My husband is weirded out by sex because I'm pregnant

Maybe talk to you obgyn while your husband is there. Everyone is different, you really should respect how he’s feeling instead of focusing on how angry it makes you. He has valid concerns and feelings as well. This is an adjustment for both of you. Teach him through books or online articles / pictures that it’s not hurting or even touching the baby. Help him to see its not weird. And if he doesn’t change his mind… Well then, he doesn’t. Good luck. :heart:


Respect his feelings, we demand men to respect ours so we must do it in return
This is common actually amd totally ok,
Use a toy and such for yrself but give him the time he needs


He’s not being ridiculous or Immature he’s being open and honest. And needs a spouse that will respect that.

He has a right to his feelings


As women we want men to always respect our choices about sex. I think it can go both ways. If he’s uncomfortable with it then respect that and talk it over to find other ways to please eachother.

Been there. My ex wasn’t creeped out by it but he just wasn’t attracted to me anymore once I started showing. When I told him that having sex can actually help bring on labor at the end and that it was good for the pregnancy he thought I was making it up to trick him into getting laid. As if any woman should have to trick her own husband into having sex… Glad that one’s in the past but I really hope you can figure this out with your man.

Get in the car and don’t come back


My husband didn’t avoid sex, but he was a lot gentler when we did have it. He was afraid if he pushed too far he’d hurt the baby lol. I didn’t complain though, gentle sex was better than none at all.

It’s normal. It happens to some men.


Mine was opposite. Hope this changes for you!


Have the Dr reassure him. Some men do get freaked out.

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You’re barely even there yet tho. No reason to be creeped out. It’s still early lol I’m 25 weeks and my man wants it way less than me. Idk if it’s related tho.

I hate having sex pregnant I personally feel gross. Specailly if I feel rhe baby move. If I feel the baby move I’m done lol

Usually ,men cool off after chase and motherhood.Its selfish and ego but facts.

Try explaining to him that your womb is closed off and nothing he inserts into you will affect the fetus.

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I would be pissed maybe educate him make him go to the dr with you and ask questions about sex and the baby inside

My husband felt the same way. I told him it was perfectly fine. My doctor would tell me if it was ever unsafe for us to have sex. He did a lil research, and the first time he was very cautious! He got over that too though… Good luck!

If the role was reversed and it was you who was creeped out/not wanting, you would expect him to respect your feelings and wishes…no means no. You should be doing the same for him - Males are human and have valid feelings and concerns just as any female. :woman_shrugging:

He probably just needs time to get used to the fact, and talking with your doctor with him would be a good start. Good luck


Just educate him and proceed lol I had the doctor explain to my hubs that it was fine. I could not and would not go without sex. A lot of woman feel empowered and super sexy when they are pregnant. That’s so messed up that he doesn’t want to make love while your pregnant. He was find Porto h the baby in there !!!

Your next ob appointment I suggest bringing your husband with you. Talk with your ob about this. They can be great reinsurance to him and teach him about sex and pregnancy

I didn’t have this issue but I have heard it from several men and women so I’d say it’s pretty common. My initial response would probably be to tell him to grow up lol but that’s not the answer. I would say start by telling him to do some research so he is confident it won’t hurt you or the baby. He could even hear it straight from your doctor and maybe that would help. But if that’s not the problem in the first place and he is just turned off by you being pregnant, I’m not sure what would help :thinking:

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Talk to him about it, explain thats not hiw it works and there are barriers there so baby absolutely will not get hurt. Take him with to the doctor and ask her if sex is still safe so you’re not throwing him under the bus about it and just let him listen to the doctor to explain that all is well.

Have him talk to you ob about is, maybe he thinks he’s going to hurt the baby but that’s totally no true. At his to at least try. Marriage is about compromise even in intimate situations. If the tables were turned he would most likely be upset as well. Sod u makes u go 9-10months of no sex and u respect that decision then after baby is born tell him you feel weird after having a baby and you need as much time as u need and he better respect that decision.

If he doesn’t want to have sex, then he doesn’t want to have sex. No means no. You’re not entitled to his body. He’s allowed to say no. Use a toy!

This is actually normal for men not to want sex while partner is pregnant

Yes. Take him to Dr w and let Dr tell him

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Give him a crash course on the female anatomy and how pregnancy works.

Yeah my husband was the same. Especially once I was really showing. He obviously knew he couldn’t hurt the baby, but he was just uncomfortable with it, so I didn’t press the issue. That wouldn’t be fair to him. There’s toys to help out lol.
Your reaction of being pissed is normal. Your hormones are going crazy, but imagine if you weren’t comfortable doing it and he got mad? Try to be understanding.


