My husband left me and I need advice

Don’t take him back, trust me they don’t change. You will beg, and plea and then later regret it! I stupidly gave up my house to chase after him and now I’m stuck. In a bigger, nicer house and nicer vehicles but that stuff doesn’t make you happy. What I wouldn’t give to have my tiny older house back because I was a lot happier taking care of my kids by myself. It doesn’t make sense at the time but later it will girl. Hang in there.


Divorce get spousal support and child support and move on don’t let him back after he figures everything out u will be long gone u don’t need him


Run …don’t look back, sleeping with others is a no.

Get a parenting plan filed NOW and start divorce papers you can often get the judge to sign temporary custody plams thatvwill be in effect until the divorce is final !!! I am sure there is some sort of legal aidevin your area they will help you. Go file for welfare benefits, housing assistance, get his name off of all of the bills including the rental lease. Most importantly you did not deserve this, he is nasty because he knows he is in the wrong. Dont be nasty back but don’t ever cobsider taking him back if you do it will happen again. Every time you pass a mirror look at yourself and say “I love you, baby loves you, we will ger through this and be happier.” Eventually you will realize you are better off and happier.


SOoo :disappointed: sorry,but you need to keep going w/o him;for your child and yourself!You don’t deserve this,neither does your child.Look for another place to move to,more economical and safe/away from him! Keep progressing,believe me you will be ok!From the voice of experience/been there,done that!!

We are women and this means strong, powerful and breve. Like Nikki Heeringa, sad straight the crown. He doesn’t deserved you or the child he only make.

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Take him to court for child support and file for divorce, time to move on


His lose girl!! Everyone is giving great advice! He is a d bag! Do what u gotta do and be strong for your baby girl! Praying for you girl! U deserve a real man!


You have to look at him as if he were someone that you don’t know. He is testing these women to find out which one he wants. This will not change. See a lawyer and set up financial support.


Get a good lawyer alimony and child support he will want to come back do not let him


Right, you got this big girl pants on! It might not seem it now but he will crawl back to you. Here’s what you need to do, first make an appointment with your doctor about your depression because even though your husband hasn’t died you’re grieving the loss of your marriage. 2 focus on your daughter and your job this is going to open up so many doors for you (not right away but in time yes) 3 get some legal advice re child maintenance and staying in your property etc I know you dint feel like it now but tryst me you have to do this to protect you and your child in the coming months if he wants to move back in or sell or whatever…its good to be for armed. Show him you won’t be walked on and he will be the one suffering in the long run. Good luck my lovely you totally got this. Xxx


Forget him. It doesn’t matter if you love him because love doesn’t pay the bills. He obviously has decided he no longer wants to be a one woman man. You need to be a role model for your daughter and show her you are worth more. Divorce him and sue for child support and alimony. You are worth more than a man like this.


Suck it up, he’s an ass. You are much better off than wasting years of your life and sanity

Unfortunately you just need to let him go, it’s hard. But once you’re in a better place you’ll be so happy and he will regret the way he treated you.


Move on. Better yet RUN! Start your new job and live your life.


He’s right about one thing: This has nothing to do with you or your daughter. The anger he’s expressing might be anger toward himself that he’s turning on you.

Call a lawyer and a therapist. Take care of yourself.


You need a better life than that see that you get your child support an let the bum go!

You have to allow yourself to go through the grieving process to move on. It’s the death of a relationship. Get angry, cry, whatever helps you. Don’t beg him back though. You and your daughter deserve so much better. Start this new job, make friends, find a sitter and have s night out, even if it’s just grocery shopping alone. Enjoy some alone time. Once you’ve processed all the emotions file for divorce, get alimony and child support.


Take him for everything


Focus on work, yourself and being a mom… Yes it will be hard but hopefully keeping busy will allow time to go by and heal. You can’t make someone stay with you who has made up their mind. Be bigger than the situation; I understand sometimes easier said than done, but don’t be bitter and end up swallowing that miserable poison pill. Life does and will go on… When moving on, try to get a better sense of the next person and their peers and family and goals etc. As time goes on it will get easier. I don’t mean next month or next year but it will get easier/more manageable. Don’t rush into anything coming out of this; don’t jump from the frying pan into the fire in other words.

This has happened before you and will happen again well after you… You can do this. Others have and others will.

You got this. Keep us updated and vent when you need to. We are here.


