My Husband Kicked Me Out for 'Infidelity' But Can He Really Do That Given the Circumstances?

So the second things get hard you start talking to other guys? I would kick your ass out too if you were willing to throw away a 13 year relationship just because he is grouchy. Go get your stuff and get a divorce.

Sophia Poulos imagine cheating because ur husband is being mean lmaooo Omar Fathallah


Your name is on the lease so you must be evicted. Call the police and a locksmith.

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I don’t know where you are from but he can’t do that.

He cannot kick you out!!! You’re on the lease, you have as much right as him to be there.

He can’t kick you out, if you have no where to go you have every right to move back in!

He is not in the wrong here! If you found messages from another woman in his phone you would of done the same thing. Suck it up and move on!


He has to legally evict you. He can’t just kick you out. But you did step out of line so can’t blame him there. Arguing doesn’t mean cheat whether that be mentally, physically, or even emotionally.

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:woman_facepalming:if it were the other way around you’d probably done the same thing…if you felt the need to confide in someone probably should have been your husband 1st :woman_shrugging:just saying if it’s not his usual maybe you should have tried to understand what stress he was dealing with to cause the behavior. Instead of snapping it up with another guy


:joy::joy::joy: You would do the same exact thing. You would kick him out if you saw something in his phone. You get what you deserve.

Cheating. :woman_shrugging:t3:


He could’ve been having a hard time. And guys don’t open up as it is.
You made your bed. And if you’re on a lease he can’t. But if you own the house he can.
Hope you get your stuff back. :woman_shrugging:t4:
You could’ve left him before cheating no one deserves to feel that way.


What state is this that cops can remove you based on infidelity (which isn’t even the case)?


Wait by talking to another guy how do you mean. Cause I have male friends that I chat with but in no way is it cheating. Now if you mean in THAT way. Emotional cheating is still cheating. But his behavior sends up red flags for me. Your best bet is to google the laws on the kicking out situation for your specific state, devorice him and move on.


He cant kick you out if you’re on the lease .


He can’t legally do that if you are on the lease.


Thats what happens when you go behind your husband’s back. You should have just left him. Nasty!


Im sorry but like… You were talking to another man. He clearly must have sensed something was up. Would you have done the same? And seriously so sick of people thinking if flirt with someone while in a relationship its okay and not cheating. No that’s narcissistic thinking


Obviously you were in the wrong and you admitted that. Call your landlord tomorrow and explain that you were kicked out, but your things are there. I don’t think you can be kicked out without legally being evicted because you’re on the lease. However, i would just get all your things out of there and move on. If he won’t let you in to get your things, you can call the police to have an escort and he legally has to allow you to grab your things.


Ur cheating on ur HUSBAND…leave

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He cannot legally kick you out of your own home! You are married which makes everything legally half yours.
Doesn’t even matter if your name is on the lease or anything else.
All you have to do is call the police and they will make him let you back in.
He has to go through court and evict, but if you have children they will usually leave the marital home with the mother and children, the majority cuatody holder or make them sell the property and split the the profit.
Regardless of who was in the wrong neither partner can be kicked out. It has to be done legally. You can’t just kick your husband out either even if he is cheating and the only way you can is if you can prove they’re physically abusive or a danger to you or children in the home.


He can not kick you out if you are on the lease. The officer can not remove you without landlords consent. Both him and the officer are in the wrong. Since you are married you own have of the assets too! Car, money, retirement funds. Get a lawyer if your have too


I would check his phone also. Sounds like he was looking for an excuse to kick you out.


What the in the world do you expect him to just be okay with it no you done him wrong so take the hand that was given to you and put your big girl pants on and deal with it


Tennessee you can be charged with adultery for cheating on spouse and the get everything as well

This may not be the case… but in my personal experience if they’re accusing me, they have been the ones in the wrong … 3/3 relationships


Well i am not gonna tell you how wrong what you did is but. Cops cannot do that they only can make someone leave for the night when their is an altercation in the house. The only way you would have to leave is if he gives you a 30 day eviction notice. Doesnt matter if both are on the lease or not. Also as far as your stuff and what you have said you should go get all your stuff packed up to leave go get off the lease and do your own thing dont hurt someone in the process of doing what you wanna do while you are in a marriage.

Sorry you were wrong!

You can not be kicked out legally. Period.

