My Husband Kicked Me Out for 'Infidelity' But Can He Really Do That Given the Circumstances?

Legality aside, is it a good idea to be there with him? He’s angry and thinks you cheated, maybe you need to put some space between the two of you.


Get the hell out of there. You aren’t happy you want to be with someone else. Stay with a friend or family member and get your own place. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. Clearly signs of him cheating. Consider a therapist.

First of all you and husband should get together and talk and see were things stand and if he doesn’t want you there get a lawyer and go to a shelter or go and stay with familly or a girlfriend.

Not legal in any state. If it was believe i would have kicked my abusive ex out. Get a lawyer pronto with the lease agreement proving your on the lease. Now as to the other if it was indeed explicit pics then yeah you were in the wrong but fail to see how thats infidelity.

I just want to point out that Vice verse if the husband was talking to another woman on the side everyone would have been all for putting him out and preaching child support💁🏽‍♀️


That’s a civil matter. That decision would have to be made from the courts, not officers / deputies. :smirk:


That’s a civil matter he can’t just kick you out love! He has to file an eviction against.


Oh boy I wish us Canadian has the same laws as the US…

He already had a girlfriend excuse to move you out cop wouldn’t get involved must be a friend

Girl you better not leave that house willingly!!!

Depends on where you’re from. I know in Oklahoma committing adultery is a felony and you can be made to leave the home.

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The judge decides if it’s infidelity. Not some police officer. Do not leave your house. You are on the lease.

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Maybe you should talk to him instead of another man. Or leave before you talk to another man.

He can’t kick you out. If your on the lease you need to get your name off it. Or else he can be a sick and not pay rent and then the landlord can go after you. Soo before you go anywhere , get your name off the lease

Should not have left!!! He can not kick you out.

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I would get with a lawyer and find out your rights

If you are on the lease he can not kick you out. Somebody is lying

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He’s lying!! Don’t leave your house

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He lied and he’s probably cheating. You’re on the lease.

To quick for him to react I think… U sure he ain’t doin nothin behind ur back

I once had to call the police during a domestic argument. I wanted him to leave, I was told that because we were both on the lease and married that he was legally allowed to stay. I’d look into your rights!


wow he lied to you he would have to have you evicted if your on the lease


Tell the whole story

I think there more to this story :angry:

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Don’t be talking to other men. Simple. Look at all the bitches having your back. LMFAO. Your married bitch. Act like it. Or be gone.

hell even if you werent on the lease once you establish residency you have squatters rights and they have more rights then the home owner i know i went through hell trying to kick accouple out who were doing drugs in the room they rented and not paying

U can take everything

No such law. He can’t legally kick you out.

Honey your name on the lease I wouldn’t go nowhere


So, if the rolls were reversed 99% of you would be saying “leave his ass” or something along those lines. So how about you put your big girl pants on and own up to your mistakes and learn from them.

Well I would just gather up my 52 pieces an move on.

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Yea, so … he can’t just kick you out like that … you can’t even kick out someone you let crash on your couch like that… you have to go through the eviction process … cmon now.
So anyways … just because you didn’t do anything physical DOES NOT MEAN YA DIDNT CHEAT. . Emotional , mental cheating is a thing . Sounds like the both of you need to be as civil as yall can , and file for divorce . Be CIVIL for the kids and yalls own mental well being . . Be done , and move on.


You are on the lease. You should legally be able to stay

No, legally it’s your home too. He can’t kick you out. Also, don’t cheat again.

Call a lawyer dont ask facebook. The general public will not be familiar with the legalities in your area.


Talk to a lawyer! Especially if your married, you will have rights as well and he can not do that to you.

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Talk to a lawyer your name is on the lease he can’t legally kick you out of anything now I’ve heard of people getting into trouble when it comes to file their divorce and you know trying to get money out of them well you cheated so you don’t get any money but this is your house with your name on your lease come on now use your head go to the cops if you need to

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I’m sure if you go through your ex’s phone you will find he was actually physically cheating on you first … and… that was the reason he was such a jackass … Where is it that you live that he can do this to you? That wouldn’t fly in Canada … Get a legal opinion … He sounds like a jackass … You have nothing to feel badly about

I think she’s talking about military housing. And in this case, if infidelity is suspected…the cheating spouse is not allowed to be in the home. They take infidelity very serious in the military…even though there’s always cheating going on. So yes, they can legally evict her from the home. Also, I agree that your husband was looking for a reason to get you out of the house. His actions are very suspicious. Either you guys get counseling and work through it or it’s time to move on.


Shouldn’t gone behind your husbands back lol that’s what you get😂


As soon as you thought about someone else you broke the covenant of your marriage. Play with fire :fire: you can get burned


If you do leave and have kids make sure to take them with you or he can get you for abandonment. A judge made my mom move back in with her ex husband ( abusive asshole) after she left him all because my little sis. She eventually got to leave but had to go through a process

I tell you what you can do
Wear make up, lots and lots of makeup. White, of course. Use lipstick to draw on a nice big fake smile and to top it off, stick a rubber ball on your nose since your relationship such a joke to you, fucking clown.