Let him go and find yourself. It hurts and it’s scary, but you deserve better. Please don’t let him come crawling back into your life, he will not change. You will be fine.:broken_heart:


He’s making himself the victim to make it easier for him to leave. He’s obviously decided he want other woman and out but too cowardly to take responsibility for it. It’s common sadly. I say move on and take care of you and your child. Seek therapy if you need it. I’m sorry because I know it’s easier for me to say than you to hear or accept. Especially since you didn’t see this coming. Wish you the best.


Same thing happened to me! No house, no car, no job…what a helpless feeling!!:pleading_face: It might not seem like it, but it will all be okay, someday…it will take time!! It has been 2 years for me, and I have my days…but overall I am much happier, spending quality time with your child will help keep your mind focused on what’s important! You can do this…we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for, believe me!!


A lot are saying run. I will tell you that you have the best part of that marriage, your daughter. Live for her. Close the part of your brain that says I miss him and say, I can do this. My daughter is my life and keep the faith. You deserve better and she deserves everything. Cut him off. Some day he will realize what he lost and it will be too late… Keep going.


You deserve someone who will treat you and your child right. Look for income based legal services in your area and then file for legal separation and child support. It’s best if you obtain legal counsel before he does. This will probably really get his attention and he will be furious or he’ll change his tune and want to get back together. Don’t re-enter the relationship with him without marriage counseling in place.


Dont take him back love. Your worth so much and so is your daughter dont let her see that it is okay to tolerate that behavior. Look to her for strength and what your dont want her to go through. Your string mama and you got this and the right person will.come along when the time is right and your ex will realize that and when he does dont let him back then either you both deserve respect love and happiness. Cry if you need to until you cant no more but pick yourself up everytime afterwards and say “I GOT THIS TODAY TOMORROW AND EVERYDAY” :pray::pray::muscle::heart:


He already showed you his true colors- treating you cruel is his tact for pushing you away. Try to heal & move on :pray::heart: you can do this- immediately establish child support/custody. That’s where it gets nasty-


Apply for state benefits file for divorce and then child support it will help you alot especially with housing costs food daycare expenses and medical


Go ahead and serve him divorce papers. He’s obviously not ready or responsible enough to be a full time Husband and Father. Start your new job and move on. It’ll be difficult at first but as time passes it’ll get easier and you’ll be happy that he’s out of your life except for child visitation of course.




Count your blessings that he’s gone. You deserve better!


Get you a lawyer and make him pay


Let him go! Seriously! I know it’s gonna be hard, it’s gonna be an adjustment, but if he can do that to you and your child, he doesn’t love either one of you. Sounds to me like he was looking for a reason to leave and just up and did it so he can sleep with whoever he wants. Focus on you and your child.

When he comes back, and he will, remember how you feel right now. Use that as motivation to be strong and tell him to kick rocks! Get yourself to the court house and file for divorce, alimony, custody and child support. He abandoned you and your child.


Let him go and never look back. You AND your daughter deserve better. She is watching and learning from you. She may be a baby….but she is still learning how a woman should be treated by a man….and if you stay you are showing her that settling is ok……psychological abuse is ok……cheating is ok……walking out when you see greener pastures is ok. And if you take him back……you will never be “ok”….you will never trust him….you will never feel safe and secure in your relationship….you will always long for more.

Love yourself and your daughter enough to walk away! Hold your head high……this is NOT your fault. Look ahead and move forward! Someone worthy of you & your daughter is out there looking for you!


Sometimes a separation can help bring you back together. It’s hard, but work on yourself and focus on your daughter and things will fall into place. Maybe it happened because someone who will appreciate you is waiting for you down the line. So sorry that happened! But it will get better.


carry yourself to the bank and withdraw every penny if you have a joint account then walk yourself over to the lawyers office and file for divorce.and child support. You’ve already got the BEST that man has to give… That baby​:heart::kissing_heart:


Why would you need advice for this? You already know what you need to do!


Child Support Enforcement Agency…get started…make him pay his part in raising the child.


Cheating on you is one thing…it happens. But for him to leave his little girl is beyond disgusting. Only a real loser POS would abandon their kid. And the women who would bang a dude like this are pure trash. If he comes back, don’t forgive him. He’ll be plotting on how to get his next piece of a$$ the second he walks through the door. At least be strong for your daughter. You wouldn’t want her to date a guy who did that to her.

get an attorney. get the divorce going, and go for child support.
start life now and get the process going before its too late.
one woman, and talking thru it maybe, but not multiple women.
eff that.
get ahead now before its too late
go to bank and take money out of your accounts and make yourself and your baby safe by going somewhere else if need be


A lot of places have sliding scale and income based therapy which I would encourage you to look into. You deserve better.