Sad that all these women are hopping down the husbands throat for the WOMAN CHEATING. Y’all would’ve broke the pitchforks out if it was the man cheating but the girl does it and it’s still HIS fault? Messed up. You screwed up & karmas a beotch, you got what you deserved


I - if this were a female finding out her husband cheated on her, you’d all tell her to kick him out. But it’s different now because the bitch is on the shit end? Good riddens.:clown_face:

Sounds like he’s got sumthing to hide actually


To try and deflect is childish. So for a couple of weeks out of 13 years he’s having problems with something and you go and get close with another man? If it were a man that did this same thing he would be the biggest pos out there right? :woman_facepalming:t2: double standard…you better get your shit together and maybe go sleep at your other mans place :woman_shrugging:t2: you get treated how you act so if you’re treated like trash being thrown out it’s bc what you did was trashy

Idk what state you’re in but you should check the law because where I’m at, if you’re on the lease and there isn’t a protection order against you, then you can’t be kicked out by your husband but if you take belongings and leave it changes everything.

Any way you look at this y’all don’t need to be together if there’s no respect, trust or connection. Obviously there isn’t so you both should move on. Either come to a mutual agreement of time to move out from each other or see if your family will help you with a place to stay until you get on your feet.


Hold your ground. Stay put.

Take the opportunity to move on - sounds like you have had enough anyway

Comfort is the enemy of progress

Don’t just try to stay because you are scared of the next step


Imagine if this had been the other way around? I’m pretty sure the comments would be full of, you’re better off without him, why’s he sending snaps he’s obviously cheated ect.

Use this as a learning curve. You clearly aren’t happy in your marriage as you wouldn’t have been sending those pictures and talking to a guy in the first place. If you want to salvage it, be open and honest with your husband - I’d have thought after 13 years communication wouldn’t be a problem. Please don’t try and pass this off as “well he has started being rude to me”
It doesn’t excuse what you did, don’t try and flip the blame. You should have spoken to him about what was bothering him, but instead you chose to find comfort from another guy. Take responsibility for that and speak to your husband.


Bull crap he can’t make you leave, you need to move back in that house fast, keep your nose clean don’t start anything until you are separated or divorced.

Cannot if you are on lease. Period. You have the same power. Don’t be fooled or manipulated.


Girl… a few months of him being rude and you cheat? He might have been having a hard time with something. Did you ask him what was going on?


He’s lying, he didn’t talk to no officer. Go back home and if he locks you out and won’t let you in break a side window and get in!!! He won’t like paying for windows!!!


My advice to you is to figure out how to get your name off the lease and to file for divorce right away. From the sound of it, you were already unhappy and so was he. Start over without him. There’s a reason you went looking for attention from another man. I’m not judging you for it at all. If your husband doesn’t treat you right then don’t try to fight for him. I know it’s easier to just stay with him or even beg him to make it work, but it’s not working. I know starting over is scary and seems impossible but it’s not, I promise. After my ex husband and I divorced, I thought my life was over but it was really just beginning because I found the true love of my life and am so much happier with this second chance. My husband is so much better than what I used to have and I only wish my ex and I had split up sooner so I could have gotten with my husband sooner.


Sounds like you were both cheating and you were just dumb enough to believe what he told you and move out. Either way sounds like you shouldn’t be together. Good luck

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Cheating is not illegal and he can’t kick you out over it if your name is on the lease too. :woman_facepalming:t2::joy::joy:
Just move on. You clearly don’t love him and he’s clearly over your shit.

The only person who can kick you out is your landlord :joy: even then it needs to be done legally otherwise your landlord is in the wrong.


Your husband is acting weird so you talk to another guy? Maybe you should of talked to your husband and find out what was going on with him before flirting with someone else.


First off hes treating you like shit. You talked to another man. Someone gave you attention you deserve. Screw him. Divorce him.

I don’t care if you never did anything physical. That’s still cheating and you were 100% wrong. Maybe your husband was under stress? There are plenty of ways to handle that without going behind your partner’s back just because you’re mad. As far as the infidelity thing goes, if you’ve established residency he would have to legally evict you and regardless of the circumstances you have 30 days by law.

I own my house my ex is living in. The cops were called and I took 4 kids and had to leave, I broke into my own house the next day to get our cloths. Yes you can be kicked out of your own house if both names are on it. I had my things packed, planned to leave anyways and he called the cops because I was leaving, and I left because he took the door off my car so I couldn’t go to work… very abusive situation but for all saying they wouldn’t tell her to leave, yes they can. Also it’s been 4 years and I can’t get my name off the lease for the house has to be at least 1/2 paid off.

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Did you even stop to think that maybe your husband is under a lot of stress? Pressure at work? A couple months of a rough patch and you jump ship lmao! Hopefully he finds someone loyal and you grow as a person. My bet is that you’ve been doin sketchy stuff though causing your husband to be suspicious before hand… why else would he go through your phone, I mean you already had other dudes at your lined up. :man_shrugging:


If tlkn to someone is not aloud you shouldn’t be together anyway that’s so wrong

Deal with your consequences girl


You should have left him if that’s the direction you wanted to take


Shiiiitt uh… i think u should have waited until u had a spot to go before you started talking to another man. If the officials say that qualifies for infidelity i dont know if you can force your way back in there. Look into their eviction laws and how they cross with marriage and infidelity.


