he is poisening your children and your life…Your kids will remember this all their lives and may treat someone the same in their future…
Why would his mother keep allowing him back? He’s too old already…
I took my ex back but I realized I don’t want my daughter to look up to someone like that.it’s not healthy.I need to put my kids needs before my own.it was a hard thing to do but in time I made the right choice.kids look up to you for comfort and protection.they will think it’s okay for someone to do that to them.they also will look at that for there own relationships in the future.they have to know it’s not there fault also dad does that cause kids do blame themselves when it’s not there fault at all.you also deserve better.trust me by letting him come back is not good for the kids.it’s worse! Also advice one heals all.if you need more advice I am here.friends also help.talk with your children so they know dad chose a diffrent path in life
Everyone is probably going to tell you to leave… but if you love him, that’s a lot easier said than done. (Been there) Go to counseling TOGETHER!!! Talk about the hard stuff in a structured environment. Do the hard work.
Change the locks. Being dependable is important
He is harming you and the children in a mental capacity by not being there. As hard as it is, you need to end it all. your life would be easier without him. Your sadness and being upset at him, will upset the kids. let him go… just worry about your children, its tough but you will all be much stronger and happier in the end.
Don’t do it “for the kids’ sake!”
It’s not healthy for the kids to see that type of dysfunctional relationship. Don’t let him come back. You’re already doing it by yourself…
Speaking from the voice of experience.
He won’t be able to walk back in if you lock the door!!!
Just be done with it. He’s not at all wanting to be in the marriage. And he’s just dead weight, because he won’t help you.
Next time change the locks
Go live your life! Don’t depend on him for anything and if he shows up for the kids it’s a pleasant surprise but not an expectation because you will just be hurt that he keeps failing as a man, only thing you can do is encourage therapy and hope he can gain some manhood.
Clean out the bank account(s) then leave him.
As a child who’s seen her parents argue over the silliest of shit - ALL THE TIME! I watched my parents become drained, bored and cold… But I can honestly say, Life was much better when my dad left the family home. After a while, Once the dust startled to settle, Life was full of energy… Unfortunately, It didn’t happen until I was 18. And it’s because of their relationship, that I refuse to put myself in a situation that has potential because I’m scared of wasting my time, effort and personality for ‘love’
Which is a real shame. Because I know I’m a damn good catch! Lol.
Leave. Or kick him out.
Most of the time, With situations like this - A broken home is a happy home.
Find love, With someone who truly wants to love you back! Set an example of a happy life for your children
My ex left me and my kids 4 or 5 times. My divorce was the best thing I did for myself in my marriage. We were together 17 years and married 10 years.
Why do you keep having more babies with this man child??
Christian counseling works! Why not recommit or.commit to Christ. He heals! He did it for me
And many others.
If he has a history of this and it hasn’t changed yet, it likely never will. I personally wouldn’t waste another minute with someone like that. Your children deserve to see you treated, supported, and loved properly. Staying in an unhealthy relationship “for the kids” only does more damage long term.
Throw his belongings outside. Change door locks.
He’s an asshole? That’s why he keeps walking out? HA-HA
That’s not asshole behavior, that’s pure childlike behavior " I don’t like what you’re telling me to do so I’m gonna go live with mom"
I pulled that shit with my divorced parents as a child.
My man is an asshole, everyone knows him as an asshole. Hell I call him my favorite asshole. But you know what he doesnt do? Throw fits when it comes to parenting his children and helping with chores. He’s not good at showing emotion. He has his own love language that took me years to learn. But now he understands mine and I understand his.
This man, is a temper tantrum throwing 13 year old.
Move along, find happiness within yourself and quit letting him back into your home
Pack his things nicely on the porch so he can take them to momma’s house. Change the locks. Focus on you and them babes. Nobody got time for half ass men.
Do you think your helping your kids by being weak? Your not. Kids grow into what and who they see. He doesn’t want to be a dad or husband. Let him go and don’t forget child support. Get all you can because your doing it for the kids future. Go back to school if you need to and make something out of yourself your kids can be proud of.
Move on hun, you deserve better than this.
Leave his ass?
Girl you are already doing it mostly on your own. Stop having sex and making babies with his lazy ass. It seems like he could be cheating on you if he’s accusing you of it.
Quit waiting for him to decide he wants to be a part of your family. Make your own way, don’t depend on him.
Leave! It’s not good for the kids to see mommy be daddys doormat.
Dont let him come back🤷♀️
first quit having kids and leave him.
Let him go and don’t let him come back. Him continuously abandoning your family is doing serious mental and emotional harm for not only you but your children. You absolutely cannot allow that cycle to continue.