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Alimony and child support. Get a lawyer.


Take it as a sign you were meant for something better. Do not fight it, it prolongs the pain. Feel it, accept it. Grieve briefly, very briefly and walk away, head held high! Learn, grow, work on you. Do not look for a replacement for a few years. You will be better, stronger, and happier for it. You will then be ready when a good on comes along. Hubby will look back with grief and reqret and anx when he sees you shine! Best wishes!

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He isn’t worth it. Heal and move on. Get therapy if you need it. But definitely don’t fight for him. He has proven the kind of person he is. You deserve better.


You need to learn to love yourself and remember you are a role model for your daughter. Teach her how to love herself more than a man. If that’s how he’s treating the mother of his child, you don’t want your daughter to view that as normal and okay for anyone to treat her that way. Wishing you both the best of luck. Lots of hugs!


First of all ,I am so sorry you are going through this. I wish I could give you advice to that would ease the immediate pain of the hurting. The advice that I can give you is to get a lawyer, keep that job you’re going to start, try not to worry about what he’s thinking because he was willing to sleep with these women before he left you, & I would definitely go to your doc & get a full std panel check up. You want to make sure he didn’t give you something. If someone cheated, it doesn’t seem like protection is a priority to them. Best of luck to you. It’s gonna be a long road, but you’ll get through it. Ohhh, and sure you already know this, but document everything.

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Get a lawyer ASAP!!! You want to make the first move…custodial etc…separate maintenance…so many things that you want ordered against him before he does you! Don’t take him back he’s nothing but a cheater and that’s that!!! He is nasty because he is guilty!!! Keep reminding yourself of that!! And BEFORE anyone wants to jump on me for MY OPINION….I’ve been around the block and there ARE better men out there and happiness!!! Stay off my opinion and post your own!


If you were a stay at home mom he owes alimony AND child support. Make sure you file first and file NOW. The pain will linger. Find a good therapist for sure.


My head just exploded. I can’t help myself to wonder: do you actually type with no punctuation OR you are using voice text?! There got to be explanation why there’s not a single period or comma in a whole paragraph!


Find a lawyer, tell that said Lawyer what’s going on and what you should do and file papers in court for child support and alimony, and have him pay for the home Bill’s. Ads he is the one that walked out of the marriage. And left the home cause he has chosen to be with other women. Make sure to change all locks on the doors and patch what stuff you can of his and have him come get it all only with the help of people you know that won’t start any thing with you. And have police there when he does get his stuff. Get help from state till you start working. The state will go after him for child support. And make sure you get full custody of your child. Protect yourself legally. And then for your self respect move on and be happy for you and your child.


Lawyer up, take him to court, establish custody and move forward. One foot in front of the other. You deserve better.


Don’t let him come back!!! Get a lawyer get your support get your job take care of yourself and your daughter!!! Life is too short for you to be disrespected by any man. Not all men cheat, those that do usually find that the grass maybe greener on the other side but sometimes it’s harder to mow!! If he can walk away that easily let him keep walking, realize your strong and life will be better the hurt will lessen your spirit will come back and you’ll be happier than you ever imagined!! Once trust is broken I’m not sure you ever get it back, and if you were to let him back every time he was late or on the phone out of site you will always wonder is he cheating again… so good bye and move on!!!


Apply for a subsidized apartment and a childcare voucher ASAP. It’s a struggle being a single mom but these entities are meant to help single moms with rent/ childcare. Start working, saving your money, loving yourself, and focusing on your child. Also, it is not as hard as you think to find a male friend. Focus your energy on other people and see how “quickly” your heart forgets about the hurt he caused!:100:

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Sometimes God removes people so he can give us better! Work on YOURSELF and your Daughter and try your BEST NOT to focus on him. I was in a similar situation and after I worked on me and didnt focus on him God sent me the LOVE OF MY LIFE! I know you cant see it now but you will. My ex isnt even my type anymore and I have no idea WHY “I” didn’t leave sooner. It was the BEST gift God could have given me. I am LOVED, ADORED, RESPECTED and treated like a Queen now with my new honey. I couldn’t be HAPPIER! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


STD screening, immediately.! Better to know now than down the road! Make sure he supports the child. God bless you!


