My husband keeps walking out on me: Advice?

I’m looking for advice as to what to do. So my husband of 7 years is becoming so lazy. I have four kids, one that is only seven months, 10, 5, 4. Throughout my pregnancy with baby y, he kept walking out on me to go live with his mom, then asks me if the baby is his when he no for a fact. But this isn’t the only time we got married in 2014 and was pregnant, and with the five-year-old, I asked him to help with housework, etc. my that’s when it all started. He kept walking out on my children and me. I’ve asked what the problem is, but he just keeps telling me he’s a ** I don’t know what to do. I’ve had two sections as well, and when I got home, he left to do everything. I keep letting him come back for the children’s sake, but I’m just so lost right now I don’t know what to do anymore. Please do anybody have any advice


Let him stay gone, you and your babies deserve more

Quit letting in back


Leave. You deserve better. Do nothing for him. Get him for child support for all kids.


Kids are better off in a happy home than a not happy home. You know what to do.


He will only treat you the way you allow him too…


For children’s sake? Letting him in and out is FAR WORSE than just leaving.

Ditch the loser for good


Stop letting that fool back In the damn house.

What you allow will continue. Respect yourself enough to close that door for good


Then if he keeps doing it and he wants to come home the next time don’t let him if he can’t be man enough to stay there with you and his kids then he doesn’t need to be a father or husband to you guys you deserve better

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Jmo…You aren’t helping your children. They see him come and go I assume and I’m sure that hurts not only you but the kids too. If you are already doing everything then why keep him around? Sometimes it’s best to let go.

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Letting him comeback makes more damage to the kids, it’s literally the opposite. You need to go to therapy so they can help you gather strength to the right thing not only for the kids but for YOU. You are valuable and don’t deserve to be treated like that. Self love is the Key, he doesn’t deserve you.


The only thing I would do is help him pack his bags. You deserve better and so do the kids. It will be a never-ending cycle for years to come if you tolerate that behavior.

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Do him one better & leave him for good see how he gets on living with mummy full time


I would go some where on vacation and let him run house and keep all the kids, He will know what it is to walk in your shoes-He seems to think you don’t do anything

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If you let him treat you that way he will. Pack his bags, tell him to move on. Thats what I would do.

Stop being a doormat & think of yourself & your kids first.

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Quit having kids with him!


leave him or accept your plight


Just have him leave there is no use for him especially if he is just going to keep walking out on you and your kids.


Why do you let him back in so many times. Mama tells himto to leave he comes running back. He does nothing to help you. He needs to grow up. Will get his sex fix and be on the way again. Look for someone who will appreciate you


Stop letting him come back.


Pack His stuff and drop off to his mothers house, you dont need a man child. keep your head held high for your kiddies


Therapy therapy therapy. Google 7 year itch. 7 years is make it or break it.

File for divorce get child support and hire part time help. You don’t have a husband you have a friend with benefits who is only using you.


I’m thinking that you are teaching your daughters that it is ok to find a man who does this to them, and your sons that it is ok to treat a woman like this. If you don’t think enough of yourself to make your situation better, please please do it for your children!!! Children would rather be from a broken home than live in one.


Would you be happy if your kids spouse acted like this? If no leave. You are teaching them that’s how to parent. And what a relationship looks like.


He is cheating living the single life which is why he keeps asking if it’s his. His mother is probably covering for is rat bastard behavior. You and the kids deserve better. Run while the getting is good.

Leave him. You’re not happy. I just left an 8 year relationship with kids a month ago and I couldn’t be happier.

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That isn’t a husband. What a loser. Love yourself more, get rid of him. :wink:

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Do yourself a solid and walk out on him when he leaves next.

Let him walk but lock the door and chuck his clothes out when he’s more mature agree a time and place to collect electronics he’s bought ie games consoles

You can’t continue to build your future with a man that keeps abandoning you!!
Ask yourself one question, if your children came to you with a partner like him, what would you say to them?
We tend to expect a lot more for our children then we do ourselves.
Show your children strength It takes to fight for your own happiness.
Don’t let him back just for the children because they are learning its ok to treat a partner this way.

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THEN tell him don’t come back???

Get rid of the SOB, just using you! You and your kids deserve better, let him go live with Mommy!