Emotional abuse drove you to do stupid things. Go to the police and let them go with you to your house. Also, your phone is private property! No way lady, he cant do that. Goodluck

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I’m pretty sure infidelity isn’t a thing in divorce court anymore or at least not in Ohio and a cop wouldn’t give him a go ahead to kick you out. Not saying what you did was right but his behavior means he obviously isn’t doing anything good either. Just my opinion.


Call a lawyer. Or even call the police yourself and ask them. Depending on which state/country you’re in could have different outcomes. I believe in NY there’s still a block on evictions from the governor, not sure about other places.


an officer is for criminal things. hes wrong. this is a civil case. the landlord has to go through courts to evict you. the other leasee cannot just kick you out. you both hold equal weight on the lease


Yes it does depend what state your in. If ur in Ohio it is a no fault state. So it could be used as grounds for a divorce but it cant be used against the other. For instance if your entitled to alimony your not going to get anymore money even if there is proof. But if you do go after alimony you cant cohabitate/live with another man or itll be forfeited

An officer of the law told him that you JUST TALKING to a guy is infidelity? Sounds fishy to me. You need to ring and make your own enquiries.

While yes, you may have started an emotional affair (obviously none of us know how far things went in the texts), and that is FAR from ok… I’d give him some cooling off time but I most definitely wouldn’t be leaving the house if you’re on the lease.


Talk to your husband and get it off of FB, even if it’s anonymously posted. Y’all need some marriage counseling. Find out what’s making him be so rude and why you’re seeking validation outside of your marriage. Sleep in separate rooms if you must, but do not let him kick you out of the home, especially if you have children.


If your name is on the lease, you are not required to leave the residence, he would have to have you served with a quit claim deed to have your name removed and then he would be able to force you out or evict you, if that has not happened you are allowed residence where your name is on the lease. And, get a divorce, cheating whether physical or not is no excuse, if you’re unhappy don’t drag this out, divorce him,.


You admit you emotionally, if not physically, stepped out on your marriage. Yes, I would say his anger has turned abusive, and it is not ok.

Depending on your state, and country, he may actually have every legal right to do as he did. Your best bet is to seek help, move on, and learn both from your mistakes and his. You are better than an abusive husband. And you are better than a cheater


If the rolls were reversed you’d be loosing it if he had an emotional relationship with someone else… not sure what you expected it sucked but maybe try talking to him :woman_shrugging:t4:


In which country do you live? Being allowed to kick out the wife because of a potential infidelity sounds made up both in Mexico and Canada, I don’t know about the States (maybe a super conservative state?). I do believe you but for them to use that excuse to kick you out and not protect your rights is messed up.


In the state of missouri. If you have lived at the residence 2 or more weeks i believe you have to be evicted and can not legally be put out.


That doesn’t sound right… talk to a lawyer.


He went through your phone thats an invasion of privacy and police can’t dictate infidelity. That’s up to a judge and your states marriage laws


He’s a liar, that’s not true. It’s a civil matter, and a matter for the courts to handle. He can’t kick you out of your home.


You cannot be kicked out my your husband. You’re name is on the lease so he would have to evict you and go through the courts.


I don’t think he can kick you out for “talking to another guy”

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Looks funny an officer can tell him he can kick u out for talking to another guy but when I called the cops for them to take my drunk abusive husband to jail with me with Mark’s they refused and told me they could not make him stay away from the home. U need to talk to an attorney


Wtf is wrong with some of yall. SOME of yall are projecting like hell. She said she TALKED to another guy. Not had SEX she never said anything along those lines. If you are gonna give advice stick to the dam topic. OP call a lawyer get you a police escort back to the house. Smdh everything else is irrelevant at this point. Smdh some of yall are weird as hell.


He can’t just put you out because he “talked to somebody”. It sounds like b.s… He probably didn’t even talk to anyone. You have to be legally put out of the home.


From my understanding you can not be kicked out by him. You lease so the landlord would have to evict you. To do that they’d have to go through the courts. Did you speak to this officer? Did you get their badge number? You have a legal right to be in the home you lease.

On the other hand, is it safe to be there? Are there children? Do you have anywhere else to go? It’s a sucky situation but do you really want/need to go back?


You messed up by talking to a guy?!
Like what kind of talk,explicit-daily emotionally: it makes a difference.
2 out of the 3 are what happens when people feel ignored in their relationship a yearn for a connection with someone anyone.

