My husband is talking to other females, but I’d I don’t have to proof it’s nothing, and in my head, I just hacked him found it saw it all, and I wasn’t going crazy 2. Pretend everything’s OK n live life and let him continue to talk to other females. I just don’t know anymore. I want out, but he won’t go.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband is talking to other women but I do not have proof: Advice?
- Buy life insurance
- Buy wood chipper
Start putting some money away and prep yourself to leave since he won’t. Prepare to be able to leave and when you are in a good place then step right on out the door. To me cheating is unacceptable.
Make an exit plan he isnt going to stop. I personally confronted mine and called it done once you lose my trust you lose me.
Get out he isn’t gonna stop he isn’t sorry
Always screen shot and send it to yourself. Then u have proof before he deletes it. Get an attorney and get out of the marriage.
Tip for yall with joint accounts: Getting cash back doesn’t pop up as a separate charge, just adds to whatever you’re already buying. Save up and dip🤷🏻♀️
No no no don’t let him continue
Will only make things worse
I’m on the same boat , start saving up money be prepared to leave he will not change
When he leaves change locks & sit his clothes outside
Bring in a male friend and then he’ll go
Just beat him up and leave
Umm Maybe hurt him…bad…in his sleep.
If you hacked it and seen it all then it’s definitely not all in ur head and a reason to stand up for yourself.
Be smart about it take pics of what he’s saying on your phone or camera then you have all the proof you need to confront his ass. If you take pics of the screens on a different device he will never know and you have all the evidence you need
So if you hacked him and saw it, you have proof. Take screenshots and send to your email.
I’m not sure if this helps or not, but;
You don’t have to have a reason to stay, or go. Marriage is a choice, EVERY SINGLE
DAY, you either choose to be with your spouse, or you choose not to. Your husband makes his choice every day, and if that means talking to other women, he’s not choosing you. You make your choice everyday. If you don’t trust him, (even if it’s made up in your head,) then you need to make the choice to leave. He doesn’t get to choose if you stay or go.
Making a decision to leave your spouse or any relationship for that matter if you are not happy, doesn’t need this grand exit, or major blow up fight. If being together make each other miserable, or unhappy then do each other the favor to leave amicably. I will never understand why society puts a stigma on a relationship that there has to be this grandeur fireworks explosion of an ending. Man, if you don’t trust your partner and don’t believe you’ll be able to trust them, do both of y’all a favor and end it. If you don’t feel valued or loved from years of what may be neglect, it’s okay to be done. There doesn’t have to be a huge fight that ends it; you can move forward in life and not hate each other for becoming the worst versions of yourselves while trying to prove that you are the victim in the scenario.
You have the right to just be done, as does he. The only way a marriage works is if both parties choose each
other:clap: every
How do you hack him without him knowing? Promise I’m asking for a friend.
Agree with some of the others. Start saving money, hiding money. Save up and leave. Hire an attorney.
Change locks and go stay with family or a friend for a few days or maybe have them stay with u. Change your number too
Definitely start saving money. If u don’t work then anytime u go to the grocery or something get cash back and put that up so u have money to leave . He won’t change girl .
If you are going to leave.Get cash back everytime you check out. If you are married dont open another account you need to keep it unaccounted for somewhere he cant find it maybe with a best friend or your safe person. And talk to an attorney
Create a new account. Then you’ll know if hes talking to a new woman when you contact him
I would save up and dip out too
Also call shelters for woman they can help you get a plan etc
Just sleep with he’s bestie he’s homie lol jk
I would get pictures of it ! That will go long ways in court - alimony , alienation of affection ! That’s a good start !
If you hacked him and saw it all then why are you saying you don’t have proof? I’m confused.
Voice of experience… Make an exit plan and don’t wait for him to go. He’s not going to change.
If you can, get pictures of his conversations with the other women. Take pictures of his phone with yours or get screen shots. Email them to yourself, print them out. Have duplicates in another location in case he finds them and destroys them.
It took me 5 years after finding pictures of my now ex husband kissing another woman before he finally left on his own.
It is a process…I knew a long time before I actually walked out the door, that my husband was cheating!! I knew it would never stop, and if it did…it would never be the same!! I was very patient, and never brought it up…then by the time I walked out, he was in total shock! Lol!
