My husband made a comment about my weight: Advice?

Tell him to kiss your a$$

Your husband is a total jerk. I am sorry he would treat his wife and mommy of his child like that.tell him to grow up that you would prefer being married to a man not a little boy.

:sparkles:divorce​:sparkles: no REAL husband should say anything about his wife’s weight especially after she was basically forced to change her body to bear and grow his child. Children are blessings, but the aftermath are curses for women. Do not allow his hurtful words to affect you, and throw it back in his face, every person and pregnancy is different, with my son I gained almost 100 pounds (diabetic while pregnant medicine alone blew me up) and with my daughter I lost almost 100 pounds, but you know what the entire time my husband lifted me up told me how beautiful I was and that’s how it’s supposed to be he’s supposed to love and support you no matter what because you changed EVERYTHING to conform to him and everything about him, and the least he can do is say you’re beautiful


You got to meet him at his level. See he acts immature so you got to talk to him at a level he understands. So next time he tries it, turn it around on him example “listen here little (insert whatever you want to call him) I just gave birth, what is your excuse? My ex (or guys you had a crush on) didn’t do what you did. Come check me when you fix yourself!” Something like that but how you would normally speak. Listen don’t attach his comments to you. Don’t let his immaturity make you feel bad. There are a whole lot of men out there that would appreciate you for you. The only opinion that matters is your own!


Give it back to him. He’s just being an ass.

He is extremely toxic to say something like that to a woman he ‘loves’ after she has given him a baby. 6 months is hardly enough time to lose weight after birth. Sounds like a huge red flag to me.

I’d piss in his cornflakes…LOL what a jerk !!!

After I had my first baby my ex said, “I’m glad you look disgusting now so other men won’t want you”. It’s been almost 5 years and I have never forgotten them.

I’m super tiny. Always have been. I gained 60lbs with one and 30lbs with the other and dropped back down to 100lbs within weeks. My body doesn’t look the same either! I may be thin, but I still have stretch marks. Bodies aren’t supposed to look the same. You grew a baby!

Stand up for yourself. Don’t tolerate it. Shut it down. Your body is perfect as is and don’t let his words get to you because it’s probably his own insecurity.

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And real men don’t care. My husband doesn’t care about my stretch marks. Real men don’t.


Get naked and shake what ya baby gave ya right in front of him and own it and tell him if he don’t like it gtfo bye boy and find yourself a man


Comparing you to his ex is not acceptable.

Talk about it.

However, telling that crop tops are not a good look at moment or maybe never of you don’t ever lose the weight, is a kindness.

Do you want to rock your look?

Or do you want to look not so rocking?

Dress to make the most of your assets?


With my first one I went from 80 pounds at 4’11 to 160 back down to 80 in a week

2nd one went from 80 to 160 down to 140

3rd one I went from 140 to 190 down to 180 that was 29 years ago just now back down to 130 after a lot of walking and being diabetic type 2 and eating healthy

Some people take longer then others to lose weight after having a baby .

People would ask me if I was pregnant or when my baby was due .

No one should make rude comments after you had a baby I would say just walk and try to eat healthy I don’t believe in diets .

You remind his dumb ass that any body change that you have gone thru is partially his fault so STFU and like it or GTFO just saying

Remove the boy from your life and that’s a lot of extra weight gone.


Be petty and tell him how your ex wouldn’t be telling you those stuff .since he wants to play games


That’s emotional abuse and he knows it. Set boundaries on how he speaks to you. This is not okay.


Your husband is a fucking asshole

Omg he made an insensitive comment. Tell him it hurt your feelings and move on. You are emotional because you just had a baby. He probably doesn’t even know that he hurt your feelings because guys are idiots sometimes. This is definitely not something to destroy your family over.

What an ass. I also struggled to lose the weight after my first baby. My husband never commented on it, EVER. I would make comments about how I felt not being back to “normal” and you know what he did, asked me if WE should start making better choice in our diet. I’m so sorry he has made you feel this way. You deserve so much better

Throw the whole husband away. He is trash.

Dick punch & divorce papers. Buh-bye!

Wow rude much?
Look him straight in the eye and tell him next time he can carry the kids since you’re not going to carry comparisons guilt or bullying. So sorry messed up for real

First off, men are dumb and say shit without intent - if you talk to him about it, he will likely be like “oh, no, that’s not what I meant” because they’re clueless creatures without a filter.
Second, it sucks. It’s hard as hell to find your confidence after so many changes to your body, but YOU MADE A HUMAN! One you likely adore and can’t get enough of! You made that. Don’t be jealous of the girls who bounce right back like nothing happened! Own your own identity and rock it.
It takes time, but someday you’ll look at yourself in the mirror and respect the hell your body went through.