Legally you cant just be kicked out

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move in with the guy from snapchat you were talking to :woman_shrugging:t3:


Ohh lort🙈 why does ppl get married and do all that, I cant figure it out. You dont want to be with someone anymore just leave!!! Mayb the dude you was chatting with would take you in.


Wait you left because he told you the police said he could kick you out? And you just believed him? If you’ve been gone for more than 30 days you’ve now forfeited your lease status and if he breaks the lease you will still be charged the fees. He never had the right to even physically remove you with the police but you went voluntarily off what he said? Go see a lawyer/and the property manager but I don’t think you can do anything now. Good luck.

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Yes he definitely is lying to…tell him he can leave if he chooses…call the police yourself and tell them that…lol

Wtf ! He’s fooling tf outta you :joy:

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Sounds like ya hurt your own feelings

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Have to talk to a lawyer in your state. But if he kicks you out then tell him to buy you out of the remainder of the lease.

Hire a good divorce lawyer, your wrong and clearly there is more to the story. I don’t believe people yell for no reason. You should have tried to fix your relationship or broke up with your husband before starting something new. It’s chicken shit to cheat to get out of the relationship.

Go to your property manager and kindly ask them if they could print you a copy of your lease.

Go back home & invite ya new man too :crazy_face: you’re on the lease. You’re there til it’s up :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


What country are you in? If you are in the states… that’s all lies

What country are you in?

Sooooo if this happened the other way around though… everyone in here would be saying kick him to the curb… I’m sorry this happened to you but if the roles were reversed no one would be questioning this.


You were not cheating. You should be allowed to talk to a man or a woman or be friends with a man or a woman. Most likely he has been cheating on you.


People can say yea or nay all they want because laws differ from place to place.
So YOUR best bet is to look up YOUR local laws and possibly lawyer up.


Start over! Get going! You’ll do fine!

You probably would have done the same if it was the other way around, you should of talked to him find out what’s going on, is he going through stuff, if he’s unhappy or cheating on u, people act off in a relationship when things like this happen, should of just spoken to him or left him, simple really


Sounds like someone got caught I would have made ya leave to man or woman either or.

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Call the cops. He can’t just throw you out. It’s illegal

Cant kick you out. But you definitely cheated talking to another dude. So disrespectful.

Either work to sort out the issues or take name off lease and divorce him, space maybe all yuz need to appreciate what yuz once had, just give him space.

You cheated… Texting, talking, or touching you cheated. You have a lease your both on, once you left on your own he doesn’t have to allow you back on the property till you go to court an he is ordered to. An in that case you most likely will be allowed to gather your items with an officer present and find a new home. Had you stayed an refused to leave nothing could be done till court.

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I may be wrong but it sounds like you’re not taking your own actions serious. Yeah he was being rude and maybe mean but cheating isn’t the way to go. If you want to be with someone else than go and be happy but if you want your husband and your marriage, you just crossed a huge line. You didn’t want him to kick you out or cross that line, you shouldn’t have done it either. If roles were reversed no one was even wink, but the truth it if you knew that was considered cheating in your own marriage maybe it’s not in other people’s relationship but you and your husband obviously knew that was cheating and you still did it anyway. Take a couple days and think about your own actions and let him calm down and think on his own. When you are both ready to talk then sit down and have a grown up conversation. Good luck to you.

He can’t kick you out

Go to the man you’ve been texting :sweat_smile:

No, he can’t kick you out.

But from reading how you posed this whole question, you need to heal. This whole question is very victim-y.

Go talk to a therapist, a couples councillor if he will join.

If you are safe, go home. If you are not safe, stay somewhere else.

You guys clearly have deeper stuff to work out or walk away from.

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There was no actual infidelity - unless phone sex happened. As for the marital home - he has no right to kick you out if you are on the lease. DO NOT LEAVE. Let the judge decide who leaves if he doesn’t want to and you don’t want to. If you leave you loose everything. Your actions were not right - but his actions, I assume, led you to find comfort elsewhere.

So just my opinion here, is he stepping out and putting it all on you? The behavior says he is and now he has you out of the house? Seems fishy that he’s just upset over text messages.

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Maybe dony be a cheater!!! Ever think of that? People that do stuff like this in a relationship are disgusting. You dont deserve to be in the house. You put your lofe in jeopardy when you CHOSE to cheat. You werent thinking about the children but only yourself. Gross. Get what you get and dont throw a fit


Call an attorney. If he’s abusive or you feel he may harm you. Get a restraining order. Move back into your home then he can’t come back there.


He’s full of shit. I spoke to an officer for a similar reason and he can only kick you out if you are legally separated. Otherwise, if you are still married he can’t do anything… Your husband sounds like a liar so you might want to check into his “private” business. If he’s looking in your phone for incriminating evidence and his behavior has changed before the talks between you and the other guy, then he may be feeling guilty as is. It seems very suspect that he would up and kick you out if he wasn’t up to something as well.