Proof? Screenshot and send it to yourself.
That’s the same boat I’m in
If he won’t go, you go! Don’t settle for that treatment. You deserve better.
WHAT??? What kind of writing is that!!!
Screenshots and email to yourself. Get proof.
Are you happy is he being bad to you is he hurting you or your ego what do you want to lose or keep protect yourself keep him ir let him go decide the what you can live with or not live with
Guess if you don’t trust your man enough to hack him, then yeah…maybe you should just bail…
If you own the home don’t leave it. Possession is 9/10 of the law. You leave it’s abandonment. You won’t get back in unless you have money to fight it
It sounds as thou you already know what you want. So if you don’t want to be with him then you leave make it him buy you out.
How does anyone understand this? Does she have proof or does she not?
Don’t give him an option To go!! Tell him get out and change the locks.
Take that sh** to an attorney and file for divorce, spousal support and move the f**k on.
Bust him in his face and move on with your life
Simply ask him, if he denies it and is lying, he has something to hide. There is your proof.
U can always go it doesn’t always have to be the man to leave
You need to go if he wont!!!
Life is to short to settle. Do what makes you happy.
Constantly, doubting your relationship is not healthy.
And if your not ready to throw in the towel talk to him and ask him to explain his behavior.
Communication with your partner goes along way.
I wish you all the best. Trouble in paradise is never easy. But, you got this.
File for Divorce and let them figure out who leaves
Hack him again…and send a message to all the women letting them know hes married I bet you wont have to say one word to him…and if he gets mad…say well you talk to them so I thought it was fair I could too
Smack shit outta him throw his shit out and change the locks
This is a rollercoaster
“He is” but “i don’t have proof”.
Is it in your head or is this real?
Get out, he will always talk to other women if he isn’t already sleeping with them. Totally disrespectful and you should not tolerate that BS. You deserve better honey!!
What? Did you catch him or is it in your head?
All these women on here. “Leave him sis!” “I’d bust him in the face!”. Y’all realize she doesn’t have any proof and it’s all in her head right? She literally says that and that she wants out lmfao.
So you hacked him in your head? How does that work?? Im so comfused
“He won’t go.”
Who tf cares what he will do. If you are homeowners start divorce proceedings. If you are renters then move out. Simple.
Funny alot of woman say I want him out BUT he won’t go what it’s really saying is, I don’t want this relationship anymore so I use him as the excuse to why we still together LMAO
If a woman really wanted out she wouldn’t wait for him to leave
Girl screen shot them shits. So you have proof and file for divorce and if he won’t leave then you leave when he isn’t home. GET OUT OF THAT NIGHTMARE!!!
Somebody didn’t have their coffee this morning or you used talk to text. I tried to understand this post for a whole 5 minutes and I’m stumped.
Girl, do you really need a warm body that badly to sleep next to???
Confront him and go from there
Hack him and tell the women that he has been moved from the psychiatric hospital to a medical facility to have his STD treated. If he finds out tell him the truth lies are very hurtful then get the hell away from him. Eventually there may be a real STD.
I would say 1 thing to him…and that is GOODBYE…if he ask what’s going on then say…Obviously I’m not enough for you and kick his ass to the curb or you leave and file protection order…pretty simple really
Girl, did you just say you hacked his stuff in your head??
I gotta headache reading this
You sound like my ex. Making stuff up in his head. Hacking my stuff with his brain. This is crazy.
Just leave if you’re not happy.
My brain hurts from trying to read this:rofl:
Basically what your asking is how to make him stop talking to other women. You can’t. Just that simple. Nothing you can do about it. So either learn to live with it, or leave. It is just that simple.
Girl get out- I spent too much time trying to justify or understand my ex… you have proof so it’s time to go. Arguing at him goes no where good for you even if it feels better
Is he flirting with them? Initiating in perverse/R-rated conversations? If the answer is “no” to both, why can he not have female friends? The opposite sex can be strictly friends, ya know - I’m sure you have male friends. If your answer is “no” to both questions above, then from what I can see is that you’re controlling and have mega insecurity issues - I would suggest perhaps doing some soul searching and maybe therapy. Now, if you say yes to either or both, then I would hack him again and show the proof to his face, and only then he will not be able to deny it because the truth is right there. Talk to him, ask him why - I would say give him an ultimatum of he either stops being a dog or you and y’all’s marriage, but you have already stated that you want out. If you want out so badly, nobody is stopping you but yourself. Good luck.
