing I kinda hope he does the same to you now it’s not that bad you coulda had an adult conversation with him shit learn to play I play COD and it’s addictive
I even play WITH my man like girl grow up that was very teenage like bc no grown ass women would do some shit like that bc it’s wrong to sell someone’s shit
You should have just left him
You can’t make people be the way you want them to be by getting rid of their things. He seems rather uninterested (douche) and trying to make him do things is definitely not contributing a positive change. (You are also wrong)
You both are childish that’s his and you are lucky he doesn’t press charges
As a gamer, I would be absolutely pissed!!
You had absolutely no right to sell it… that was HIS to do whatever with, not YOURS.
I go through the same thing at home with my man but selling his console never crossed my mind because IT’S NOT MINE
He cares more about a game than your relationship. There’s no fixing it, you should just leave. Men like that will never change.
I think good on you, imagine ignoring your kids and wife all the time to play a stupid game
Yes you were and while he was at work no less I can see him being upset maybe not to the point of divorce but you should have hid it and had a sit down…
Your wrong on so many levels, sounds like you both need to grow up and be adults, remember you have small eyes watching and learning how to handle conflict
You are totally in the wrong but I can not help but laugh.
Yes you are wrong for selling it. There are better ways to get your point across.
Oh man wouldn’t want to be You!
How would you feel if he sold something of yours that you paid $400 for without your knowledge? I’d say you’d be pretty pissed off too. CONVERSATE WITH YOUR SPOUSE AND STOP DOING CHILDISH CRAP. If nothing changes after conversation then you know exactly where you stand and can move accordingly but to go out of your way to sell something that doesn’t belong to you?? I’d have already packed my bags and left.
I’m sorry but…lmbo lady head for the hills save yourself you messed up BAD but Good luck
Let him have his tantrum and when he calms down explain yourself and also apologize
If he’s not a good husband, ya leave him. Selling his stuff is a big no no though… Technically both you and the buyer could get in legal trouble. How would you like it if he sold something of yours?
If had be helping u you wood not sold it end of he man not child he need man up step up be man
1000000000000000000% in the wrong.
You sold something that didn’t belong to you!
You can answer that your self it wasn’t yours you had no business selling it! You outta consider yourself lucky he’s not pressing charges!
He doesn’t lose all of his progress btw. You can sign in on any Xbox and all of your game data is there.
Ummm that was a bitch move
As a gamer myself, this would seriously be grounds for divorce. If you had that big of an issue, leave or here’s a thought… actually talk to him about it. You had no right to sell his belongings just because he wasn’t doing what you wanted him to.
I got mad at my husband once too but never would I sell his stuff that he spent hard earned money on and enjoys… I get it but I think I would have went a different route… if my husband sold my cameo & heat press without my knowledge I’d be livid to…
You need to buy him another one or his back. Then you both should seek counseling
He should definitely get a divorce
Xbox could be his way of therapy. But yes he should help around the house and kids.
He’s being a baby he’ll get over it!!! Do you girl!