How does anyone understand this enough to even give advice
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband is talking to other women but I do not have proof: Advice?
I’m not comprehending.
See I’ve never been good at acting like nothing’s wrong lol If I find it I’m blowing up
If you want out then go. I know it isn’t that easy. But you don’t need proof he’s doing something to justify leaving if your unhappy.
These seriously can’t be real scenarios
Screen shot everything you see , that’s proof file for divorce and get him for adultery .your divorce will be granted and he will have no choice but to get out .
Screenshot it all put his crap outside change the locks
Maybe English is not her First language?
USA? State? Dependent children?
Screen shot all his texts. Yes you do have proof. You just need to take pictures of it. You are going to be unhappy and in an unhealthy marriage if you continue to stay with someone who is hurting you behind your back. It’s going to eat you up. Do the thing you know you need to do. Leave him for your sake, your mental health, and for your kids. Staying in an unhappy marriage will eventually show and isn’t healthy for you . Things will work out. They always do. But staying in an unhappy marriage with a cheater will never work itself out I promise.
Screen shot it print it and throw it in his face !
Then you leave and start over with yourself and build your own happiness!!
I literally just went through this and I threw him out! Good riddance. #POS
My sister found herself in a similar situation. He had been gaslighting her for years telling her she was paranoid and had self esteem issues. She even went to a psychologist. When she discovered the whole truth of the situation she actually felt relieved that she wasn’t crazy.
Take screen shots and show him. Don’t let him “gaslight” you either, by telling you that YOU are the crazy one!
Pack your bags sister! You deserve better than a cheat!
Its because he’s not happy or satisfied with her!
I am going through this right now. Run. Run and don’t look back. My self esteem, trust and confidence is totally gone from this type of situation
If you have access to each other’s phone, sit down with him and talk about it in a peaceful way. Don’t keep quiet it’s not good for your health and your marriage too, so speak out. Good luck!
Once again, these people cannot be real🙄
you go if you think that’s the solution. try to talk, although if he’s narcissistic, he won’t except to gaslight & browbeat you. if you can get him to couseling, y’all may be able to work it out. if you can’t support yourself, maybe you’ll have to stay married but set-up some boundaries keeping yourself separated from him intimately to protect yourself from disease. pray about it. get Saved if you don’t yet know The LORD so He Can Help you through the difficulties. i know this because i live this. hope it helps.
Find your peace…leave and don’t look back…He is cheating, and you are letting him by staying.
Confront him and express how you’re feeling. Don’t ignore it. If you “want out” then YOU can go. He doesn’t have to be the one to go. It sounds like there’s no trust there, and with no trust the relationship can’t go on healthily or happy.
First, get some counselling from an expert, tell them about your concerns, then talk to your husband openly and tell him how you feel. If it doesn’t help, leave the relationship. Doesn’t matter who is wrong, if there is no trust, there can’t be a relationship.
Start talking to other men! Make sure you put money aside for yourself! Sleep in another room!
If you want out then leave no point staying where you are not happy. If you stay it will only be detrimental to yourself.
If you have a daughter would you want her to marry a man like your husband, end of discussion🙃
get away from him…physically if you…had a man like this…took years to rebuild self esteem and trust love again
Show him what you found and tell him that it’s them or you!!! Or take your evidence and get a good lawyer and taking for everything you can
What is wrong by him talking to other female? If he doesn’t cheat and he still respect you and your family talking isn’t necessary a problem. Jealousy will lead to a problem , talk to your husband and ask him and let him know that what he does bothers you, don’t go believing gossip until you talk to your husband.
It’s called an order of protection the will make him leave till court then for up to a year …or indefinitely
You said it. You want out. Everything else is irrelevant. Sounds like you made up your mind. So pick up and leave.
If he wont go you move - dont stay dependent on someone who doesnt care - life moves quickly and u r in control of what happens to U!!
Girl leave if you want out he doesn’t have a choice.
You deserve better than a man who isn’t devoted to you 100%. It’s bullshit to think any less of yourself and your worth. Do NOT settle for this.
Instead of waiting for him to go you can leave (make a plan before heading out unless you have a place).Figure out everything else and or if you all are planning on divorcing. But I mean it’s really up to you whether you would be able to wake up next to him and constantly have it in the back of your mind. You can forgive but I don’t think you’ll ever forget.
If I were in a relationship with a man who made an issue of it every time I texted, chatted or communicated with other men, I would strongly resent that. I would consider that very insecure, controlling behaviour.
It is a form of bullying, to demand that your partner only communicates with people that you approve of.
You want out but he won’t go? You have a man that refuses to go but would hold the door open for you? I’m confused. You dont trust him,and now he cant trust you(you did hack his account). Relationships can be mended. Decide what you want.
idk, you calling fellow women “females” gives me the vibes that you’re pretty toxic yourself. i’d say leave the man and work on your own issues first before being in a relationship.
Are there kids involved that you want him to go and not you? Is it your house? If none of the above then you should leave and not look back
May take many months but start working on an exit stategy.
If you want out, leave. He doesn’t need to go for you to get out. You can go.