Tell him your ex :eggplant: is bigger but you don’t complain about his small one.


I say lose some weight. About 130 worth

The comeback to this is always I may be big but you’re the only one weighing me down

Something tells me this isn’t the first time he’s been condescending to you. Stand up for yourself. Tell him what you think and don’t hold back. He definitely doesn’t spare your feelings so don’t you spare his.


It doesn’t matter what he thinks.

If you are comfortable in your own skin…wear whatever you want girl.

But start playing his game. Be Petty. Literally start saying things to him about his body and how it has changed since y’all got together. Nit pick every little thing.

Start talking about your ex and how he would never say that especially right after giving birth.

You are exactly how God made you and that makes you perfect.

That’s emotional abuse. If it continues, I would take my baby and leave him.


Tell him your ex had a bigger dick and ask him if his is going to start growing now that he’s become a dad since it’s way to small still…… men are assholes. Don’t let anyone take away your self esteem, you’ve just created, grew and delivered a person from your body, it’s an amazing thing you did. Be proud of your body and just give him a good, hard, swift kick in the nuts, you’ll feel tons better :blush:

Sometimes a husband like this learns with age, but I’m not sure yours will. Most husbands know mentioning ex-girlfriends is a no no.

Start going to the gym and working on yourself, not for him but for you. It will help build your self confidence. Then start talking about the muscular men at the gym and how that’s what your ex looked like! Then tell him to F OFF, you just had a baby 6 months ago!!:triumph::triumph:


Check with your doctor, There is a many reason why you have not taken off the weight, could be hormonal, there are many new things out there that could help do not worry your husvand is a jerk.

Throw the whole man child away… if he is that concerned about your weight after having a baby he needs a reality check. Yea some women bounce back buck the truth of it is it takes about 2 years to fully recover from giving birth… he’s an ass and do not pay attention to what he says.

Find real man, my husband has been my biggest supporter through my own struggles with my body, find someone who loves you unconditionally. Dress how YOU want, it’s your body.


The way I see it is you can either internalize it and make it destroy you from the inside out or you can take it and help you motivate yourself to lose the weight if that’s your goal. in any case you should tell him that he hurt you with his comments and that he was being insensitive. If it doesn’t change then weigh out your options. You are in control over your own body and how someone talks to or treats you. Or you can let it go and focus every once of love toward that precious angel.
Love yourself!:heart:

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u may loose the weight as time goes by but as u said u just had a baby 6 months ago and u got to remember your body is still healing - u have stretched a lot of belly before , i know that when i got pregnant with my first i had put on 95 lb.s and i never lost that weight until a year later . i had done it slowly. my doctor had told not to rush it , cause my weight would go back to normal in time - but also eat only moderate ,remember u do need your strength with this new baby

forget what he says just remember it is your body , and u will be slowly getting your weight back soon

Tell him to go be with his ex than! Y’all gotta quit letting dumb men let you feel ugly! F them! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Leave and once you do all the weight will come off and hell wish he shut up :rage:

Remind him your body Created life and ask him what has his has done lately ?


Really get him back work out and get totally fabulous again and shove it in his face . ! You can do it don’t let him bring you down ! Get your power back don’t lay in this . It does not define you but get fine as hell then dump him and tell him he’s fat and you need. Better

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Ok sooo just tell him something to fix bout himself. Be like I’ll work off your baby and go to the gym if u Grow a few inches :crazy_face:


Dump his A$$ and move on you will lose a lot of extra weight and feel better about yourself.

What a jerk. Tell him go back to his “normal” ex then!


Throw the whole man away.


Well said Christina, he should try having a baby and getting back to what size you were before getting pregnant xx


Your baby is 6 months old. Probably JUST getting to a regular sleep pattern. How are you supposed to exercise and take care of yourself like that when you’ve been hyper focused on baby. I’d tell him to shove it :smiling_face:


Remind him that he’s a piece of shit

You are not the problem. Your husband is. You just gave birth to a child and everyone’s body takes time to heal. Your body is beautiful. So is your new baby. Keep your chin up. Don’t listen to him.


Tell him my ex had a bigger dick then you. He is “normal” so what’s wrong with you. I would be petty as hell. When I first met my husband I was smaller about 140-150 I had two kids. One 16 yrs ago and was below my pre pregnancy weight after I had her. Then I had a boy 10 yrs ago. That one I put on the weight. I went from about 150 to 200 by that point. My highest weight was 240 right now Im on diet pills and weigh 208. My husband has always told me I’m hot or beautiful. At my biggest and my smallest. He still is very attracted to me and has never once commented on my weight. He’s an ass about other things tho lol. Anyways you gave birth to HIS child and he is being a immature asshole.

