He’s trying to make you feel like it’s your fault because he’s up to no good
A old saying set him free and if he returns he is yours and if he doesn’t he never was.
Grieve for a week, then get really mad and find a good lawyer who will be a shark to represent you.
Seek child & spousal support… Have no mercy on him.
File for Divorce and child support and move on .
If you decide to take him to court for divorce and or child support check out your local legal aid office in your area you can get a free attorney the program is for people who are low income and people who are not working and since he left his income does not count they helped me tremendously
Take a deep breath, garner all your sister strength and move on for the sake of your child.
Sadly it’s a process but you will get through it. He one day will realize what he did and it will be too late because you will be strong and independent and no longer hurting. Be strong and keep your head up girl
Please please keep going forward and don’t look back, you don’t need him. Know your self worth !!!
Let him go i know its hard but he will always be a cheater.
Believe me, you do not want a man who cheats. He is no good. He has no respect for you. You are better off alone than with him. I know you are hurting now, but it will pass. It just takes time. You will be glad you didn’t stay with him. God has something better for you. Everything happens for a reason.
Seek advice from a lawyer, and at least file for a Legal Separation to establish support expectations.
Legal Separation vs. Divorce: How To Make The Best Decision.
Let him go …. I was in same situation one day boom he just got up and left I had a 2 yr old and I was 2 months pregnant none of that mattered to him…. I am now happily married after 8 years to a wonderful man message me if you wanna talk only if you’ve been in this situation I can understand your hurt took me 4 years to over come the situation
Don’t take him back. life goes on. Things will work out for you. I was in the same situation with two boys. At that time I felt devastated and I was kinda lost because I didn’t know how to work life out and pay bills because I was a stay home mum too. But now I’m happy that that happened.
These are the ones that drive a woman crazy- no closure, no answers. However, that is the work of a selfish psychopath, leaving people broken in his/her wake. Get counseling if you can and know that you can’t compare yourself to any of the woman he’s with- he’s got an issue, not you. I heard a quote: ‘ A person will continue to suck the life out of you, if you keep giving them the straw.’
You know the answer. HE does not deserve your loyalty!! Erase him from your life and don’t shed a tear for him.
Sounds like in five years he will regret this very much so
What ever u do. Don’t take him back. Let him go
Start divorce proceedings IMMEDIATELY and don’t let him try to play victim and not pay support.
Sounds like he may have some issues. Possibly Bipolar or something similar. Or he could just be a jerk. I wish you luck.
He does love you or even respect you. F him!!! Why would you ever want to be with someone who doesn’t feel the same for you.
Stay strong and move on
This is gonna be a hard pill to swallow…but here is the truth…iv been in your position and it can be heart crushing…but the real truth is that he is very toxic and you need and will have a better life without him in it…you get this new job and get all of life back together for you and your child…as time passes…you will feel stronger and one day as you set peacefully in your own home with this far behind you…youll be glad that he and his disfunctional drama can no longer effect you and your daughter…youll also be glad that she will have learned from you , just how much your own value is .and that she will never stand for being treated less than because she will have learned from you ,her mother to know your worth and value and should never settle for anything less…and by the way…i hope you also know that he will be as faithful to those weman ss he was to you…glad you didnt go through 20 years and 10 kids and a lifetime of hurt an disrepect…you will come out of this ON TOP…please always remember that you only put up with what you will tolerate…also remember that you are beautiful, smart, strong and very werthy of true love and happyness…and please dont take him back…Mr. Right is out there so dont let this jackass block the doorway from your Mr. Right…dry your tears and write all those girls thank you notes for taking out your trash…chin up chica…the best of times are coming…enjoy
Yes it’s hard. This is a traumatic event for you. You have to go through the process of getting everything in order to take care of you and your child. Hearing for child support, visitation, divorce or legal separation, paperwork for temporary assistance, WIC, SNAP benefits for food, insurance. You have to do everything you can to make it. Look into child care while you work, definitely need a lawyer.
Being a single parent isn’t any fun but it can be done. So many of us are going through this and surviving. You can do it. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this right now, but you have to stay strong and get everything in order for you and your child. There’s counseling available too, and check out local support groups.
I’m so sorry, but you can do this and you’ll be stronger for having done it. Wish I could just slap him….
Take this as a blessing…he doesn’t deserve neither of you!
