Lock the doors! He wants to keep walking out? Leave him out there. You & your kids are better without a yoyo!
File for divorce & child support asap. Check your state’s laws. I don’t think you have a choice whether he can come back or not. It’s his home too.
Not sure how letting him back is for the children’s sake? The question is… are you okay with him coming and going? If not, stand strong for yourself and your children. You are teaching them how to be treated and how to treat others.
Next time he walks, change the locks. You are seeing an example for your children, especially your boy. He is picking up daddys bad behavior like a sponge. File and be done, you have let this fester long enough.
The more you let him do it, the more he will do it. Quit allowing the bullshit to happen. Period.
Do not let him keep coming back until he straightens up he’s a grown man with children he needs to grow up
Stop letting him walk back.
But you keep having sex and babies with him… so…? What are we supposed to do about that?
Andddd you kept having babies with him and what is this teaching the kids exactly why do you keep taking him back? What advice would you like? Probably not what you want to hear is what you will get…
Stop letting him come back!!
Let him stay away!! Much better for the children and you.
Time to take them 4 babies, and walk out and on him and keep moving forward and not looking back!! Or change the locks and tell him you will see him in court!!
Stop letting this guy come back, he’s only making more kids and in turn more reasons you feel the need to stay with him. Tell him to help you take care of BOTH of your children or you’re gone, you’re doing it practically on your own anyway right now.
Wow, he’s extremely immature and irresponsible. It’s not good for your children for him to be in and out like that. Really think about how him walking out all the time affects their mental health. Sometimes indefinite separation is the best option for your kids to have stability in their lives. The choice is yours.
Grow up and tell him to get on his bike and think off the children
Why are you expecting him to do anything but continue to walk out on you? You’re not changing your situation, so clearly you must be okay with it.
Sounds defective… send him back to his mama
Change the locks and throw the WHOLE man away. What a dick. You don’t get to walk away from your priorities when things get tough and he shouldn’t either. Quit letting him come and go. Thats exhausting to you and confusing to the kids. Its in NO WAY for their benefit.
See a lawyer and change the locks. You can’t depend on him. Do you think he’s a good model for those children? Do you want them to grow up thinking that’s how women should be treated?
It’s called grow a set and kick him or stop crying about and deal with it
I would have sympathy for ya but you keep going back and using the kids as excuse
Bottom line you don’t wanna do by yourself or be alone
I’ll leave it at that I know people aren’t gonna like how I said it.
It’s my opinion and like the old saying goes
I don’t why someone would ask for advice and get all up in they feelings when someone smacks them in face with truth
And some point it comes nobody problem
As my hubby puts it Not My Problem
And yet you keep making babies with him.
Why do you keep taking him back; and getting pregnant…??
Maybe it’s time for him to walk in and you leave…just for a couple hours even
Its time to put him outside the entrance of your cave and let the sabertooth lion come by and eat him, thats how the clan would have dealt with his evolutionary defaults, best for your young, best for the clan
Get rid of the garbage, One less you have to do for. Stop having babies with him
I mean not to sound harsh or anything, But you knew how he was 5 years ago and had two more kids with him. I don’t get how so many women can be with these type of men just for the children. I do hope for you the best. You already know what you have to do , but will you???
Wow some of these comments r so rude. Maybe there’s more to it than they r saying!!!
Think about it from the point of view of the kids (considering you say you only let him back for the kids sake) if you were a child one of your children’s age and you saw your dad walk out everything your mum needed help with the house or something more serious and this happened over and over again, would you as a child feel good about it would you be ok? You also need to consider what you’re teaching your kids. You and your husband are teaching them that the way you’re being treated is ok and that’s how they should treat people.
Hunni , love yourself more , teach your babies that this man is not how a man should treat his loves . His wife , his children .
Pack his shite ,
And say see ya mate , have a great life , cause I know I will now
Tell him next time he walks out to kick rocks and not come back
Go to personal counseling, not to save the marriage, but to find yourself. You are the only one you can change right now. And it is your place to properly raise those children. So, ask your counselor to arrange for a counselor to work with your children also. This is not your first rodeo with a failed marriage after only 7 yrs, but a child of 10 yrs. Get a handle on yourself.
Let him go. Don’t teach your kids that that’s okay.
You were never going to change him, he will only change himself when he hits rock-bottom. I suggest that you seek a couples counselor, if he refuses to go go get counseling for yourself and get your act together, and get prepared for a divorce
So why tf are u still with the idiot? Stand up 4 yersel and yer waynes
Throw the whole man away
If you’re doing it alone half the time, do it alone full time and drop him back off at his mommas where he belongs!
When he leaves, throw his shit out and change the locks on the door you can make someone wanna be a husband or a dad. He wants to leave, let him. You don’t need him.
Stop letting him come back. It’s that simple. If he doesn’t want to stay then don’t let him come back
What is the childrens sake? To see a good for nothing father who takes off on them and teaches them to disrespect their mother? Hmm… interesting sake
No kid needs a saloon door daddy
Grow a damn backbone if not for yourself for your kids
If my husband did this. He would be gone
Let his Momma have him!!!
