My husband keeps photos of his exes

Do not let this go. You are not wrong

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Was he married when you meet him? If so you should have known better. JS

Well your first mistake was to not throw away all the naked pictures of his exesšŸ¤”


I would be pissed hes keeping pictures thatā€™s a deal breaker for me thatā€™s so disrespectful.


I would have took a hammer to those flashdrives


Oh hell no!! That would not fly with me!

Heā€™s cheating or hiding something. On top of that, heā€™s gaslighting you. I wouldnā€™t have stayed with him.


Hell no! Wtf else is he hiding. Makes me think of criminal minds with hiding things away from the house. I wouldnā€™t be with someone that feels they need to hide things from me.

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:triangular_flag_on_post: big time!

Time to investigate what he has in hiding.
If he can not be upfront and honest. Then itā€™s time for you to rethink your marriage

Zero tolerance policy.

Ridiculous that heā€™d actually have to hide stuff at a secret location away from the house. What could he possibly have? Iā€™d need to know or it would be over for me.


Bless you, its hurtful to you he shouldnā€™t be hiding stuff from you xx

Iā€™ve been hurt enough that I donā€™t take a lot of nonsense. What youā€™re taking is above and beyond. Iā€™d rethink the marriage.


He may have a whole other ā€œsecretā€ lifešŸ¤Æ


I mean he has a right to his secrets, he doesnā€™t have the right to create harmful secrets though like a creepy stash of his exā€™s nudes. It sounds like a predators trophy collection. Iā€™m not calling him a predator, thatā€™s just what it sounds like lmao. He really needs to let the exā€™s go. Unless thereā€™s kids he donā€™t need the pics, and even if thereā€™s kids he definitely doesnā€™t need the nudes.


Yeah right. As soon as he expressed wanting to keep them I wouldā€™ve ran. Thatā€™s a weirdo.


and by hiding it isnā€™t that an admission that he knows what heā€™s doing is wrong and harmful? I think so. He honestly sounds like a toxic ass. I canā€™t imagine any part of his personality or body being worth this.

Leave!!! Run away as fast and as far as you can!!!

This man does not respect you or your feelings which are legit. Give him an altermatum and be ready to act on it if he refuses. Life is way too short to live like that


Awe hell no girl. :person_facepalming: Not ok

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Get some naked pics of men and see of he likes it!


Me and my husband donā€™t hide things from each other and it should be like that. I want to be able to trust my husband and not think heā€™s hiding something from me.

Leave. If he was a true blue man, there would be no secrets. Because he would be able to tell and show everything to you.

If he still has the pictures, they are in the present not the past.


You are totally right to be upset! Wow! Marriage built on secrets is not a marriageā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this :pensive:


The nudes are the problem. I never asked my wife to remove her ex husbandā€™s photos from fb. It was a different time and Iā€™m confident in out relationship.


Girl I wouldā€™ve thrown it away and acted as if I had no idea what pics he was talking about :joy::joy::joy:


Wow itā€™s ridiculous obviously he needs to pick be married and be faithful or move alongā€¦if I were u Iā€™d sayā€¦screw u byeā€¦fuck all that secret shit

Huge red flag, if its in the past then he shouldnā€™t mind deleting the photoā€™s, especially if itā€™s hurtful to you


The fact that he moved them onto a flash drive ā€¦ā€¦ sketchy and weird as fuck

Have you seen Euphoria? Man has a whole ass secret life heā€™s living. Sis give him an ultimatum and if he canā€™t agree then get out. Life is too short to be anything but happy!

&reply yeah me too. Thatā€™ll have his head spinning for a while. He doesnā€™t respect you. Youā€™re first mistake was allowing him to keep those flash drives; itā€™s not okā€¦so no, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he was hiding other things from you.

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Absoutely wrong if him

I think itā€™s creepy that he keeps naked pictures of his exā€™s after they breakup- to me itā€™s an obvious ā€œduhā€ to delete those types of pictures. His comment was stupid, but maybe he was joking, yet he seems just like a giant :triangular_flag_on_post:. Itā€™s not right to keep pictures like that, itā€™s just weird to me.

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Wow my husband would be soooo single with his ex porn stash pinned to his head

Your hubby is a creepin weirdo. The fact he kept naked photos of women who absolutely do not want him to have those photos is beyond disgusting.

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Is his brothers like this or especially his father? Maybe he fell off he apple tree.

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Uhhhhh. Hell to the no, thatā€™s some shady shit

Call me old school but thatā€™s not ok at all. Marriage is built on trust. Sorry you are going through this.


Itā€™s giving Cal from Euphoria


Keeping naked photos of women who do not want anything to do with him is absolutely sickening.


Wow. That comment he made would have me heated to the extreme. Secrets are bad and only cause problems.


Get a picture of your ex , nudity all stretched out and occasionally take a peek at it WHEN YOU KNOW HEā€™S LOOKING AT YOUā€¦ SMILE A WICKED LITTLE SMILEā€¦AND GO TO BATHROOM LOCK THE DOORā€¦LOLā€¦


I would be total pist

I wouldve walked out 2 seconds after he said heā€™s keeping the naked pictures of his exes. Heā€™s a disrespectful peice of trash . He has no right to look at the naked bodies of his exes or keep photos he was not given consent to keep by his exes.