Go see your doctor together and let the doctor tell him it’s ok! It’s more then ok sex is good when your pregnant. Me and my man go hard and I’m 25 weeks pregnant lol

Actually quite a few men feel this way, and honestly I wouldn’t get angry because it happens, his feelings are valid just as yours are.
Get you some research done on how safe baby is protected and see if that helps. Have the Dr talk aboit it to.
I see so much of the oppisite question when women ask about not wanting any but he does, due to PP, BC pregnancy, just exhaustion from being mom. All the answers from women are he needs to undersand, your not a sex slave, he has a hand. Why not the same energy when its turned around?
This is a new adjustment and you need to continue to communicate and compmrise.

Would be interesting to know if he had this same reaction when his other child(ren) was born.


Get a vibrator and leave that man alone , NO MEANS NO.


Women want men to respect their choose do the same for him.

Marriage doesn’t obligate some one to seggs :face_exhaling:


It creeper me out and I am the pregnant one. It’s physiological. It’s not like he is just choosing that.

If a husband posted this the woman would be so mad. Men have the right to say their uncomfortable and not have sex also.

If he’s uncomfortable with it, that’s how it is. He has the right to say no.


I think some men do get a little freaked out. Honestly I would be kinda upset as well bc I remember when I was pregnant my libido was crazy high. I almost worried abt myself rather then him :laughing:. I think both should compromise. You should back off at little and he should help you out. Some men do not realize the lack of sex will cause ladies not to be so nice.

I had this with my ex. Said it was disgusting and I was fat (I was pregnant so not fat) he wouldn’t while I was pregnant


I recommend you to take him to therapy it’s normal for some men to be like that

I’m weirded out by sex because I’m pregnant…. It’s nothing less than awkward trying to get into it, then you feel another human being moving around inside of you. It kind of kills the moment.

This reminds me of watching a sitcom when I was younger, though I can’t recall which one, but the guy didn’t want to have sex with his wife because he felt like his penis would be poking the baby in the head, or like they’d be creating a “bounce house” in there for it :rofl: that being said… it’s a fairly common feeling for men to have during pregnancy. They feel uncomfortable or awkward, like they’re in the presence of the baby, or in their space, or something. Just let it go. We don’t want to be pressured, guilted or questioned about it when we don’t want to have sex, and neither should they be. He isn’t creeped out by YOU, it’s just something that really turns him off to think about, and why would you want to have sex with someone that wasn’t enthusiastically into it?

Lizzy Rogers it doesnt for sure, but there is an implication that there are other children due to the statement of “ours” baby… :woman_shrugging:

It is actually a very common thing and he isn’t being ridiculous. He just needs some info and education on it. Don’t be pissed at him.


It isn’t that uncommon. Some men feel that they’ll hurt the baby etc.

Call your drs office and ask them while he’s home if this is his first baby I went through this myself and once he heard from the dr that he wouldn’t hurt the baby he was fine


He is far from alone in his “distance”. Some men are really afraid they will harm the baby or you. Some fellas are so mystified and awed by the process that they feel they only can observe.
Be patient. Get creative. Get a really fabulous self pleasure toy.
Talk with him. Check out some gentle amateur pregnancy porn.
Try to respect his needs. His entire world is changing too. He’s taken on a big responsibility. :purple_heart::heart::purple_heart:
They don’t understand the creative drive rising up inside you. Your sexual needs. It’s all different now.

If he’s not comfortable having sex, let him be.

Get yourself a toy and have him watch you play with yourself. That MIGHT get him in the mood, but if it doesn’t don’t be discouraged or upset at him.

Men also have a right to say NO and not feel less of a man. And not feel as if sex is an obligation or a chore….

If this was the other way around and the mom was creeped out, yall would say… well he has a hand… well you have a hand, use it lol. You need to respect his feelings


I think it’s totally normal for some men to be weirded out by it and it’s not talked about enough. Maybe he’ll come around to it soon and realize it’s not a big deal but if not, no means no and you have to respect that too


Talk with him tell him you want to understand why he feels that way. He might think he will hit the baby it that his sperm will end up all over the baby some guys don’t know how things work down there. Invite him to your next doctors appointment encourage him to ask the doctor anything about pregnancy and sex like annoy the mucus plug that forms that keeps his sperm out of the uterus.

Watch some pregnancy videos about the topic. So he sees that it is safe and it doesn’t affect your baby at all.

