A man like that you don’t need.
Yeah that was wrong. I hated when my husband played video games but we compromised and when it came down to it HE gave me permission to sell it. I would have never went against him like that.
I would bet a lot
Of money she’s talked to him about it before and it’s an ongoing issue. He sounds like he needs to GROW UP and he doesn’t sound like he would even be easy to communicate with.This sounds like an exhausted mom at her breaking point.
But I will say, she was wrong to sell it if he bought it. If it’s an ongoing issue with no change I would have packed it up with all his stuff instead. sent him on his way.
Yeah you were for sure in the wrong. Usually men bury themselves in video games to escape reality because something is bothering them maybe you should have tried to find out what was wrong first
Wait so he is such a man child you have to take away his toy so that he can take care of his responsibility . That’s what parents do to their kids, and he is throwing tantrum. If he can’t control his behavior and doesn’t know when to play and when not to he is still a child. Throw the whole man away. Everything has it’s limit.
I would file for divorce for that one… that’s not the way to go about that… u should talk to him about it ur feelings first.if my hubby did that with my switch I would be irate and leave as well
You were definitely in the wrong.
After his tantrum maybe he should seek therapy . He has a family to take care of too
It shouldn’t all fall on the wife .
Yes your wrong. The fuck is wrong with you … it’s one thing to be upset and talk to him, leave him or whatever… but sell his shit?
I swear I want to hug u and high five u… u have balls girl!!! I swear this is the BEST thing I’ve read all day. If he’s so beat up over that. Then u don’t have a Man U have a BOY! props to u babygirl!!! U did something ALL these women COULDNT do!
You are my new hero.
I don’t understand the issue with men playing Xbox period
I rather have him playing it at home
Instead of going out all the time
You had no right
I would leave you period
I bet you have stuff you wouldn’t want to get rid of
how very sad for both of you n your relationship… Sounds like some growing up, respect, and communication skills are needed to be learned by both of you…
I would divorce someone if they sold my stuff without my permission. It’s so wrong… was he doing right by playing all day, absolutely not… but you talk it out and maybe even suggest therapy, you don’t sell someone’s stuff without their permission.
Ignore everyone saying you need to grow up. He is your husband, not your roommate or friend. Maybe selling it wasn’t the best move, but I think he has shown you where his priorities are. You and the kids clearly are not. He is addicted to gaming. Tell him to go. You and your kids deserve someone who places them above video games.
How the hell do you be so immature to up and sell something someone that you supposedly love enjoys? Grow up and have a conversation for one and for two you’re beyond in the wrong. I’d leave someone who cared that little about things that made me happy screw that
Yes very wrong. It’s soo much more then just playing a game. He’s a gamer… its his identity his peace.
Tell him if he’s going to act like a kid ur going to treat him like a kid.
So ya Xbox is gone now. Tell him to grow up and be a man and help take care of his kids snd the house
Sounds like he needs to grow up and learn to be a man
What you did wasn’t right but he isn’t right either. I’d say y’all need to go your separate ways. Or have a huge talk and set some rules/limits on how much he can play a day and tell him he has to start helping around the house.
Good for you! Now tell him to man up and what he should be doing to begin with , or don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! Bye Bye cry baby.
You could’ve just taken the power cord, or controllers, or tv. Idk why you sold something that wasn’t yours. I had the same issue kind of (PlayStation4) a while back (2 yrs ago).
I just invaded his space with the children and told him how I felt. You can’t ignore us if we make you lose every match
YOU’RE THE @SSH0LE. You have no right to steal from him for any reason. I hope he divorced you.
Hell yes girl. Good for you. He need to grow up
He needs to grow up.
Yes you’re 100% wrong wtf??? You can’t just take your husband’s property and sell it?
He should be helping more and you guys need to figure that issue out. But taking your husband’s personal items and selling them (as a gamer, I would be pissed if I lost all my progress on some of my games lol) is not okay in any way.