How does he know what his ex’s body looks like


Throw the hole man away

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Every woman’s body and genes are different. For instance, I struggle with weight loss a lot, but for some reason, my stomach is one that shrinks in days after birth. You know what I did to do that? Nothing, it just happens and it just depends on the woman. We are not all the same, we are not supposed to be all the same, and honestly, your husband sounds like a little bit**. It takes time to lose that weight, you are dealing with hormones and post partum, and it takes a long time for your body to resume into it’s normal self. If my husband ever mentioned his ex’s body as some sort of way to shame me, he wouldn’t be my husband anymore. You could have a million reasons why your stomach still has a little on it, your abdomen could have torn, you could still have some swelling, etc. Your worth does not depend on the size you are and he seems like a trashcan.


Unfortunately you will not get over this, ever, no matter how hard you try. He was stupid and hateful for saying that to you!!! Your body now shows you brought a miracle into this world and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! Learn to love yourself for yourself :heart::heart::heart:


so he is keeping tabs on his ex, weird. Just go for small walks, and then longer ones, you take baby with you. it will get rid of stress and help in losing the weight, but do it for yourself not him.


Mine would’ve gotten smacked


Did you kick him square in his dick? Because I sure would have

No two bodies are the same. It took me almost two years after our first to feel better about my body and now I’m almost 20 weeks with our second. This was also with my husband being super supportive and trying to help me through it and I just couldn’t get out of my own head. It’s not easy and having a shit supporter isn’t going to make it better.

PPD is a real thing and him saying things like this isn’t going to help. I’d either seek counseling for yourself or the both of you or… Be petty back. Compare him to your ex and see how he likes it. Maybe a metaphorical kick in the nads is what he needs to actually sit down and have a normal conversation about how you’re feeling.

Everybody has different experiences with weight after birth. She might just have gotten lucky in the gene pool. Those hormones can be inbyour body for a long time after and effect your weight. It could be that your not getting enough sleep or stress levels or any number of things especially since you just had a baby. For most people that I know at least its not a fast process. Plus all the trauma your body experienced and their could still be alot of swelling and all of that takes time to heal and snap back. I mean your body had to stretch out and rearrange itself to fit another human inside you. Also if you ended up with a c-section their is a bunch of extra stuff and healing going on there that cam make it take everln longer to heal up. For me personally it takes 1.5-2 years after giving birth for my body to figure itself out enough for me to actually make any progress no matter how much I do to get back my body to what I consider normal. I have a friend that it took her a year and she was exercising every day and didn’t make progress till her hormones evened out. I have another friend in the same boat as me and she’s tried deit and exercise and a butt load of other stuff and she’s just starting to see progress now. Having a baby can make it rough in general plus all the extra stuff it changes in our bodies.

Your husband clearly doesn’t know enough about the subject or about people’s bodies to judge. Maybe talk to a doctor with your husband present or show him other examples of people that gave birth 6 months ago. The weight can vary greatly. I’m sorry he is being mean and gross about the situation when their is no need. I’d honestly be beyond pissed at my husband for bringing an ex up as an example.

Tell him that if she’s got such a better bounce back rate than he should go be with her instead. If he can’t appreciate what you and your body have done for him, he doesn’t deserve it


Make a comment about his p&n!s!! What an ass!!! There’s so many things wrong with everything that he’s said!!

Lose that 170 lb dead weight of a husband. I would never put up with that. That is disrespectful


Just throw the whole husband away. Most woman’s bodies don’t go back to normal after birth. And I myself are jealous of the ones that do. Pregnancies change a woman’s body in a lot of ways.
You are not in the wrong in any way, shape or form.
Your husband should be able to love you and your body
You deserve nothing less from him

Just throw the whole husband away, tell him that if he can’t appreciate the body that brought his beautiful baby into this world he can shove it.


I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13979 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


You don’t move Past yourself. You learn to love your self and move on past him.


How do you move past this? You move that punk out that’s how. A man who’s truly in love with his woman who birthed his baby wouldn’t even say such things nor bring another woman an ex at that into it. You tell him if he wants his ex to pack his sh!t and get the fu€k out!

Love yourself as you are & throw the trash you call a husband out the window. He’s absolutely disrespectful for saying any of it… tell him he can go back to his ex if he’s so interested in how she looks now vs you.

