My husband left and took the kids

Y’all. Men do abusive shit like this all the time. And you are blaming her? Yikes on bikes.

Sounds like there’s more to the story and there’s another side of it.


I’m married and my Husband has zero issues with me talking to my X-partners.
Sounds like you are in a tough position because I’m pretty sure if the father is on the birth certificate then he has every right to take them. I wouldn’t leave the house though as you have every right to be there.
Without knowing the back story I couldn’t really understand why your husband reacted that way.

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I mean I would’ve straight up blocked the ex because it’s weird to have any type of connection there when you’re with someone else but yeah this does sound like he was only looking for a reason to get out. It seems a bït overreacted if you didn’t flirt


Sounds like to me your ex may want to get back together. If you guys had kids together I would understand having to talk to him . I know if it was me I would be like ok why is he talking to his ex?

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Is there more to the story? Like how your ex got your contact info, why he would feel comfortable enough to reach out to you again, how long have you been communicating with him behind your husband’s back, HOW your husband found out, and do you have any history of sneaking behind his back, and was your marriage strong enough to survive before this?

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  1. Call a GOOD family law attorney immediately
  2. Have them file a restraining order immediately
  4. Play nice but stand firm
  5. Listen to your attorney about the kids’ recovery
  6. Get a divorce, or mediation and counseling

This happened to me twice. The first time, with restraining order, he (husband) was not able to get back in the house for 6 months. His daughter had to come to get him some clothes. And…it was HIS house! And he had to pay me a monthly maintenance fee.

Second time, attorney also said don’t leave. I got restraining order. I was in HIS (fiance) house for approximately 45 days before I had to leave and he had to have me evicted.



You have equal rights as the mother you also live together so you don’t have to leave either.


I like how many of you are saying “he has every right to take them” but let the roles be reversed “that’s withholding”.

File for emergency custody and claim parental alienation.


Shouldn’t be cheating on your man. What did you expect? I could understand you talking to your ex if y’all had kids together but if y’all don’t have anything like that there’s no excuse.


Shouldn’t be talking to an ex behind his back…just saying I’d be pissed to.


Loyal women don’t reply. I can see why he acted that way but It’s just a shame that there is children involved.


Would you like it if it were him talking to his ex?

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Not sure why everyone is stuck on the texting with am ex. If someone text me I would reply. Plus I’m friends with my exes.

Don’t leave the home. As others have said file for temp custody until you all can got to court. You are not a threat to your own children just for texting with someone. However the why he disrupted them and took them out of the house with no clothes sounds like he’s not in the best frame of mind. Plus how traumatic for the kids.

He may cool off and.change his mind. But it definitely sounds like he was looking for a reason to bolt.


Don’t talk to your ex unless their his children… what’s the purpose for talking to him?


Are they your kids, both of your kids, or just his kids?
Is your name on the house?
I feel like theres not enough information to understand the full situation.


It might depend on where you live but both parents have equal rights unless decided by a court. The police can only do a well being check and not make the kids come home without a court order. You should apply to the court for an emergency interim order if he doesn’t bring the kids home but it’s not always a quick fix. If you leave the house you may forfeit all your rights to it (even if it is in his name). He may need time to cool off since you’ve violated his boundaries but if not I’d try to keep communication in writing should things further escalate.

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Go to his mom’s and get your kids. Also stay at the house. You’re mom and legally married. You have every right to the kids


Also you live there. He has to evict you or take this to court to settle


Call an Atty ASAP! Check your bank, it’s likely he cleared it out, if not, then you need to! If you don’t work, especially. You do need to get an Atty ASAP, or contact legal aide.(very slow) you can file the stuff yourself at the courthouse, and there is usually a form you can (claim) to not have to pay, check with your county clerk, or county attorney. Once you have emergency/temp orders then you will have the kids, and possession of the home in addition to temp spousal/child support. At this point you should be entitled to 1/2 his income (Texas anyway). Remember these are TEMP. Good Luck!

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An ex is an ex for a reason if he wanted to know how you are then you shouldn’t have broke up I’d have personally done the same thing


You definitely overstepped a boundary. What if he was texting with his ex?


Do you have a job exactly is your name on the house?

Yeah, me and my ex had an argument because he had texted an ex. He lied to me about it and we had a huge argument. I would have left too.


Tell him fuck off its your house too. Your not going anywhere. If your married, he cannot kick you out.