You are 100% wrong for doing that. I’m not saying he’s right for not helping. But you handled that the wrong way.
kick his worthless ass out the door hes garbage
SAVAGE I mean I’m a bitch
buuuut I would of warned that GROWN ASS “man” that he better start SHOWING UP for his family. Or he and his toys can go live somewhere down by the river. Uh uh girl… you went BIG mad too fast haha
but kudos for standing up for yours
Prayers for the children suffering through this turmoil.
You were wrong for selling what was his
But also sounds like he is still a child
Maybe Send him back to his momma
Most definitely in the wrong. This problem could’ve been talked out.
I would go as far as cutting the WiFi but selling his stuff? wouldn’t want to be you! Men and there games is stuff you don’t mess with. He could be out cheating and he’s home playing a game. You definitely crossed a line. Did you give him the money that you made? I’d tell he needs to get certain tasks done before he gets glued to the game and then it’s free game but yea you wrong
I hope he sells every single bit of make-up and shoes you have.
Yes you were wrong. He is your partner not your child. That was his property and if yall are not married he can actually press theft charges against you and depending on the model of the Xbox it’s value can make that theft a felony. You need a different approach to how you deal with problems in your relationship. The way you handled it exacerbated the situation to a point I don’t think either of you will be happy.
Sounds like a teenager
It WASNT yours to sale so yeah you was wrong for that. Better find a way to replace it. At least he has a job cause some of these gamers can’t hold jobs due to their addiction to gaming. He can report it stolen too and you and the person who brought it can be in some trouble due to your decision of selling it
Did you marry a child??? Good grief.
Very wrong!!! If he works let him enjoy what he enjoys. Very messed up. I wouldn’t talk to you either. So immature to do something like that!! Should have talked to him instead and asked for a balance of time and play. Nothing wrong with communicating and if he didn’t listen time to rethink the situation. Wouldn’t have stepped so low to do what you did.
Communicating with him should of been the first step
I’m sorry but this is hilarious. Kudos to you. That was ballsy… I had a guy like that, I think he would’ve literally killed me if I did that
Wow I’d freak if someone took my game go buy him a new Xbox
Big nooooo, if was a problem talk to him, no one communicates these days that’s why nowt last, if u had problems a sit down to resolve it if he didn’t change n Ur miserable, there r ways to leave, but goin behind his bk no wonder he fuming, good luck with that
I mean he needs to help with the kids and household but you don’t just sell someone’s shit.
Yes u r in the wrong. Hope u can fix it
Break it with a hammer
Sounds like he has depression and instead of talking as a married couple instead of nagging and making someone do things you sold his Xbox. Bro. Why? You should have just left him. He’s going to leave you.
It wasn’t yours to sale… it definitely could have been handled another way than selling his stuff… your definitely in the wrong .
All the gamers losing their minds right now. . I don’t agree with what you did but I did laugh and say go you.
toxics maybe but who isn’t anymore
. It’s time for him to start being a dad and a husband. Time for big boy underwear now.
Yes you are very wrong. He is not a child, did you talk to him first before you treated him like a child??? The man works, let him have some time to himself!
That’s not nice. You can’t do that. Lol however my husband was a gamer! I’ve wanted to do it many times!!
Get him a new one and get him a new address.
I would’ve done this too lol
I’d be mad & leave you too & my husband’s gaming annoys me sometimes. You literally proved that you are a conniving b word… Honestly you SHOULD be left because you do back stabby instead of communicating.
Honestly? I would be pissed TF off, too, if my S/O sold my gaming consoles. There would be hell to pay, actually, considering they’re a distraction for my depression.
YOU are the asshole…
Wow. You treat him like he was a child. That’s sooo wrong. You deserve it if he leaves you. You don’t just sell his stuff. Unless your working like he is you clearly can take care of the housework
I’d never sell something that didn’t belong to me.
I would however put it out on the front lawn with the rest of his stuff and tell him to go back to his mama until he grew up.
Bye Felicia
So you just skipped the communication part and went straight to retaliation?
Yeah your well in the wrong. Maybe have a conversation or lose your shit to make him listen. Don’t sell things that belong to you!
No ur right well done you xx
You were absolutely in the wrong. How would you like it if he sold something of yours, without your consent, while you weren’t gone.
Bruh, what did you think would happen if you sold it?