So you think he’s talking to other women but you don’t have proof. You think it’s all in your head and it’s driving you crazy?
Sounds like you don’t trust him. You should talk to him.
He is talking to other women, you hacked his phone and are trying to convince yourself it’s not happening?
In that case, you’re in denial. I’d talk to him and seek marriage counseling.
Either way, if u want to end the marriage, there’s nothing stopping you. He doesn’t have to agree. Just go file divorce.
Okay he won’t go…what’s wrong with you leaving?
My head hurts after reading this😨
How dare he talk to the opposite sex…
I have literally no clue what this person is trying to say is she saying that her husband is telling her it’s in her head? If she hacked him why doesn’t she have proof?? I’m not trying to attack but I cannot comprehend what she’s trying to say
You need to value your self worth and if he won’t go then you go !!! You don’t deserve to be treated like that
So are u saying you don’t let him have female friends?? Everyone has the right to talk to who ever they want if that turns into something flirtatious or sexual that’s where issues come in… but if he’s home with you all the time and in your bed at night who cares
Catfish him I guess then you got proof
If you have the proof and he won’t stop then
Come on now. You know what we’re all gonna say to that. I just hope you’re financially independent. That’s what keeps people stuck unfortunately.
Take out an AVO lock the doors tell him if he comes back his going straight to jail and if he comes back put him there no ifs or buts save yourself he will want you out first to move some woman in get in first
U want out but, he won’t go? Lmao if u want out GO!!!
Don’t wait for him to leave!! Just go!
Your gut instinct is always right. Are you home owners ? Married ? Shut your mouth get evidence or leave ?
Y’all got to proof read before sending your thoughts into the world. Good luck though whatever your question was.
You can leave if he won’t. Talk to a lawyer.
Is it worth it to stay? No. It won’t end. Just get out and take the loss
Walk away. He won’t change. He won’t stop. He will just be sorry you caught him, not sorry for what he did. Throw all his shit outside. He can move in with his side piece if she is so important to him he would risk y’all. Honestly, I would pummel my husband . There ain’t no easy way out of this relationship. I brought all five of his kids into this world and I have no problem taking him out and finding someone to love my babies. Take no shit. No man is worth that.
Why settle for that? You’ll have yourself in the looney bin putting up with that shit! Especially if you don’t do anything about it. He’ll just keep doing it. It’ll only get worse:person_shrugging:
This makes less sense than a meth- head ranting about the FBI.
I would leave. Go be financially independent… if you’re not already. You can’t make a person do right. You can talk all you want … if they are not listening… You’re wasting your breath. Actions speak louder than words… leave.
1.English is not everyone’s first language. I have to write things and reword things for my mom all the time. Calm down.
2. If it is and they just can’t spell, why do you need to comment? Move along.
3. Since your grammar is so much better, use your context clues to figure out what they’re trying to say.
You hacked his stuff, lol what the fuck is wrong with you, if you don’t have trust for him so both you a favour and leave.
Where are the admins? Some immature women need to be kicked out of this group. She’s asking for help, that’s what this group is for. Some women are in situations where the husbands are controlling and they can’t leave or talk to anyone else. When someone asks a question, either help, be supportive, or simply keep scrolling! Y’all need to be kicked out.
Girl, I’ll come back when this shit makes sense. This post is a MESS
Why did you not screen shot or take pics as proof while you hacked into his account. However I would ask him if he denies then show him you have proof. Get him to confess. If you want out there is options. Contact a lawyer. Get everything paperwork wise taken care of before he finds out. Then kick him out.
Dude, if you want out…ah leave!! Why should he go if you want out so bad!! Pack your shit and go.
Well that’s weird, you want out and he won’t go? Is there a choice? You want out, take it, why would you stay if you wanted it? Is it his house befor you got married? Don’t spend you life with someone you don’t love anymore, life’s short