My husband is weirded out by sex because I'm pregnant

Me & my bf are the opposite lol I was always weirded out by it and he was more in the mood! Good luck lady!

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Some men feel that way and you have to respect how he feels…just take care of yourself because he is allowed to say no if he feels weirded out


I think he’s being an idiot.
It’s not like his dick is going to touch the baby he needs to get over it. You’re making him a person the least he can do is satisfy your needs and not alienate you

Maybe your husband is worried about the baby . Have your doctor explain to him if it is safe for the fetus. Good luck. Just be glad he cares .

My ex husband said, what if I hit her?? :rofl::rofl: I promise you… That won’t happen… Lol


I’m sorry, but this is immature. He needs to study up about a woman’s body. Or have your ob talk with you guys about it at your next appointment.


My man was always in the mood my whole pregnancy lol :laughing:

I’m sure your frustrated but this is more common than you think. Take him to your OB and have them explain that it’s safe and he’s nowhere near the fetus. Good luck


Loool my husband was the same way but he still came and got it bahahah


I felt this way nearing the end of my pregnancy, I felt completely weirded out having sex in the end because of bubs. I couldn’t do it :sweat_smile: not only that but it became painful and uncomfortable.
Everyone is different, having a proper conversation about it might help.

Send him information on it to help

My husband just said he needs to do some research. That baby won’t ever know what’s going on ever. Wow

My husband didn’t get creeped out until later in my pregnancy when my son shifted. My husband had his hand on my belly and we were in the middle of it. He felt it on both his hand and his yeah. Never seen him jump out of his skin like that.

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Totally normal. My husband was the same way until he went to a few appointments with me. Then after he talked to our OB he was ok with it until about 8mths

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My daughter’s Dad tried to bust that crap with me. I was 1000 times Horner when pregnant. I wanted it all day every day…I was annoying myself so I knew he was annoyed. After a couple times he realized I was right the baby was protected and a pregnant woman with a smile is a very nice pregnant woman. Now he says no sex is as good as pregnant sex…and he has been with hig gf 6.5 years…oops don’t tell her you feel that way.

Take him to ur dr with u. Just kinda bring it up.

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If you have to “respect his feelings” shouldn’t he do the same? I’d say have a serious conversation about it. Hash it out and come up with a compromise. Almost a year with out having sex? That’s insane. You’re going to carry a life inside for 9 months. You have to go through changes in your body and your mind. He can sacrifice some D. And before anyone comes for me lol with my first son I was actually in the guys shoes, I didn’t want to have sex because I was terrified and my body was going through so many things I’ve never experienced before. But I also understood that my partner and I both had extremely high sex drives and that’s one extreme to the next extreme , so I compromised. That’s what you do in relationships, find a middle ground. Good luck :heart:

Have your ob explain at your next appointment that baby is safe in there and he doesn’t have any reason to worry! My fiancé was a little weirded out at first too but after a few times you forget about it lol. I’m 8 months now and we still get it on, not as often (I’m verrrry big and uncomfortable now) but I’d try to have him research it and hopefully he’ll come around!

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It’s natural! Haha my fiance was the same way! My sex drive was extremely heightened during pregnancy. So uh… yeah that was a weird situation lol. But he eventually got over it

Obviously do it yourself🤷‍♀️

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It’s normal , turn the lights off and try haha, or just screw him and get a toy ! Good luck !