My husband left and took the kids

First don’t leave the house! Secondly. Get your kids back. Go pick them up from school today! Stay in hoke with kids. He can NOT just tell you to leave! That’s not how any of this works!

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He cannot legally kick you out, you are married, get a lawyer asap

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You have a husband and kids yet still text your ex WTF :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I feel like this is a pattern for you? He wouldn’t “just leave”? If this was a one time thing? Change your number. If you would like to keep having a friendship with your ex? Get a burner phone and do it on the down low! Did you need an excuse to make him leave? Your the one keeping your ex on backup? This could go a few different ways? Is your husband controlling and toxic? Because he’s using the kids to hurt you! He could leave? To uproot and disrupt the kids lives? That’s not necessary!

There has to be more to this story


Get a solicitors asap

People here are always attacking. Don’t leave the house. When a man takes the kids, its to torture you. Take advantage of the situation and go on vacation or just act like you don’t care. He can’t handle the kids and will bring them back when he sees its not working in his favor.

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Don’t listen to these comments …get to the court and go before a judge :heart: good luck
ps an ex is ex for a reason .,…,.


If nothing out of the way was said he is def overracting…the amount of insecurity here over an ex asking hows life going is mind blowing not all ppl end terms badly and u can have a civil conversation with them smh :person_facepalming:


Court is your ONLY option. Been through this before. You both have equal rights to the children. They always use the kids as pawns. Smh😩
Police will tell you you could’ve done the same thing, but who even thinks of that?!
Next move is court, then he’ll have no choice, he’ll HAVE to follow the order or suffer consequences.

I wish you the best of the luck and I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Do u have kids with the x? I see nothing wrong with a text 2 seeing how someone is doing js in my opinion

you DO NOT leave!!!


Can we see the exact messages? I feel like there’s more to these texts than a hey how you doing, and a “good how are you” and left it at that? I ask because you were very short on “nothing major just a how are you” type of e I riding in your post. Not trying to judge just wanna know full story

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Affairs don’t start in the bedroom


Get a lawyer and don’t move out.


go hide your car near by and then walk back to the house and go to bed

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Wait for him to calm down, talk about why he had such an outrageous reaction and what he wants from the relationship. If he was just looking for an excuse to move on, accept that and get a lawyer. He can’t make you leave the marital home, but don’t stay if it’s not safe for you and the children.
Curious as to how he found out about the text with the ex. Did you tell him or was he snooping? If either of you are using a past relationship as leverage, then you both need to grow up.


Well he absolutely can’t just take the kids. A friendly text isn’t cheating so he doesn’t have a leg to stand on in court.


I can say that legally he can’t remove you from y’all’s home without a court order. 2. You need to go file for custody of your children. 3. Get a lawyer.
Now as far as the other stuff I can’t say anything about it because I don’t know the full story to judge


Two sides to every story, and this one just doesn’t add up


It’s your kids & your house.

Why do you want to communicate with your ex. You’re married. He shouldn’t have taken the kids though wait until he calms down. But you were wrong friendly or Not


In my opinion… something is not adding up here…
There are always 3 sides to a story
His side, her side and the truth lol
I’m wondering what he would say about all of this? Yes it appears he over reacted… but we are only getting one side of the story here. The kids don’t seem to be in any kind of danger, he IS their FATHER and he has rights to them too. If this story were reversed I’m sure lots of us wouldn’t feel the same…
There are just lots of gaps in the story here…
I have a feeling there may be other things going on for him to react so harshly :woman_shrugging:


Hes over reacting unless there’s more to the story as for you n the kids go through the courts make him evict you it shoukd take 4 to 6 weeks get a job a lawyer n file for custody n child support n if you get the kids in between don’t let him have them back you can legally go get them from a sitter or the school n he can’t do anything bout it n vice versa cause right now in the eyes of the law you both have equal rights to the kids


He wouldn’t of took my kids anywhere without killing me firsr!


Texting can lead to cheating. I personally wouldn’t have texted my ex back and would have told him about it. Was he talking to his ex?


You should not be talking to a ex should have ignored it if you wanted to keep your family . You were wrong ! Bet this would be different if he texted his ex just to say hi . No you don’t do that it breaks trust . It may be innocent but it’s a breach of trust you should say sorry to him not try to say it was nothing because it is


Texting your ex is a big Nono idgaf what anyone says. He can’t just take the kids and keep them without going to court. You are the one who messed up though :woman_shrugging:t2: If the roles were reversed women would be praising you for taking the kids and leaving​:woman_shrugging:t2:


Did you text your ex back? Is this the same number your ex already had? You should’ve had him blocked already imo. You’re not adding something cus why not just block him right then & there then tell your husband your ex texted you but going blocked him? Or tell him then block him. There’s more to it for your husband to take your kids not dressed over a how’ve you been text.