Tell him to go and stay gone. Why on earth would you let him be an example for your kids on how women deserve to be treated?

I think you know what to do but don’t want to do it. Let that man be, and you live your life with your kids. Stop letting him walk all over you and your kids. For kids sake!

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Stop having babies and get a way to earn a living


Do not let him treat you like this!! Next time he leaves tell him you are sick of it & it will be the absolute last time & to make his decision wisely! Don’t let anyone walk over you!

You have 5 kids. 1 that needs to be returned to their mother.


Might I add, you don’t have 4 kids, you have 5. Get rid of him. You need a man!

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I think that a man who walks away from his wife and kids on a hard day deserves good riddance.

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Next time he walks out change the locks!


Get rid of him. Keeping him around for the kids isn’t a good idea. They will begin to learn that this behavior is acceptable and very possibly do it themselves in the future. You and your babies deserve better.


File for divorce, file for full custody, file for child support and take care of you. He does not deserve you or your kids. Get part time help if you need. You and your kids will be better off

It’s time to get a divorce and let him walk away.

If he’s walking out on YOUR kids. Change your locks, file for divorce, and move on with your life. That’s terrible. Make him pay child support too. What a piece of crap husband and father.


He’s actually told you he’s an asshole. I hope you can find some good support systems so you can leave for good. If he wants to be a parent he will, if he doesn’t you can’t make him.

Let him go and change the locks. If you have daughters, you are teaching them to accept this kind of behavior, and if you have sons, you are teaching them that it is okay to treat a woman this way. Let him leave FOR the kids and find someone who will treat you all right.

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Where does he get this from? His mom is probably filling his head. Also those who accuse their partners of cheating with no proof or weird behavior are usually the ones who are cheating. Your kids need stability, and they need their mom happy and healthy. He keeps this up cause he knows you will take him back. I wouldn’t even think about taking him back unless he went to individual therapy and couples therapy.


It is NOT “for the children’s sake”. I can’t stand that ridiculous excuse. All you’re doing to your kids is 1) making them miserable and 2) showing them that it’s perfectly ok to walk all over your spouse and be a lazy jerk. Stop allowing yourself to be disrespected like that and stop making babies with him.


Throw him out before he walks out again. You can provide more stability for your children without him.

Kick his lazy good for nothing ass to the curb.

If you dont know what to do who does.If it was me i know what to do

Sure he doesn’t have an extra family somewhere? Either way… he’s a dead beat dad. Leave and be happy.

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Stop laying down with a pos and be a strong independent woman for those babies.

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If you really sit and think, you already know the answer to what you should do. Coming from someone who has been in that same situation (my ex husband walked out on me in the hospital, 30 minutes before I was scheduled in the OR to have our daughter) you need to leave. I don’t know if you have sons, daughters or a combination of the two, but he will be the one setting the example for sons on how a man should act and he will be the one setting the example for daughters on how they should expect to be treated. Do you really want your sons to grow up to be like him or for your daughters to grow up and marry men like him because of the example being set? As their mother, it is your responsibility to have their best interest at heart. The best interest of those kids is to see their mother happy and healthy and with a man like that, you can be neither. Not to mention, he walked out on his kids. That’s no kind of man!


Just leave him he obviously has other things going on its wasting your time

If he doesn’t help or do anything to help you why keep him around life is to damn short to be unhappy or let your kids see you be miserable

Let him stay gone next time.

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Don’t let him come and go as he pleases! He knows you’ll take him back.

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“for the children’s sake”??? To let them see you unhappy, to let them learn to be lazy, to let them see how a woman is treated, to be hurt again when he walks out??? Is that the children’s sake you are referring to?


I have to agree with the others… get rid of him.

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File for divorce and full custody

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His mother should run him back home every time


You are hurting your kids more than you are helping them. Children learn what they live. Teach them how to be respected and how to respect others. Let that a** go live with his mama.

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Letting him keep leaving and coming back is definitely not for your kids sake. Ditch the asshole.

Tell him toHit the door and don’t come back ever!!!

tell him to go to mummy she is as bad as him for not kicking his ass and telling him to grow up he isnt a teenager

Walking out causes extreme turmoil. He leaves you in a lurch. It’s like poking holes in the survival raft and then abandoning it until you fix it. He’s avoiding the work expecting you to do it and then he just says sorry. And still not contributing.