File your.paper for.child support and food stamps medical that will help some
It doesn’t feel like it just now but you will be better off without him, one day at a time just now, concentrate on your child, in 6 months time, you will realise you are better off without him
Move on sweets!!! New job, new life
I was in the same position only minus the married part but it does get better eventually
Get a lawyer. He’s no good. Go after every dollar he has.
It’s ok to grieve the loss of this man. Dont let that stop you from getting child support, and any other benefits you could qualify for as a single parent. Clearly the end was in sight long ago for him but don’t let your devastation immobilize you.
So sorry for you. Pack up and leave to a women’s shelter to get help
Sounds like he’s feeling guilty for some stuff he’s done to you
You and your baby deserve better. Don’t cry over him, not worth your tears. By getting a job, you are off to a new and wonderful life. Focus on your job, you and your baby. File for divorce and child support. You got this, praying for courage and strength.
In addition to the advice here, lean on your friends and family, contact a women’s center & join an in-person or online group of divorcing women to help you through this.
Unfortunately you need to act quickly getting financial statements from everywhere you know there’s money (bank accounts, investments, house value for the past 6 months, plus tax statements for the past 2-3 years) before he drains the accounts. At least you’ll be able to prove there WAS money & he’ll have to give you half of what was accumulated during the marriage.
Talk to a lawyer ASAP and get a checklist of things to do right away. Hopefully hubs will agree to anything to get him out of the marriage and living with his side piece. Get the lawyer to ask him to pay all legal fees for the divorce too.
Use whatever medical coverage to get counseling/therapy and your daughter play therapy too if her dad doesn’t see her regularly. Will you have medical coverage with your new job? If not, look into Medicaid or Obamacare marketplace to start coverage if your soon-to-be ex won’t continue to cover you. Find a county social worker who can help you figure it all out.
I’m sorry. Seems like your whole world has crumbled, but each day it will get slightly easier until you feel good again.
Let them have him he is not worth your time .
I’m sorry this is happening to you. You may not want to hear this, but lawyer up hon, he’s not the man you fell in love with and he sounds like a selfish s.o.b. , sorry. You’ll get through this, you’ll be stronger for it, but you need to be smart now ok. Best of luck to you.
Get a lawyer. Be prepared to move on.
The heart loves who the hearts, even when the other person is toxic. You must ask yourself some important questions. 1) Is this the type of environment you want to bring your daughter up in, is this the type of relationship you want her to think is healthy and normal? 2) Is this the way you believe you should be treated? I know probably none of what I’m saying to you right now is going to matter or make sense, things seldom do when you’re in that black hole of depression, I’ve been there believe my I do know, but I also know that asking for help from amateurs like all of us here on Facebook is never going to remedy your problem. Please seek professional help, it will help. I can give you the old cliches about, If you don’t respect yourself no one else will, or the every popular, You teach others how to treat you. But right now they are meaningless. To take him back would be the second biggest mistake of your life, the first was when you married him. Believe me, if you start thinking, The hell with him, it’s his loss, and believing it, the faster you will see that you deserve better, and you always did. You had a momentary lapse in judgement, be strong enough for you and your daughter not to let that one mistake ruin the rest of your life and hers. She needs you, be her mom, and your own champion. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
Take him for everything he has for the rest of his life stay in control when someone you love cheats and abandon you because they think is greener some place else you flourish every day keep positive
You will be perfectly fine you and your baby
Get yourself an STD check, maybe he cheated before he left you and that guilt is manifesting in a self destructive way including being nasty to you. Let his timer tick down while he is away, when he is ready to apologise he will, accept the apology but do not let him back into your life. Let him lay in the bed he made
If I could offer any advice it would be move on and don’t look back. Believe me don’t waste your time he showed you who he is, believe him.
Move on!! I know it hurts but, he abandoned you and his child. Just move on.