Affairs don’t start with “well I came home and this man I’ve never seen before was in my bed!” They usually start with a conversation. I feel like a lot was skipped over here to try and paint this guy in the worst possible light. First, without a custody agreement he has just as much rights to his children as you do. Second, don’t gaslight this man. I would have left you too because you did something that clearly made him very upset yet you keep saying it was nothing. That’s manipulative behavior.


You’re not telling the whole story. The math ain’t mathing. Imo he has the right to take his kids and leave just as much as you. He doesn’t have to be okay with you talking to people especially exs behind his back. Just as you wouldn’t if the shoe were on the other foot. But until you and him go to court for custody there is nothing you can do to force him to bring them back or leave them in your care. You should probably stop lying and seek legal help.


He must have had a reason to just be done. First off taking naked kids out of the house is not okay unless they were in danger. In my opinion I feel as though you must make him feel like you will or have cheated. That is a very unusual reaction to have for a so called simple text. In most cases, an ex has no place in your life when you have a family. If you have no kids with that ex than why does he have your number?


Technically he kidnapped them, if he took them away from you,and the house they live in, and said he isn’t bringing them back. You need to stay in the house. Contact a lawyer.


Unless you have kids with this ex then there is no need to communicate with him.Talk to him maybe he has calmed down but Do not leave and if he still wants a divorce then file for custody like NOW and get a lawyer.


you are missing parts of your story ?


Don’t leave you have just as much right to the house as he does and go get your kids nothing he can do about that

Uhm…id be pissed if my husband was talking to his ex. He has female friends, but best believe they aren’t exes. I’d probably pack up my kids too. But I’m petty and over dramatic at times. But seriously, respect him enough as your spouse to not speak to someone he does not want you speaking too. :woman_shrugging: Pretty simple.

Unless yall have kids(you and the ex). But im assuming no.


Sorry girl but there is no reason to even be talking to an ex especially since you all are married and have kids… I’d be fuming personally… it’s a deal breaker for me & apparently for your husband as well; respect each others boundaries or get out of the relationship


3 sides to the story. His, hers and the truth. Friendly or not, you straight up disrespected your husband! You had no business “texting” your EX! He’s your ex for a reason. If I was him, I wouldn’t of left, I would have kicked your ass out!
Sounds like he’s done with your BS and rightfully so…

Better lawyer up and have more money than him


Obviously he’s upset with you! If your married or in any type of relationship WHY are you talking to your EX like its no big deal? Yeah your husband or significant other has every right to be mad, but the story doesn’t add up because why would he just up and leave to his moms with the kids just coming out of the bath if it wasn’t more than that??


do not leave home if your name is on deed also go get the kids asap call lawyer

I don’t think he’s overreacting :woman_shrugging:t2: you are married with children, there’s no reason to be entertaining an ex


Over reaction. Be mad yes but packing up the kids and leaving is over the top. Stop talking to your ex.


If you both own the house he can’t kick you out.GET A LAWYER!


Unless that’s your baby’s daddy you shouldn’t be talking to him :smirk: but yes you have rights those are your kids but just like everything else possession is 9/10 of the law and if he files for divorce and has the kids w him, he can say anything, it happened to me, they can not force a parent to give the children to the other without a court order unfortunately. Good luck my dear. The shit hurts I fought for 15 yrs to get my son back and I was at the time a daycare teacher he told the courts I abandoned him! Then moved all over the place so I couldn’t fight him. Except I was not talking to my ex. I left him due to domestic violence and he cried to see his son. Biggest mistake of my life letting him see him.

How about apologize.:woman_shrugging:t2: If you want a divorce, then have that discussion. Kids don’t need to be a pawn in this game that you are playing.


First nobody can make u leave without a court order … not even police can without a court order so don’t leave, as far as the kids go it’s the same things however if they go to school go sign them out an hour early and get them the police can’t take them from one parent and give to another without a court order or them in immediate danger …. Follow him see if he leaves them at someone’s house when he goes to work call the cops and get them


If he leaves the kids anywhere without being present, you can go take them back from whomever (as long as he is not present).

When you take the trash to the road you don’t go out and talk to it to see if it’s OK do you ???same with ez a river only runs one way !!!

Its not kidnapping they are his kids too. If a dad cheated or talked to an ex the woman would leave with the kids too. You need to go to court.


Some of y’all are weird. If she’s in fact telling the whole story you think it’s appropriate to just uproot your kids & leave over a text message? Wtf😂. Using kids as a pawn b/c you’re angry at your partner is disgusting.