Do not leave the home. Contact the police to do a wellness visit to ensure that children are safe. A Contact a lawyer and start the process of getting the children back into their home and with you . Contact your banking representative and ensure that all of your shared finances are safe and secure . Withdraw / transfer enough funds into a seperate account to keep your home , auto and children secure through / until your court date If necessary obtain a Order of protection . Request he only be granted supervised visitation ( based on his just leaving with the children ) keep record of current photos / fingrtprints. Then secure all of their offical documents in a safety deposit box . Good Luck


There is something else going on. If you just talked to the ex once then he has over reacted. He was just waiting for you to make a mistake so he could get you out and hide what he’s really doing


All you silly women. Good lord. It’s okay to have healthy relationships with your ex’s. I’m glad me and my partner have a more healthy relationship and don’t stoop down to this level of pettiness. I agree that he was just looking for a way out. I feel there is a deeper issue than this. Have you ever cheated? Have you ever given him a reason to not trust you? Maybe he’s done something wrong and rather than get caught, he’s using your potentially harmless thing as a scapegoat.


I love how people are basically attacking this woman because she responding to her ex. First of all your aloud to be friends with whoever you want to be friends with. Your husband doesn’t own you. Im friends with all my exes and talk to most of them and its doesn’t bother my husband. Secondly your husband cant just force you out or take your kids. Talk to an attorney and see what your options are because you did nothing wrong


I’m sorry ur going threw this but u must of really hurt him I would never talk to an ex I don’t have kids with … u need to show him that he is more important then ur ex go get ur husband and ur kids back run after them I know u probably don’t want to because u think u was not in the wrong but to him u was sorry not sorry but it’s like violating him where is the trust , love your husband is probably like don’t you love me enough to not talk to him it probably made him feel really low hope u make things work for you and your family…


That’s a sad and angry knee jerk reaction. The kids should have been rugged up after a bath before being taken, if he felt he “had to”. When he took off you were considered to have joint and equal custody in the relationship. If he’s serious about keeping them full time, he would seek lawyers advice to try and push for sole or great custody immediately. I suppose you could also seek the same orders too. You don’t have to move out of the house on his say so. Chin up, he might see reason and return soon otherwise lawyer up on your rights to reside there. IT’s not like you have perpetrated domestic violence upon them!


I can’t believe so many people are basically saying she’s in the wrong because she spoke to her ex! I am friends with my exes. Even roommates with my long time ex (we were together 13 years), and he and my husband are best friends! And hubby knows I speak to exes. I encourage him to keep in touch with his exes. He chooses not to. I talk to a couple of his exes here and there (which he’s fine with). No room for ridiculous jealousy in a relationship.


DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME. Do u honestly feel the kids are safe? Y do people use children as pawns? Sorry but that shit pisses me off

Cheating don’t start with sex it starts with a conversation

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He took your naked kids to his moms? I would have called the cops! And I don’t think we are getting the whole story here .that’s extreme for just a text or a chat! He can’t throw you out. legally he has to evict you. Maybe your ex can put you up .


There’s a lot of context missing. Does she talk to the ex often? Did he text out of the blue, she answer ‘we’re good, thank you for reaching out, have a nice day’ and be completely open with her husband? OR is this an ongoing issue that her husband has told her to stop doing out of respect for the relationship?


Now a women knows how it feels to be a man when the women does this to a man


Not without a court order in place.he could take them and vice versa .


Sounds like he was looking for any excuse to leave. He may even have someone on the side. There’s no reason exes can’t be friends as long as that’s as far as it goes. My hubby and I both have friends that r our exes. Take any money u can, get an attorney, take him to court for custody and support (spousal and child). Let ur attorney know the kids weren’t even dressed when he took them. Call the police to do a well child check on the kids. Don’t leave the home. If u have to leave, leave a note on the table saying u had to step out, but ur not moving out. Take a close up pic of the note and a pic of where u leave it as evidence.


Is he on the birth certificate? My husband is but some issues happened and we both lost our kids. I faught my ass off and got them back. I even went to court and got full legal custody of them as well. Maybe go talk to a lawyer.

Will it was a big deal to him ,tell you ex not to contact you because it is a problem and really it none of is busness how you are. I myself i don’t blame you hubby for been upset with that .not right.

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Its happened to me before calm down/call the lawyer. Your kids will be back. Maybe the police so they can welfare check

Do not leave. He has no right to do this. Call a lawyer right now


Kinda wonder if there is more to this


You are leaving alot out of the story! This sounds like that was his last straw.