Ew. Dont let him back in. If you’re guna do it alone you might as well get a divorce and get some child support. Fk that little boy… and his mama for allowing him to stay with her
It will never change
You sure you didn’t give birth to a 5th child??? Grown man still running into mommy’s arms for comfort, or first sign of trouble? There is always three sides to every story…your side, his side, and the truth! Regardless of all the back story and fluff in the middle; allowing him to go and come as he pleases is disrespectful to you, but more importantly the kids. It’s sending a message that it’s ok to only be involved in something when you benefit from it. It’s saying it’s ok to allow people to treat you like crap and be ok with it. Not trying to be rude but have a little more pride in yourself! If not for yourself do it for your kids sake at least. Your kids don’t deserve that abuse or on again off again “dad!” What’s keeping from saying bye or holding onto him still? If he’s left again I’d say stay gone! Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!!! Best of luck
Your actually showing your kids that this type of behavior is good when it’s not . Teach your children that you don’t need a man to have a family and it sounds like he’s not a good dad either so are you really doing it for them or you ? I’d say let him go to mommy’s house pack up all his crap and drop it off , change the locks and focus on you and those kids .
Yes ma’am what everyone else said let him go to his mama house drop the kods off to visit him so he has no reason to return to your house. Its hurting you emotional mentally and thats takes it toll physically. Stay strong
The next time he walks out that door change the friggin locks behind him!! Set an example for your children by not allowing him to treat you this way any longer!
Next time Mama can keep him.
Let him stay with mommy.
If he comes back, call his mom and tell her to come get her kid, because it’s not your job to raise HER son. Change those locks, file divorce and child support and show them kids a BOSS ass Mom who they KNOW they can depend on
Cut him loose and make him stay gone.
Leave his fucking ass. He has proven time and time again that you and the kids are not worth staying for. You are better off without him. You got this.
If he wanted to change he would’ve already leave
He’d only walk out that door once…subsequent times are on you honey.
This is not healthy for your children to see. The type of relationships modeled to them end up being what they allow in their own.
Is he a Sagittarius
Don’t let him come back. You’ve done it on your own so you know you don’t need him. Stop letting him come home long enough to get you pregnant again just to accuse and say it’s not his baby. He needs to grow up!! Straighten that girl!! Show your kids that this behavior isn’t acceptable and they shouldn’t ever settle for this.
I feel where your coming from .but if thats how you let him treat you its not a good example for your children .you need to show your sons or daughters how there supposed to be treated .show them the right way .sometimes him being there is emotionally worse on you and children…good luck
Have him post his side of the story and then we can give a fair evaluation from what we can read inbetween the lines of both sides.
The problem isn’t him leaving, the problem is you keep taking him back. Don’t be angry with him for leaving when you keep giving him the opportunity to do it.
You are basically doing it all by yourself anyway. Get rid of the stress of him, he’s just bringing you down.
I’m divorced & since remarried.
Many years ago a wise man told me it’s better for you kids to see that you’re a strong mom than to grow up thinking that a dysfunctional home and bad relationship is acceptable.
They need to grow up modeling a good relationship or none at all.
For your children’s well being shut and lock the door… Don’t let him back…
Leave him simple as that
You’re doing it on you’re own anyway…
Ditch his ass be happy and watch him try come crawling back…you already know the answer to you’re question…
Yes he’s a little bitch
Yes he’s lazy and has no empathy towards the mother of his children.
Leave him before he leaves you …again
Kids are a bad reason to stay with someone. Happy parents make happy kids and eventually happy adults. All you’re doing is teaching your kids that it’s okay to be treated this way by their partner. Not good.
U need to say goodbye for good and let him go live with his momma forever! He will keep this up if u keep letting g him come back.
Seems you’re already doing it yourself, detach and move on.
Don’t stay together for the kids. They will model their relationships after yours and inconsistency like that will teach your boys that its okay to treat women that way and your girls that that is okay for someone to treat them that way.
Hes telling you what he thinks of you and the children… listen… change the locks on the door… momma made the problem… she can have it back
Leave him behind and move on… tell him be consistent or stay away but u can’t come in and out as u please… that’ll damage the kids worse then him not being around it’ll confuse them… I am currently doing this with my own sons father, he can go to the strip club and casino and spend hundreds but doesn’t have money for his kids and is always “busy” until booty call hours of course… THEN he wants to “see his kids” at 1 am? Hell no u can stay away
Pack up his stuff, change the locks and let him run back to mommy! You’ve been doing it all by yourself, but don’t take him back to do it all over again!
It’s easy. When he walks out you close the door and lock it. Don’t let him back in. If you’re already doing everything as a single parent then you might as well be single.
So he keeps walking out on y’all but you keep taking him back and having babies with him? Why? What exactly do you think you are doing for/teaching your kids by taking him back? Seems like you’re only teaching them this behavior is ok.
If you are doing everything and he has no interest in doing his part. You need to leave. Stop doing it for the sake of the kids because if anything they will see his example and think that behavior is ok when they get older. Be better than that
RESPECT YOURSELF enough to leave
tell him to kick rocks, he wants to act like a child then treat him as such…
Let him walk and not come back … bye!
Bye boy, he’s a child
kick him to the curb !
Give him an ultimatum and let him decide what’s more important to him. That will tell u everything you need to know
Stop letting him back. That is what is really best for them and you. Believe him when he says he is an ass. You don’t want to live like this and your kids deserve better.
Stop taking him back
His place needs to be here
He’s a sorry, pathetic, whiny crybaby of a child. Be done with his sorry ass!! He’s making you look like a pathetic shell of a woman and your children see it.
