My husband keeps photos of his exes

Disrespectful and he doesnt care

Nah, sounds like you married a tool!! Keeping those pictures is completely disrespectful and inconsiderate of him!! (And a bit creepy) Ask him how he’d feel if you kept nudes of your ex’s? I doubt he’d be okay with those findings. He’d ask why you have them and would expect them to be deleted.
My husband has pictures/memories with his ex’s that I’m 100% fine with (school dances, family gatherings, ect) But nudes? Phew, I’d be livid. Especially if he became defensive and my feelings were ignored. Why keep nudes of those you no longer have an intimate relationship with… Especially when you’re with a new person!?


Hell no! Screw that! My hubby and I trashed all of our pasts by burning them. I agree with the others ladies, give him a taste of his own medicine.


Time for him to go :triangular_flag_on_post:

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I know he has put in ur mind seriously trust issues for sure if it were me it good bye forever naked puc ohhhh hell no if they were X girls and there children maybe yes but naked no no no no

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There is zero reason why he needs to view his ex’s nudity. I wonder if his ex’s would be ok with the knowledge that he is keeping these on a flash drive. Years after a break up even!


Ex girlfriends?? Your husband shouldn’t have any photos of women unless it’s YOU especially if naked!! This is so disrespectful and a huge red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:


That’s repulsive to me. Sorry girl.

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Honey you never ask to delete. You just do it.


Negative. You deserve better. You are someone’s future.


Meh. Find some random dick pictures and save them to a file on your phone with random dudes names. Tell him they’re your exes. And then throw a fit just like he did when he gets mad that there in your phone.
Keeping pics of his exes is one thing, but naked pics ? Nope. Byeeeeee

Umm, wow! Total disrespect for you! If he doesn’t want to get rid of them, then get rid of him. He’s keeping them for a reason. There’s absolutely no reason to have pictures, especially nudes, of exes! I don’t care where he keeps them… flash drives, emails, old phones, whatever. They need to be gone!


Don’t collect red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: one is enough ! Xx


The past is only the past if it stays there. Him saving nudes means he wants to have them for the present and future. You should have insisted on him deleting them then. But more to consider , even if he had agreed to get rid of them I doubt he would have ,and they would just be in a location outside your home like the other secrets he has, by his admission. I think you’re with a liar and a cheater. You should make plans to get out in my opinion. That’s no way to live.

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First he’s admitting he doesn’t trust you. 2nd what is he hiding is key. 3rd this is definitely not normal behavior. Which he must know or he wouldn’t b keeping secrets. I’d have a heart to heart and go from there.


I would leave. Obviously doesn’t care about your feelings, he’s not… choosing you.


He wants to keep naked pics of his ex ? That’s a red flag


:flushed: absolutely NOT ok!


I would have left when he refused to get rid of the pictures of the exs he has no respect for you or the relationship


I’m sorry but that’s a hard no. My partner was the same but after a week into the relationship he willingly deleted his pictures of his exes at my request. 4 years into this relationship and we have no secrets regarding sexual interest or our sex life. That’s how it should be IMO

I’d find and delete all pics of you and then get rid of the whole man and his collection of dirty pictures.


You need to quash this now, or it’s going to make for a miserable marriage.

Yes, it’s okay for him to have photos from his past. I love my husband more than anything, and he’s the best thing (kids aside) to ever happen to me. But I had a life before he came along. I have a box in our basement of pictures from my past. Some of just friends, some with ex boyfriends. A lot with my oldest two daughters father. But they’re in a box, stored. Not on my computer. Not in an album on a shelf, not hung up on the wall. And NONE of them are dirty pictures. I wouldn’t so much stress that he has pictures of his ex’s, that’s his past. I would be concerned that he’s keeping nudes of his ex’s. I would also be concerned that he has a secret stash of stuff that he keeps somewhere outside the home strictly so that you don’t find it.


I like that HES throwing shade about you ‘snooping,’ when he’s the one giving you a reason to be suspicious/need a reason to think you should be snooping in the first place. What a dummy. Time for an upgrade. You deserve better :two_hearts:


I don’t care my husband had them and I definitely don’t go snooping even if I did I know that they are there I just simply don’t care it’s his past I have a past it’s a part of life


No excuses for having those pictures. If he truly loved an respected you he would’ve gotten rid of them. And for him to say that is a major red flag and disgusting… divorce him…


Um that’s really weird. And he’s supposed to be your husband? Yeah no thanks


If hes able to hide stuff , what else is he hiding ? Just doesn’t sit right with me :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


My concern is what is he hiding current??


I would personally be searching every where in the house and his car. Also I probably would have left after he refused to get rid of ex’s pics.


Way to sus girl. Fuck that

So disrespectful :pleading_face: would he want you to have same pictures of exes?


I would delete them for him since his incapable


Nude pics of an ex, nope. Things hiding outside of the house, possibly kidding - not the time to Joke though when you’ve found naked pics of an ex. I would be furious, even if he got rid of the pics he’s planted a seed in your head and that is not on.