Believe him. He is an a**. If you’re doing it and fixing it on your own close the door to him. Let him live with his mother who is facilitating his behavior. You have small children to raise you don’t need an adult one.


Kids would rather come from a broken home than live in one.

Just get pregnant again let’s see if that works.


Let him go an not return

You know what to do… Your just afraid to do it

If he’s going to walk then let him walk, and you do what you have to for all of your children

Not doing it kids any favors…

Dont use your kids as an excuse to keep letting him back. Its going to hurt them more thinking any minute daddy is going to leave again.

Tell him next time he walks, the door won’t open when he tries to come back. Go or stay but choose one.


Your doing more damage to your children than to him or you , its either grow up be a parents or move on you cant let your kids think qhat he is doing is ok or normal


You have a Mama’s boy. Let him stay gone. For the children’s sake??? What the HELL are they benefitting from with him there?? You already got children. He’s just a big baby, a sorry excuse for a man. Drop that Zero


Next time he walks out, lock the door behind him.


Girl you’re better off without him. If he keeps running off on you, he doesn’t deserve you and the life you provide him with


See a lawyer, get your child support order in place. Next time he walks change the locks. He has shown you exactly who he is. He knows you are a doormat and will continue to take his weak ass back. Understand that you are modeling what a wife / woman is for your children,he is teaching them how a man behaves. Are you the role models you want to be for your kids. Kick him to the curb.Wishing you well.

I dont know why your asking cuz you know what you need to do

Trust me after 9.5 years myself let him walk and don’t let him come back

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If someone is showing you their character- believe them the first time. Once an ass always an ass

Divorce him at this point. It’s not going to get better. Any type of toxic of behavior is damaging to the children in that household. Your children will grow up thinking this type of behavior is normal if you continue to allow it to happen.


Next time he walks out… change the locks


Stop letting him walk all over you! Know your worth. Toxic is toxic

YOU are a part of the problem. Why do you keep allowing a deadbeat to come back???!!! You’re teaching him that you accept this type of abuse and that it’s okay. You don’t need our advice. You need you get a firm grip on reality and take a stand. You’re being used and teaching your kids it’s okay to be used too!


The problem is that you keep taking him back. When someone shows you who they are…believe them the first time. As well, please stop with for the kids sake. This teaches your kids one of 2 things:
1)It is acceptable to treat people this way
2)It is acceptable to be treated this way.
It usually ends up being the latter.
If you really want to do something for your kids sake…show them that you deserve better and so do they. Change the locks. Stop allowing him to return. Never speak badly about him in front of the kids.ever.
Also, speak with a lawyer…in some states this is abandonment and will give you full custody.
You and your kids really do deserve better!


Wow I just read my life. I gave up on that relationshit. That’s not fun to deal with and he will never grow out of it for you or your kids. So its either you keep doing what you do and deal with it or you finally say “I’m worth way more than this”- and tell him to kick rocks. Whether ppl tell you what to do or not, your decision is still yours. Choose wisely :relieved::wink::ok_hand:


stop letting him back and stop having his kids ditch him your kids and yourself will be better off!!!

Let him walk put & start knowing your worth! Using your kids as an excuse to keep your childrens lil father around is a lame excused too old to use! I will never understand “why” so many keep a lil boy around conceiving children with them knowing they’re not helping & just making their own choldrens lives worse!

You’re doing your children more harm then good by letting him walk in and out of your lives. The next time he leaves, don’t let him come back. You and your babies can do better

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I grew up without a mother because my mom was an alcoholic drug user and I would rather have been raised by single parent then by a parent that didn’t want me. It might be harder for the older ones for a little bit but trust me once they get old enough to realize what’s going on it’ll be a favor

Change the locks next time.

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Plus there’s no saying that you won’t find a better man who will step up and be the best father in the world to those children

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If you were pregnant in 2014 shouldn’t there be a 7 year old in the mix?


I’d be done if I were you. You don’t need that extra stress from him. You’ve got 4 children to look after; he sounds like he just wants to be looked after too. If he wants to run to his mama let him.