Get pictures of naked men, say they are your previous boyfriends. You just like to look at them sometimes, brings back great memories


He would be coming clean or moving in with his hidden secrets


I would tell his exes he still has them so they can start telling him to delete them


The fact that he feels the need to hide it tells you he knows he shouldnā€™t have it.


I took those picture and kept them. If he has the balls to ask where they are, he can have them and F off :woman_shrugging:t3: I was respectful in the thought of not throwing them in the trash

How do you know those are past photos? Could be getting them regularly. Id tell him to ditch them or he needs to go!


If you can support yourself Iā€™d tell him to get lost


Nope.he would be gone or those pics would be gone. And after comments like he made, I would be supervising everything.


Your instincts are always right. Leave his ass.

Uh first of all, thatā€™s illegal in some states. He has zero right to those nude pictures once out of the relationship unless he literally had permission to take and keep them as an expressed copy write. If any were taken without their knowledge, or kept after they had previously sent and told to delete heā€™s committing a crime by holding the images hostage. You might even find heā€™s blackmailing them with them. Iā€™d anonymously report him to the local police.

Nope he is in the wrong. Time for a new husband


That would break all my trust and I would file for divorce. Why spend the only life I have to live unhappy and worrying or anxious instead of leaving, recovering, and finding someone who doesnā€™t hide stuff from me?


I swear the posters on this page are ridiculously lacking self esteem or just like being beaten down. Especially when I read they knew these things long before marriage. Good lord!!


I would of said then get out and thatā€™s why I donā€™t trust you.


I have pictures of my exs and wont delete them because they are memories but never ever naked ones.

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He sounds like a cheater and a liar, be careful with him

He can delete and get rid of them or he can loose you. Donā€™t settle. Know your worth. He will continue to do this if you let him because he knows he can get away with it. He has no respect for you or any disregard for your feelings. So tell him he can either respect you and yā€™allā€™s marriage or he can go and lose you altogether.


First of all, it was a big deal even if the photos of them werenā€™t naked. Thatā€™s joe vibes from YOU :sob:


My boyfriend has pictures of his baby momma. Some of the pictures has his daughter in them when she was just a baby. Which baby pictures doesnā€™t bother me because it has his daughter and some with his son in. The only pictures that probably bother me is pictures of her by her selfā€¦ I had pictures of me and my best friend/ex boyfriend but I gotten rid of them. The only pictures I have now are the ones with my best friend/ex boyfriend that has my biological daughter in it. Which kinda makes me sad because my ex boyfriend was my best friend (I knew my ex since I was 8 and he was 14 but we didnā€™t hook up until I came back from Ohio in 2017) and he had just passed away September 10, 2021 due to alcohol poisoning. My biological daughter thought of him as her stepdad. I got rid of the pictures out of respect for my current boyfriend.

Trust is huge in marriage sounds like you guys are toxicā€¦ not a good situation :flushed: if I were you Iā€™d have filed the day I found those pictures.

Aww prayers and hugs

You are married now. You are one. The past is behind you, no photos are necessary. Why hang on , grow together or get someone who will. No bullshit. Do you have similar photos of people in your past! Itā€™s 100% married or see ya

Get rid of them yourself he does not need them


Oh god been through this only gets worse especially when its friends and family

Who cares. Everyone has a past. Get over it. Itā€™s not like they are hanging on the wall. If they are put away somewhere whatā€™s the big deal, really?!


I would keep pictures but not naked onesā€¦ Memories and past is not something to throw away but naked pictures of Exes is not something you need to be keeping ā€¦ THe only person you need to be looking at naked is the wifey ā€¦ I would not ever be with someone who could not part with naked photos of X and at the same time I would not be with someone who expected me to delete my past ( Aside from Naked photos)


I wouldnā€™t trust him at all,He needs to go,you canā€™t trust him at all.Girl you deserve better from your husband,It will never change.

Oh hell no!!! Heā€™s gotta go!!


I have a great understanding of human frailty. It doesnā€™t matter if he has a flash drive, photos or whatever . He has a past he has memories, Just like everyone does. If you have enough confidence in yourself and enough trust and faith in your relationship, why let it bother you? If the case is, this situation is making your relationship unhappy and untrustworthy, Iā€™m sure you both realize the door to new adventures is always open? Life is to short to be miserable. Itā€™s your choice how you want to live it. Good luck.


Me I would just hide the flash drive were he donā€™t find it in the house seal it very very good in a box tap it with other things to that room put that box in attic or store spot when or if he ask about it oopppssss you were cleaning that room out and it got thrown in this box if he doesnā€™t ask about it then in a year from now oopppsss things go missing if he ask about it then I would be definitely asking questions about that and your marriage to me itā€™s throwing a test back into him


About the pics there maybe a reson why and there is nothing wrong about the pics at all and its not weird ethere

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I personally got rid of my husbandā€™s stash. He never mentioned it. For 30+ years :joy::joy:


I was expecting you to say, you found the naked ex thumb drives in your sonā€™s room.