Everyone has a past but naked photos of exes……nope I won’t tolerate that.


At this point the pics are irrelevant… you let that go. But Sounds like you both need to learn how to communicate. You need to learn to ask/speak up and STOP snooping! Toxic all the way around. You are insecure and not happy and he feels like a child. Find a therapist, bc that marriage isn’t going to keep going the way it is


In any relationship, a man who keeps nude photos of his exs isnt normal, sure old photos of an ex is normal but naked pictures are not. If hes unwilling to delete the pictures when you ask him then he is showing you he has no respect for you and for how you feel. My gut is telling me with him admitting he is hiding things outside of the home, stuff you cant find is telling me he is cheating on you! Girl pack his shit in a trash bag and leave it outside and tell him to get tf out if he cant tell you the truth of what he is hiding and I’d demand a divorce. This isnt something to just “tolerate”, when you tolerate something that a person does it just shows them they can keep doing it

That flash drive would have been destroyed. :tipping_hand_woman:t3: I wouldn’t have even brought it up.


Sounds like he’s intentionally trying to make you upset by saying he has private stuff hidden outside the home :roll_eyes:
What a jerk.


Wow red flags for a serial killer :flushed: I mean it might not be that bad but still you should listen to your instincts. You know what u should do and if u don’t ur going to be in for a world of heartbreak


Play his game get pictures of your past relationships and if he’s okay with his and expects you to be to, then he should be ok with you having some too!



Id leave that relationship.

If you actually want to work on that, the best way to get someone to understand why something bothers you is let them get a taste of how it feels.


Um who keeps naked photos of an ex. That’s not okay. Nudes are to be deleted as soon as the relationship is over.
But he’s trying to antagonize you by saying he keeps stuff hidden outside of the home. He knows you’re going to drive yourself crazy wondering what it is. That’s absolutely not okay. It’s not okay to be hiding stuff in the first place,but then to antagonize you with it? Is he 15?


Why would you snoop through his flash drives to begin with?
But real talk IF I had come across naked photos of his exes on ACCIDENT I would probably just delete them :joy:


If your searching for clues Now…
Look in The shed/ garage or in his personal vehicle…
If your looking in the phone look for men’s names, and places you don’t know and call them…

Self respect tells you to make him fix the problem or wish he would have been more honest!!

All i see is red flags!! Its not ok to hide things or keep naked pics of exs. I have prom photos and photos in email of exs- here me out i had an ex who died when i was 18. I wont part with that but i also dont look at them and tried to delete insignificant ones. I have snooped through my husbands stuff because he gave me reasons to. I didn’t just say thats a good idea so i really don’t blame you for that. Im very concerned that he keeps things outside the house to hide things from you. What else is he hiding?.


“Keeps his secret things somewhere outside your home”. Secret things… like girlfriends or boyfriends? Another family? Are you actually the side chick? Does he travel a lot, go to other states, or even countries? The fact he admitted to having secrets, the ONLY secrets I can think of that someone could have that is outside the home is other people…partner, child, family. Your instincts are screaming at you that this isn’t right. Trust them, follow them.


Unacceptable! He sounds like a nightmare.

What would he need to hide from you? That’s the question?! On top of the multiple drives he has of multiple women of his past…He sounds like the type that’d be on SVU or Forensic Files with a storage unit full of treasures from his victims. Idk…that’s just me tho :woman_shrugging:

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I’m good at cat fishing let me msg him and if he lies about his marital status girl divorce him lol


Why so quick to judge the male, she said in her post she jokingly replied yeah, and he replied with what he said, maybe he said it jokingly too and because of what she found 3 months after the wedding she finds what she finds, maybe she hasn’t really forgot/let go as she thinks she has


What you should be concerned about is that women don’t know naked pictures of themselves are being kept by a man they have no connection with anymore. He might have even sent those pictures out to everyone on the internet.
Contact them and let them know. That’d be the decent thing to do.


Leave his ass obviously hes a slut. I bet he’s blaming everything on you too. Divorce his ass and take half of everything

Talk. Tell him you don’t sneak around. You have enough to do. What does he mean But it’s his stuff. He has you so maybe he’ll outgrow this. It’s not a deal breaker unless you let it be

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Burn those flash drives… no need for him to still have them wtf


Photos with exes are okay depending on the photo such as prom, school dances, maybe first date, or if that person passed away. But naked photos of ANY ex? Or anyone not your spouse? Yeah no that’s just wrong. Not to mention there should be no secrets in a marriage.


This is vulgar and creepy… go with your gut - there is more to find. So sorry :orange_heart:


Ugh I hate that. There are some dudes that get married Idk why. They are never 100% forthcoming. Never 100% in and it sucks. They feel that holding on to stuff gives them a semblance of power. It’s psychological bs that keeps them feeling good and powerful. So big red flag.


Honey!!! Leave that relationship. 100% leave and NEVER look back. One day a man will walk into your life and want to safe guard your relatio ship. He keeps those naked pictures of his exes as trophies. I guarantee he’s not over some of those women. And if given the chance he would cheat with them. The way he treats you is beyond disrespectful.