Your husband’s probably been cheating on you,starting fights and looking for away to make it your fault.
Call the cop shop and see if they have hotel vouchers or a safe house you can crash at for the night.

Every state is different, but if your on the lease you may have federally protected rights too.

*please don’t go back to that, situation. Your putting yourself up for control, manipulation,belittling and that’s not ok, its abuse.
** police are not allowed to give legal advice: they are not allowed to tell a person they can kick someone out for a reason or no reason. Their job is to ensure saftey by thwarting crime and responding to incidents.


Even if you weren’t on the lease you’re still suppose to have a 30 day notice. I think the only way it’d be possible is if you were a violent person with domestic abuse charges. Since you two are married that house is as much as yours as it is his.


Not for nothing but if my dude was talking to some girl enough that it has to be mentioned like this id kick him out, same goes for you. You cheated, get out. Why would you want to stay regardless, he’s been not so pleasant, you went outside the relationship which doesn’t sound like something he was ok with so bounce.


You had an affair of the heart, you fucked up. Yep he’s an ass, nope he can not make you leave. But why would you want to stay?


Just take all ur worry to god hon God will and is a forgiving god we all none of us are perfect and if they are one person who is perfect then I don’t know who it maybe but you going to hear ppl on here look down on you but my god doesn’t wish you all the best you need someone to talk too add me I’m here hon


Even when my husband moved out he was told by an officer that he could break in and move back in if he wanted to, since we were still married he could come back whenever he wanted

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Legaly he can’t kick you out he has to evict but if there are children involved you might want to just go and go to your own space not to argue in front of the kids


Move back in and throw his shit out lol… it’s a civil matter regardless of who’s in the wrong he has to go to court to evict you yr name is on the lease so you have every right to be in that house just as much as he does not even a cop can make you get out if he calls them all they will do is say to him it’s a civil matter take it to court. Don’t let him run you out of yr house get back in just don’t break in lol

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Take it from a property manager and owner in WI … there is no law stating he can kick you out, he will have to go through court to do so, or you will have to sign off of the lease
Landlords will not get involved unless there are too many nuance calls to the police and too man complains
You can go and come from the apartment as you please
If the police gets called they may ask for one of you to leave for the day/ night, but that is all they can do

This is all based on the fact that you and him both signed the lease
Also, if locks are changed the landlord must provide you with a copy

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OMG! I am so glad that I was born and grow up in Germany! Never ever could someone kick you out of a flat where both underwrote the rental contract. Only in the case of a fight could the police say that the fighter isn’t allowed to come into the house again for the next few days.

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Girl naw as long as you receive mail there its considered your house too. My ex wouldn’t leave our home together and he was cheating the cops said as long as he received mail there he didnt have to go. So yea naw you can go back

This whole.relationship is filled toxicity on both sides. Time to end the relationship and mive out. From a legal standpoint he can not evict you though.

With regards to being kicked out of the home, refer back to your lease agreement. Do remember that we are under a pandemic and laws on eviction may have possibly changed in your state.

Even if you did do something physical with the other guy he still can’t kick you out. You have legal rights. Get an attorney asap.

First it depends where you live. So because laws vary from state to state …not to mention county to county, if you’re in the US! As many have mentioned go see an attorney and fallow their advise. (PS be careful what you put on Social Media). Good luck!

What state? In Washington you can’t kick your spouse out unless you get a restraining order.

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He has no right to kick you out nor do the police that is a civil matter if your name is on the lease you have every right to be there there is no such thing as being kicked out for what you did your husband is so full of shit the cop would just advise him to take it up with the courts

Hes doing drugs or hes cheating please listen let this be thing of god closing that door to open something better. Its hard believe me ik been there… U need to talk u may pm me. If u need some one to talk to.

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Lol. Bs. Even if NOT on the lease you cannot be kicked out unless your evicted. And with covid right now very few jurisdictions are even doing evictions

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If he treats you badly and you’ve started talking to another guy maybe being away from him isn’t such a bad thing

You fucked up sorry but live with your choices no sympathy in a cercumstance like this if you were unhappy you should of just left not started talking to another man suck it up buttercup hope it doesn’t rain wherever you are

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Depends on your state but he should be required to get an eviction notice

Specially with covid he cannot kick u out… And you have rights… Mental abuse is worst than what u did…u r responsible for half the lease till the end… If he kicks u out you LL end up paying that half… He is lying… Have him call the cops… Hahahhaha he can’t do nothing…

He can’t kick you out of your home if your on the lease,and if you’ve been living their more then 7 days he has to evict you. You never had sexual contact so their is no infidelity


I’m assuming this info about the local officer legal advise is coming from your husband? Like, “Joe Blow that I’m friends with told me you have no rights here.” Correct? Get an attorney.