Honestly if ur hacking him to try to find proof (in your head) then it doesn’t sound like u trust him. Hacking ur own husband even if it’s just in your head doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship for either of u at this point. If you can’t talk to him about it first. Realistically none of that matters when u said “I want out”. Relationships can never be safe if one spouse already has their mind made up & 1 foot out the door. If you love someone love them enough to let them go. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t come back they were never yours in the first place. Just my opinion. Good luck!
Trust you gut Instincts. Is there a reason you can’t leave him?
How is he supposed to communicate with them if he’s not allowed to talk to them? Semaphore?
What were they talking about? Inappropriate?
You say u dont have proof but say you hacked him n saw it. Im confused?
How did you hack him?
Very confusing to me as well.
YOU want out but HE won’t go? So…you go.
Wait, you don’t have proof but you saw it all? Sounds like proof to me.
Depends what “talk” means to the person.
Just speaking to women isn’t wrong. If that is the case, then it’s a you problem.
If it’s flirting, and you don’t like that, the. A conversation about expectations & boundaries needs to occur… if their response to that conversation is defensive or attacking, then it doesn’t matter if they were cheating or not, it’s a failed relationship.
Grow some balls and confront him!
Yep,my sister ,same now suffering post traumatic stress ,
My boyfriend and I have a rule: look but don’t touch
My husband had friends who were female - mostly women he worked with - they occasionally went to lunch - . I never doubted his loyalty to me and our family. Trust - talk to him - see what he says. My husband always told me when they went to lunch - etc.
He won’t change so better start working on your plan b.
Stupid question but if you don’t have proof then how do you know ? (Stupid question j know but just woke up)
Make your OWN Happiness. Only YOU can decide what you do.
Women always know even if they don’t want to admit it. Your soul tells you the truth!
I have no idea what you’re trying to say in this.
You answered your own question… I want out…
You « have no proof, but want out » is a strong indication that you are looking for the reason. It sounds like you have already made the decision but need a reason so you’re not « the bad guy ». Good luck to you
What’s the nature of these conversations? If it’s purely just friendly, I wouldnt be too worried about it. But if its flirtatious or provocative in nature, then I would consider leaving. However I would confront him first about it before you do anything and talk about how it makes you feel, and ask him to show you the conversations.
Just ask and if you want out let him know why!
Send him a friendrequest under a fake name see how he acts!
You want out … but HE want go? How’s that for working an exit in a upside down mode ?
You want out - you go sister don’t give me no excuse that you’re there because HE WANT GO - this only sounds like you’re not really serious about leaving
Start peeing in the bed!!!
I got a heart attack just reading this leave him and go back to school cause you clearly can’t type
No proof but you hacked his account??
First once you feel the need to hack (invade his privacy) the relationship is over , trust is everything. And if he won’t leave what stops you from leaving
Did you give him any reason?
If you want out, then YOU go.
Really? No proof? Let it rest.
Is he talking inappropriately or are they just friends?
why do you think he would do that …?
You say d you want our. Do you need permissions on to leave?
Talk to a lawyer and get some advice.
Talking how though? I talk to other women, my girlfriend knows it. They’re friends, they’ve been friends longer than I’ve known her, and I’ve never had any interest in them beyond that. Most are dating/engaged to/married to my buddys and they’re just “one of the guys” to me.
I don’t think having proof is really the issue here. Bottom line is you’re questioning how trustworthy he is and that’s a problem in a relationship. I think the 2 of you need to talk obviously. If he is being inappropriate with other women then there’s probably some underlying issue driving that behavior
If you have no proof, yet hacked his phone/computer then you are the problem and need serious councelling, men can have platonic friendships with women, are quite capable of non sexual conversations with women, you don’t own him he can be friends with anyone of any gender or sexuality. If you think otherwise seek councelling…you also said you want out but he won’t leave…why should he leave? You should be the one leaving since you don’t want him anymore. . sorry you have some seriously flawed/damaged thought processes and should seek professional help.
Lol you’re worried about him taking to females? My husband talks to women every single day. We’ve been married for over thirty years. And I talk to men. They’re just people. If you’re so insecure that him just talking to someone worries you,you need help. When the love is real and meant to be,it will be. If not,move on.
Fake question to stir up responses in the feed.
Or your the person who keeps phoning to tell us our windows has a virus.
Then how do you know?
You don’t have proof. So trust your partner or end it.
He’s cheating on you because of how you write
So are you imagining you found proof or did you? Like what? Lmao.
Chick sounds like a nut.
Screenshots sis. Screenshots.
How do you know he is talking to other women if you don’t have proof? Assumptions much
Make yourself AVAILABLE to him!!!
Find another fish there’s so many
i caught a stroke trying to read that
Are my too high or this stroke?
Like talking? Or TALKING?
Done with Nameless net work.
You’re not a tree…… move
Well he won’t leave , you leave
Kick my BF to the curb for that.
It’s not his option. Kick his ass out.
I would print out everything you found, 2 copies and bring 1 set to him. Talk with him about how it makes you feel. If he does not want to stop, gets defensive or passive aggressive, then I would suggest you start talking with an attorney.