Mine would have never left with the kids! Do you have children with this ex if not you have no reason to be talking to him.


All y’all petty asses talking about “oh I would never” “if it were him talking to his ex” and telling her she was in the wrong… :-1:
If there is no trust there is no relationship
Grow tf up and stop being petty. I am better friends with my ex I don’t have children with then the one I do have children with and my man still has friends that are his exs. As long as we have trust and are always honest there is absolutely no issue with that. I’m sorry but there’s definitely something more going on here than just a text. He either has no trust because she broke it by hiding things/lying to him or he was looking for a way out and this was his excuse.

Get an attorney and never go back to him weather you spoke to an x or not if he would pull stunts like that it shows you how petty he made it about his feelings


Why not tell the entire story?
Obviously your ex didn’t text you one time and ask “how are things?” For this to happen…
My guess is alot more was talked about…that was inappropriate… You emotionally cheated on him.
He left to protect your children… Maybe because you aren’t putting them first either?
Idk. Go to court first thing in the morning…oh and yes, pack your shit and leave…so dad can bring the kids home without having to worry about your lying ass being there.


Girl… dont you dare leave that house… if he wants to end it … he can… and as far as the kids… go to court… get that custody agreement… and girl move on with a man who isn’t INSECURE or controlling!!!


Oh and your still married go get your kids


The kids should’ve never been brought into this. This is a way to use the kids as a pawn to get back at the other parent. So wrong on so many levels for him to involve them.
As far as being friends with an ex, there is nothing wrong with that! Some people who have dated in the past are just better off friends. You have rights to your children and because you guys are married, this can be parental kidnapping. If you weren’t married then it’s a whole different story and not much you can do besides take him to child custody court.


Go and talk to your ex again


Don’t leave anywhere and call the cops even if it’s 50-50 he can’t just take them it’s like napping I went through it before

Stay put in the house.

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should of never talked too an ex you are in a realtionship why msg your ex back to piss off your current relationship … your husband was in the right too take the kids i would of done the same … t

I feel there is more to this story for him to get this upset and take the kids. If it was innocent then you could have simply showed him the texts. But I have a feeling it wasn’t, or that you been talking to him more then what you said here.


He left so technically in most places he can’t force you to. He is bio dad so he is entitled to take his kids though. This is something you need an attorney for


if this was the first time and he never said anything before he was looking for a way out. my thoughts are this has happened many times you didn’t respect his feelings and he’s done. regardless of the back story I’d hired a lawyer because of the children and be done.

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Go get them from his mothers house what’s wrong with you


Definitely don’t leave…this is actually parental kidnapping… call police, go to court establish custody ,lawyer up…there are lawyers for people who can’t afford one. Be prepared…sounds like he’s going to pull some dirty stuff like reporting you to child services for ANYTHING…stay strong!


You have every right…just as much as him…if not slightly more.

You have to stay at the house!
(It’s important to figure out whether your state is a at-fault or no-fault divorce state. In an at-fault divorce state, if you’re claiming abandonment, you’ll have to prove certain things to the court)

I agree it’s very suspicious controlling behavior taking kids with no clothes on. I would have called the police.

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Facebook is not the right place for this. You need a lawyer.


There’s more to this story than is being told…


I don’t blame him. You should have never entertained a conversation with your ex, period. You’re married, have a husband and children. I’m like the others here- there has got to be more to this story- you’ve either allowed this ex be an issue before or you’ve caused your husband not to trust you at some point. I don’t think someone would up and take the kids without good reason. Whether he was looking for a way out or not- are you behind the reason for him feeling that way? It sounds an awful like this has happened over and over and the man just finally got tired of your crap, and said he’s done.


Why are you still talking to an ex?

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Was this the first time you had this issues of texting with an ex or another man?

Are all you like bitter highschool girls? Like it’s NORMAL to maintain friendships of opposite sex. It’s not normal to be a bitter witch or think you are not allowed to platonic talk to another person. This man over reacted

Had to be lots more to this story. Talking to your ex one time and this is the result. Look within


Talk to a lawyer, my heart breaks with yours. I’ve been through some NASTY stuff and it’s never fun to deal with no matter who’s at fault. The consultation is usually free and they give you some good advice

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It’s nothing wrong with other people asking you how you are doing and by him taking the kids is wrong and you’re kids don’t have nothing to do with this

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Do not leave the house.