My advice is say “bye” and move on. Won’t be a easy road but you have to start somewhere.
Sounds like he is a mommy’s boy. Let him go be a mommy’s boy and pick yourself up and be the AMAZING mama you know you are. The kids will be so much happier without seeing him go in and out, trust me!!
Sometimes that actually makes it worse on the kids. To have him coming and going. The kids will grow up wondering why dad is in and out so much.
Throw the man out and change the locks. That’s not a man or a father figure to keep around.
Seriously get rid of him. He’s walking out on you and the kids. He’s no role model to them, the kids and you need better
I’m gonna say this as nice as possible. Kids would rather have one parent who is constantly around and cares about them vs parents who are flaky, fight, and are only together for the kids. Tell him next time he leaves, he’s done and stick to it.
Stop taking him back and stop getting pregnant by him…
Next time he leaves make sure he takes all his shit with him to hos mom’s house. Change the locks and DO NOT LET HIM COME BACK! He is a sorry excuse of a father and husband. Don’t you want better for you and your kids? He’s not going ot be the man you need him to be and you’re wasting your time and energy on a peice of shit.
Demand respect girl!
I certainly wouldn’t have kept on having babies with this man. Next time he walks out, change the locks.
Grow a backbone and leave
U went on to have 2 more kids with him:roll_eyes: that’s the problem right thereeee he was already a shitty husband and u didn’t hold him accountable so now ur at where at right now…be about ur kids that’s all u can do now
Dont put yourself and your kids through this. U want them to think this is normal? Put him out, file for divorce, custody and support…asap
Kick his ass to the curb letting him back in for your children’s sake isn’t a reason to let him back in they don’t need a father who comes and goes when he pleases he sounds like a scumbag and you and your children deserve better for your children’s sake leave him and get a divorce this behavior isn’t acceptable and by allowing him to come back every time is showing your kids his behavior is okay cut his ass off no matter how many times he comes back File for custody and file for divorce
It’s doing more damage to the kids letting him come and go as he pleases. It’s teaching the children, this is acceptable behavior. It would be best for all of you to just let him go. File for divorce and live your life for you and your children. Best of luck to you in whatever you decide.
Let him go be an a33 to someone else and step up lady! You have 4 kids to raise at the moment, not 5. If I were you. I would go get std testing done (because a guy walking out like that all the time is dipping into more then one well), file for full custody of the children, and be done with him. If he wants to be a dad let him, but that doesn’t mean he needs to be in a relationship with or living with you to do it.
The children are not benefiting by him treating you with disrespect and not being a responsible parent. He can go live with his mother and you get into court to set up custody visitation support and look for a divorce lawyer. He is using you as doormat and you can’t change that nor make him love and respect you.
Try to sit back and understand what his actions are doing to the children. 1) that this is how a father is supposed to act 2) this is what your daughters will accept/and how your sons will treat women. Let him go. You need to move on for your sake and the well being of your children’s future. What you allow is what will continue. You are strong and brave and capable. You can do this. Only you can yourself and your precious kids the life you all deserve.
Stop allowing him to treat u poorly… Children or no children u have to love and respect urself first… What kind of example does this set for ur children?? When u know better, u do better, in order to be a better person…
Change the locks. Your children are watching their father disrespect you over and over again. And them too! Sounds like he’s a crappy husband and father.
Sounds like you’re doing it all alone anyways. Girl, let that man go. Life is short. Don’t waste it on mixed emotions.
Honey you married a MAN-CHILD. Let. Him.go. you have babies to worry about. LET HIS DAMN MOMMY have his ass back.
Simply put, he does it because you let him. Just like a child, he’s learned that you let him throw a fit, and stomp off for a vacation at his mommy’s house instead of having to man up to the life he created as much as you. The more you take him back and forgive him, the better it reassures him you will always allow it. Stop rewarding his tantrums just like you would a child.
Stop taking his ass back. Don’t deal with that shit. My husband left me once and I won’t go through that again why keep putting your self through this??
If he truely loved you he wouldn’t leave you.
I’m going to be blunt - your “partner” is an arseh0le. Selfish and lazy are two polite words.
He’s telling you and showing you he doesn’t want to be there - get rid of him and stop letting him treat you like trash.
Let his mother have him.
You are not doing your children any favors. They are learning to be like him or be like you a doormat. So be a mother they can be proud of and be like that will make you proud. One who will leave someone who treats them and their family like a choice. Love means you stay and you give it all for the ones you love. You always try to fight to be better and do better. You got this. Best of luck
Tell him u don’t want him back, let him stay with Mammy. Unless you’re going to just keep letting him back to get pregnant. It seems like he knows he can walk in and out of your life but also come back for sex, u know what it’s the kids this will be affecting more, think about them and the future… He’s obviously not
He’s a terrible role model for ur children, it would be better for them and you to get him out of your home PERMANENTLY
Sounds like you’re doing everything anyway. Let him go this isn’t health for you or the children
STOP letting him return! Its doing more harm than good when he leaves and returns and leaves again. Let him go. File for divorce and child support. He obviously is NOT going to change…
People treat you how you ALLOW them to treat you.