He’s guilty and he knows it. He won’t ever change. You’re worth more. This is the reason I will always have a job. People can turn on you anytime no matter how much you give. Hang in there and I hope you have a good support system to keep you up


He’s got a side chick. Take it as a sign. Dump his butt and move on.

Hire a GOOD attorney! It doesn’t mean divorce, it means knowing your rights! And getting the support you deserve and not stuck with HIS bills! Get into a good church and support group! I understand you love him, but until he wants to change and be back with you and your daughter, he doesn’t deserve you! You deserve MUCH better! As hard as it will be, get some supportive friends and family to help you. Learn to love yourself, be independent and learn you DO deserve much better treatment! Hugs and prayers for you and your daughter! :pray:t3::broken_heart: You have to look forward, not back, you are not headed that direction! Take one step at a time, one day at a time, sometimes you will have to take it one minute at a time, but keep moving forward!


And now you will always know - some women have no qualms about sleeping with someone else’s husband. Tough lesson and one you’ll not forget.

First of all: LOTSA HUGS BEING SENT TO YOU! Second: IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! Third: If you are a praying woman…PRAY! Fourth: LET HIM GO! He is not worthy of your love. Make your baby girl number 1 priority. YOU DESERVE SOOO MUCH BETTER! Right now you feel like your world has up ended…it has…for a minute! You WILL go on and you WILL be OK! Believe in YOURSELF…love you and love that baby! That’s ALL you NEED!

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Any man that can just up and leave Iike that is not worth wasting tears over. You go out there and be successful on your own. You don’t need his dirty validation. Yes it will hurt but the jokes on him, he’s going to miss out on alot. Don’t let him back just cause the pussy has dried up! I repeat DO NOT LET HIM BACK IN!

Sweetie, get a job, take care of yourself and your daughter.
Forget about him!
Start a new life!
He is a looser!!!


Time will heal …been through it with four kids …and when he sees u In someone else’s arms don’t b surprised if he begs u back …just say ta ta

Let him go your better of

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I’m not gonna be too hard on you because you sound young and most of us have been there. The best advice that I can give you is to divorce him and move on with your life. You’ve taken the first step by finding a job. Next, look into some type of housing. Check your state’s public assistance office to see if they can help you with some type of subsidized housing. Once you start working you will feel a sense of pride and you will feel better that you’re making your own money. Hopefully you will meet some nice people at your job that you can socialize with. It’s hard right now but I promise it will get easier. Once he sees you out there doing your thing, he’ll want you back. Do NOT take him back. One day you will find a man that will love and cherish you. But it’s not going to happen if you take that lying piece of :poop: back. Just remember to hold your head up and keep telling yourself that you deserve better.


Please don’t take him back. He’s out playing and when the game is over, he’ll try and come back.


you deserve better let him go

Been there sounds like you might be dealing with a Narcissist personality

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If he is cheating just leave him. Don’t even try to work it out unless you want a lifetime of this.


You deserve better let him go. In time he will realise what he’s lost.And he ll try come back but you d never be able to trust him again. Hugs to you :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Move on and get checked for diseases God bless u and your baby u dont need that kind of negativity in your life and sounds like he is a shitty father also. MOVE ON

Time to take him to court… Keep all the text messages


You need to thank him, pick yourself up off the floor and raise, focus on your baby and forgive so you can have peace within yourself. I know easier said than done but you will see in the long run. You don’t need him.


Plenty other fish in the pond find you someone BETTER

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Do what u need to do for yourself and daughter but always remember your a priority not an option


He’s been cheating and used this ‘I need time away to think’ and starting fights to gas light you into feeling like it has to do with you. Sometimes when we’re sad it can make us lose focus. Get mad - get pissed. Go to court and get some kind of custody established and child support bc he doesn’t just get to run off and have a good time while ignoring his responsibilities.


Go cold on him. Put all of your effort into it because you’ll need it. Start the separation process, and get child support. The only thing you need to know is that you chasing him WILL push him further away, and create more resentment towards you from him.


He is feeling guilty. That is why he left and is being hateful. Do yourself a favor. Love yourself and kid more than him. Find a divorce attorney, go for child support and if your stat has it alomony. Also, have your attorney request the judge to have him pay for the divorce and give you the right to claim child for taxes. DO NOT TAKE HIM BACK.