What a man
Couldn’t even be honest with you
It will take a while
Be self caring
Don’t hang around for more abuse
I’m so that this happened to you, but your not alone I’ve been through this game these guys like to play, your better off without him , he would never be honest with you again or anyone else. You can do this , stay strong and take care of your child , God Bless you
Oh my god…and i forgot…get to the bank first thing tomarrow because if he hadnt cleaned out the bank account…trust me…HE WILL, so you get there first…you wont be able to take his name off the bank account but you can take all but one dollar and open another account in just your name…if he has direct deposit…hit it again on pay day…if he hasnt noticed the clean out your set for the next deposit…hit it immediately…thats why you leave the one dollar in so its not completely closed and direct deposits will still hit…consider it a parting gift…lol
Realize this - He is blaming you for anything he can come up with in an attempt to justify (to himself and to others) what he is doing. Whatever you do, don’t let him convince you that any of those accusations are true, and call him out on what he is attempting to do with his accusations.
See a lawyer. File for abandonment and divorce.
Find a therapist.
It’s ok to be angry, hurt, sad, confused… It isn’t ok to live there.
He was sleeping with other girls and talking to females before he left your house to “think it over” I would bet $ on that. I hope you get the strength to leave him alone. He’s blaming you and being manipulative instead of admitting his faults. He will always make you the problem.
He has shown you literally how he feels…believe him and pray for inner strength to endure your pain. The pain will pass and so will the love if you just keep it in the fore front of your mind how he did you wrong. Move on with your life but get a lawyer to divorce him. God has something better in store for you. I’m sorry for your pain but we have all been let down and hurt but we must be strong.
Girl, it’s the emotions being heavy because it just happened but after a couple weeks or months, your emotions will be healed because of the days and nights you had to convince yourself to keep going. Let him do and say what he wants because once you are healed and move on, he will be in your situation with your emotions. If he can leave without a worry about his daughter/his own blood, he don’t care about nothing, child. Love yourself and your daughter and leave him be.
Let him go
God has got you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and take care of you and the baby. That’s what is most important. Don’t wait for closure. You control that.
Brace yourself take a few deep breathes and carry on. Research every resource available to you take advantage. Embrace family and friends and most of all understand that he was a bumb and none of this was your fault. He did you a favor by leaving. Find out your divorce rights and hang in there.
Please get a good attorney <3
Number 1 if you have a joint account you need to get to the bank asap and clear it out… he’s trash move on ( I know it’s hard) but he’s sleeping with other woman while married he’s obviously a loser. Enjoy your new life with your daughter and find someone who will treat you better…good luck❤
It was tried on me. I went straight to the bank drained both accounts and hired a lawyer. When he found out he couldn’t get the house, the land or the business he changed his tune. It was all sitting on land previously owned by my family.
Lean on God and find your strength in Him.
Do not let this man screw you over in the divorce or with child support. I know you love him, but be tough. I know you’re hurting, but I promise you will get through this and the day will come you won’t hurt anymore.
Contact a divorce attorney a.s.a.p. you have to protect yourself & your child. Don’t look back. I knowe your heart is breaking,but do what ypu must. You can cry afterwards. Now it is time tofight!
You will get through this and soon you won’t hurt get a lawyer divorce him abandonment don’t call him don’t try to contact him let your lawyer handle that
Damn Wish I could of gotten that lucky and mine would leave voluntarily ! take it as a blessing in disguise girl!
Let that hot mess go. It he will cheat on you he will cheat on them.
People that walk outta your life is for a reason. I believe is Better than been cheated on. Once you start working you will stay busy & start feeling better just remember time heals everything you will be ok.
He def has someone else so when his ass gets dumps and come back crying don’t let him back him.
You are stronger than you think. You do not deserve to be treated like that. You are so much better on your own than to be with someone who cheats. I know it hurts but it will make you stronger.
The reason he left is he’s an asshole. Get yourself to the doctor and lawyers asap! Then see about a therapist so you can work through all of this.
And close the door and do not let him back in just to do it again cause he will. You deserve so much better. Much love to you an your baby.
Stay away from he is not in a good state of mind and first love yourself and take care of that baby go and asked for help from social services go to court get custody and support you got this momma
1st go to Friend of Court, petition for full custody of your children,2nd file for divorce and abandonment, 3rd get an attorney! 4th Any bank accounts together, draw out all the money and open an account in your name only!
He has been cheating for a long while. He thinks the grass is greener on the other side honey. Just know, the only reason it’s greener is because he is standing over a septic field!!
Right now, his feelings don’t matter, you have got to get strong and take care of you and your children! The children come first before anything or anyone!!
Message me anytime. It really helps to talk about it. Be strong momma. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Maybe he will realize soon what he walked away from.
