My husband keeps photos of his exes

Ive watched alot of mystery/seriel killer documentaries in my life and guys who have secret fetishes especially this sick and dark … i promise you there is something more to him than you realize…very creepy.veey dark and very disturbing. He needs a therapist and I’m not joking. That’s very very disturbing and if thisndoesnt move you to end it …then there’s something wrong with you too. These are women’s pictures and how dare he have any right or permission to keep those… those women are probably horrified and embarrassed they even went with him by the sounds of it. This is wrong.


You should keep pictures of naked men and say what it’s my past lmao


Guys get turned on by visuals … All he has to do to stimulate ‘memories’ is look at those.
Tell him YOU are in his present and ask him to please be ‘here’ with you.
Your husband has confessed he is not an honest man; sorry - after 3 1/2 years I FINALLY woke up and ended the relationship with my ‘cheater’ … I was all in, he was not.
Why did it take me 3 1/2 years … 3 1/2 years of wasted life :pensive:


Time for some honest conversations and marriage therapy. Decide how to proceed from there. He sounds like he has attachment issues. The inability to let the past go, or a ego problem…keeping those photos to prove his conquests? Get to the heart of the matter, he may not understand why he keeps then, either.

Umm sorry, but you’re husband doesn’t sound very trustworthy … literally no reason for him to have pictures of his ex’s let alone get offended when asked to get rid of them. I’d get rid of him… but to each their own I suppose.

He should never feel the need to hide anything other than a gift you and for him to have those pics means they are trophies and he should not be hanging on to them.

If he will go to counseling and get help, maybe try that. If he won’t go, you need to leave him and start your new life.

Just bin them :joy: I would of when I found them but the hiding more stuff nah I would be out xx