I suggest you get an attorney.

I look at this a different way only because I have had a similar situation happen to me. If it was an innocent text then you probably should have talk to your husband about it. If he went through your phone and found it that means he already doesn’t trust you. If you did tell him about the text and he blew up like that he is probably hiding something or is putting his own guilty feelings on to you. I don’t agree with the whole ex’s shouldn’t be in your life thing, sometimes they at some point became part of your family in a non romantically way. Maybe you guys should try counseling because there has to be underlying issues and if he doesn’t want to do that he was looking for a way to leave you.


Talk to him. Hopefully you guys can work thru this

Wow fuck all these woman saying it’s okay for him to take the kids over that shit. Yall are supporting toxic ass abusive behavior

Why do you even still have your exs number years later after you’ve been married and have multiple children with your husband? And why does he have your number? I’d be mad too.


If you need too call the cops and see what your options are.

Maybe start by acknowledging how wrong you are.


Probably not talk to ur ex at all they are exs for a reason fucken dip shit. Now u just look dumb as hell

Ummm…why are you texting with your ex? It may be innocent but it’s not right. I wouldn’t want my husband texting his ex girlfriend.


He’s not over reacting


As much as it would puss me off and I’d want to leave. I wouldn’t. But the problem here is not knowing the context of the relationship you an your ex had to know if it was really an actual issue or not for you to be entertaining a conversation with him. If your husband knows about this ex an it’s not a good thing an y’all have talked about it before that you shouldn’t be really talking to this ex then your husbands reaction be it extreme is warranted. An if your relationship with your ex was left on good terms and your husband knows that then there’s no reason for him to be so extreme. Get a lawyer. Get your kids. Don’t leave the house bc you may get it in the end but ultimately you need to worked towards a moderator so you can talk it out and maybe resolve it before it gets to be a full on divorce.

Just stop talking to your ex. He’s an ex for a reason


He can’t do that that’s called kidnapping call the police and tell him to bring the children back


Whether you’re wrong or right it doesn’t matter he can’t just walk out and take the kids


First step: don’t depend on the advice of strangers on the Internet- get a lawyer.


If cheating is no big deal. I guess you have nothing to worry about. But as far as the kids. They are not a tug of war toy. Make that clear to him. If you need a lawyer. Get one. Your cheating??that’s up to you and him and should not involve the kids. Unless you have kids with your ex. There is only one reason so be texting him.


You’re husband is jealous. And needs help


Go get the kids while he’s working, if she refuses to give them to u then it’s considered kidnapping. File for custody but I’d get a lawyer. Consult with the best lawyer in town so he can’t use them. Stop talking to ur ex while ur with someone.


A text, really? Even if you/they slept with another person you don’t literally put the kids straight in the car and take off! The amount of people here thinking of themselves with their damn heart and genitals is astounding, and your lack of parenting capabilities is showing.
I can’t imagine being so selfish :flushed:

You’re the mom. You have every right. Go get them and go back home. Hell if by chance he isn’t in the birth certificate, report him for kidnapping


If your ex was the kids father it would be ok .
But if he’s not then you don’t need to be talking to him that would be like you’re husband talking to his ex .
As for the kids that wasn’t right just call the police and tell them what happened might need an attorney as well .

He’s trying to punish you ,useing the kids. That’s not right , even if he’s


Well first take accountability instead of seeing him as looking for a way out. If you love your husband and want your family than fight for it. First by cutting ties with that ex cause no excuses to why you even talking. Second, talk to your husband and fight for what you want and let him know it was wrong, it shouldn’t have happened and you have blocked him and take full responsibility and want to do what it takes to get your family back. Last, if him leaving is giving you a way out than take it. But don’t play the victim here, he is hurt and that’s on you.


I mean u messed up…I would do the same… you broke your marriage you could have ignored the text you could have said im married and blocked him…you actually responded…his mind is probably what else did she do?

Everyone saying oh it was innocent oh just talk to him oh he is over reacting or trying to punish her…yes he should she did wrong if a man did this everyone of you hypocritical heifers would say leave him take the kids…but since the woman did wrong oh its fine its innocent


Honestly maybe it just hurt him? Me and my fiancé have been together almost 3 years I never once spoke to to any of my ex boyfriends even just for a conversation I honestly have no reason to.


As far as the kids go, he has every right to keep them. In most places he doesn’t have to give them back till a custody order is in place. So stop cheating and get a lawyer


He has the same rights as you, including the kids and the house


Wtf…get a good lawyer. Asap

Everyone’s focused on the parents like the kids aren’t the main objective here.