Lolā€¦your either secure in your love or your not. Its pictures. Hell I still have prom pictures of my old boyfriend from 20 years ago. Iā€™m on my second marriage and so is he. Just because i have them doesnā€™t mean i want the man in the pictures. They are memories. Some of the pictures are happy memories, and some remind me of how far I have come. They are my past which is a part of who I am today. At the end of the day though he comes home to you and gets in your bed. As far of as the naked picture goesā€¦he probably uses it for porn. Whatā€™s the difference if he uses someone he knows to get off or a stranger in a magazine or on porn hubā€¦:rofl:ā€¦all men do it privately. As long as he is taking care of you seriously what is the problem with pictures. And I bet you would pissed if mementos from your past that mean something to you went ā€œmissingā€ but didnā€™t mean anything to your husband. Shoot Iā€™m happily married but when certain actors get on the TV I have no problems saying out loud to my husband damn he looks good. And when my kids want to watch aqua man for the second or third timeā€¦I dont mind the eye candy in that eitherā€¦:rofl:

What the hell is wrong with people :expressionless:


No thatā€™s weird, he should not have nudes from someone he dated 5+ years ago. Thatā€™s his past and thatā€™s where it stays. Heā€™s married with a family he doesnā€™t need to reminisce on past relationships!??
And the fact that he thinks itā€™s okay to hide things from you and has a place to hide things is red flag X10.

Ask literally any woman in your life. Or hell, even a man, and I guarantee they wonā€™t tell you itā€™s okay because itā€™s not!


Not ok, if heā€™s not willing to discuss it with you like a loving husband should, then you might want to think about why youā€™re still with him. If you guys can work it out then thatā€™s wonderful, but if you canā€™t, then thatā€™s on him. Besides who knows what else heā€™s hiding??? I personally would have to reconsider my relationship with someone who was hiding things from me. About the weed, your son should be fine, just talk to him. Heā€™s probably hiding it bc he thinks youā€™ll be mad. The more you talk to your son the better! Hope this helps!


I donā€™t know you or your husband but if he really loves you and cares about how they make you feel and he knows how they make you feel he should do the right thing and if he wonā€™t maybe you should rethink your position in the relationship because Iā€™m almost sure if the shoe was on the other foot he would feel the same way.

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for one itā€™s creepy asf that he would keep pictures of his exes, even more creepy ab the nudes. you shouldā€™ve gotten rid of him THEN when you found that out. for two if heā€™s still hiding things & going as far as hiding them outside of your home thatā€™s a major red flag & i wouldnā€™t stick around for that, sorry not sorry.


He would get them gone or Iā€™d be gone thatā€™s definitely not ok


Hiding his other family outside the house. They canā€™t all fit in there together. Plus it would just be awkward. Imagine.


Just him saying that would piss me right off make me feel like he is hiding somthing from me and make me feel like shit , you need to find out if he was joking or actually has some shit hiding from you and if soā€¦why? ā€¦
Way to make a girl paranoid

U need to open your eyes.
He gave it away when he asked the question about your sonā€™s roome and told you he hides his secrets outside of the house. Bad news there.


If itā€™s in his past ,then tell him ā€œOK since it is in your past and it doesnā€™t matter, Iā€™ll throw them away, that way they will stay forever in the past, why hold on to them?ā€

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No ok at all no matter how long i was with someone thats the first thing to go is stuff like that :grimacing: kinda creepy he still keeps and hides them knowing it hurts you :cry: my Papa use to always tell me a man that truly loves you and wants to build a life with you will never do something that might cause them to lose you and a man will only do to you what you allow! Tell him the pictures or you cause at the end of the day you deserve to be treated better then he is treating you just my opinion


Ew wtf leave his gross ass

Heā€™s being an a$$.

Were not talking regular old photos. Even regular old photos can still be painful for you. And it should be open for discussion on what to do with them since it affects you.
But naked ones? Noooooo. Out in the trash they go.

And then straight out saying heā€™s hiding secrets outside of the house. Does he not want you to trust him? Because heā€™s handing you reasons to be mad and not trust him.

when you find ā€œthe oneā€ and decide this is the person you want to spend your life with, then all others should fade and are not memories you need to keep.

Thatā€™s definitely weirdā€¦ :sleepy:

Looks like he has hidden all the sexy porn videos with his exā€™s.

Fuck that guy. Your second life begins after divorce.

You are absolutely right to be upset. Time to lay down the law, either this bullshit stops immediately or itā€™s over. Without trust a relationship canā€™t survive and heā€™s already proved you cannot trust him, heā€™s admitted to keeping secrets and hiding things from you. If he truly cares for you and the survival of your relationship he would get rid of those pictures and stop hiding things from you. Hate to tell you this Hon, but I have my doubts this marriage will survive because it really sounds like he has no desire or intentions of changing. Run while you can Sweety.

And have you seen the show, YOU?. Im sorry but that is not OK.

U shouldā€™ve already divorced when u first found those photos thats a big sign that he doesnā€™t want to let go and ur just there to satisfy him on heā€™s needs not really for love if it was he would have trashed those b4 u came along.


I would not trust him as far as I could throw him.