Girl he did you a favor!!! Move on and never look back💯


Pick your head up and dust yourself off. It’s not you, it’s him and you can’t change him. The more you cry and beg the more he is given the opportunity to use and abuse you. Stop calling, except the situation and move on up! Don’t be one of those girls that beg them back home only to get dumped on a second time. Mark my word if/when he sees that you’re not mourning anymore that will be the day he really gets mean . Move on and tell him to piss up a rope…you deserve better :woman_shrugging:t3:

Take him to court, move on and be happy. I noticed moving on and being happy drives them nuts rather than vengeance or sadness. Never let them win and steal your sunshine. Your baby is your number one priority. Let him be their problem.


It never only happen to you it happend to many of us and guess what yes you will have that bond Wer you will feel like you can’t live without him or you love him but it will carry on and in the end it will just be waste of years and misery,I just walked out of mine ,7 and half years of abuse emotionally, physically, mentally and financially.i Suffered thru alot do while it’s still fresh let it go and you shouldn’t feel like why it happend to you cos many of us dealt with rubbish men and its their upbringing that they never was tawt how to make a family and be responsible


Let him stay gone… stop contacting him and move on… neither you nor your child deserves such trash in your world

File papers and live your life. He choose his. He will regret it once he sees you moved on.


Move on and start over. Find a new man who will treat you good. He WONT change.

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Or you can be patient, but I highly recommend getting a lawyer’s consultation at least.

If you don’t communicate about it face to face, then forget about him for now. But I wouldn’t leave your child with him alone. He could take your child. I might be overreacting… praying for you and your family! :heart::pray:

File for assistance! They will go after him for support. And you may still get some help after you start working.

His rudeness is called guilt - blaming you is called gas lighting - he is a di$&head your better off


What an ass he is! Don’t waste your feelings on him. He’s been doing shit for awhile and only way he can make his own ass feel better if to make you feel like shit. File for divorce don’t let him take the baby anywhere. You don’t have to because he’s not being a fit parent and probably doesn’t give a shit anyway. Ghost his ass. Don’t take him back. He did you a favor.

You need to know HE screwed you over. You didn’t do anything but trust him to the right thing and he took advantage of your trust and love. It’s not bad that he left. He was probably mad because he knows he messed up.
The only way through this is time. If you can get a therapist to help you through that’s good too. You need to allow yourself time to process your feelings and your going to feel angry and sad and that’s ok. It’s not ok to be with someone who doesn’t love or respect you. Women don’t NEED men or anyone who can’t love or support us. Don’t contact him about talking to your child. If he wants that he will do what he needs to do. Hang in there and figure out what you want. If you want to reconcile what does that look like to you and what would need to happen( counseling etc) or if not talk to a lawyer about laws in your state.


I went thru the same thing. My ex husband left when my daughter was 3 weeks old. He wasn’t faithful at all, talked to men and woman daily. Honestly you don’t see things til he is gone. It might haven seemed like a great relationship but once he left I saw so much. The abuse and narcissist and bullying. I wasn’t working either and thanks to my parents and then covid started I was out of work almost first two years of her life……things get better. Make sure you protect your daughter and yourself. Keep copies of everything and write it all down. I know it sucks I was devasted too but it was the best thing he ever did. I protected us and he tried a lot do things and the court saw thru it….hang in there, it does get better.


You will grieve but don’t allow it to consume you. The sooner you start putting your life together by getting an attorney and moving on with your life the sooner you will start healing. Been there so I can assure you it will get better. One day you will be able to even forgive and thats when you realize your over it completely. God’s got this if you trust him.


Be glad this happened now. You are in your way to better things.


File ASAP for Child Support!!!


Start your new life with your baby and don’t look back!


First I just want to say I’m so sorry that your heartbroken and I know the advice given is easier said then done … take one day at a time try not to engage in conversation with him unless it’s about your baby …. There has been a lot of great advice given my advice for your mental health is to just know that it’s ok to cry and scream if needed and try your very best to not engage in conversation unless needed because the things he has said and may say will only add negatively to your healing process I know you want him and I know you love him but he just showed you who he is and you have to try your very best to teach your baby that you deserve more and that they and you deserve the world


Take him to court…claim all that’s due to you. And move on.


Walk on. Much better things for you and your daughter coming in the future. Will seem devastating today but if you walk on,
You will be SO glad you did.


He sees you doing good, he will want to come back!!!. DON’T do it.