You can call the cops if he doesn’t allow you to see your kids and they will tell you guys to go to court. maybe that will scare him into giving your children back because most times no one really ever wants to be told by the courts when to see their kids. Or you can jump straight to the chase and file for a custody agreement and hopefully you guys can get it handled in mediation, if not go see the judge. It sounds like a lot, because it is but it’s much better than losing your kids and your kids losing you.

While I agree with most everyone else that texting your ex wasn’t healthy for your relationship, it doesn’t warrant losing your kids. Hang in there momma.


He’s not wrong for being mad that you were talking to your ex. But taking them babies like that, yeah. Call a lawyer, the cops, your in laws, whoever. Get your ducks in a row and fight for them. They deserve time with both their parents.


this whole don’t talk to your ex shit just blows my mind. I understand sometimes u can’t be friends with the ex, but for the most part there is nothing wrong with it. My husband’s ex is our house keeper and before my ex died of brain cancer him and my husband became best friends and me and his baby momma were really good friends. Both parties have to be 100% trusting in the relationship no matter what

This is not kidnapping or wrong. He has as much rights to those children as she does. There are no custody agreement yet so he is in his right to have the kids. You’ll need to get a lawyer and get a temporary agreement while you file the correct paperwork. He has told her where he is going and would probably let you see them so get a lawyer to help figure it out. If it was her that left with the kids would we called it kidnapping.


NO !! Don’t leave house !! He abandoned you and took kids !! Call a Lawyer !!


He has the same rights as you with those kids. Get a lawyer cuz it’s not looking great for ya.

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Are any of the kids ur ex’s? Was he texting to find out abt his kids.If not, why are u talking to him.


Get a lawyer. Wrong or not you do have rights with the children. He can’t keep them from you. Get a custody lawyer. Only way i see it appropriate to talk to exes is if you share children with them. You want him taking to his exes. Doesn’t matter the context. But anyway, don’t leave, you have every right to stay and he can’t keep the children. But in some states whoever has the children during the deciding of custody gets the most. So if you don’t have the children I’d be looking for the best custody lawyer there is in your area. There are lawyers that specialize in certain areas. Find yours.

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A text is not a big deal if there was nothing more to it than asking how you were. Huge overreaction and sounds like he has a temper or he was just looking for a way out. If the house is in both your names, I would not leave. I would stay because your moving out could look like you left the kids. I would also call a lawyer and I would also attempt to talk to your husband and see if something can be worked out between the two of you as adults. But I would not move out. His taking the kids while not dressed just doesn’t seem to me as if he has their best interest at heart because most people, mad or not, would dress their children first before leaving the house. Especially if they just got out of a bath and even more so if it is cold out and they just got out of a bath. Whatever you two end up doing, just keep the kids at the front of your thoughts and what is best for them.


I am absolutely astonished at the amount of people saying she shouldn’t have responded. If she and her husband hadn’t already explicitly talked about this and agreed not to, then she hasn’t done anything wrong. Yes he may be hurt but that is where communication and
conflict resolution should come in.

Personally I’d call him and let him know you will be calling the police and filing for custody if he doesn’t bring them home. You ARE NOT required to leave your home unless you choose to, and no one can make you.


Moms do this kinda stuff all the time, but a dad does it & it’s a problem?


U started cheating by texting the x duh


Well the kids legal address is that house but as dad not you have custody… I’d say just go for custody today…like ASAP

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Also don’t move since he said move…make him find a house ECT just like a mom who walked dout of her house would have to do


What ever you do, do not leave the house, meaning moving out, he can say you abandoned the house on your own accord, which means whether your name is on house or not too he can use it against you, where as right now he took the kids and willingly.left the house. Call a lawyer explain the situation, document everything, as for the kids, unless you had kids.previous to the marriage he has a right like you do, if he took a kid you had prior to marriage then thats kidnapping as he has no right to that child. Write everything down, the time you.guys argued the time he left, what the kids were wearing, literally.document everything. As for the ex thing, some of yall be really nasty jealous, if it wasn’t anything like she said then it should have been talked about before he walked away, same thing I’d tell a girl if shoe was on other foot. If there’s more to story then I can’t say anything about what I’m missing


That is rediculous, just because you talked to someone. He sounds very insecure. As for your kids all you can do is fight him in court. Good luck, im sorry you are going thru so much.


Lawyer up, buttercup.


Unless there is more to it than you are saying your husband is way to controlling and jealous. And this wouldn’t be the first time he has showed out like this. Probably something you are used to. But to take the kids is totally selfish and he isn’t thinking of the kids but using them to hurt you.

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Give him a couple days he’s going to get tired of taking care of them kids and you’ll come back