My ex walked out on me and then tried coming back a week later. I refused to allow him to come home. We had two kids 11 months and a 4 year old. I packed his crap and dropped it at his moms were he was staying a few weeks later
Kids need stable PRESENT parents. Stop doing shit for the sake of the kids. The constant abandonment with him up and leaving whenever is more harmful than anything. Divorce him.
I myself is going through this all my children’s life. My son is now 14 and my daughter 7. Trust me- leave him now while your kids are small. You will be a better mom without him. There are days that my kids father goes away. And I am such a better parent to my kids without his toxic treatment around and you have to believe me when I say. Do it now while your kids are young because as they get older it does get harder and you don’t want their mental health to worsen by their father.
Aw I’m sorry hun. Nobody knows what’s made you stay, and I understand how hard it can be to just leave. But plan the leave, get yourself as sorted as you can if that’s possible. It really isn’t better for the kids to stay because an environment like that will do worse than divorced parents. It’s a rock and a hard place mumma. But you brought 3 babies into this world, you are stronger than you believe
Imagine yourself at retirement with this boy. I’d kick him to the curb before his Mommy passes and your stuck with a 5th child for the rest of your life.
I’m so sorry, but either get help or find a new wonderful man
Wtf tell
Him to fuck off and set a life for you and your babies ! Douchebag
Your children deserve a happy mother and this situation is definitely keeping you anything but! Your children also see him walking out on them. I think you should protect them and keep them away from that kind of negative relationship.
Stop letting him come back. The kids will be much happier and better off in a happy home. You don’t want your kids growing up thinking that’s how a relationship is supposed to be.
Get a dang backbone, put your foot down and quit taking his sorry butt back.
Aw hun, ditch that manchild and care for your children. He’s an arsehole. He won’t change.
Hate to say it but he’s probably looking for reasons to leave, probably has a side chick. Leave his ass in the dust and don’t look back.
Kick him to the curb +!+
I’d say let him leave. Let him stay with his momma for a WHILE! He just keeps bouncing back and forth wanting you or his momma to take care of him and not have to do a damn thing. Next time he wants to come back you tell him he’s better have a job and better be ready to do his share in parenting and housework if he wants to live in your house and to be in your family!
Being a single mom is not the easiest job in the world, but based on what you described…it doesn’t sound like it would be any harder. You may find it freeing to not have to deal with him.
If a man acts like he doesnt care about you believe him. Next time change the locks and find a way to support your children on your own. Ask for help from loved one if you need to. Hes toxic.
Bye. That’s what you tell him. One less child for you to deal with. When he can man up and be a partner…
Get a lawyer and file for divorce. That’s not healthy for your children to grow up and learn from his actions.
I’ve done this for yrs, 3 kiddos here. Don’t. Be. Me!!! …But sometimes easier said than done soo I feel you but there is a reason…another woman, drugs, something…have you tried counseling together…is he honest, do you trust him?! Lots to think about… wish u the best…not easy…I hope you have support because you definitely need it in situations like this.
P.s His Mother Is.Not.Helping🙄
He is seeing other women for sure run from that and don’t look back go to the court house and get a custody agreement and call it a day
Stop allowing it. He’s doing what he gets away with. . If he doesn’t want to stay committed then problem solved he no longer can.
You have five kids, your oldest is your husband. Let him go back to his real mom, who clearly hasn’t raised him well, and see if she can fix him. Don’t let him back unless you think he’s changed, and even then, do it on your terms, not his.
It is hard to let go when we feel that there is a reason for them to stay. But the reality is that he’s doing more damage to your family walking out over and over. Though it would be hard for you in the beginning. You must do what is best for “You and Your children”, Its about your children. He can have a relationship with them. Focus on what is best for them and find your path for you and their needs. File for separation then go from their. DON’T let him bully you into guilty “is the kid mine” or “they are mine too”. Talk to a family divorce lawyer. Make sure EVERYTHING is written including child visitation. Also make sure you have FULL Custody and Primary residence, If you like to travel make note that you may get a passport for your children and may travel freely without his permission. When it comes to visitation for him make sure if he is not available that you have first right of refusal meaning his girlfriend or someone you don’t trust cant watch them. Its going to be stressful and its going to be heartbreaking for a few months…you already know what is to happen or you would not have asked. Stay the course and know you can do this!
Then why keep poppin out kids by him? leave his ass …he clearly dont care
Don’t let him comeback anymore!!! You and your children are worth more than that!! If he can’t man up and help out he doesn’t deserve you!!! Know your worth!!!
Staying in this situation is teaching your kids all the wrong things about love. Next time he leaves I’d tell him to stay gone.
As long as you keep taking him back you are saying it’s acceptable behavior.
Honestly sounds like he’s done you don’t deserve that and you don’t need to raise a grown ass man. He can go back to mommy and let her finish raising him. I’m sure you’re better off without the stress he adds on.