2 wrongs don’t make it right. It sounds like you both have unhealthy habits but each has an excuse your behavior instead of solving whatever issues you keep sweeping under the rug until it’s convenient to throw a jab

Yeah I don’t see this marriage lasting


Not acceptable, he’s not trustworthy if he hides things. Pics of naked women he actually knows is a huge red flag


It’s probably more naked pics of girls on his computer at work or something lol

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You’re better than me… :flushed:

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You should have deleted the digital files yourself and left it at that.


Wow definitely not ok. I would not stay in this deceptive relationship. Good luck to you.


I would have deleted the pictures all of them lol


Lord, you know he is hiding cut up bodies in some storage locker. The pictures are his trophies. :flushed:


Smash everything you find :woman_shrugging:t2: then dip


I would have not even brought them up. Would have gotten rid of them myself.


That sounds really shady. If you already know about the photos of his ex what other kind of things do you not know about?
I would be deeply concerned.


Yikes! Not a good marriage if not based on communication and honesty. Leave if you can.


Show him to the door!


What do you think he’s hiding? If you were joking answering yeah, who’s to say he wasn’t also giving a facetious answer. My boyfriend and I joke about terrible things. The first time we hung out he joked and asked if I was going to murder him in the woods to hide the body. My answer was not today, your last known whereabouts were getting in my car in the parking lot with cameras. :person_shrugging: Surprisingly I heard from him again. There is very little we won’t joke about.

Burn the flash drives


I would of smashed all those flash drives! And if he doesn’t elaborate on what his “secrets” are, I’d be gone! It’s not worth it girl!


What! Those flash drives would have been submerged in water , crushed and thrown away. Husband you already have the only trophy you would ever need! You’re welcome! Sorry you’re having to go through this , keep ur head up and foot down, don’t tolerate this disrespect.


Girlllll, I woulda smashed tf out of the flash drive(s).

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Roll out, sis. Save yourself from whatever else he is hiding. The trust is gone.


Leave! He has broken all trust.

Turn around, grab your son and find the EXIT SIGN!.
Besides the deceit, sneakiness, and lies, are you being manipulated? 3-4 years​:flushed::thinking:
And this behavior is still going on.
What would he say, if you were hanging on to naked photos of your ex? What if yalls little boy finds these photos? Better yet, what else is he hiding in your home? 3-4 years is a long time, sounds like a really big headache! Often!! I can almost feel the stress. Bottom line, there is absolutely 0 respect for how you feel about the things that are important to you. I just don’t see change in someone for the better, who has no consistency in communicating in a healthy way with the mother of his child. Some men never grow up, trust me, I live everyday remembering.

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Your little voice speaks to you for a reason, never ignore it.

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Secrets and lies destroy relationships.
When you found flash drive’s of x’s pictures you should have left then if this behavior bothered you.
I agree with many other comments…. I would let those flash drives take a one way trip to the landfill next garbage day


You really need to ask yourself do you want a whole life full of secrets and your husband keeping photos of his exes on flash drives… because I find that highly disrespectful especially as your his wife now and he doesn’t seem to care the way he should.

If he doesn’t expect you to get upset over something like that then he isn’t taking your marriage seriously and he himself said they are in the past so he shouldn’t have them on his flash drives at all or even be looking at them.


Flash drive meet🔨 and don’t even tell him


Those who can’t let go of their pasts have a doomed future.


Don’t let it go until he deletes them… I would feel better if he had random women he didn’t know rather than exes that he loved at once that would make me feel some type of way for sure and would not let him make it my fault when I told him I was uncomfortable


The fact he had years old flashdrives filled with “all kind” of ex’s pics is just so creepy to me.


This naked pictures of his exes are more important than your feelings that sux I would not put up with that


Readdddddd Flag !!! Get out now !!!:person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:


Err he sounds abit creepy


He’s not into you if he has nude pictures of past women!

He’s being manipulative and possessive! I say leave him if hes giving you heartaches cos he will continue to do so! Real men don’t do that… They get rid of the past and face only the women he loves


First of all, if he respected you and truly loved you, he wouldn’t hide anything from you or give you any reason to feel the way you do. The fact that he’s openly admitted that he hides things from you, should be enough for you to want to leave.


That’s creepy as fuck honestly….

Tell him it is ok. You keep your exes naked pics somewhere else too!


Get rid of him he is a pos find you some one who don’t disrespect you and loves you


Helllll no. If it were me… It’s the pics or I’m out


Leave the hell a man want to keep pics of his ex for unless they are with his kids or something definitely naked ones are a :triangular_flag_on_post:


Sorry but you’re setting the tone for how he’s treating you. It should be a red flag already in your mind that he wants to keep nudes from past relations lol. Tell him to watch porn like a normal person and stop being a creep haha why are you accepting this crap in the first place?

He was probably kidding but even if he wasn’t he’s a separate person from you. Give the man some space. Geez.

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