Sad :pensive: truth but many women go through this each day after giving birth. Our metabolism just peak.
But I alway tell guys, if you want to know my body shape after giving birth, look at my aunts and my mom. Know I am going to be putting on weight. None of my family members remain small after giving birth to a child.
I advise , don’t put yourself down.
But keep yourself looking :dancer:healthy​:broccoli::apple:, swanky​:dress: and fresh​:tulip:.

You don’t get over it. And trust me…the snide comments will continue throughout the relationship. Focus on you and that sweet baby. Your kid won’t care about your stomach or weight.

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Obviously, HE just didn’t give birth and has no clue on how it works. Some women snap back immediately, some Don’t for awhile. My solution is to leave the baby with him and go for long walks… or join a gym. Win Win… he gets bonding time with baby, you get fit & healthy !!!

I’m mad that he even thought about it. Everyone is different and your body might still be recovering, I had a baby 6 months ago too and have not been able to lose weight either, girl I’m still in pain from the c section at times. Please set some boundaries and let him know that it is not acceptable for him to treat you like that. Prioritize your mental health and love for yourself. You don’t need a man that is bringing you down, a man should lift you up and make you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world no matter what, specially after giving birth to his son.


Do you think you still love such a dumb person like this it’s what you feel you deserve it’s not going to get better.

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How do you move past this??? Or how do you move past him??? Gurl you are beautiful!!! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder… so hold your head high and parade around your house flouting your body…when you ready you’ll do clean eating and excercising to lose the weight…it does not happen over night but it will happen …


Tell him not to worry about it u won have anymore kids because he worries more about you being a little fat than his baby’s an his ex

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Been there. Ouch. The comparisons are rough. Hopefully he didn’t realize he was being hurtful and was trying to motivate you. On the other hand, tell him to eff off. When he carries a child for 9+ months has every inch of his body stretch and move to allow room for HIS child, then gives birth and is expected to care for said kid 5 minutes later, then and only then can he have an opinion on the body that gave his child life. :woman_shrugging:t4:


You move past it by leaving him :woman_shrugging: he’ll never change his mindset.


My response to him would be “If you don’t love me fat, then you really didn’t love me skinny, go f*ck yourself”… :slightly_smiling_face:

just keep exercising so he can see you are trying thats what he wants to help give you a nudge to get you going

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He’s insensitive and an a-hole. If you want to lose the weight get a metabolic panel done to check your hormones. But the fact he compared you to an ex girlfriend is so gross and shallow. I’d tell him you will not tolerate indignities like that it’s disrespectful, hateful, and bullying.


Id tell him he has a small di**. :yawning_face::yawning_face:

Tell him to kiss your ass . You way lose it in time hold your head up high…

Love yourself and tell him to eat a shit sandwich

Get yourself back in shape. It will get harder the longer Nuer you wait. You may have to change your diet as your metabolism may have changed


Sorry, but what a jerk!


People dont realize it takes 9-12 months to even start getting back to normal after having a baby… Its took us 9 months to grow a baby, cant expect that we will just quickly go back to pre-baby.


Throw the whole man out.


Tell him to have his ex gf have another baby for him.


Your lose weight by dumping his butt that man don’t deserve you boo. A queen don’t need a joker :sweat_smile:

He sounds disgusting.


I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13989 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Call him a jerk n focus on yourself n baby also talk to your pcp sometimes your thyroid goes to $$$$ after a baby mine did now I do IF n its helped me a ton


Talk to him about something that will hurt his feelings–he’ll soon back off.


Throw the whole husband out! Where he at? I’ll come throw him out for you. Not every body is the same…his wouldn’t be the same if you had some brothers or a dad who heard him say some shit like that to you.

Tell him he’s got a baby dick and you’re surprised it could even get you knocked up :joy:

thank him for always being there for you, showing his love!

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first of all, tell him to go fuck himself. second you focus on your baby and yourself. any “man” that says stuff like that or behaves anything like that is only a boy. get yourself a real man. best wishes to you :heart:

Ask her m to exercise with you. No junk in the house and plenty of water. Tell him what you feel

He needs to move past it, not you


Tell him to leave to his ex house. Wear what you want and be proud of your belly you made a baby and your stomach held the baby.


That shows that he cares about appearance
Who cares
Since when has it been a race to look like the other lady ?
And why is he even mentioning his EX?:x::x::x::x:
Dump his ass
He doesn’t deserve you
Someone who truly does love you wouldn’t compare you especially to his ex

That’s disgusting

You move past it by moving past him and letting him have his ex. What a gross thing to say.