Wow what an Idiotic man!! lol That’s so sad :frowning:


Go to his mothers and take the kids! Stand up for yourself and you do NOT have to leave your house


Call the ex??? Sounds like this isn’t the first time someone doesn’t just up and leave like that over. Simple text theres more to this story!!


If you’re in a committed relationship don’t talk to your fucking exs lol what the fuck is wrong with yall :skull:. As for the children, just go to his moms and take the kids. They’re yours, not hers.

Wait til he leaves them with his mom, go take them back home with you… you can’t physically take them from him but you can from her and he can’t kick you out of the house

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Um…your house too. He can’t keep your kids from you.

Unless you have a child with the ex there is no reason for him to have your number. Seems like there is more to this story than you are letting on. Maybe you should check into your action s and your heart because most married woman do not talk to their exes unless children are involved.


I hope he takes you for all your worth. Maybe you can go stay with your concerned ex.


My husband is talking to his ex as friends too. And I’m thinking about leaving Because he has been seeing her and hanging out with her. I caught him. Me and him have kids together but him and her don’t. It’s a thing called respect. I told him to stop talking to her and he continues.


Firstly, call a lawyer!
Second, do you Recieve mail? If so, you have 30 days LEGALLY!
Third, they are YOUR KIDS TOO! I’ll be damned if my man thinks he’s taking our kids without a fight. Legally or physically! (Ok, so… maybe not physically but… well… you know! )

I also feel there may be more to this. Either on your end or his. Maybe I’m wrong… but something really doesn’t add up… I do however, wish you the absolute best! Prayers for you all!

I’d go to his mother’s and get my kids. Cheating sucks but that doesn’t mean he gets to use the kids as weapons against you.


Do you own the property together that you are in? Do you want to remain in the property you are in? If so then stay in the property and contact a divorce lawyer ASAP


STOP talking to your EX when he’s at work go get your kids have police meet you there tell them she won’t give you the kids she cannot keep your kids your husband Can because there’s no court order saying he can’t but the mother-in-law cannot so go there when he’s not there and he’s at work


Ask a lawyer not idiots on Facebook


Why do you still have your ex’s number?
And why did you even reply back?
Is this the first time this happened?
Besides if you know your husband well and his insecurities you should be considered of his feelings. I honestly don’t blame him. Entertaining another man especially your ex is very disrespectful to your husband. Your husband’s reaction tells me there’s more to the story than what you’re saying here and the fact that you feel like you didn’t do anything wrong speaks volumes :pensive:. I hope you two work it out! Prayers for your family. :pray:


Call his and up and tell him to grownup and bring those kids back home?

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DO NOT leave your house period he can’t put you out


What if the vice versa? How would you feel about that?


It doesn’t matter if it was just a text or you had a full blown affair, kids are not Pawns. Go get your babies and figure out the marital stuff separately .kids should not be used as leverage or bargain


You said you really feel that you did nothing wrong. Wow!!! What would you do if he was talking to his ex? Seems you feel a bit entitled. Now you made a rough situation for your kids.


Talk to him when he has had time to calm down and tell him that out of the blue, your ex contacted you, just to see how things was going. Nothing hot and steamy. Good grief! I left my ex 24 yrs ago. ( we had 2 kids togetger), And I remarried.
And my current hubby & I have a child together. 10 yrs later. My ex came back into our 2 kids lives again. And now 24 yrs later he comes to my house for family holidays. My hubby and him are friends. My ex, brings his 2nd ex-wife, too. We all get along because we don’t bring up the past and we are all adults. Even the kids.

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Would it be fine for him to text his ex ?

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So you cheat on your husband with an ex & is upset about his reaction🤦🏿‍♀️ If my guy cheated on me I’d leave & take my babies too🤷🏾‍♀️


His reaction seems sus tbh. Any chance that he is cheating?


You need to contact a lawyer immediately before he files for emergency custody. If that happens then he’ll have custody of your children and you won’t see them until yall have another court date. He can’t make you leave your residence though. There is a LOT more to this story. Either you’ve cheated before or something!


I’m not saying he was right, because it does sound like an overreaction, but you were definitely in the wrong.
Why does your ex have your number to text?
Has he ever had reason to suspect infidelity in the past?
I am betting there is a lot more to this story.

As for options, all you have is family court. You will have to file for custody and fight it out. The police cannot help you.

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Anyone who uses kids as a weapon is pathetic. If he has an issue with you that’s got nothing to do with the children. Get a lawyer.