It’s actually pretty normal for men to be uncomfortable by it. Definitely talk it out, but he’s not being immature.


Some men are that way. Just the same as some women have decreased libido during pregnancy. You have the right to be upset by his lack of attraction, however, if the tables were turned and you didn’t want it…think of how you would expect him to act.


Yes you are acting immature. If a dude was saying this you’d all rip him up shreds, and say she has every right to say no, she’s pregnant, ect ect… News flash, a guy says no as well. It means no. So sick of these double standards that women have


Eh seem immature to me I know that most men do usually express that they find it uncomfortable but typically still will have sex with their partner like normal. I’m almost 9 months pregnant and me and my dude have sex a few times a week still. It’s good for you especially at the end seamen help the cervix soften and makes labor much easier.

Maybe he’s just plain scared he’s gonna hurt your baby maybe sit him down and let him explain all his fears then u explain that u won’t hurt baby if u have sex

I say get some videos about it, have him to your OB/GYN appts. Talk to your DR in front of him.
If he still has a problem. Go buy a vibrator and tell him later you are going to the bedroom for some you time. He may just get real curious. If not have fun by yourself. Some men don’t like the idea of their women using vibrators to pleasure themselves while they have a man there.

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my fiancé was the same way. he was afraid of hurting me or the baby so i would say it’s normal

He said it doesn’t make him comfortable so leave him alone about it. You have other ways to help yourself out. Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean that he HAS to always say yes to you. No means no, whether it’s a woman or MAN who says it.


My husband was weirded out with our first child. He thought he was going to “bump her” with his parts. He didn’t want his baby girl “seeing” him in there. Once we got to the root of his weirded out ness… I was able to reassure him ,. Your parts are NOT touching her… so long story short,. FIND OUT WHY GE FEELS THIS WAY.

Take him to the ob with you and have your doctor explain how the uterus works. He should be able to understand that he won’t hurt the baby and the baby doesn’t feel anything or just try other sex stuff.

This is pretty common, a lot of men feel weirded out.

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It may be time to dust off the old “crib” versus “playpen” analogy?

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For a while. When I was pregnant. I didn’t want to be intimate with my bf. But then it changed. And I went for it. I mean I didn’t want to think that if I didn’t give him what he wanted. That he would go find in some one else. So. I did some tricks and helped a lot.

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It’s totally normal get off of his back he has every right to say no and feel the way he does


Talk about it. Get to the root of his “why”. BUT, don’t pressure him into something he doesn’t feel comfortable doing. Your body your choice… His body his choice.


Wow never heard of it :rofl::rofl:

Wow I see a lot of judgment on here…
She never said she was going to force herself on him or anything. Mature couples can discuss issues.
I suggest having a conversation and maybe even bring it up to the dr or you guys do some research
Be a team
If he still can’t get past it you will have to take care of yourself.


I’d never heard of this until i was pregnant with my daughter her dad was uncomfortable with it throughout the pregnancy it just matter of at least you’ve got something to look forward to after the baby’s been born

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Tell him the baby is in the uterus not the vag and he won’t even get close to it and if he don’t want you that you’ll find someone who does


Awe. He’s afraid to hurt the baby. Take him to expecting baby classes or a therapist.

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My husband has been like this with each pregnancy. I think I would make it to about 16-18 weeks, and as soon as he could feel the baby move, that was the end of it. He wasn’t disrespectful about it by any means, just told me he felt weird knowing he could feel the baby moving…and as frustrated as I was about it, I respected it and didn’t give it much thought. I just took care of things myself, lol. Same with this pregnancy. It sucks, but if it isn’t enjoyable for one, then it ends up not being so for both and that kind of takes away from the moment. At least in my opinion.


Just talk to him and maybe present the facts or even take him to an appointment And ask those questions. “Is it safe for us to have sex”
“Will he hurt me or the baby”
maybe it he hears from the professional, it could put his mind at ease. Otherwise, id just take a deep breathe and maybe let it run its course.
My fiance was a little unsure at first cuz I’m 12 weeks. He makes the comments “please let me know if I’m hurting you, you’re uncomfortable, ect”
Hes never hurt me but I think it gives him a piece of mind to say that to me and that’s alright.

My man told me it was the hottest he ever had he loved it

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For my husband, I think it was more of a turn on! Except when we obviously had our twins with complications then I felt terrible! We went from 9 weeks until 33 with nothing

It’s not normal. It might be common but it’s not normal, it’s immature as fuck. I would think someone like that would have a hard time coping in many other areas of life.