Haha sorry but this is funny, if he wants to act like a child then be it lol, playing games are different thing but running away from responsibilities are just silly.
Tag that man so he can see these comments telling him what we would be telling any woman in a CONTROLING ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, RUN!!
it was way out of line for you to just up and sell it. Xboxes are fucking expensive. any gaming console is fucking expensive.
you could’ve told him/asked him to turn it off and talk to you. if he isn’t receptive to that, then give him the ultimatum “it’s your family, or it’s the games.”
Yeah….you were wrong. It sounds like y’all need to work on your communication skills instead of acting like you’re children.
Umm okay kinda props for doing what all wives wish they had the balls to do but in reality he’s a grown man you can’t just sell his stuff without a discussion. You probably should’ve sat him down and made an agreement like “okay if you don’t start helping with stuff and stop neglecting your family for video games or I’m going to sell your Xbox” then if he agrees and doesn’t keep his end of the deal then you’re entitled to do it. But yeah you’re a little bit of a jerk.
Yes. Y’all both need to grow up.
Yeah…, I wouldn’t have sold it…
Hes a child in an mans body
It wasn’t yours to sell. You could have handled the situation better.
You have no right to get rid of his things. Would you be upset if he sold your belongings (especially something you LOVE) without him asking you?
He shouldn’t lose his progress and hopefully you deleted his gamer profile off before selling it otherwise the buyer has access to all of his info…… you shouldn’t have sold it. That was a bitch move.
Regardless of your reasoning, you were 100% in the wrong.
Umm… it’s never ok to sell the others stuff without permission. If it was that bad tell him to go.
Honestly i would have done the same thing, and if hes threatening to leave then let him leave. Honestly his priorities are in the wrong place and if he cant see that then its on him not you. Good job with selling that game system that took guts.
He for sure being childish.
It wasn’t yours to sell. It sounds like there was an issue that needed to be addressed, but that was his. And if you didn’t reset it, his credit card information is out there for other people now.
Let him leave clearly you don’t have a husband you have a roommate
It’s his hobby, play it with him. We play together or we do our own thing. Sell your phone or all your make up and see how you like it. I’d be mad if my husband sold our game systems.
I let him leave I say
You are so very wrong.
How would it go over if he sold your shit?
Yes you were wrong! Even if he was spending too much time on it you had no right to sale something that was his.
I mean , maybe we’re both wrong but I would have sold it to ! Take care of your family and your kids ! Go mama !!!
Good to see all the toxic women on here
I would leave you if you did that. That is so fucked. It was not yours to sell.
yeah, not okay. y’all need better communication.
Yeah you don’t just sell someone’s things what if he sold your stuff that’s really messed up
You’re my hero! Tell him to get over it and grow up!
So you’re complaining that he gets up, hows to work, pays bills, but doesnt do YOUR part when hes at home? You stole his xbox and profited off of it and you cant see why youre wrong? I hope he leaves you forreal
Now he has the time to find a sidepiece
Yes lol you were 100% wrong.
I bet you didn’t even cancel the subscription or wipe it Hopefully your credit card isn’t on there.
You were dead right!! I have had friends divorce because of games
Good job he must need a wake up call. If he would rather have his box then his family. Tell him see ya.
Y’all need counseling
You sound petty.
Why not just sit down like an adult and express your feelings and talk about it:woozy_face:
He’s acting like a teenager what a headache!!! Oh no he needs to mature and be a husband!!! Don’t feel band I would of done the same thing. You know what I would left his as$ a long time ago because it sounds like he rather spend time with the Xbox …… ahh no!! You deserve better !
It’s not right I would be right but he needs to know his priorities you should of hid it from him for a few days lol
I wish I was this level of petty
Both of you are childish as hell its really not gonna work out just walk away
Ok first off ? Man is how old? … y’all have children together ? And you sold his Xbox without asking or telling him …. Y’all both need to get a grip … you got kids together and he needs to help then ask him to limit his time and if he doesn’t help then you leave … don’t sell his stuff … bc chances are if he not helping with anything or communicating… y’all aren’t gonna last anyways