I’m so sorry… for you & your child. He sounds pathetic. It’s best he left now so you can move on. When and if he realizes he messed up make him stay away. You deserve better. Your child deserves better.
You have to push through to use just your head right now and not your heart. Get a lawyer immediately no matter what threats he makes. He will. He will make you feel terrible. Push through it. You got this.
This happened to me, literally sounds exactly like my story…sorry mama but you get through this! He made his choice, let him go! You’ll be ok, you got this just focus on you and your sweet baby!
Just because you love him doesn’t mean a relationship works. Your strong and deserve better than that. Be happy with yourself and your daughter, no one can make you happy but yourself.
One door closes most of the time for the right reasons , we just don’t understand at the time. Another opens and you wonder why you even cried about a cheater.
Sending you God’s comfort, wisdom and inner peace Amen
Go file for full custody and child support. Also file for a divorce he will have to pay you alimony. Just focus on your daughter and doing fun things with her do whatever you can do to keep yourself distracted. You guys are better off without him just remember he is the problem, and from the sounds of it he sounds immature.
get an attorney drain any joint account. Call the credit card companies & say cards are stolen, you need new ones issued; they’ll come to the house. Call banks & ask for records of transactions going back as far back as they’ll go to show if he’s spent money on other women, hotels, etc. You’ll need the ammo in court. And whatever you do, DO NOT take that low life back or let him in the house without the law present
you dont need a man like that… so many will love you until the end of time
Theres a door let him go better off for it
That was my first thought: …that he’s found one he’s suddenly smitten by. It’s a story as old as the hills, and this is how it usually presents. Some months down the road, they sometimes come crawling back with their tail between their legs wanting back in. But if he did it once, he’ll do it again. You really don’t need that kind of anxiety and heartache in your life.
Better off without him
Hes a POS that’s how he does something like that. You and your daughter deserve better if he decides he wants to come back after he’s done being with those women don’t let him back in. Don’t waste another second on him find somebody that is worth being in you and your child’s lives life is to short to be with somebody that makes you unhappy and deliberately goes out of their way to disregard your feelings and hurt you.
Leave him behind u.once a cheat always a cheat…Find a good man they r out there…Good luck
Get out why you can you don’t deserve that he just wants excuse to do what he doing get out and enjoy life it to short to be miserable
I will tell U what my brother told me over 20 years ago. And It still holds true today.
Men think with their Dicks and Women think with their
See a divorce atty. He made a choice & let you see what a horrible person he is. But he can & should help with support 4 child, etc.
Ugh……and this is why I’m so cold and uncaring when it comes to men. Most every guy I’ve been with has cheated and acted like a jerk for no reason. I’m 38 years old now, and I’m done with the nonsense. It’s sad, because I’ve been with my now boyfriend for over 9 years and still don’t want to show too much affection or give to much of myself away because of the guys I’ve been with. I know it’s not his fault and he’s never given me a reason to distrust him, but he told me a few years in that he cheated on his ex wife multiple times. So….just can’t believe I’d be any different. Just be done girl, like so many have said, life’s too short. I know it may not seem like it, but there’s someone out there who’ll treat you right and you can actually be so happy!
Get a lawyer, child support, alimony, and he can stay gone. One day he will regret it and I hope you leave the dog lie by his dish.
Been there, done that. My ex and I were together for just two and a half years, and he blindsided me by just abandoning myself and our children one day. Granted, our relationship was a tumultuous one, because he was an abusive, narcissistic, gaslighting, cheating jerk, but I had no warning he was going to just up and leave one day. Now, here we are 10 years later, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been, with the love of my life, whom I met at the job I had to take to support myself and our children after my ex left. I cried for a couple of weeks after he left, but then I realized I was free, and I never cried over him again. Don’t feel hopeless. Realize the opportunities this presents you with, and allow yourself to feel hopeful and joyful again. Your baby needs you.
I say just go for whatever makes you and your daughter happy… new beginnings.
He did you a favor! Count your blessings. You don’t need a cheater. Get full custody and child support. You will get past this!! Been here!! He will cheat on these other females too don’t worry!! Your a strong independent woman!
Sounds like someone I know.
Listen to some “f*ck him music cry it out know that you did your part as a women & wife. You didn’t deserve this & you will find someone better!