You have every right to be pissed lol I would be for sure.


YOU’RE being childish and mean with being mad. Do your research and realize that most men get weirded out over the idea and instead of being angry, give him things to read and help him through it.

Its common and very normal for them to feel that way. Even some who carry the baby feel that way. Calm down.


Men are allowed to say no and feel uncomfortable. If you love him it shouldnt matter and you should respect how he feels. That being said if it bothers you that badly you can have your doctor talk to him and explain its safe and if he still isnt comfortable then masturbate🤷🏻


Yta 100% nem are allowed to have hang-ups, nem are allowed to be uncomfortable, nem are allowed to say no. Have the Dr talk to him, but he might remain uncomfortable and you have to accept that. Get yourself a super nice toy !


My fiance said the exact same thing and I respected that lol

Maybe start slow! How does he feel about oral? Will he still help you get off a different way?

Maybe show him it’s okay. It won’t hurt anything. Idk your stance on porn but maybe seeing it in action would help him worry less.

Take care of yourself… I wish mine didn’t want it … its uncomfortable af at 24 weeks


It’s normal. Ask him to pleasure you in other ways. Yeah. It’s weird for a lot of guys.

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Ask him to explain himself .
Maybe a therapist might be needed.

I met some who truly believed that if he had sex with his wife that it would hit the baby in the head.

Maybe some education is needed in this situation that the baby is safe and it doesn’t hurt you or the baby.

Very normal, my partner was the same and I respected that. Men can say no to - if it’s such a problem then masturbate.


It’s normal for most men and after I got bigger I was a little fearful too

Don’t put pressure on him if he isn’t down with it flip it everyone would be up in arms if he was putting you under pressure to do it while pregnant :woman_shrugging:


It’s normal but I wouldn’t think he’d literally not give you any for 9 months . My hubby said he felt weird too but we still did . He got over it and didn’t care after until later when I was in my last few weeks . Don’t let ppl here make it seem like you’re being selfish. It’s okay to say not but not to shoot you down completely, IMO.

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This is the worst feeling ever.


I’m so sorry. Being pregnant is rough on the emotions. Don’t think he hates you. some men just dont like the idea. Its not the first time I have heard this… and some men would rather jump your bones cuz they find it hot af.
But, that doesn’t mean you won’t have sexy time again before you pop.
Maybe a sexy outfit, intimate date night, and a massage will get him in the mood. Don’t give up.
Maybe adding toys and avoiding intercourse is the solution.
Idk! But communicating more would be beneficial to you both!

Yes ik hardly in the mood once I became pregnant my sex drive really increased I was 9 months pregnant with my son we had sex I was 2 week away from my due date after we finish he went to go pick up my daughter from daycare I stayed home I was calling him I was going in labor I had to take a shower before I went to the hospital

My husband was afraid of harming the baby. It’s normal

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Tell him to try it. Lol. It is a little weird for both of you at first…but you get used to it.

YOU’RE the one acting immature and ridiculous
It is perfectly normal for men and even women to feel this way and the fact you are pissed he is voicing his feelings is just gross on your part


That’s pretty normal. My husband got weirded out when my daughter kicked while we were having sex. But it made me feel weird to. Men are allowed to say no and be uncomfortable. If you have a problem with waiting then go buy a toy and do it yourself.

Ever hear of Elvis??? He’s not the only one………


Having sex while pregnant is very good for you. Mr dr told me the more sex i have the easier my delivery will be and she was right!! Ive had 3 kids and had sex with all of them all the way up to the day of delivery and my deliveries were very easy as far as time and labor. I wasnt in labor very long and only pushed 3 times with each and they popped right out!!

The best thing you can do is educate him on how healthy it is for you to continue having sex during your pregnancy and how it will not hurt the baby. If he still feels uncomfortable after that then I wouldn’t pressure him anymore, he knows the facts and has made his decision. You may have to find other ways to cure your craving. Congratulations on your baby!

some guys dont like it and some girls being pregnant dont either. and might be scared by it. and hurting the baby or you

Yeah. I’m 8 months pregnant and we haven’t had sex since I was 17 weeks… he’s uncomfortable with it so I respect him for it and just use my vibrator when I need to but best believe 37 weeks we’re doing the damn thing to helps induce labor lol

It’s normal , it depends about the person but he has the right to refuse sex, if he has it with you while creeping him out is not healthy, ask him why, try to open up to each other ,that will help. Maybe after finding out why, you guys can find a way to pleasure each other without having to have sex.