You can delete social media but what happened or what was said on any media is done and seen. You can talk to your husband, however he will see you as a cheater. Doesn’t matter if you didn’t do anything. Marriage is a battle. You fight, argue, yell, hell… kick scream cry punch at the end of the day… especially after 13 years… you find a way to work it out. This is on you, your fault :woman_shrugging: work it out, or you need to leave. Its obvious you are the one who has an issue.

Girl go back to ur home. And go ahead and call that officers chief and let him know what happened.

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I’d guess if u r on the lease he would have to legally evict u jus like u would have to do to any other roommate u had. As far as I know. This sounds fishy as hell

Perhaps he was wanted to separate. Which is why he was bronf so mean. Went thru your phone to find some reason to kick you out without having to share anything.

I don’t think that you can be kicked out. Go home, take a cop with you if you are afraid.

Your story is one sided. Which means you only have one side to it as well. It’s called communication.

He’s probably having an affair and wants you out.

If your on the lease you need to go to the people that your renting from

Well well well if it aint the consequences of your actions…
Deal with it. Got what you deserved

Hr cant kick you out he has to legally evict you

He’s probably cheating on you, that’s why he was being a little bitch.

Shouldn’t fuk around on him! Serves you right.

Maybe you shouldn’t cheat. Problem solved.

LoL cop said its infidelity. This is not a criminal matter that should render u homeless, it’s a civil issue.
Personally, I wouldn’t leave and if I were locked out, I’d smash the shit out of the place and drop matches to it…

I think you should find somewhere to go and give it some time. Both of you need to work on yourselfs and work out your feelings. Maybe he was so rude to you because he kind of new you were cheating. As a person who has been cheated on i can say usually we know. There is a feeling you get and there is changes in the partner thats cheating that give it away. You need to decide if you want to continue with your marriage or get a divorce and move on. Your partner needs to decide the same and figure out whatever other things he is feeling or going through. Cheating on someone really effects them. It makes them question everything about themselfs and makes them wonder why they were not enough. Im not judging you. Im just telling you this is going to take some time for him to get over and heal. If you choose to stay its going to be alot of work for both of you. You need to figure out exactly why you cheated and make sure those reasons are fixed because if its not you may cheat again. I have never cheated on anyone so I dont know really what to say besides that. Relationships are hard and take alot of compromise and love and you will have your ups and downs. Its how you deal with them that write your story. Praying for you and him!!!

You messed up. Physical or not, intention was there. Time to contact an attorney and make sure you can be kicked out. You still have rights. You need to know what they are before leaving.

He’s been cheating and was just looking for that one excuse to put you out so he doesn’t have to pay for a room or keep going to her place to sleep with the side chick…Judge Judy, Judge Mathis both would say… One can’t legally evict without a 30 day written notice

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If u live in texas everything is split 50/50. If he kicks u out of a house u own u need to go to an atty and let them know u didnt abandon the house so then u can get half

He acting like that because he has someone else but wants you to be the bad person that u was cheating on him when this whole time it was him girl dont let him take everything and leave u with nothing its 50 /50 …

You belong in that house just as much as he does. And he needs a court order to evict you

The thing is just simple! You had to look for someone to talk to! It was in a way frustrating for you since your better half is always supposed to be your shoulder to cry on and a listening ear! Most men are like that it’s in their human nature! I was i the same situation with my ex husband and a man I was trying to date! It’s never a good feeling! Love is trust and if that trust is gone then you cannot mend it again! It will be worse if you keep staying around! As for the house look for a good lawyer and get good advice.

He legally cannot make you leave the home. Go back and live there until the lease is up

If he can let you go that easy then he was sick of you first because he was so mean. He probably likes someone else.

Both y’all cheated on each other :joy:

If your name is on the lease then it is hat yours no matter what. Unless a divorce papers say you have to sell it back to him. You run as fast as you can to a lawyer I’ve been through this I know

To those thinking that snaps are pictures not always, you can chat in snap chat. Remember he was treating her rudely and started talking to another man, if nothing was sexual about the snaps then there was no concern other than him using it as an excuse to accuse of doing something he very well may be doing. Here’s why I say this, my husband not long after we got together, mind you has a history of cheating but claimed he was so in love with me and I believed him. Little did I know that he would accuse me constantly of cheating on him. I couldn’t talk to any man, even men we were friends with as he would accuse me of screwing them. Turns out all these years of him accusing me was actually him cheating on me. Even with my emergency surgery he was too busy talking with his other women to bring our children to see me before I went in for surgery which was major. I called him out for it as I had everything from all the years of him cheating which went back to when we first got together. When I confronted about it and told him the names and nicknames they’d say, he was shocked I knew them, told me he wanted an open marriage, I replied it’s been open since the day you first cheated on me. Those cheats weren’t just talks they were sexual, pictures and videos as well. I am moving on with my life and put him aside so I can live my best life. I’m finally putting me first over him.