If you don’t know the answer by now you don’t need to know it
Leave wishy-washy Charlie Brown. His actions are telling you who he is, Mr. Unreliable. He’s dead weight, move on ,you don’t need to be on that rollercoaster ride another second.
That’s not for the children anymore. You had more kids with him after knowing how he is. You gotta do it by yourself now. Don’t let him come back. Maybe after that he’ll step up for the kids because you won’t be there for him anymore. Don’t waste anymore time.
If you aren’t happy with the way a person treats you or how they make you feel, then really all you can do is either continue and it get worse or somehow figure out how you can move on & have a chance at actual happiness. But I do suggest talking with him about it first. I know that you said you have and he hasn’t made any changes but if you sit him down and tell him you want to be happy and how he is not helping the situation, then ask if he is even wanting to put effort to make things better. Depending on that is how you will know what you need to do basically. Just a matter of doing it.
Send him back to mommy!
Drop him like a bad habit
He doesnt wanna be with you anymore. He just want come out and tell you. He is only coming back to you because of the kids.
Walk out on his ass and serve him with a divorce. That’s not a man. A Man will never walk out in his kids. Even if not with the mother you don’t abandon your children.
Open the front door and leave with your children . Run! dont walk away from this person unless you can afford to hire someone to cook and clean .
You’re teaching your children that this behavior is ok. This is happening because you allow it. Put your foot down its either in or out.
Seems to me that isn’t laziness. He wants to be a mamas boy. Let him! Him leaving when it gets tough isn’t hood for you or the kids. To put it bluntly, he’s gotta go! So na na hey hey goodbye!
Change your locks and get rid of the the poor excuse of a husband of yours!
You and your children don’t deserve that kind of abandonment!
Leave him. You’re children are learning that is okay to walk out and abandon a family as well. That’s a toxic behavior.
Let him walk out but DONT let him walk back in… once would be enough for me x
Those kids deserve to see mom at her happiest! I was in the same situation myself years ago and finally had enough. Fast forward to now, my older kids are now 12, 11, and 10 , and twin 5 yr olds and I don’t think they’ve ever seen me as happy as I am now. It was hard to leave as I didn’t want my kids growing up in a split home like I had to, but it was definitely for the best. If a man truly loves his woman, he wouldn’t leave regardless of the situation and would do anything for her. My man has been proof of that over the last couple years and I am so beyond thankful for him and the true love and happiness he has shown me. Do what is best for you and them babies momma and keep your head held high! And always remember your happiness and inner peace is an absolute must!!
Do you really want to set that horrible example for your children? If they are boys you are teaching them that it is okay to walk out on your family and responsibilities whenever you feel like it and if they are girls you are teaching them that it is acceptable to allow a man to treat you like trash. That excuse that you’re staying with him or taking him back because for the kids sake is a cop out. You’re not staying with him for the kids that’s just the excuse you give yourself to make yourself feel better about the situation. File for divorce get him for abandonment make him pay child support and your court fees you will be setting a good example for your kids because you will be leaving a very unhealthy relationship.
Close the door dont look back
His actions are going to be detrimental to those children. And him treating you badly they’re going to see that too and think that’s okay. Him coming and going as he pleases is not healthy for them babies
Yeah lock the door behind him
Quit getting pregnant?
My boyfriend of two years threatens to leave anytime we have the slightest disagreement, he threatened 3 times sunday, so I told him I was done, his comment was I’ve said it before and you didnt do anything. At some point the emotion abuse has to stop.
its not healthy having someone constantly walking in an out, it can cause more issues for the child in the long run. My done the dame with both our 2 children an it got worse, theres more to it but when i left he continued to be an out of her life to the point he tries to be consistent now an she doesnt have a bar of him at all due to nevee feeling safe or happy around him… we all think its great to have them around for the kids sake. but honestly it causes more problems for their mental health
2 good homes are always better then one.
He seems to not be committed to settled down an actually be a family
Don’t stay with him for the children’s sake. You are teaching them it’s okay to stay in bad situations and it’s okay to treat their children and spouse the same way. Dont waste another year with a man who doesn’t value you or yalls children. Your kids deserve to see their mother happy and your kids will be happy too sweetie. I would suggest counseling and give him x amount of time to get with the program and if doesn’t want to change then I’d pack his stuff and change the locks or file for an eviction notice if he won’t leave. You can’t make someone want to be a good dad or husband.
Get out. Choose yourself over a narcissistic asshole who abuses you and your children psychologically and emotionally
Take it from a mom who stayed far too long. It will fuck up your kids. Leave now. Staying for your kids is a terrible excuse believe me I lived it. He knows he can walk all over you and you will allow it and he will keep doing it. Trust me when I say my kids suffered from this. Go as hard as it is. Go.
Take your kids and leave him,
Stop letting him come back…
Sure it’s his mum he’s running to?
I think u know just want reassure and ur right let him go. He can b a dad and not with you. Ik its hard to b a single mom, but ur doing it now. 1 less headaches with him gone. Let him go get therapy for u n kids and start over. Won’t b easy or fast but u can do it